Каковы на мой взгляд лучшие вещи в жизни сочинение на английском

Обновлено: 08.07.2024



People always invent something new and unusual. Such things aimed to simplify people’s life always become an important part of it. For example, it is difficult to imagine the modern life without computers, television, cars, mobile phones and so on. We use them in our everyday life. Besides, every year all such inventions are developed and become faster and “smarter”.

Nowadays we often hear a popular word “gadget”. What is a gadget? It is a small device aimed to simplify the life of people. We can meet gadgets in different fields. For example, we use different kinds of fitbits in sport. It seems to me that one of the most unusual gadgets is used in medicine. It is an electronic adhesive bandage. It traces different things such as pulse rate and body temperature. In software industry the term “gadget” is also used. However in that field it means some additional icon, for example, which shows weather forecast.

As for devices it is impossible not to mention such gadgets as virtual vision video glasses, game consoles, smartphones, tablets, MP3-players and many other things. Smartphones are mobile phones which combines the functions of a phone and a computer. Tablets are devices with touch screen which gives a user an opportunity to control different computer software programmes. E-books are also gadgets. They allow people to read books everywhere without necessity of carrying printed books.

Что касается устройств, то нельзя не упомянуть такие гаджеты, как очки виртуальной реальности, игровые приставки, смартфоны, планшеты, MP3-плееры и многое другое. Смартфоны – это мобильные телефоны, которые сочетают в себе функции телефона и компьютера. Планшеты представляют собой устройства с сенсорным экраном, которые дают пользователю возможность управлять различными компьютерными программами. Электронные книги также являются гаджетами. Они позволяют людям читать книги повсюду без необходимости носить печатные книги.

In my opinion, gadgets really simplify our life and allow us do many things when and where it is convenient for us.

На мой взгляд, гаджеты действительно упрощают нашу жизнь и позволяют нам делать многое тогда и в тех местах, где это удобно для нас.

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Money… There are different points of view on this matter. Some people say it is possible to be satisfied with everything that nature gives to people whereas others believe that money can make our lives better.

As far as I am concerned, money is everything nowadays. To start with, people who are not satisfied with their appearance, for example, can change it as they wish by means of surgical intervention. Moreover, money can help people to overcome the distance between each other. In addition, most activities that can make you happy require at least some amount of money to cover expenses.

In contrast, there is an opinion that money is not so much necessary as people think since a person's ability to be happy was laid by nature so it is possible to achieve it by natural way.

Then, such people also admit that modern people are affected by the power of money so they do not imagine any way to live without them.

In fact, I cannot agree with them because it is not fully possible to be happy this way as, for example, travelling around the world is still expensive and inaccessible to those who do not have much money. Actually, modern society is arranged so that people try to get the maximum benefit from everything they do.

In conclusion, I would like to state that money is important nowadays since the best things that can make one happy may be located so far away that it would not be possible to reach it without using money.

Every person is individual. All of us we are smart people, we have education, family and friends, happy and bad moments, some lessons in the past. All these experiences give us good values and we keep them all our life.

I can say, in general values can be different: family, friends, money, career, relationships and so on. Basically, people have all these values but on different positions.

There are people whose priority is their family. I always admire these people. When you choose family, I mean your husband, children and parents, you are always rich people. You will always have love, support and help in your life. I would say these people are rich forever.

There are people are ready to do everything for friends. I understand them, but I have never met real friends in my life yet.

Some people build career all the life. Usually they have good position in a good company, they earn money and they can have beautiful life. I would like to have a good profession in future, but career will never become my priority. As my parents say: when you become old, career will not bring a cup of water for you. And this is so true.

Unfortunately, today there are many people that want to have only money. Usually teenagers are so, because they want to have a big house, bank account and travel a lot. It’s hardly possible, because you have to build everything step by step. But you have to remember, that most important things: love and health you will never buy. Money only help us to buy things, but never friends, respect, support and happiness.

Personally for me, my values are health, family and education. Family is my help and support. Education hopefully will give me good future and job. And health will help me to realize all my dreams in future. I can not say, that I am right, but everyone has to make a choice for their life.

Ценности жизни

Каждый человек совершенно индивидуален. Все мы люди разумные, у нас есть образование, семья и друзья, счастливые и не очень моменты и некоторые уроки из прошлого. Весь это опыт зарождает в нас определённые ценности, которыми мы руководствуемся всю жизнь.

Я могу сказать, вообще ценности абсолютно различные: семья, друзья, деньги, карьера, отношения и так далее.

Вообще у каждого человека имеются эти ценности, но в разных приоритетах.

Есть люди, кто на первое место ставит свою семью. Я всегда восхищаюсь такими людьми. Когда вы выбираете семью, я имею ввиду, мужа, детей и родителей, вы выбираете богатство на всю жизнь. У вас всегда будет любовь, поддержка и помощь. Эти люди и будут богатыми.

