Друг познается в беде сочинение на английском

Обновлено: 16.05.2024

‘ah, Major Scobie,’ Yusef said, ‘a friend in need is a friend indeed.’ (Gr. Greene, ‘The Heart of the Matter’, book I, part I, ch. I) — - Ах, майор Скоби! - сказал Юсеф. - Сам Бог мне послал вас. Друг в беде - настоящий друг.

3 a friend in need is a friend indeed

2) Пословица: друг в беде-настоящий друг, истинный друг познаётся в беде, друг познаётся в несчастье (дословно: Друг в беде есть настоящий друг) , друзья познаются в беде (дословно: Друг в беде есть настоящий друг) , коня в рати узнаёшь, друга в беде (дословно: Друг в беде есть настоящий друг)

4 A friend in need is a friend indeed.

<03> Друг в беде есть настоящий друг. Ср. Друзья познаются в беде. Коня в рати узнаешь, друга в беде. Друг познается в несчастье.

5 A friend in need is a friend indeed.

6 a friend in need is a friend indeed

7 A friend in need is a friend indeed

8 (a) friend in need is a friend indeed

9 a friend in need is a friend indeed

10 a friend in need is friend indeed

11 indeed

I am indeed very pleased to hear it. — Я в самом деле очень рад это слышать.

Наречие indeed усиливает значение последующего или предыдущего прилагательного или наречия, при этом прилагательное обязательно определяется наречием very: it is a very rare bird indeed это действительно очень редкая птица; she got very angry indeed она и вправду очень рассердилась. Усилительное indeed употребляется в утвердительных предложениях и стоит после группы слов или слова, которое оно усиливает. В отрицательных предложениях вместо indeed употребляется at all: she was not angry at all она совсем не сердилась. Indeed может усиливать все последующее предложение: he said he would leave immediately and indeed he did он сказал, что тут же уедет и, действительно, так и сделал; she wants to stay for a week, indeed, she arrives tonight она хочет пробыть здесь неделю, в самом деле, она приезжает уже сегодня

12 indeed

I was indeed impressed - это действительно /в самом деле/ произвело на меня впечатление

I think so, indeed I am sure of it - я так думаю, я даже уверен в этом

very glad indeed - очень, очень рад

yes, indeed - конечно!, несомненно!

♢ a friend in need is a friend indeed - посл. друзья познаются в беде

indeed! Did she tell you that? - в самом деле?! Она сама сказала вам?

indeed? Is it really you? - неужели это вы?, вы ли это?

13 познавать

, познать (вн.)
1. (приобретать знания) perceive (smth.) ;
филос. cognize (smth.) ;
(хорошо узнавать) get* to know (smb., smth.), get* acquainted( with) ;
~ законы природы perceive the laws of nature;

2. (испытывать, переживать) know* (smth.), experience (smth.) ;
~ горечь отступления know* the bitterness of defeat;
~ радость свободы experience the joy of freedom;
~ся несов. be* known;
друзья познаются в беде посл. a friend in need is a friend indeed.

См. также в других словарях:

a friend in need is a friend indeed — A friend in need is one who helps when one is in need or difficulty. Cf. EURIPIDES Hecuba 1. 1226 ἐν τοῖς κακοῖς γὰρ ἁγαθοὶ σαϕέστατοι ϕίλοι, for in adversity good friends are most clearly seen; ENNIUS Scaenica 210 (Vahlen) amicus certus in re… … Proverbs new dictionary

a friend in need is a friend indeed — proverb a person who helps at a difficult time is a truly reliable person * * * a friend in need is a friend indeed used to say that a friend who will help you when you need help is a true friend • • • Main Entry: ↑friend a friend in need is a… … Useful english dictionary

(a) friend in need is a friend indeed. — A friend in need (is a friend indeed). something that you say which means that someone who gives you help when you need it is a really good friend. She looked after my dogs while I was in hospital. A friend in need is a friend indeed … New idioms dictionary

a friend in need is a friend indeed — A genuine friend on whom one can always depend. A proverb; often shortened to a friend in need. * /When John s house burned down, his neighbor Jim helped him and his family with shelter, food and clothing. John said, Jim, a friend in need is a… … Dictionary of American idioms

a friend in need is a friend indeed — A genuine friend on whom one can always depend. A proverb; often shortened to a friend in need. * /When John s house burned down, his neighbor Jim helped him and his family with shelter, food and clothing. John said, Jim, a friend in need is a… … Dictionary of American idioms

a\ friend\ in\ need\ is\ a\ friend\ indeed — proverb A genuine friend on whom one can always depend; often shortened to a friend in need. When John s house burned down, his neighbor Jim helped him and his family with shelter, food and clothing. John said, Jim, a friend in need is a friend … Словарь американских идиом

a friend in need is a friend indeed — ► a friend in need is a friend indeed proverb a person who helps at a difficult time is a person to be relied upon. Main Entry: ↑friend … English terms dictionary

