Джеки чан сочинение на английском с переводом

Обновлено: 04.07.2024

Помню, когда-то приобрел диск именно с его фильмами. При просмотре фильмов, я всегда обращал внимание на то, как он сражается со злодеями. Мне особенно нравилась его техничность, в тех, или иных приемах. Он с легкостью умеет беспорядочно крушить злодеев, и при этом использовать подручные предметы по предназначению. Именно, по предназначению, поскольку он всегда использует именно такой метод стычек.

Меня всегда удивляло его упорство в выполнении разнообразных трюков, с риском для жизни. Он действительно заслуживает всемирного уважения. Зная немного его биографии, я с уверенностью могу сказать, что некоторые опасные для жизни трюки, он выполнял без помощи страховки. Ни смотря на многочисленные травмы и переломы, он все равно продолжал съемки произведения. Прошу заметить, Джеки, как ни странно, любит сниматься только в одном жанре. Боевики - это его стихия. Бывало, что в некоторых фильмах, присутствовали элементы других жанров, с чем Джеки, также неплохо справлялся.

Jackie Chan is a famous Hong Kong-born Chinese stuntman, actor and director.

Chan is not tall, his height is about 174 cm. He's got a rahther broad face, a prominent large nose that has been broken three times, soft, brown eyes with thick eyebrows, and short black hair.

Besides acting Chan sings and even has released a few albums with songs in Japanese, Taiwanese and English. Moreover, he can speak seven languages.

Jackie Chan has always performed all the stunts himself. This brave man has had lots of injuries but he is afraid of needles!

Chan is obsessed with his work. In fact he is said to make a very good friend but a very bad husband. At the same time he is among the biggest charity givers in the world.

It is interesting that Jackie Chan loves simple food, green tea, sweets and ice-cream.

I like Jackie Chan and his advice to never give up on goals in order to succeed.

Объяснение:Джекі Чан - відомий китайський каскадер, актор і режисер, народжений в Гонконзі.

Чан не високий, зріст близько 174 див. У нього більш широке обличчя, чіткий великий ніс, який був розбитий тричі, м'які карі очі з густими бровами та коротке чорне волосся.

Окрім актора, Чан співає і навіть випустив кілька альбомів з піснями на японській, тайванській та англійській мовах. Більше того, він може розмовляти сім мовами.

Джекі Чан завжди виконував усі трюки сам. Цей хоробрий чоловік отримав безліч травм, але він боїться голки!

Чан одержимий своєю роботою. Насправді, як кажуть, він дуже хороший друг, але дуже поганий чоловік. У той же час він є одним із найбільших дарувальників благодійних організацій у світі.

Цікаво, що Джекі Чан обожнює просту їжу, зелений чай, солодощі та морозиво.

Мені подобається Джекі Чан та його порада ніколи не здаватися на цілі, щоб досягти успіху.

3 Kelly and Paul eat

It takes them 40 minutes to get to the picnic.
It takes them 30 minutes to have a picnic.
It takes them 20 minutes to go in the forest.

t is common among clowns to find rule-breakers and, since clowns are consistent, breaking any rules about what a certain 'clown type' should look like is no surprise! Since there are various pages on different clown types on our site, this is the place for a DISCLAIMER! For us to draw a distinct line in the proverbial sand and say, "If you do this with your facial make-up, you must be in this 'clown type' category would be, well. silly! Someone invariably takes what they like from more than one 'clown type' and combines them to create their own unique clown look and style.The 'types' that will be described on these pages have been adopted mainly as a result of competitions and include regulations for consistency within those competitions.A true clown - or any serious performer, for that matter - can entertain an audience with or without a costume and make-up. The costume and make-up are only there to enhance the performer's character and his performance. Clowning is an ancient performing art. Clowns are entertainers who combine comedy and skill to amuse and amaze their audiences. Click on a button below to read more about clowning.
People love to laugh and almost everyone likes to make others laugh! There is a special feeling that comes with seeing others happy because of something you did or said. Read on to find out more and discover the personality that fits your inner clown!

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FIFA World Cup. Every four years, billions of spectators watch their national teams take part in the football World Cup. It is a

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Мой самый любимый жанр фильма-это комедии.
Они заряжают бодростью и дарят улыбки.
Я очень люблю такие фильмы как один дома, пришельцы на чердаке, такси.
Их можно смотреть как одному, так и в компании друзей.
Комедийные актёры очень талантливые и разносторонние.
Например Джим Кери играет и в комедиях и в драмах и в мелодрамах.
Мой самый любимый комедийный актёр это Джеки Чан. Фильмы с его участием самые классные!
Комедии можно смотреть людям всех возрастов.
Они не принесут вреда, как ужастики или триллеры.
Комедии поднимают настроение и заставляют забыть на мгновение о своих проблемах.

