Калуга сочинение на английском

Обновлено: 02.07.2024

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The history of the Kaluga’s Land goes back to the far past. Kaluga is mentioned for the first time in the chronicle of 1371. Being situated on the South borderland of Moscow State, Kaluga has served as the forward outpost for many centuries, beating off raids of numerous outlandish conquerors. Here severe battles with tatar - mongol hordes occurred. In 1606-1607 Kaluga was a centre of Peasants War under Ivan Bolotnikov's leadership.

Great events took place on the Kaluga’s Land in the days of the Patriotic War of 1812. During the known battles near Tarutino village the Russian Army inflicted destructive onslaught to the Napoleon Army and after that it was from here, starting from the Kaluga’s Land that the panic retreat of the Napoleon Army began.

Kalugians showed mass heroism during the Great Patriotic War. The best people went to the Army with the arms in their handsto defendthe country, showing the miracles of bravity and courage. Many of them gave their lives for the freedom and independence of the Motherland. About 150 of them became Heroes of the Soviet Union and among them the marshal of the Soviet Union G.K. Zhukov, who has received this title four times, and a former turner of Kaluga’s machinery plant, an airman A.T.Tupolev- twice. Five Kalugians repeated Alexander Matrosovs feat, fifteen became full Knights of the Order of Glory. Thousands of our countrymen were awarded with orders and medals.

During the first five-year years, all previous enterprises are reconstructed and expanded here, and new ones are being built: the "Giant" spoke factory, the sewing factory. In 1939, Kaluga laid down Europe’s largest Synthetic Fragrance Mill (SFM). However, the main enterprises appeared in the post-war years. Today it is mechanical engineering, instrument making, metal working and electrical engineering industry. Diesel locomotives, turbines, pyrometric devices are produced here; woodworking, chemical and food industry enterprises operate.

Today, the Kaluga region is one of the most developed sub-projects of R.F. Region occupies the leading position in Russia in terms of the growth rate of industry and the level of advanced technologies introduced annually into the production. A special place is occupied by the automotive cluster. It includes Russian and foreign enterprises. The core of the cluster is three manufacturers: Volkswagen Group Rus, Peugeot-CitroenMitsubishi Auto and Volvo. It was from the automotive industry that the history of Kaluga’s new economy began, fundamentally changing the structure of the industrial complex. Within the framework of the pharmaceutical cluster, which has become the basis for the development of the knowledge economy, the production of the world leaders of the pharmaceutical industry "Berlin - Chemie/Menarini," AstraZeneca, "etc. In 2015, Kaluga International Airport was reconstructed. Thus, the new economic policy allowed creating conditions for the development of high-tech production, to form a quality infrastructure and social environment.

Kaluga is famous for scientists, writers, artists, and public figures. The famous mathematician P. L. Chebyshev, the first female President of the Russian Academy of Sciences E. R. Dashkova, the outstanding architect V. I. Bazhenov and the famous Navigator S. I. Chelyuskin were born here.In Kaluga there were classics of Russian literature A. Radishchev, G. Derzhavin, A. Pushkin, N. Gogol, A. Polezhaev, L. Tolstoy, I. Turgenev, F. Dostoevsky and A. Chekhov, artists I. Levitan, V. Polenov, N. Yaroshenko, P. Konchalovsky and others. The pride of Kaluga is the outstanding figure of Russian science and the founder of cosmonautics, K. E. Tsiolkovsky (1857-1935).

All those who are interested in this branch of science, seek to visit our city, visit the state Museum of the history of cosmonautics named after K. E. Tsiolkovsky, visit the house near the Oka, where the scientist lived and worked, lay flowers on his grave, wander under the shade of age-old lime trees in the favorite place of rest of Konstantin Eduardovich.

A great friend of Kaluga was the discoverer of outer space Yuri Gagarin.He often visited Kaluga, met with its residents, and even put thestone in the foundation of the Museum of the history of cosmonautics.

He was the first to be awarded the title of honorary citizen of Kaluga. Following the example of Yuri Gagarin, all cosmonauts, returning from flights, visit Kaluga.Various exhibitions are held on the ground floor of the cosmonautics Museum, and the entrance to the planetarium is located. On the second floor there is a permanent exhibition dedicated to the history of aviation and aeronautics.

Here you can see the scientific heritage of K. E. Tsiolkovsky, as well as a life-size model of the Soviet Mir space station. You can go inside and see what conditions the astronauts lived and worked in. More than 650 thousand people visit the cosmonautics Museum every year.


