Карелия сочинение на английском

Обновлено: 05.07.2024

Заложен он был указом Петра I, который посчитал это место подходящим для производства военного снаряжения.

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It was founded by decree of Peter I, who considered this place suitable for the production of military equipment.

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Помимо оружейного завода деятельный царь распорядился основать здесь верфь.

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In addition to the weapons factory, the active king ordered the establishment of a shipyard here.

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Великолепные северные красоты Карелии, чистая зеркальная гладь Онежского озера, необычные скульптуры на набережной, самодельные деревянные суда – все это можно увидеть в Петрозаводске.

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Magnificent northern beauties of Karelia, clean mirror surface of Lake Onega, unusual sculptures on the embankment, self-made wooden vessels – all this can be seen in Petrozavodsk.

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Этот город без преувеличения можно назвать уникальным.

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This city without exaggeration can be called unique.

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Где еще можно посмотреть театральное представление на карельском языке или прокатиться на судне на подводных крыльях?

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Where else can you watch a theater performance in Karelian language or ride a hydrofoil boat?

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Сейчас Петрозаводск активно развивается, как туристический центр.

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Now, Petrozavodsk is actively developing as a tourist center.

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За счет близости границы Финляндии, интересных мест Карелии, число туристов ежегодно увеличивается.

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Due to the proximity of the border of Finland, interesting places of Karelia, the number of tourists increases every year.

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– The Maritime Museum “Polar Odyssey”

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– Национальный музей Республики Карелия

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– National Museum of the Republic of Karelia

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– Национальный театр Карелии

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– National Theater of Karelia

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In addition to city attractions, you will find incomparable “Kizhi”, stormy Kivach waterfall and countless rivers and lakes, as if by a network of entangled neighborhoods.

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Сюда приезжают со всех уголков России и зарубежья за великолепными видами, красивыми закатами и суровой северной романтикой.

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Here come from all over Russia and abroad for magnificent views, beautiful sunsets and harsh northern romance.

Я хочу рассказать несколько слов о своем родном крае- Республики Карелии.
Карелия находится на северо-востоке европы.
Ее площать составляет около 172 км(квадрат)
Карелия граничит с финляндией,архангельской ленинградсой и мурманской областью.
Карелия омывается Белым морем.
Природный мир Карелии очень разнообразен.Здесь обитают различые животоные.К прмиеру:заяц,волк,белка,олень,лось и другие.Также Карелия богата растительны миром к примеру:есль,сосна,лиственница,осина,клен,береза.В Каелии добывают полезные ископаемые:медь,железная руда,мромор,гранит и другие.
Численность Карелии примерно 500 тысяч человек.
Климат Карелии умереный.
К истории Карелии относится:финская война,Великая отечественная война.В Карелии можно посетить красивые места:Кижи,Морцальные воды.
Я очень счастлива что родилась и живу в Карелии

I want to tell some words about my native land, the Republic of Karelia.
Karelia is situated at the north-east of Europe.
It occupies about 172 square km
Karelia borders on Finland, Arkhangelsk, Murmansk and Leningrad region.
Karelia is washed by the White Sea.
The natural world of Karelia is very varied. Here lives all kinds of animals.For example: hare, wolf, squirrel, deer, elk and others.Also Karelia is rich in flora. For example: spruce, pine, larch, aspen, maple, birch. Karelia is rich in natural resources: copper, iron ore, marble, granite and others.
Karelia counts approximately 500 thousand inhabitants.
The climate of Karelia is temperate.
The part of Karelian's history was : Finnish War, the Great Patriotic War.In Karelia you can visit such beautiful places as: Kizhi, Mortsal water.
I am very happy that I was born and live in Karelia.

ну а последняя фраза (ее, конечно, в википедии нет) ) - это I'm so happy to be born and live in Karelia!

PS: завидую Вам, давно мечтаю побывать в этих живописных краях! Привет из славного города Сталинграда! :)

I want to tell you something about my native region(country) - Republick of Kareliya.
Kareliya is situated on the north-east of Europe.
It's square - 172 million sq km
Kareliya is boarded with Finland, Archangelsk Murmansk regions.
Kareliya is washed by the White Sea.
Kareliya's nature is very different, a lot of animals live there, fo example, hares, wolfs, deers, elks and others.
Also Kareliya is rich by its flora: a pine, a larch, an aspen, a maple, a birch. In Kaeliya extract useful minerals:copper, iron ore, marble, a granite and others.
Population of Kareliya is approximately 500 thousand of people.
Climate of Kareliya is mild.
To the history of Kareliya относится: the finnish war, the Great Patriotic(World) War. In Kareliya it is possible to visit beautiful places:Kizhy, Mortsalnye of water.
I am very happy that I was born and live in Kareliya!