My favorite movie genre is comedy.
They are charged with vivacity and give a smile.
I love movies like one at home, the aliens in the attic, a taxi.
They can be viewed as one, and in the company of friends.
Comedians are very talented and versatile.
For example, Jim Carey plays in comedies and dramas and melodramas.
My favorite comedian is Jackie Chan. Films with the participation of its coolest!
Comedy you can watch people of all ages.
They will not do harm, as horror movies or thrillers.
Comedy elevate mood and make you forget for a moment about their problems.

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Chan Kong-sang known professionally as Jackie Chan , is a Hong Kong martial artist, actor, film director, producer, stuntman, and singer. In his movies, he is known for his acrobatic fighting style , comic timing, use of improvised weapons, and innovative stunts, which he typically performs himself. He has trained in Kung Fu and Hapkido . He has been acting since the 1960s and has appeared in over 150 films.

Early life

Chan was born on 7 April 1954, in British Hong Kong , as Chan Kong-sang, to Charles and Lee-Lee Chan , refugees from the Chinese Civil War . His mother or parents nicknamed him Pao-pao Chinese : 炮炮 ("Cannonball") because the energetic child was always rolling around. His parents worked for the French ambassador in Hong Kong, and Chan spent his formative years within the grounds of the consul's residence in the Victoria Peak district.

Chan attended the Nah-Hwa Primary School on Hong Kong Island , where he failed his first year, after which his parents withdrew him from the school. In 1960, his father emigrated to Canberra , Australia, to work as the head cook for the American embassy, and Chan was sent to the China Drama Academy, a Peking Opera School run by Master Yu Jim-yuen . Chan trained rigorously for the next decade, excelling in martial arts and acrobatics. [11] He eventually became part of the Seven Little Fortunes , a performance group made up of the school's best students, gaining the stage name Yuen Lo in homage to his master. Chan became close friends with fellow group members Sammo Hung and Yuen Biao , and the three of them later became known as the Three Brothers or Three Dragons .After entering the film industry, Chan along with Sammo Hung got the opportunity to train in hapkido under the grand master Jin Pal Kim, and Chan eventually attained a black belt . Jackie Chan also trained in other styles of martial arts such as Karate , Judo , Taekwondo and Jeet Kune Do .

He began his career by appearing in small roles at the age of five as a child actor. At age eight, he appeared with some of his fellow "Little Fortunes" in the film Big and Little Wong Tin Bar (1962) with Li Li-Hua playing his mother. Chan appeared with Li again the following year, in The Love Eterne (1963) and had a small role in King Hu 's 1966 film Come Drink with Me . In 1971, after an appearance as an extra in another kung fu film, A Touch of Zen , Chan was signed to Chu Mu's Great Earth Film Company. [14] At seventeen, he worked as a stuntman in the Bruce Lee films Fist of Fury and Enter the Dragon under the stage name Chan Yuen Lung ( Chinese : 陳元龍 ). He received his first starring role later that year in Little Tiger of Canton that had a limited release in Hong Kong in 1973. In 1975, due to the commercial failures of his early ventures into films and trouble finding stunt work, Chan starred in a comedic adult film All in the Family in which Chan appears in his first nude sex scene. It is the only film he has made to date without a single fight scene or stunt sequence. Jackie Chan later also appeared in one other sex scene, in Shinjuku Incident .

Chan joined his parents in Canberra in 1976, where he briefly attended Dickson College and worked as a construction worker. A fellow builder named Jack took Chan under his wing, thus earning Chan the nickname of "Little Jack" that was later shortened to "Jackie", and the name Jackie Chan has stuck with him ever since. In the late 1990s, Chan changed his Chinese name to Fong Si-lung ( Chinese : 房仕龍 ), since his father's original surname was Fong.

Film career

Early exploits: 1976–1979

In 1976, Jackie Chan received a telegram from Willie Chan , a film producer in the Hong Kong film industry who had been impressed with Jackie's stunt work. Willie Chan offered him an acting role in a film directed by Lo Wei . Lo had seen Chan's performance in the John Woo film Hand of Death (1976) and planned to model him after Bruce Lee with the film New Fist of Fury . [14] His stage name was changed to Sing Lung ( Chinese : 成龍 , also transcribed as Cheng Long, [20] literally "become the dragon") to emphasise his similarity to Bruce Lee, whose stage name meant "Little Dragon" in Chinese. The film was unsuccessful because Chan was not accustomed to Lee's martial arts style. Despite the film's failure, Lo Wei continued producing films with similar themes, but with little improvement at the box office.

Chan's first major breakthrough was the 1978 film Snake in the Eagle's Shadow , shot while he was loaned to Seasonal Film Corporation under a two-picture deal. Director Yuen Woo-ping allowed Chan complete freedom over his stunt work. The film established the comedic kung fu genre, and proved refreshing to the Hong Kong audience. Chan then starred in Drunken Master , which finally propelled him to mainstream success.