Choose the correct answer

1. When was Kaluga founded?

a) 1812
b) 1917
c) 1371
d) 1731

2. Kaluga was the center of the peasant war 1606-1607 under the leadership of.

a) Lzhedmitriy 2
b) Ivan Groznyj
c) Napoleon
d) Bolotnikov

3. Where did the Russian army deliver a devastating blow to Napoleon's army?

a) Moscow
b) Tula
c) Tarutino
d) St. Petersburg

4. How many times has G.K. Zhukov been awarded the star of a Hero of the Soviet Union?

5. Europe’s largest plant of synthetic aromatic substances was built in.

a) 1962
b) 1939

6. What kind of industry gave rise to a new history of the economy in Kaluga?

a) mining
b) chemical
c) fuel
d) automobile

7. The core of the Kaluga automotive cluster is.

а) Renault
b) Volkswagen Group Rus
c) Ford
d) Mercedes Benz

8. The pride of Kaluga is an outstanding figure in Russian science and the founder of astronautics.

а) Gagarin
b) Tsiolkovsky
c) Korolev
d) Titov

9. Who laid the first stone in the foundation of the Cosmonautics Museum in Kaluga?

а) Leonov
b) Tereshkova
c) Gagarin
d) Savitskaya

10. What Gagarin's tradition is still observed by all cosmonauts in Russia?

a) dance the waltz
b) drink coffee
c) visit Kaluga
d) swim in the pool

11. What was the name of the first Soviet space station?

а) Vostok
b) Belka and Strelka
c) Mir
d) Falcon

12. Why do people like to visit Kaluga?

a) to buy souvenirs
b) to visit the Museum of Cosmonautics
c) to visit attractions
d) to open the mind

I live in Kaluga. It is a city in the Central Federal district of Russia on the Oka river with a population of about 330 thousand people.

Our city is very beautiful. There are many attractions here. In the central part of the city one can see historical buildings such as Gostiny Dvor and merchant houses. There are ancient churches and temples.

Among the museums of our city, I would particularly mention the State museum of the history of cosmonautics named after K. E. Tsiolkovsky. One can see samples of space technology and spacesuits there.

Kaluga Central Park is a great place for a family weekend. There are children's rides, cafes, fountains and an observation deck. And the biggest green zone of our city is Kaluga Bor.

Kaluga has enterprises of various industries, including machine-building plants.

The city has a fairly good sports infrastructure. There are many educational institutions. There are shopping malls and cinemas.

Thus, Kaluga is an ancient and at the same time modern city.

Я живу в Калуге. Это город в Центральном федеральном округе России на реке Оке с населением около 330 тысяч человек.

Наш город очень красивый. Здесь много достопримечательностей. В центральной части города можно увидеть исторические здания, такие как Гостиный двор и купеческие дома. В Калуге есть старинные церкви и храмы.

Среди музеев нашего города я бы особо отметил Государственный музей истории космонавтики имени К. Э. Циолковского. Там можно увидеть образцы космической техники и скафандры.

Центральный парк Калуги - это отличное место для семейного отдыха. Там есть детские аттракционы, кафе, фонтаны и смотровая площадка. А самая большая зеленая зона нашего города - это Калужский бор.

В Калуге есть предприятия разных отраслей промышленности, в том числе машиностроительные заводы.

В городе достаточно хорошая спортивная инфраструктура. Здесь много образовательных учреждений. Есть торговые центры и кинотеатры.

Разработка создана в виде виртуальной экскурсии. Вниманию студентов предложен рассказ о символах и об истории возникновении города Калуги.

Описание разработки

Презентация на английском языке The main places of interest of Kaluga

History of Kaluga

Kaluga is situated in Central Russia on the beautiful Oka River. It is roughly 188 kilometers southwest of Moscow and it serves as the administrative center of the Kaluga Oblast.

The first official mention of the city by its current name was made in 1371. Kaluga population is about 326,000 (2012)

In the 15th century Kaluga became part of the principality of Moscow.

In 1607, Kaluga was the center of a peasant uprising led by I. I. Bolotnikov.

Kaluga became a part of Moscow Province in 1708; in 1777 it was made the center of the Kaluga namestnichestvo;

and in 1796 it became the capital of Kaluga Province. From the 17th through the 19th century it played an important role as a trade center.

