Holiday in great britain сочинение

Обновлено: 02.07.2024

Besides, there are some national holidays which are celebrated locally, in separate places. For instance, Scottish people have Hogmanay (or New Year’s Eve — December, the 31 st ), Burns’ night (January, the 25 th ) and St. Andrew’s day (November, the 30 th ). Northern Irish people celebrate Orangemen’s Day (July, the 12 th ) and St. Patrick’s day (March, the 17 th ). The national holiday in England is St. George’s day (April, the 23 rd ) and in Wales — St. David’s day (March, the 1 st ). People of Northern Ireland celebrate Orangemen’s Day with parades and marches to commemorate the Battle of Boyne in 1690. Burns’ Night celebrates the life and work of a world-famous poet Robert Burns and his contribution to the Scottish culture.

The British also celebrate St. Valentine’s day, Halloween, Guy Fawkes’ night (or Bonfire night), Remembrance Sunday (in November), Mothering Sunday (in March), Father’s Sunday (in June) and April Fool’s day. In the evening of November, the 5 th (Guy Fawkes’ Night) British people burn a dummy of Guy Fawkes who attempted to destroy the Houses of Parliament in 1605. The dummy is made of straw and old clothes and put on a bonfire. On Remembrance Day (or Armistice Day) people wear red poppies in their pockets to commemorate all British soldiers being killed in the two World wars.

Праздники Великобритании

Каждый год британский народ празднует национальные, традиционные и религиозные праздники. Многие из них довольно стары, важны и хорошо известны. Большинство общественных праздников в Соединенном Королевстве известны как Банковские праздники, так как в эти дни банки закрыты. Это: Новый год, Страстная Пятница, Пасхальный понедельник, Масленичный вторник (или Блинный день), Майский праздник, Весенний Банковский праздник (в мае), Летний Банковский праздник (в августе), Рождество (25 декабря) и День подарков (26 декабря – день обмена рождественскими подарками). Кстати, в Шотландии не отмечают Пасхальный понедельник. В Майский праздник люди весь день танцуют, размахивая белыми платочками, отгоняя злых духов. Весенний и Летний Банковские праздники очень популярны в Соединенном Королевстве. Британцы выезжают на природу или к морскому побережью и весело проводят время в кругу семьи и друзей.

Кроме того, существуют национальные праздники, которые отмечают лишь локально, в определенных местах. К примеру, шотландцы отмечают Хогманэй (канун Нового года, 31 декабря), Ночь Бернса (25 января) и День св. Андрея (30 ноября). Северные ирландцы отмечают День протестантов (12 июля) и День св. Патрика (17 марта). Национальным праздником Англии является День св. Георгия (23 апреля), а Уэльса – День св. Давида (1 марта). Народ Северной Ирландии празднует День протестантов парадами и маршами в память о Битве на реке Бойн в 1690 г. Ночь Бернса прославляет жизнь и труд всемирно известного поэта Роберта Бернса и его вклад в шотландскую культуру.

Британский народ также празднует День св. Валентина, Хэллоуин, Ночь Гая Фокса (или Ночь костров), Памятное воскресенье (в ноябре), Материнское воскресенье (в марте), Отцовское воскресенье (в июне) и День дураков в апреле. Вечером 5 ноября (в Ночь Гая Фокса) британцы поджигают чучело Гая Фокса, который пытался разрушить Здание Парламента в 1605 г. Чучело готовят из соломы и старой одежды и ставят на костер. В День памяти (или День перемирия) люди носят в своих карманах красные маки в память обо всех британских солдатах, погибших в двух Мировых войнах.

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The most popular holiday is Christmas. Every year the people of Norway give the city of London a present. It's a big Christmas tree and it stands in Trafalgar Square. Central streets are beautifully decorated.

Before Christmas, groups of singers go from house to house. They collect money for charity and sing carols, traditional Christmas songs. Many churches hold a carol service on the Sunday before Christmas.