I want to tell you some words about my Motherland- the Republic of Karelia.
Karelia is situated at the North-East of Europe.
It's area is about 172 square kilometers.
Karelia borders with Finland, Arkhangelsk, Leningrad and Murmansk regions.
Karelia is washed by the White Sea.
The environment of Karelia is very varied. Here live different kinds of animals. For example: a hare, wolf, deer, moose and others. Kerelia is rich in flora. For example: fir-tree, pine, larch, aspen, maple, birch-tree. In Karelia people extract some minerals: copper, iron ore, marble etc.
The population of Karelia counts about 500 thousand Karelians.
The climate of Karelia is mild.
The history of Karelia includes: the Finish War, the Great Patriotic War. In Karelia you can visit some beautiful places like Kizhi, Mortsal Water.
I am very happy that I was born in Karelia and live there now.

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KARELIA Выполнила: Зенькова Л.Н. МБОУ СОШ №43

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KARELIA Выполнила: Зенькова Л.Н. МБОУ СОШ №43

KARELIA Выполнила: Зенькова Л.Н. МБОУ СОШ №43

Karelia is called "the lungs" of Europe.About 26 per cent - with water with a.

Karelia is called "the lungs" of Europe.About 26 per cent - with water with a great amount of lakes (63 thousand) and rivers (27 thousand).

Woods occupy 88% of the wood-covered area. All woods are rich in berries and.

Woods occupy 88% of the wood-covered area. All woods are rich in berries and mushrooms.

Karelian birch is a short tree with uneven, bumpy or ribbed trunk.

Karelian birch is a short tree with uneven, bumpy or ribbed trunk.

There are more than 61 thousand lakes in Karelia. The size of the Karelian la.

There are more than 61 thousand lakes in Karelia. The size of the Karelian lakes is very different: it varies from small "forest lakes" to the largest lakes in Europe such as Ladoga and Onego.

Ladoga is the largest lake in Europe, it covers an area of 17,600 sq km. Vala.

Ladoga is the largest lake in Europe, it covers an area of 17,600 sq km. Valaam Island is a very picturesque place of old Finland.

Onego is the second largest lake in Europe. The total amount of islands in On.

Onego is the second largest lake in Europe. The total amount of islands in Onego is 1650, The architectural monument of the world level - Kizhi Pogost, which is a calling card of Karelia, is situated on one of the islands

Petroglyphs- were discovered on the granite cliffs along the eastern shore of.

Petroglyphs- were discovered on the granite cliffs along the eastern shore of the Onega Lake.

Kivach Waterfall is the second largest after the Rhein flat land waterfall in.

Kivach Waterfall is the second largest after the Rhein flat land waterfall in Europe. The height of the waterfall is 10.7 meters. Kivach waterfall was glorified by poets, artists and prose writers. It is the most famous waterfall of Karelia.

The White Sea is a vast bay of Arctic Ocean. The Petroglyphs of the White Sea.

The White Sea is a vast bay of Arctic Ocean. The Petroglyphs of the White Sea are located in the mouth of the river Vyg in 6-8 km distance from the town of Byelomorsk. They are known under the name "Demon's Footsteps" .The total number is about one thousand pictures.

The Solovki is situated in the Onego gulf of the White Sea, 150 km from the A.

The Solovki is situated in the Onego gulf of the White Sea, 150 km from the Arctic Circle. In 1989 Solovki was recognized as one of the places worth of joining the preliminary World Heritage of UNESCO list.

Large lakes are connected with channels and rivers. The amount of rivers in K.

Large lakes are connected with channels and rivers. The amount of rivers in Karelia is also great - approximately 27 thousand, their total length is 83 thousand km. The longest rivers are the Vodla river (400 kms) and the Kem river (360 kms).

On March 26, 1946 a museum of Peter I was founded on the decree of Soviet Gov.

On March 26, 1946 a museum of Peter I was founded on the decree of Soviet Government. It was opened on July 25, 1948. In the 1960s the museum was renamed into "Martial Waters". Since 1955 it is a branch of Karelian State Museum of Regional History.

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Anyone who visits Karelia will always be tempted to come back. Karelia is a country of one thousand lakes, and more than 23 thousand rivers. Almost all of them are less than 10 km long.

About half of Karelia's territory is covered with woods, mostly pine and fir.

- Let

- Let's start on a voyage by the Neva River and Ladoga and Onega Lakes to the famous islands of Valaam and Kizhi, to see the charming nature of the northern land.

The island Valaam

Belfry and the Church

of the Transfiguration

Kizhi is a small island (7 km long and about one and a half km wide) in lake Onega, Europe

Kizhi is a small island (7 km long and about one and a half km wide) in lake Onega, Europe's second largest. The Kizhi is called "Russian Wonder."