Содержимое разработки

The main places of interest of Kaluga

  • The main places of interest of Kaluga

Автор: Панова Валентина Николаевна, учитель истории и английского языка г. Калуга 2015

Kaluga city flag Kaluga city coat of arms

Kaluga city flag

Kaluga city coat of arms

History of Kaluga Kaluga is situated in Central Russia on the beautiful Oka River. It is roughly 188 kilometers southwest of Moscow and it serves as the administrative center of the Kaluga Oblast. The first official mention of the city by its current name was made in 1371. Kaluga population is about 326,000 (2012)

History of Kaluga

Kaluga is situated in Central Russia on the beautiful Oka River. It is roughly 188 kilometers southwest of Moscow and it serves as the administrative center of the Kaluga Oblast.

The first official mention of the city by its current name was made in 1371. Kaluga population is about 326,000 (2012)

History of Kaluga In the 15th century Kaluga became part of the principality of Moscow. In 1607, Kaluga was the center of a peasant uprising led by I. I. Bolotnikov. Kaluga became a part of Moscow Province in 1708; in 1777 it was made the center of the Kaluga namestnichestvo; and in 1796 it became the capital of Kaluga Province. From the 17th through the 19th century it played an important role as a trade center.

History of Kaluga

In the 15th century Kaluga became part of the principality of Moscow.

In 1607, Kaluga was the center of a peasant uprising led by I. I. Bolotnikov.

Kaluga became a part of Moscow Province in 1708; in 1777 it was made the center of the Kaluga namestnichestvo;

and in 1796 it became the capital of Kaluga Province. From the 17th through the 19th century it played an important role as a trade center.

The Memorial House of Tsiolkovsky The Memorial House of Tsiolkovsky had been opened on September 19, 1936. The house was ruined by the Nazis, but it was rebuilt two months after the invasion was over.

The Memorial House of Tsiolkovsky

The Memorial House of Tsiolkovsky had been opened on September 19, 1936.

The house was ruined by the Nazis, but it was rebuilt two months after the invasion was over.

Konstantin Eduardovich Tsiolkovsky (17 September 1857 - 19 September 1935 )

Tsiolkovsky State Museum of the History of Cosmonautics The Konstantin E. Tsiolkovsky State Museum of the History of Cosmonautics is the first museum in the world dedicated to the history of space exploration. It was opened on 3 October 1967, and is named after Konstantin Tsiolkovsky . The first stone of the foundation was laid by Y. Gagarin himself in June 1961.

Tsiolkovsky State Museum of the History of Cosmonautics

The Konstantin E. Tsiolkovsky State Museum of the History of Cosmonautics is the first museum in the world dedicated to the history of space exploration. It was opened on 3 October 1967, and is named after Konstantin Tsiolkovsky . The first stone of the foundation was laid by Y. Gagarin himself in June 1961.

Stone bridge over Berezuevsky gulley constructed in 1777 by the same architect, Petr Romanovich Nikitin, is still one of the biggest viaducts in Russia.

The Korobovs’ Chambers (one of the rare examples of “chamber architecture”, the end of the 17th century

Kaluga Regional Museum of local lore was built in the early XIX century. It’s a typical example of Russian classicism. It was once the estate of the merchant of the first guild M.P. Zolotarev

Kaluga Regional Museum of local lore was built in the early XIX century. It’s a typical example of Russian classicism. It was once the estate of the merchant of the first guild M.P. Zolotarev

Gostiny Dvor ( 1785 – 1811) Kaluga Gostiny Dvor built according to draft of the famous architect Pyotr Romanovich Nikitin, the ensemble was begun in 1784

Gostiny Dvor ( 1785 – 1811)

Kaluga Gostiny Dvor built according to draft of the famous architect Pyotr Romanovich Nikitin, the ensemble was begun in 1784

Bilibin house (Shamil house) The monumental three floors palace with reliefs and monograms on the facade was built in the XVIII century by Ivan Bilibin. The house has a glorious history associated with big names. In the middle of the XIX century building in disrepair was sold by auction, and later the tribal Imam of Dagestan and Chechnya Shamil settled in it.

Bilibin house (Shamil house)

The monumental three floors palace with reliefs and monograms on the facade was built in the XVIII century by Ivan Bilibin. The house has a glorious history associated with big names. In the middle of the XIX century building in disrepair was sold by auction, and later the tribal Imam of Dagestan and Chechnya Shamil settled in it.

The House of Masters of Kaluga city The following wooden building constructed in the beginning of the 20th century hosts the municipal House of Masters and the Museum of local people handicrafts and art. There are nice exhibits of national costumes and fancywork.