The fun starts the night before, on the 24th of December. Traditionally this is the day when people decorate their trees. Children hang stockings at the end of their beds, hoping that Father Christmas will come down the chimney during the night and fill them with toys and sweets. Christmas is a family holiday. Relatives usually meet for the big Christmas dinner of turkey and Christmas pudding. And everyone gives and receives presents. The 26th of December, Boxing Day, is an extra holiday after Christmas Day. This is the time to visit friends and relatives or perhaps sit at home and watch football.

New Year's Day is less popular in Britain than Christmas. But in Scotland, Hogmanay is the biggest festival of the year.

Besides public holidays there are some special festivals in Great Britain. One of them takes place on the 5th of November. On that day, in 1605, Guy Fawkes tried to blow up the Houses of Parliament and kill King James I. He didn't succeed. The King's men found the bomb, took Guy Fawkes to the Tower and cut off his head.

Since that day the British celebrate the 5th of November. They burn a dummy, made of straw and old clothes, on a bonfire and let off fireworks. This dummy is called a "guy" (like Guy Fawkes) and children can often be seen in the streets before the 5th of November saying, "Penny for the guy." If they collect enough money they can buy some fireworks.

There are also smaller, local festivals in Britain.

Праздники в Великобритании

В Великобритании меньше выходных дней, чем в других европейских странах. К ним относятся Рождество, День подарков, Новый Год, Страстная пятница, Пасхальный понедельник, Майский день, Праздник весны и Праздник лета. Выходные дни в Англии называют банковскими днями, потому что банки как и большинство офисов и магазинов закрыты.

Самый популярный праздник - Рождество. Каждый год народ Норвегии дарит Лондону подарок. Это большая Рождественская елка, она стоит на Трафальгарской площади. Центральные улицы красиво украшены.

Перед Рождеством группы певцов идут от дома к дому. Они собирают деньги на благотворительность и поют колядки - традиционные рождественские песни. Многие церкви проводят торжественные службы в воскресенье перед Рождеством.

Веселье начинается накануне вечером, 24 декабря. Традиционно в этот день люди украшают свои елки. Дети вешают чулки возле кровати, надеясь что Санта Клаус спуститься по трубе ночью и заполнит их игрушками и сладостями. Рождество - семейный праздник. Родственники обычно встречаются за большим Рождественским обедом из индейки и Рождественского пудинга. И каждый дарит и получает подарки. 26 декабря - День подарков. Это дополнительный праздник после Рождества. Это время для посещения друзей и родственников, а может быть и для того чтобы сидеть дома и смотреть футбол.

Первый день Нового года менее популярен в Великобритании чем Рождество. Но в Шотландии Hogmanay (Хогманей) - это самый большой фестиваль года.

Кроме общественных праздников существуют специальные фестивали в Великобритании. Один из них проходит 5 ноября. В этот день в 1605 году, Гай Фокс попытался взорвать здание Парламента и убить короля Джеймса I. Он не сумел. Люди короля нашли бомбу, заточили Гая Фокса в Тауэр и отрубили ему голову.

С тех пор британцы отмечают 5 ноября. Они сжигают чучело, сделанное из соломы и старой одежды на костре, и пускают фейерверки. Этот манекен называется "парень" (как Гай Фокс), и часто можно увидеть детей на улицах 5 ноября говорящих: "Пенни для парня". Если они собирают достаточно денег, они могут купить фейерверки.

In Great Britain there are public holidays that are called “bank holidays”. The term “bank holiday” dates back to the 19th century. At that time all the banks were closed on these days. Now this term is no longer referred only to banks. Many other firms and offices are closed too.

Among these are eight holidays: New Year’s Day, Good Friday, Easter Monday, May Day Holiday, Spring Bank Holiday, Late Summer (August) Bank Holiday, Christmas Day and Boxing Day.

New Year’s Eve (December 31st) is more special for Scottish people, who celebrate it with their families. They sit the Old Year out and the New Year in. At midnight Scottish people hold their hands in a large circle and sing the song “Auld lang syne” by Robert Burns. That is how they celebrate the coming of a new year.