The most precious thing in Kizhi is 22-cupola Cathedral of the Transfiguration built in 1714. Its walls, ceilings and roof were made of pine trees without any nails, using only an axe. The twenty-two cupolas are of different size which gives the cathedral a fairy-tale look

The walls of northern structures were always made of pine. The carpenters always tried to make the building stand as long as possible. 22 domes are reliable protection against the wet. When it rains, water falls from the upper to the lower domes, which throw water far away from the walls. That is why the wooden church has managed to survive so long.

We don

We don't know anything about the man of genius who built the it. There is a legend on Kizhi that this church was created (built) by Master Nestor. Having built it, he threw his axe into Lake Onega with the words, "There has never been, there isn't and there will never be anything like it."

The island Valaam is the biggest on the Ladoga. There is a monastery on the island. It was founded by Novgorod townsfolk and stood to defend Russian land borders, and many times repelled Swedish attacks. The monastery was ruined in the early XVII century, but restored in the XVIII century. Along with trees that are common to these latitudes, you can see oak, cedar groves, alleys of silver fir and fruit gardens.

The island Valaam is the biggest on the Ladoga. There is a monastery on the island. It was founded by Novgorod townsfolk and stood to defend Russian land borders, and many times repelled Swedish attacks. The monastery was ruined in the early XVII century, but restored in the XVIII century. Along with trees that are common to these latitudes, you can see oak, cedar groves, alleys of silver fir and fruit gardens.

The magnificent nature of these parts has inspired many Russian painters: I.I. Shishkin, F. A. Vasilyev, A. I. Kuindzhi. One will never forget the vast, deep rivers and lakes as great as the sea.

The magnificent nature of these parts has inspired many Russian painters:

I.I. Shishkin, F. A. Vasilyev, A. I. Kuindzhi.

One will never forget the vast, deep rivers and lakes as great as the sea.

There are also other interesting wooden constructions, small chapels, living houses, etc.

There are also other interesting wooden constructions, small chapels, living houses, etc.

Kizhi! People from every corner of the world keep coming here. They speak different languages but all agree on one point: Kizhi is incomparable!

Kizhi! People from every corner of the world keep coming here. They speak different languages but all agree on one point: Kizhi is incomparable!

Помогите написать мини - сочинение на английском на тему "Природа Карелии".

Northern nature fascinates everyone who was in Karelia 10 A unique a riot of colors are combined with peace and quiet, you can enjoy them forever, so many who visited here back in Karelia again and again Pearl Karelian forest relict pine forests.

Upstairs noise PINE bottom among towering clumps of moss cranberries and blueberries, some places are fragrant junipers.

In such a frequent guest of the forests of white fungus Their contrast fir forest, dark and mysterious.

So it seems that just beyond that tree stands and sniffs bear to strangers!

Karelian swamps, appeared in a shallow lake overgrown with moss are very different from the more southern marshes.

In Karelian swamps dry year can walk in sneakers.

It is an oasis of exotic plants, mosses, with dwarf birch and pine trees crooked dwarf marsh under the pines stretches multicolored carpet of moss.

Look closely mosses closer to him as if out of antasticheskih novels about alien plants unearthly!

Water - loving, while growing on bare sand crunching under their feet in dry years.

Tiny salt shakers Kukushkin flax, miniature copies of pine twigs and nails that make up most of the colors red, yellow, green and gray shades.

What is missing is the blue moss, but replaces the boundless sky!

Sunsets here last long.

The sun is gently lowered over the pine under water .

In June glow walks on the horizon all the white night.

Nights in Karelia are white when the latitude of Petrozavodsk in the darkest time in the house when their own hands are not visible.

You can read the dark night and the dark begins in late August.

Occasionally indulge moon proglyadyvaya through the clouds, but beautiful natural phenomenon northern lights Karelian stones bear the traces of their faces Lednyov shaped modern rele F.

Cracked, mossy, they Kala framed lakes, large and small, scattered on the canvas as if karels blue spray Paint Karelian rock to a billion years younger than the sun, but nevertheless it is native naratyastkeotvori% TERM Karelia Earth Finland, Sweden and Norway is one of the oldest on the globe is hard to imagine a man who in Karelia would be interested.

Any traveler always has a goal : tired of the bustle of urban dwellers looking for peace and quiet fans of extreme dangerous rapids and impassable trails, supporters of cognitive rest tend to ancient monuments a otolyubiteli go for beautiful scenery and unusual angles of Karelia is a wonderful place to relax.

It has everything necessary for that untouched nature, beautiful landscapes, healthy pine air, clean water of rivers and lakes, a number of interesting historical and cultural monuments.

Every year in this mysterious region is directed more "discoverers of the beauties of nature is truly clean and healthy climate of centuries - old history and unique culture.

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