Life of youth сочинение

Обновлено: 04.07.2024

The Life of American youth - Жизнь молодежи в Америке

Young people in the USA also have their problems and hobbies.

I would like to tell about some of them.

At American schools there are many different circles for schoolchildren, for example, a school literature society, sports society, and so on.

Many young American people are fond of sports.

They attend school sports clubs.

There are sports teams at schools and different competitions are organized quite often.

Besides, there are a lot of school parties.

Parents help to organize them.

There are “talent nights” where the schoolchildren show all their talents as to the drama or singing.

Most music societies have bands or or-chestras, which perform on different occasions.

Besides, lots of children and teenagers have hobbies.

They join different clubs that are organized for young people having the same hobby.

During their holidays young people like to travel.

There are also some political organizations, and different organization that are connected with ecology or racial discrimination.

As our youth, young American people also like to communicate with each other and spend a lot of time together.

Молодежь в Америке также имеет свои проблемы и увлечения.

Я хочу рассказать о некоторых из них.

В американских школах есть много разных кружков для школьников, например, школьный литературный кружок, спортивный кружок и др.

Много молодых американцев занимаются спортом.

Они посещают школьные спортклубы.

В школах много спортивных команд и часто организуются состязания.

Кроме того, проводится много школьных вечеров.

Родители помогают их организовывать.

В большинстве музыкальных кружков есть оркестры, играющие с различных возможностей.

Кроме того, много детей и подростков имеют хобби.

Они объединяются в различные клубы, организуются для молодых людей с одинаковым хобби.

Во время каникул молодежь любит путешествовать.

Существуют также политические организации, а также организации, связанные с проблемами экологии или расовой дискриминации.

Как и наша молодежь, американские молодые люди любят общаться друг с другом и проводить много времени вместе.

Young years are very important for everyone. Some people believe that youth is the most exciting time in people’s life, while others disagree with this point of view.

In my opinion, when you are young, you have the most wonderful period in your life. There are a few reasons for that. Firstly, in these years you discover the world, learn many new things and do everything for the first time. Secondly, you are full of plans and ambitions, you set your goals for the future. Moreover, in this time of life you are the bravest and the strongest.

However, there are people who support a different opinion. They claim that youth is the most dangerous period in a person’s life. They explain that at this age you can make a lot of mistakes that will affect your life in the future.

For example, when you choose your education path, you must be sure that it is interesting and suitable for you or you will regret about it years later.

Personally, I do not agree with my opponents’ opinion. If a young person has good friends and family, they will help him/her not to make these mistakes.

To sum up, although there are different opinions about youth, I still believe that it is the best time of life.

Молодые годы очень важны для каждого. Некоторые считают, что молодость - самое замечательное время в человеческой жизни, в то время как другие не согласны с этой точкой зрения.

По моему мнению, когда ты молод, ты имеешь самый чудесный период в своей жизни. Для этого есть несколько причин. Во-первых, в эти годы вы открываете мир, узнаете много новых вещей и делаете все в первый раз. Во-вторых, вы полны планов и амбиций, ставите цели на будущее. Кроме того, в это время жизни вы самый смелый и самый сильный.

Однако, есть люди, которые придерживаются другого мнения. Они заявляют, что молодость — самый опасный период жизни человека. Они объясняют, что в этом возрасте можно сделать много ошибок, которые повлияют на вашу жизнь в будущем. Например, когда вы выбираете свое образование, вы должны быть уверены, что оно интересно и подходит вам, или вы будете сожалеть о нем годы спустя.

Лично я не согласен с точкой зрения моих оппонентов. Если молодой человек имеет хороших друзей и семью, они помогут ему не делать этих ошибок.

Подводя итог, скажу, что несмотря на разное отношение к молодости, я всё-таки считаю, что это лучшее время в жизни.