But it does not mean that New Year’s Eve is not so popular throughout the country. People decorate their houses with bouquets of mistletoe.

Friday before Easter is called “Good Friday”. People usually make special buns which are marked with a cross on top. On this day the Church marks Jesus Christ’s death.

Easter Monday is the first Monday after Easter Day.

May Day Bank Holiday is celebrated on the first Monday after May Day (May 1st). People celebrate the coming of spring. They also select the most beautiful girl on this day, who becomes May Queen. Sometimes May poles are constructed with long coloured ribbons and children dance around these poles holding the ends of these ribbons.

Spring Bank Holiday is marked on the last Monday in May.

August Bank Holiday is the last Monday in August. British people usually go on picnics on spring and summer bank holidays.

The most popular bank holiday is Christmas Day. It is celebrated on December 25th. Christmas symbolizes the birth of Jesus Christ. On this day many people go to Churches, get Christmas presents and make a traditional Christmas dinner (roast turkey and pudding).

On this day children wait for a special person who will come down the chimney during the night and will bring them presents. It is Father Christmas. However, Santa Claus is used synonymously with Father Christmas. Children usually hang long socks or stocks on their beds and hope that Father Christmas will put his presents into them. Christmas trees are set in the living-rooms and are decorated with toys by children.

Boxing Day is celebrated on December 26th. It comes straight away after Christmas Day. This is an old tradition, when in old times rich people used to give their servants money or “Christmas boxes”. Now it is the day when people simply have rest or visit their friends.

Besides bank holidays, there are also different festivals reflecting interesting traditions and customs. Among them are St. Valentine’s Day, Shrove Tuesday (Pancake Day), April Fool’s Day, Mother’s Day (Mothering Sunday), Father’s Day, Halloween and Guy Fawkes Night.

St. Valentine’s Day is celebrated on February 14th. On this day people send Valentine cards and get presents and “valentines” from their sweethearts. A Valentine is a colourful card with tender love words composed by the sender. It is a kind of a love-token. Valentine cards are usually not signed. Those who get them must guess who the sender is.

Shrove Tuesday is the last day when you can eat and do everything before the fasting of Lent. It also has a popular name “Pancake Day” because many people traditionally eat pancakes on this day. Christians usually go to the church and confess their sins to a priest on Shrove Tuesday.

Mothering Sunday or Mother’s Day is celebrated on the fourth Sunday in Lent in March. On this day mothers get presents from their sons and daughters. And all children despite their age return to their homes.

On April Fool’s Day people play jokes and tricks on each other.

In June there is Father’s Day. On this day fathers get gift cards and a lot of attention from their children.

Halloween is a holiday that is on October 31st. The most memorable symbol connected to this holiday is a lantern made of a pumpkin. A pumpkin is cut like a face and a candle is put inside of it. So it looks like a face with burning eyes. Usually people dress in colourful costumes of witches and ghosts and go to fancy dress parties. Children go from one house to another and say: “Trick or treat”. If people do not refuse to give them something they sing. If they do refuse children play tricks. Halloween is on the eve of All Saints’ Day. The word “Halloween” means “holy evening”. The tradition of Halloween goes back with its roots to a time when people believed in evil spirits.

Guy Fawkes Night is celebrated in the UK on November 5th. This tradition comes from old times when King James I was on the throne. He was a Protestant that is why Roman Catholics did not like him because of the religious differences. In 1605 Roman Catholics made a plan to blow up the Houses of Parliament. They placed barrels with gunpowder under the House of Lords. The man called Guy Fawkes was one of those people. Nevertheless, they did not have a chance to blow up the Parliament because the King discovered their plan, his soldiers found Guy Fawkes and executed him. This happened on November 5th. Since then British people mark this day by burning a dummy made of straw and old clothes on a bonfire. They call this dummy simply “a guy”.

Alongside public holidays there are not least important holidays celebrated in the UK. They are the patron saint days: St. David’s Day on March 1st (in Wales), St. George’s Day on April 23d (in England), St. Andrew’s Day on November 30th (in Scotland) and St. Patrick’s Day on March 17th (in Northern Ireland). The only national holiday from this list is St. Patrick’s Day for the Irish.