Upon Chan's return to Lo Wei's studio, Lo tried to replicate the comedic approach of Drunken Master , producing Half a Loaf of Kung Fu and Spiritual Kung Fu . He also gave Chan the opportunity to co-direct The Fearless Hyena with Kenneth Tsang . When Willie Chan left the company, he advised Jackie to decide for himself whether or not to stay with Lo Wei. During the shooting of Fearless Hyena Part II , Chan broke his contract and joined Golden Harvest , prompting Lo to blackmail Chan with triads , blaming Willie for his star's departure. The dispute was resolved with the help of fellow actor and director Jimmy Wang Yu , allowing Chan to stay with Golden Harvest.

Willie Chan became Jackie's personal manager and firm friend, and has remained so for over 30 years. He was instrumental in launching Chan's international career, beginning with his first forays into the American film industry in the 1980s. His first Hollywood film was The Big Brawl in 1980. Chan then played a minor role in the 1981 film The Cannonball Run , which grossed $100 million worldwide. Despite being largely ignored by audiences in favour of established American actors such as Burt Reynolds , Chan was impressed by the outtakes shown at the closing credits , inspiring him to include the same device in his future films.

After the commercial failure of The Protector in 1985, Chan temporarily abandoned his attempts to break into the US market, returning his focus to Hong Kong films

Back in Hong Kong, Chan's films began to reach a larger audience in East Asia, with early successes in the lucrative Japanese market including The Young Master (1980) and Dragon Lord (1982). The Young Master went on to beat previous box office records set by Bruce Lee and established Chan as Hong Kong cinema's top star. With Dragon Lord , he began experimenting with elaborate stunt action sequences, including the final fight scene where he performs various stunts, including one where he does a back flip off a loft and falls to the lower ground.

Chan produced a number of action comedy films with his opera school friends Sammo Hung and Yuen Biao. The three co-starred together for the first time in 1983 in Project A , which introduced a dangerous stunt-driven style of martial arts that won it the Best Action Design Award at the third annual Hong Kong Film Awards . Over the following two years, the "Three Brothers" appeared in Wheels on Meals and the original Lucky Stars trilogy. In 1985, Chan made the first Police Story film, a US-influenced action comedy in which Chan performed a number of dangerous stunts. It was named the " Best Film " at the 1986 Hong Kong Film Awards . In 1986, Chan played "Asian Hawk," an Indiana Jones -esque character, in the film Armour of God . The film was Chan's biggest domestic box office success up to that point, grossing over HK$35 million.

Acclaimed sequels and Hollywood breakthrough: 1988–1998

In 1988, Chan starred alongside Sammo Hung and Yuen Biao for the last time to date, in the film Dragons Forever . Hung co-directed with Corey Yuen , and the villain in the film was played by Yuen Wah , both of whom were fellow graduates of the China Drama Academy.

In the late 1980s and early 1990s, Chan starred in a number of successful sequels beginning with Project A Part II and Police Story 2 , which won the award for Best Action Choreography at the 1989 Hong Kong Film Awards . This was followed by Armour of God II: Operation Condor , and Police Story 3: Super Cop , for which Chan won the Best Actor Award at the 1993 Golden Horse Film Festival . In 1994, Chan reprised his role as Wong Fei-hung in Drunken Master II , which was listed in Time Magazine's All-Time 100 Movies. Another sequel, Police Story 4: First Strike , brought more awards and domestic box office success for Chan, but did not fare as well in foreign markets.

Chan rekindled his Hollywood ambitions in the 1990s, but refused early offers to play villains in Hollywood films to avoid being typecast in future roles. For example, Sylvester Stallone offered him the role of Simon Phoenix , a criminal in the futuristic film Demolition Man . Chan declined and the role was taken by Wesley Snipes .

Chan finally succeeded in establishing a foothold in the North American market in 1995 with a worldwide release of Rumble in the Bronx , attaining a cult following in the United States that was rare for Hong Kong movie stars. [36] The success of Rumble in the Bronx led to a 1996 release of Police Story 3: Super Cop in the United States under the title Supercop , which grossed a total of US$16,270,600. Chan's first huge blockbuster success came when he co-starred with Chris Tucker in the 1998 buddy cop action comedy Rush Hour , [37] grossing US$130 million in the United States alone. [22] This film made him a Hollywood star, after which he wrote his autobiography in collaboration with Jeff Yang entitled I Am Jackie Chan .