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Young people from all walks of life are united according to their interests by the established youth organizations in Britain. These organizations develop because of the contribution of both full-time and part-time youth workers and a great number of volunteers.
Outdoor pursuits involve anything from pony trekking to rock-climbing or canoeing and help young people go out from the confines of their home or their environment. Such pursuits nourish a spirit of self-reliance and help realize the importance of team-work under a good leadership. All the major youth organizations hold outdoor pursuits either by organizing special residential courses or by sending their members to take part in established courses or seminars in other cities and countries.
Local authorities and a number of multipurpose youth organizations provide the place for such activities as canoeing, sailing, rock-climbing, map reading, orienteering and cooking for survival; all of them encourage initiative and self-discipline.
Among providers of outdoor places are the Sports Council, the Outward-Bound Trust, the Ocean Youth Club, the Sail Training Association, and the Nautical Training Corps.
The Outward-Bound Trust is the longest established and most experienced organization in Britain based on outdoor pursuits, personal development, and training. It has five centres in the English Lake District, Wales, and Scotland. It operates in 38 other countries of the world. It has centres in Belgium, France, Germany, and the Netherlands. This organization is based on two simple principles: firstly, that everyone is capable of achieving more than he might imagine, and, secondly, that too few people have a real appreciation of what can be achieved by team-work and mutual support.
Young people participate in 'expedition courses' lasting 8, 12, or 20 days and involving adventurous journeys by land or sea. There are also 'specialist courses' for young people aged 17 and over to become involved in work with such groups as the homeless, the elderly, and the disabled.

Жизнь молодежи в Великобритании (1)


1. What organizations in Britain unite young people according to their interests?
2. What do outdoor pursuits involve?
3. What do local authorities and a number of multipurpose youth organizations provide?
4. What organizations are among providers of outdoor places?
5. What do you know about the Outward-Bound Trust?
6. How many centres does it have?
7. Where are these centres situated?


from all walks of life — всех слоев общества
outdoor pursuits — занятия на открытом воздухе
to nourish — питать, способствовать появлению
self-reliance — уверенность в своих силах
multipurpose — многопрофильный
to provide — предоставлять, обеспечивать
sailing — парусный спорт
outward-bound — уходящий в плавание за границу, путешественник, странник
mutual support — взаимная поддержка
adventurous — полный приключений
disabled — нетрудоспособный, искалеченный, инвалид

For many young people, life is harder now, jobs are difficult to find. Things are more expensive, and it's hard to find a place to live. Teachers say that students work harder than they used to. They are less interested in politics, and more interested in passing exams. They know that good exam results may get them better jobs.

Most young people worry more about money than their parents did twenty years ago. They try to spend less and save more. They want to be able to get homes of their own one day.

For some, the answer to unemployment is to leave home and look for work in one of Britain's big cities. Every day hundreds of young people arrive in London from other parts of Britain, looking for jobs. Some find work, and stay.

Others don't find it, and go home again, or join the many unemployed in London. There used to be one kind of teenage fashion, one style, one top pop group. Then, the girls all wore mini-skirts and everyone danced to the music of "The Beatles" and "The Rolling Stones". But now an eighteen-year-old might be a punk, with green hair and chains round his legs, or a skin head, with short hair and right wing politics. There's a lot of different music around too. There's reggae, the West Indian sound, there's rock, there's heavy metal, country and western, and disco. All these kinds of music are played by different groups and listened to by different fans.

When you read the newspapers and watch the news on television, its easy to get the idea that British young people are all unemployed, angry and in trouble. But that's not true. Three quarters of them do more or less what their parents did. They do their best at school, find some kind of work in the end, and get married in their early twenties. They get on well with their parents, and enjoy family life. They eat fish and chips, watch football on TV, go to the pub, and like reading about pop stars. After all, if they didn't, they wouldn't be British, would they?

Жизнь молодежи в Великобритании

Для многих молодых людей, жизнь стала более сложной, трудно найти работу. Вещи более дорогие и трудно найти жилье. Учителя говорят, что студенты работают больше, чем было раньше. Они меньше интересуются политикой, и более заинтересованы сдачей экзаменов. Они знают, что хорошие результаты экзаменов смогут помочь им получить лучшие рабочие места.

Многие молодые люди больше думают о деньгах, чем их родители двадцать лет тому назад. Они пытаются тратить меньше и экономить больше. Они хотят иметь возможность однажды приобрести собственные дома.

Для некоторых ответом на безработицу является уход из дома и поиск работы в одном из больших городов Британии. Каждый день сотни молодых людей прибывают в Лондон из других частей Великобритании в поиске рабочих мест. Некоторые находят работу и остаются.

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