(a) friend in need (is a friend indeed) — a ˌfriend in ˈneed (is a ˌfriend inˈdeed) idiom (saying) a friend who gives you help when you need it (is a true friend) Main entry: ↑friendidiom … Useful english dictionary

a friend in need is a friend indeed — Meaning The sad proverbial truth that friends become friendlier when they want something from you. Origin From Ennuis: Amicu certus in re incerta cernitur. . Translated from the Latin as A sure friend is known when in difficulty … Meaning and origin of phrases

a friend in need is a friend indeed — a real friend is one who is supportive in times of trouble … English contemporary dictionary

The friend in need is the friend indeed. — См. Друг познается в несчастии … Большой толково-фразеологический словарь Михельсона (оригинальная орфография)

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Рассказ "Друг познается в беде" придуман автором. Содержит 14 пословиц с их русскими эквивалентами. Может быть использован для развития навыков чтения и перевода.

Рассказ с использованием английских пословиц

Автор: Демидович Наталья Александровна

г.п. Федоровский, Сургутский район, ХМАО-Югра

A friend in need is a friend indeed

Once upon a time there was a man. His name was Woody. He was very rich. He had many friends. Every weekend they gathered together and had fun. Woody lived in a big beautiful two-stored cottage. There was a wonderful garden around his house. An Englishman’s home is his castle. His friends envied him. They dreamed to live in Woody’s house at least for one day.

Woody was very busy – he worked a lot. He slept only for five hours a night. He believed - early to bed and early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise (Кто рано встаёт, тому бог подаёт). This week he had to go abroad for a month-business-trip. So he had no time to do his household. That’s why he asked his friends to help. Everyone was glad to stay in his house. They shouted: “Woody, please, let me stay at your house!”

Woody couldn’t decide who the most reliable person to stay was. So he said: “All of you can stay at my house. There is enough space for everyone.” His friends were very glad.

The next day they companied Woody to the airport. They said: “Oh, Woody, we’ll miss you. You are so nice and generous”.

Woody was happy to have such good real friends. He thought by himself: “What a lucky man I am!”

When his friends came to Woody’s house they decided to have a party. It was the noisiest party in the world! They danced, they swam in the swimming-pool in the garden, they sang, they cried, they broke windows and furniture. Nobody cared about Woody’s house. Everybody's business is nobody's business (У семи нянек дитя без глазу). They made so much noise that Woody’s neighbours called a police.

When a police came nobody wanted to go to a prison for such an awful behaviour. That’s why Woody’s friends decided to sell his house and pay all the neighbours for disturbance. Every man has his price (У каждого есть своя цена).

Woody’s friends sold the house without regret for it. “Into every life a little rain must fall” (Не все коту масленица), they said.

During the business trip Woody missed his home so much. Home is where the heart is (Дома лучше). He called his friends many times but nobody answered him. His friends were afraid to tell Woody that he had no house.

A month later Woody came back home with many presents for his friends. He was looking forward to see them. He was very surprised that when he tried to open the door he saw a young woman through the window. She was very frightened and shouted at him: “Go away! This is my house. I bought it three weeks ago. Every dog has his day” (Будет и на твоей улице праздник).

Woody couldn’t believe that. He was very upset. He remembered his friends. He went to his best friend Ronny. He knocked the door but nobody opened it. Then Woody went to the other friend. But the situation reiterated.

It was night when Woody stopped going to his friends’ houses. He was absolutely alone. He had no man even to talk with. One man no man (Один в поле не воин). He was standing on the road and crying. The only thing he was dreaming about at that moment was to die. But suddenly he remembered his boss Mr. Brown. Woody dialed his telephone number but it was switched off. It never rains but it pours (Беда не приходит одна).

Woody was in panic and didn’t know what to do. He had no money. All the money he earned in his business trip he spent on the presents for his friends. Woody decided to jump from the bridge into the river. Earlier he used to say in difficult situations: “If life deals you lemons make lemonade” (Свои беды превращай в победы). But he forgot about it. So, when he was saying goodbye to his life a little girl came up to him. She said: “Please, help me to find my mummy. I’m lost. I don’t know where I am and what to do.” “Birds of a feather flock together” (Рыбак рыбака видит издалека), thought Woody. At that moment he realized that he was not alone in this cruel world. There were many people around him who needed help as he does. It was a difficult time in his life. But don’t try to walk before you can crawl (Всему своё время).