The House of Masters of Kaluga city

The following wooden building constructed in the beginning of the 20th century hosts the municipal House of Masters and the Museum of local people handicrafts and art. There are nice exhibits of national costumes and fancywork.

Victory Square is a symbolic place for Kaluga’s citizens and indispensable point of all excursions. Today there is a memorial complex, built as a tribute to the fallen in the battles for Kaluga in the Great Patriotic War. 30 meter-high obelisk topped by 8 meter-high statue of Motherland.

Victory Square is a symbolic place for Kaluga’s citizens and indispensable point of all excursions. Today there is a memorial complex, built as a tribute to the fallen in the battles for Kaluga in the Great Patriotic War. 30 meter-high obelisk topped by 8 meter-high statue of Motherland.

A.V.Lunacharsky Drama Theater Kaluga Regional Art Museum was founded in 1918, the basis of its collection was the collection of Kaluga resident Nicanor Vasiliev. January 19, 1777 opened the curtain of the Kaluga drama theatre

A.V.Lunacharsky Drama Theater

Kaluga Regional Art Museum was founded in 1918, the basis of its collection was the collection of Kaluga resident Nicanor Vasiliev.

January 19, 1777 opened the curtain of the Kaluga drama theatre

The Holy Trinity Cathedral The main Cathedral of the Kaluga region, consecrated in 1815 and dedicated to the victory over Napoleon.

The Holy Trinity Cathedral

The main Cathedral of the Kaluga region, consecrated in 1815 and dedicated to the victory over Napoleon.


Калуга – классический пример города-крепости. Kaluga is a classic example of a fortified city.

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Исторический центр и главные достопримечательности Калуги сконцентрированы на возвышенностях.

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The historical center and the main sights of Kaluga are concentrated on the hills.

Современная Калуга изначально организовывалась как форпост. Modern Kaluga was initially organized as an outpost.

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Речка Ока служила естественной преградой от набегов кочевников. he Oka River served as a natural barrier against nomadic raids.

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Значительная часть территории области покрыта лесами. A significant part of the region is covered with forests.

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Калуга является крупным транспортным узлом. Kaluga is a major transport hub.

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По территории Калужской области осуществляются транзитные, межрегиональные и внутриобластные грузовые и пассажирские перевозки.

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Through the territory of the Kaluga region, transit, interregional and intraregional freight and passenger transportation are carried out.

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В черте города Калуга находится 4 пассажирские железнодорожные станции. Within the city of Kaluga there are 4 passenger railway stations.

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Калужская земля видела многих великих людей России. The Kaluga land saw many great people of Russia

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В Калуге жил выдающийся исследователь, крупнейший ученый в области воздухоплавания, авиации и космонавтики Циолковский К.Э. In Kaluga lived an outstanding researcher, the largest scientist in the field of aeronautics, aviation and cosmonautics Tsiolkovsky K.E.

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В Калуге работал основоположник гелиобиологии биолог А.Л.Чижевский. In Kaluga worked the founder of heliobiology, the biologist AL Chizhevsky.

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Необычные достопримечательности Калуги: Unusual attractions in Kaluga:

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В историческом центре города сохранился целый ряд памятников архитектуры. In the historic center of the city there are a number of architectural monuments.

Найдется занятие и для любителей природных красот. There is also an occupation for lovers of natural beauty.

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Здесь встречают рассвет, катаются на велосипеде по лесным тропинкам. Here they meet the dawn, wander or ride a bicycle along forest paths.

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Welcome to Kaluga!Егорочкина Марина Николаевнаучитель английского языкаМОУ «Сред

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Contents:From the history of the townSights of KalugaMuseums of KalugaChurches o

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Contents:From the history of the townSights of KalugaMuseums of KalugaChurches of KalugaCultural life of the townQuiz

From the history of Kaluga Kaluga is аn ancient town with its history and tradit

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From the history of Kaluga Kaluga is аn ancient town with its history and traditions. Kaluga is situated оn the Oka river , which separates the old part of the town from the new one. The population of Kaluga is about 300 000 people . The history of Kaluga dates back to the 14thcentury. It was mentioned for the first time in 1371. At that time it was а small fortress which soon become а beautiful town.