Перевод некоторых слов:

a public holiday = “a bank holiday” – официальный нерабочий день (установленный законом), to refer to – относиться к чему-либо, New Year’s Day – Новый год, Good Friday – Страстная, Великая пятница, Easter Monday – Второй день Пасхи, May Day Holiday – Первое мая, Spring Bank Holiday – весенний день отдыха (выходной день – последний понедельник мая), Late Summer Bank Holiday – летний день отдыха (последний понедельник августа; официальный выходной день, Christmas Day – Рождество, Boxing Day – день рождественских подарков (26 декабря; официальный нерабочий день в Британском Содружестве и многих других европейских странах), New Year’s Eve – Канун нового года, to sit the Old Year out – провожать старый год, “Auld lang syne” – "Доброе старое время" (шотландская песня на слова Роберта Бёрнса, по традиции поют во время праздников), mistletoe – омела белая, “Good Friday” - страстная, великая пятница, a bun – булочка, a cross – крест, a ribbon – бант, to symbolize – символизировать, birth – рождение, straight away – сразу же, a servants – слуга, to celebrate – справлять, отмечать, St. Valentine’s Day – День Святого Валентина, Shrove Tuesday – вторник на Масленой неделе (последний день перед Великим постом у католиков и англиканцев), Pancake Day – вторник на Масленой неделе, the fasting of Lent – Великий Пост, not signed – не подписанный, a love-token – символ любви, a fancy dress party – маскарадная вечеринка, a lantern – фонарь, a pumpkin – тыква, holy evening – священный вечер, to play tricks – разыгрывать кого-либо, Guy Fawkes Night – Ночь Гая Фокса (день раскрытия плана по взрыву парламента), to blow up – взрывать, a barrel with gunpowder – бочонок с порохом, to execute – казнить, patron saint days – дни святых покровителей.

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британские праздники текст на английском

British Holidays — Праздники в Великобритании. Текст на английском языке + аудио

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British Holidays

Each holiday is good, but there are some of them that are really special and more popular than others.

New Year’s Day (December 31 – January 1) is a bank holiday. Like many nations around the world, British people celebrate it by hosting parties with their friends and families to await the countdown to the New Year. In Scotland they call it Hogmanay and celebrate it by having a party with friends and setting fireworks off. In many cities there are free celebrations that anyone can join.

Valentine’s Day (February 14) is celebrated in many countries around the world, although it is not a public holiday in most of them. This day has a Catholic origin and has been associated with romantic love since it was mentioned in one of Geoffrey Chaucer’s poems. Nowadays, it’s the day of anyone who is in love. On the Valentine’s Day people usually give to the person they love some sweets, a traditional heart-shaped card (“valentine”) and say, “Be my Valentine”.

Halloween (October 31) also known as All Hallow’s Eve, or All Saint’s Eve, is a yearly celebration observed in a number of countries on October 31. It is the time in the liturgical year dedicated to remembering the dead. On this day children will dress up in costumes and go ‘trick or treating’ around the neighborhood. “Trick or Treating” involves knocking on someone’s door and saying ‘Trick or Treat’. That person gives them a treat (usually sweets). Children enjoy the holiday because they go home with a bag of sweets!

Guy Fawkes Night (November 5) is a firework festival associated with the tradition of celebrating Guy Fawkes’s failed attempt to blow up the Houses of Parliament in 1605. It is an annual event dedicated to bonfires, fireworks and celebrations.

Christmas (December 25) is the most important holiday for British families. This is the day that people spend with their families. There are many Christmas traditions, but the most important one is about presents. Family members prepare their gifts and put them under the Christmas tree. In the evening they sit down around the table and enjoy the meal. Then they watch the Queen’s speech on the television as she delivers her traditional Christmas message to the people of the United Kingdom. After that, family eats the Christmas cake and goes to sleep. In the morning all the family members wake up and gather around the tree to find the presents that were prepared for them.