Есть люди, которые готовы сделать абсолютно все ради друзей. Я понимаю их, но я пока не встречала настоящих друзей в своей жизни.

Некоторые люди строят карьеру всю свою жизнь. Обычно у них хорошая позиция в приличной компании, они зарабатывают хорошие деньги и у них красивая жизнь. Я бы хотела иметь достойную профессию в будущем, но карьера никогда не станет моим приоритетом. Как говорят мои родители: когда ты постареешь, карьера не принесёт тебе стакан воды. И это на самом деле так.

К сожалению, сегодня так много людей, которые стремятся иметь только деньги. Обычно такими бывают подростки, потому что они хотят иметь большой дом, банковский счёт и больше путешествовать. Но едва ли это возможно, ведь идти к такой жизни нужно шаг за шагом. Но помните, что самое важное, любовь и здоровье, не купишь ни за какие деньги. Они лишь помогут вам приобрести предметы, но не друзей, уважение, поддержку или счастье.

Лично для меня ценностями являются: здоровье, семья и образование. Семья- это помощь и поддержка во всем. Образование, надеюсь, даст мне хорошее будущее и достойную работу. А здоровье поможет мне реализовать все мои мечты. Я не утверждаю, что я права, но каждый должен сделать выбор в своей жизни.

My personal point of view is there is nothing impossible in this life, provided you have faith in your heart. Everything you believe in is sure to come into your reality In fact, all complications can be overcome, all dreams can come true if you believe in yourself This magic feeling of self-confidence works wonders. Once I came across a quote by an American writer Richard Bach. It goes: In order to win, you must expect to win." How true it is, isn't it?! A fine example comes to my mind: an athlete runner Wilma Rudolf The name of this woman is saved forever not only in the history of track and field athletics but also in any book about outstanding people. She was the twentieth child in her family and she suffered from almost all illnesses possible. But the most horrible sickness was poliomyelitis Because of it she had her left leg paralyzed. Week by week the leg of the future sportsman was growing weaker and more twisted. Doctors predicted her sad life in a wheel-chair.

At that time Wilma was only four years old. Doctor said to the girl that she would never walk but her

mother thought the onnosite The woman helieved in recovery of her child so desperately that her faith was planted into the small heart of the daughter. It was the faith above everything, the faith that conquers all. It was the faith that produced a miracle. Wilma was able not only to walk but to run! Moreover, she became a famous athlete who won the Olympic games three times! It is so amazing and encouraging. I have told you about Wilma Rudolf to prove there is nothing impossible in life. It is really true. Believe in yourself and never give up! Our life here on this planet is a miracle in itself we must live our life to full extent, be brave, hard-working and optimistic. We must keep it in mind that there are no limitations for a determined flaming heart. Let me finish my speech with another quote by Richard Bach: "You are never given a wish without being given the power to make it true. You may have to work for it, however." So, let's believe, work hard and be happy.

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10 На что была бы похожа жизнь без искусства? Как искусство может принести пользу обществу? Потратьте пять минут на написание нескольких предложений на эту тему. Прочитайте ваши предложения своему другу. Обсудите ваши мнения.

I think life without art would be boring. In my opinion, art brings inspiration to our lives and makes the world beautiful. People get good mood and positive emotions joining to art and they can express themselves in different kinds of it. Moreover, art can show problems of our society in works.

Я думаю, что жизнь без искусства была бы скучной. По моему мнению, искусство приносит вдохновение в нашу жизнь и делает мир прекрасным. Люди обретают хорошее настроение и положительные эмоции, соприкасаясь с искусством и они могут выразить себя в его разных видах. Кроме того, искусство может показать проблемы нашего общества в работах.

In my opinion, life without arts will be bored and nonsensical. Art is a kind of psychologist of a human soul. It helps to share negative and at the same time the lightest emotions of the artist. Art charges us with their energy and helps to self-development to every person.

На мой взгляд, жизнь без искусства будет скучной и бессмысленной. Искусство является своего рода психологом человеческой души. Это помогает делиться отрицательными и в то же время самыми светлыми эмоциями художника. Искусство заряжает нас своей энергией и помогает саморазвитию каждого человека.

Life without art would feel incomplete. Life's experiences can't always be expressed through words. Art succeeds where words fail, without it, the world would be a quiet place. Art is connected to culture and society. It gives people the chance to express themselves in different ways.

Жизнь без искусства была бы неполной. Жизненный опыт не всегда может быть выражен через слова. Искусство успешно там, где пусты слова, без него мир был бы тихим местом. Искусство связано с культурой и обществом. Оно дает людям шанс выражать себя разными способами.

10 What would life be like without art? How can art benefit a society? Spend five minutes writing a few sentences on the topic. Read your sentences.

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