Древняя цивилизация сочинение на английском

Обновлено: 02.07.2024

I’ve found some artefacts, which date back to the late Bronze and Iron Age and belong to ancient Celtic tribes. The Celts started to arrive in today’s territory of Britain around 700 BC and continued in one wave after another over the next 700 years. They were tall, and had fair or red hair and blue eyes. Probably came from central Europe or further east, and had moved slowly westwards in earlier centuries. They were technically advanced. They knew how to work with iron, and could make better weapons than the people who used bronze. The Celtic tribes were ruled over by a warrior class, of which the priests, or Druids, seem to have been particularly important members. These Druids couldn’t read or write, but they memorized all the religious teachings, the tribal laws, history, medicine, etc. The Druids from different tribes all over Britain probably met once a year. They had no temples, but they met in sacred groves of trees, on certain hills, by rivers or by river sources.

Я нашел некоторые артефакты, которые относятся к позднему Бронзовому и Железному веку и принадлежат древним кельтским племенам. Кельты начали прибывать на территорию современной Британии около 700 г. до н. э. и продолжали одной волной за другой в течение следующих 700 лет. Они были высокими, со светлыми или рыжими волосами и голубыми глазами. Вероятно, они прибыли из Центральной Европы или с Дальнего Востока и медленно продвигались на запад в более ранние века. Они были технически продвинутыми. Они знали, как работать с железом, и могли сделать оружие лучше, чем люди, которые использовали бронзу. Кельтские племена управлялись классом воинов, из которых жрецы или друиды, по-видимому, были особенно важными членами. Эти друиды не умели читать и писать, но они запоминали все религиозные учения, племенные законы, историю, медицину и др. Друиды из разных племен по всей Британии, вероятно, встречались раз в год. У них не было храмов, но они встречались в священных рощах деревьев, на определенных холмах, реках или у истоков рек.

I'd like to describe my findings about the Maya which is one of the most famous ancient civilizations. The Maya people are considered to be the representatives of Mesoamerican region. It's incredible that this empire existed for about 3 thousand years. The appearance of Mayas today cannot be attributed to any of the races. According to the ideas of scientists, the Mayas had a short, but wide head. As for their bodies, the Mayas were virtually indistinguishable from modern humans. The Mayas is portrayed without facial hair in the numerous images. The faces of Mayans are broad cheekbones and Roman noses. By the way, the height was small; men were slightly higher than women. The Maya people were known for their fully developed written language, distinct art, architecture, mathematical and astronomical systems. They even had an advanced calendar, worshipped several idols, gods and goddesses. The life of Maya people was built around agriculture; they grew mainly maize, sweet potatoes, beans, pumpkin, cocoa and cotton. Mayas did not use animals; everything was done by the people. To conclude, the Mayas have largely contributed to the development of science, technology, medicine and to the general prosperity of humans. I think that that ancient culture is the foundation of who we are today.

Я хотела бы описать свои выводы о цивилизации майя, которая является одной из самых известных древних цивилизаций. Майя, как полагают, являются представителями Центральной Америки. Невероятно, что эта империя существовала в течение приблизительно 3 тысяч лет. Внешность майя сегодня не может быть отнесена ни к одной расе. Согласно идеям ученых, у майя была короткая, но широкая голова. Что касается их тел, майя фактически не отличались от современных людей. Майя изображаются без волос на лице на многочисленных изображениях. Лица майя - широкие скулы и римские носы. Между прочим, их рост был маленьким, мужчины были немного выше, чем женщины. Майя были известны своим полностью развитым письменным языком, отличным искусством, архитектурой, математическими и астрономическими системами. У них даже был продвинутый календарь, они поклонялись нескольким идолам, богам и богиням. Жизнь майя была построена вокруг сельского хозяйства, они выращивали, главным образом, кукурузу, бататы, бобы, тыкву, какао и хлопок. Майя не использовали животных, все делалось людьми. В заключение, майя в основном способствовали развитию науки, технологии, медицины и общему процветанию людей. Я думаю, что эта древняя культура – основа того, кто мы сегодня.

One day I was walking in the forest, when I stopped near very, very big tree. It was so huge, so I thought - it was very ancient tree. And I caught myself with a thought of finding some treasure. So I began to dig near the tree, and then around it. In two hours I found something that seemed to be ancient coins. I was so happy, so immediately I ran to my mum and began to shout that I found ancient coins. She was very happy and was proud of me. So, the next day we went together to an appraiser. We explained him everything. And he began to consider the coins. And after 20 minutes he confirmed that those coins were ancient. And that they were about 200 hundreds years old and that their cost was about 100.000 rubles!