Boxing Day (December 26) is based on the tradition of giving gifts to poor people after celebrating Christmas. The word “boxing” refers to gift boxes, and has nothing to do with the sport.

Текст на английском языке с переводом. Holidays in the United Kingdom — Праздники в Великобритании.

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The English celebrate different holidays. Among them are Christmas, New Year's Day, St. Valentine's Day, Mother's Day, Easter and Halloween. I would like to tell you about the most popular ones.

Christmas is one of the most beloved holidays in Great Britain. It is held on the twenty-fifth of December and commemorates the birth of Jesus Christ. All Englishmen begin to prepare for it a couple of weeks beforehand. There is a real hustle and bustle in the city. People attack shopping centers to buy food, presents and greeting cards for their relatives and friends. All houses, churches, business and shopping centers are decorated with garlands, lights, candles, bells and toy angels. In every house there is also a Christmas tree. Actually, day by day the whole country begins to look like a fairy tale. Children often write letters to Santa Claus, traditionally he should be called Father Christmas, and throw them into the fire. On Christmas Eve they hang up their stockings on the ends of the beds or by the fireplace and wait for this mysterious and magic character to come and leave the long-awaited presents for them. In the morning all members of the family hurry to unpack their gift boxes placed under the Christmas tree. At midday they sit down to table and enjoy their traditional festive dinner including roast turkey and fruity pudding. In the evening the English pay visits to their neighbors and friends.

Another great holiday in Great Britain is undoubtedly Halloween which is annually celebrated on the thirty first of October. According to popular belief, on this day all witches, ghosts, and fairies are especially active. On this special occasion English youngsters dress up as witches and ghosts, knock on doors and say, "Trick or treat". If they don't get anything, they play a trick on a person who opens a door. Halloween has many symbols, such as orange pumpkins, black witches and cats. On the Halloween night in almost every window of the house or on the porch one can see a Jack-o-Lantern.

And finally I would like to tell you about St. Valentine's Day. It is a day for all lovers. This holiday is usually celebrated on the fourteenth of February. On this day people who are in love traditionally send anonymous greeting cards in the shape of hearts to their special ones. But who was this cryptic Valentine? There are different legends. According to one of them, Valentine was a Roman priest. When Emperor Claudius II outlawed marriages for young men, Valentine was upset and decided to continue officiating at a wedding in secret. However, when Claudius disclosed the truth, he condemned poor Valentine to death. According to another legend, while in prison, Valentine fell in love with a young girl and wrote her letters. In one of them he stated, "From your Valentine". This expression is still in use today.

Праздники в Великобритании (2)

Англичане отмечают различные праздники. Среди них — Рождество, Новый год, День святого Валентина, День матери, Пасха и Хэллоуин. Я бы хотела рассказать вам о самых популярных праздниках.

Рождество — это один из самых излюбленных праздников в Великобритании. Он отмечается двадцать пятого декабря в память о рождении Иисуса Христа. Все англичане начинают готовиться к этому празднику за несколько недель до самого торжественного события. В городе царит настоящая суматоха и суета. Люди атакуют торговые центры, покупая еду, подарки и поздравительные открытки для своих родственников и друзей. Все дома, церкви, торговые и бизнес-центры украшены гирляндами, лампочками, свечами, колокольчиками и фигурами ангелочков. В каждом доме наряжена елка. Постепенно вся страна превращается в сказку. Дети пишут письма-пожелания Санта-Клаусу, или, как его чаще называют в Англии, Рождественскому деду, и сжигают их в камине. В канун Рождества они вешают чулки у края своей кровати или у камина и ждут прихода этого таинственного и волшебного персонажа, который принесет им их долгожданные подарки. Утром все члены семьи спешат распаковать подарки, которые ждут их под елкой. В полдень они садятся к столу и наслаждаются традиционным праздничным обедом, состоящим из индейки и фруктового пудинга. По вечерам англичане ходят в гости к своим соседям и друзьям.

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