Of course, Woody helped that little girl to find her mother. Moreover, he became a real friend to her and her mother. He learnt that her father refused her and her mother many years ago. So Woody had a real family now. And they were very happy together! Every dark cloud has a silver lining (Нет худа без добра). Soon Woody forgot about all his difficulties. Time is a great healer (Время лечит).

В новой серии представлены полезные памятки для старшеклассников по русскому языку, математике и английскому. Учебное пособие на каждую тему даёт обобщённую информацию в наглядной и простой форме, удобной для усвоения и запоминания. Информация, поданная в таком виде, может быть успешно использована учащимися общеобразовательных школ в период обучения и подготовки к контрольным, тестовым и экзаменационным работам. Учебные пособия также могут быть адресованы абитуриентам и преподавателям.


  • 1. School life
  • 1. Школьная жизнь
  • 2. A friend in need is a friend indeed
  • 2. Друг познаётся в беде

Приведённый ознакомительный фрагмент книги Английский. Устные темы предоставлен нашим книжным партнёром — компанией ЛитРес.

2. A friend in need is a friend indeed

Everyone knows that friendship is very important in our life. A lot of people think that they have many friends, but I’m absolutely sure not all of them are your real friends.

The word “friend” has a very special meaning. We can call friends only those people who mean a lot to us, who will give advice whenever we need it, whom we can trust our secrets, who will help us if we are in trouble and what is especially important, who will not turn away if we have good luck. At first sight, the last statement may seem to be strange, but even our close friends sometimes may be envious of us. This feeling — envy — is one of the most serious reasons of quarrels between best friends.

I have got a very good friend. Her name is Ann. We met when we were 5 years old and since then we have been the best friends. It is strange, but our tastes are different.

Most of all I value Ann’s honesty. I can fully trust her, even if her opinion doesn’t coincide with mine. The second thing is her remarkable sense of humour. So far I have never met such a person who could make my mood better in any situation. Ann always supports me in any beginning. Even if something goes wrong, she persuades me not to give up.

In fact, it is very difficult to find a real friend but when this person appears in your life, you realize that it is a great happiness.

Tell me who your friend is

Old friends and old wine are best. – Старый друг лучше новых двух. Вещь хороша, пока новая, а друг — когда старый.

A friend to all is a friend to none. – Приятелей много, да друга нет.

A man is known by the company he keeps. – Скажи мне, кто твой друг, и я скажу тебе, кто ты. С кем хлеб-соль водишь, на того и походишь.

A friend in need is a friend indeed. – Друг познается в беде.

Настоящий друг всегда придет на помощь. Эту пословицу мы, наверное, употребляем чаще всего и руководствуемся ею в сложных ситуациях. Ведь друг поможет и ремонт сделать, и тортик съесть (даже если он\она на диете).

дружба, мальчик, собака, берег

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Дружба — это одна из вещей, которыми мы, пожалуй, дорожим больше всего в жизни, ведь именно друзья иногда становятся более родными, чем даже самые близкие родственники. В то же время она вещь очень хрупкая и нужно ее беречь, ведь потерять легко, а найти и возобновить порой очень сложно. Свой многовековой опыт в этой сфере люди изложили в последующих английских пословицах и поговорках:

  • A broken friendship may be soldered, but will never be sound. – Замирённый друг ненадежен.
  • A cracked bell can never sound well. – Надсаженный конь, надломленный лук да замирённый друг равно ненадежны.

Какими бы крепкими у вас ни были отношения с друзьями, у всех иногда случаются мелкие ссоры или конфликты. Важно всегда идти на компромисс, ведь после серьезных ссор бывает трудно снова стать лучшими друзьями и доверять друг другу.

No longer pipe, no longer dance. – Изжил нужду, забыл и дружбу. Пироги со стола, друзья со двора.

Friends are all right when they don't interfere with your career. – Дружба дружбой, а служба службой.

Lend your money and lose your friend. – Дружба дружбой, а денежки врозь.

Список полезный выражений

real friend – настоящий друг
to go through thick and thin – проходить огонь, воду и медные трубы
If you lie down with dogs, you will get up with fleas – с кем поведешься, от того и наберешься
false friends are worse than open enemies – фальшивые друзья хуже явных врагов
books and friends should be few but good – книг и друзей должно быть мало, но хороших

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