Fame in Hollywood and Dramatization: 1999–2007

In 1998, Chan released his final film for Golden Harvest, Who Am I? . After leaving Golden Harvest in 1999, he produced and starred alongside Shu Qi in Gorgeous a romantic comedy that focused on personal relationships and featured only a few martial arts sequences. Although Chan had left Golden Havest in 1999, the company continued to produce and distribute for two of his films, Gorgeous (1999) and The Accidental Spy (2001). Chan then helped create a PlayStation game in 2000 called Jackie Chan Stuntmaster , to which he lent his voice and performed the motion capture. He continued his Hollywood success in 2000 when he teamed up with Owen Wilson in the Western action comedy Shanghai Noon . A sequel Shanghai Knights followed in 2003 and also featured his first onscreen fight scene with Donnie Yen .He reunited with Chris Tucker for Rush Hour 2 (2001) which was an even bigger success than the original grossing $347 million worldwide. He experimented with special effects with The Tuxedo (2002) and The Medallion (2003) which were not as successful critically or commercially. In 2004 he teamed up with Steve Coogan in the big-budget loose adaptation of Jules Verne 's Around the World in 80 Days .

Despite the success of the Rush Hour and Shanghai Noon films, Chan became frustrated with Hollywood over the limited range of roles and lack of control over the filmmaking process. In response to Golden Harvest's withdrawal from the film industry in 2003, Chan started his own film production company, JCE Movies Limited (Jackie Chan Emperor Movies Limited) in association with Emperor Multimedia Group (EMG). His films have since featured an increasing number of dramatic scenes while continuing to succeed at the box office; examples include New Police Story (2004), The Myth (2005) and the hit film Rob-B-Hood (2006).

Chan's next release was the third instalment in the Rush Hour series: Rush Hour 3 in August 2007. It grossed US$255 million. However, it was a disappointment in Hong Kong, grossing only HK$3.5 million during its opening weekend.

New experiments and change in style: 2008–present

Filming of The Forbidden Kingdom (released in 2008), Chan's first onscreen collaboration with fellow Chinese actor Jet Li , was completed on 24 August 2007 and the movie was released in April 2008. The movie featured heavy use of effects and wires. Chan voiced Master Monkey in Kung Fu Panda (released in June 2008), appearing with Jack Black , Dustin Hoffman , and Angelina Jolie . In addition, he has assisted Anthony Szeto in an advisory capacity for the writer-director's film Wushu , released on 1 May 2008. The film stars Sammo Hung and Wang Wenjie as father and son.

In November 2007, Chan began filming Shinjuku Incident , a dramatic role featuring no martial arts sequences with director Derek Yee , which sees Chan take on the role of a Chinese immigrant in Japan.The film was released on 2 April 2009. According to his blog, Chan discussed his wishes to direct a film after completing Shinjuku Incident , something he has not done for a number of years. The film expected to be the third in the Armour of God series, and had a working title of Armour of God III: Chinese Zodiac . The film was released on 12 December 2012. Because the Screen Actors Guild did not go on strike, Chan started shooting his next Hollywood movie The Spy Next Door at the end of October in New Mexico . In The Spy Next Door , Chan plays an undercover agent whose cover is blown when he looks after the children of his girlfriend. In Little Big Soldier , Chan stars, alongside Leehom Wang as a soldier in the Warring States period in China. He is the lone survivor of his army and must bring a captured enemy soldier Leehom Wang to the capital of his province.

In 2010 he starred with Jaden Smith in The Karate Kid , a remake of the 1984 original .This was Chan's first dramatic American film. He plays Mr. Han, a kung fu master and maintenance man who teaches Jaden Smith 's character kung fu so he can defend himself from school bullies. His role in The Karate Kid won Jackie Chan the Favorite Buttkicker award at the Nickelodeon Kids' Choice Awards in 2011.

In Chan's next movie, Shaolin , he plays the cook of the temple instead of one of the major characters.

His 100th movie, 1911 , was released on 26 September 2011. Chan was the co-director, executive producer, and lead star of the movie.While Chan has directed over ten films over his career, this was his first directorial work since Who Am I? in 1998. 1911 premiered in North America on 14 October.

While at the 2012 Cannes Film Festival, Chan announced that he was retiring from action films citing that he was getting too old for the genre. He later clarified that he would not be completely retiring from action films, but would be performing fewer stunts and taking care of his body more.

In 2013, Chan starred in Police Story 2013 , a reboot of the Police Story franchise directed by Ding Sheng , and it was released in China at the end of 2013. Chan's next film Dragon Blade was released in early 2015.

In 2015, Chan was awarded the title of "Datuk" by Malaysia as he helped Malaysia to boost its tourism, especially in Kuala Lumpur where he previously shot his filmsUpcoming films include the Chinese-Indian project titled "Kung Fu Yoga" which also stars Sonu Sood and Amyra Dastur . The film also reunites Chan with director Stanley Tong , who directed a number of Chan's films in the 1990s.

He starred in his own production Skiptrace , which was released in 2016.

Chan will star in the upcoming film Railroad Tigers , The Foreigner , an Anglo-Chinese production, and the science-fiction film Bleeding Steel .

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