Kaluga took part in all the most important events of history of Russia. In1606-1

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Kaluga took part in all the most important events of history of Russia. In1606-1607 Kaluga was а center of peasant’s war under Ivan Bolotnikov’s leadership. During the Patriotic War of 1812 Kaluga played an important role. It was the main supply base of the Russian army. Kalugians did actively fought at the fronts of the Civil War.

Sights of Kaluga Jury Gagarin Monument.Victory SquareK.Tsiolkovski

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Sights of Kaluga Jury Gagarin Monument.Victory SquareK.Tsiolkovski's Monument

MuseumsObelisk on Tsiolkovski’s Grave.K.Tsiolkovski’s House.In this house the gr

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MuseumsObelisk on Tsiolkovski’s Grave.K.Tsiolkovski’s House.In this house the great scientist lived and worked for 30 years (1903-1933). On his death’s first anniversary a museum was opened here. The house was ruined by the Nazis, but it was rebuilt two months after the invasion was over.

Cosmonautics History State Museum.The largest state museum dedicated totally to

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Cosmonautics History State Museum.The largest state museum dedicated totally to the space exploration, it was opened on October, 3, 1967. The first stone of the foundation was laid by Y.Gagarin himself.Cosmonautics History State Museum. Interior.

Korobovs’ Chambers.Today one of the expositions of the Museum of Local Lore, His

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Korobovs’ Chambers.Today one of the expositions of the Museum of Local Lore, History and Economy is place here.Zolotarev’s House.It is an architectural monument of the end of 18th century, probably created by a famous architect M.Kazakov. Nowadays it is home for the Regional Studies Museum.

Churches of KalugaChurch of the Protection on the Ditch.Savior Church over the T

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Churches of KalugaChurch of the Protection on the Ditch.Savior Church over the Top.Constructed in 1700.Cathedral of Trinity. Built in 1818. Project by I. Yasnygin.

Cultural lifeConcert HallThe Drama Theatre named after Lunacharsky.

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Cultural lifeConcert HallThe Drama Theatre named after Lunacharsky.

Kaluga was founded in 1371 13802. The Drama Theatre was founded in 1967 17773. T

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Kaluga was founded in 1371 13802. The Drama Theatre was founded in 1967 17773. The first stone of Cosmonautic History State Museum was laid in 1961 by Gagarin Tsiolkovsky4. Cosmonautic History State Museum was opened on October,3,1967 October,3,19615. Victory Square was founded in 1960 1967

Егорочкина Марина НиколаевнаУчительанглийского языка МОУ «Средняя общеобразовате

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Калуга – город мой родной!Калуга – город мой родной!Я преклоняюсь пред тобойЗдес

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Калуга – город мой родной!Калуга – город мой родной!Я преклоняюсь пред тобойЗдесь родилась я и рослаЛюблю я реки и леса.В Калужском крае люди жили.Они всегда бесстрашны были,Они боролись за свободуИ были преданны народу.Я благодарна ей за это.Тут жили многие поэты.В Калуге Жуков родился,Её люблю за это я.В Калуге космос родился.Здесь жизнь всегда рекой текла.И я спасибо говорюЗа неплохую жизнь мою.My Town of KalugaKaluga, my native town I love you and admire my townMy town bore and raised me up I can’t help loving all around Your rivers, woods and stars above And in your region people were They celebrated you with gloryAnd so fearless they wereThat fought for freedom in great warsAnd many poets lived in it I’m greatly thankful for it Great Marshal Zhukov was born hereThat’s why I feel you mach more near You are the Mother of all spaceflights Your life reminds strong river floods And I say thanks, my home town,And once again I never lend you down.

The pride of our town is the outstanding promoter of Russian science and founder

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The pride of our town is the outstanding promoter of Russian science and founder of cosmonautics – Tsiolkovsky. The Museum of Space Exploration is known all over the world. The first stone of it was laid by Gagarin, the first space-man, in 1961. Here people can learn the history of cosmonautics. Here you can learn about the latest achievements of our scientists, see sputniks, costumes of cosmonauts.

There are a lot of monuments to the heroes of the Great Patriotic War. Victory S

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There are a lot of monuments to the heroes of the Great Patriotic War. Victory Square was founded in 1967 to commemorate the victory over fascism. On holidays it is always overcrowded. It is not surprisingly because here you can see the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier with Eternal Flame. And people come here to honour the memory of the fallens. The real attraction of the square is a monument-woman, which stands in the middle of it, holding the symbols of Kaluga: the Oka-river and sputnik. At the foot of the column there are bas-reliefs telling about the heroic deeds of the soviet soldiers.

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