Однажды я гулял в лесу, когда я остановился у очень, очень большого дерева. Оно было настолько огромным, поэтому я подумал, что это было очень древнее дерево. И я поймал себя на мысли, что я могу найти клад. Итак, я начал копать рядом с деревом, а затем вокруг него. Через два часа я нашел то, что казалось древними монетами. Я был так счастлив, так что я сразу же побежал к маме и начал кричать, что я обнаружил древние монеты. Она была очень счастлива и гордилась мной. Так, на следующий день мы пошли вместе к оценщику. Мы объяснили ему все. И он начал считать монеты. A через 20 минут он подтвердил, что эти монеты были древние. И что они были около 200 сотен лет назад, и что их стоимость была около 100 000 рублей!

43 Write a composition (about 150-180 words) describing your findings about an ancient civilisation. Follow the plan in.

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Ancient Egypt Made by Maxim Krekshin Lyceum№4 Form 10A

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Ancient Egypt Made by Maxim Krekshin Lyceum№4 Form 10A

Ancient Egypt Made by Maxim Krekshin Lyceum№4 Form 10A

Ancient Egypt, one of history's first civilizations arose around the Nile River about 5,000 years ago. It lasted for over 2,000 years.

The ancient Egyptians discovered many things. They invented the first kind of.

The ancient Egyptians discovered many things. They invented the first kind of paper from the papyrus plant and were the first people to write in pictures, called hieroglyphs.

The Egyptian population lived on both sides of the Nile valley and in the del.

The Egyptian population lived on both sides of the Nile valley and in the delta region. The ancient Egyptians had dark skin and dark hair.

Ancient Egyptians did many different things in their free time. They liked to.

Ancient Egyptians did many different things in their free time. They liked to go swimming and fishing in the Nile River. Hunting crocodiles, lions and other wild animals were popular sports among ancient Egyptians.

The ancient Egyptians believed in several gods and goddesses. The most import.

The ancient Egyptians believed in several gods and goddesses. The most important god was the sun god Re (or Ra). People prayed to him for good harvests.

The most famous goddess was Isis, who was seen as the ideal mother and wife.

The most famous goddess was Isis, who was seen as the ideal mother and wife. Her husband Osiris was the ruler of the dead.

Egypt's pyramids are among the oldest buildings in the world. About 90 of them still stand on the Nile River.

Thank you for your attention.

Thank you for your attention.

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The ancient civilization of the Incas .

Inca territory covered all the land from the southern regions of present-day Colombia to Argentina and reached a length of 5000 km. "The Incas believed that they had conquered most of the world" - was written in the magazine "National Geographic". However, in other parts of the world nobody even knew about the existence of their state.

The Incas were well adapted to the conditions of life in the mountains. They were broad-shouldered and had developed chest and lungs. These stocky Highlanders were small or medium height and had very strong, well-developed legs, which helped them to overcome long distances and allowed to carry heavy loads.

Women, though more delicate physique, also showed a significant endurance, carrying heavy loads, and with it often also their babies, hanging behind them wrapped in a cloak .

Standard of living freemen and their families was almost the same (amount of food, clothing, quality homes and utensils). There was starving poor. Those who could not work, the state provides the necessary minimum.

Basis Incas economy - agriculture and livestock. They cultivated the same plants and the same animals as everywhere in Peru. Natural conditions were forced to create irrigation facilities: dams, canals.

The Incas achieved great success in industry. Developed copper and silver deposits. Special development was weaving. The Incas knew three types of looms, which could make even the carpets.

On the throne in Cuzco could only be the husband of royal blood. Future king of the Incas prepared for the difficult role: he learned the mysteries of existence, studied religion, different sciences. He also taught good manners and military business. In his palace the Incas king seated on a low throne. Visitors could not see his face - he was separated from them by a curtain. He was ministered by eight thousand servants from the representatives of noble families.

One of the most ancient world civilizations, China is the only country in the world, where the continuity of the state and culture is preserved for four thousand years.

Презентация по английскому языку The Civilization Of Ancient China

Residents of this state were convinced that they lived in the center of the Earth and on the highest part of it, raised to the sky.

In the East of the natural boundary of China there are the Yellow and the East China seas, in the South of Ancient China ends in the valley of the river Yangtze.

They form a vast natural irrigated valley, convenient for highly productive agriculture.

Содержимое разработки

The Civilization Of Ancient China

The Civilization Of Ancient China

One of the most ancient world civilizations, China is the only country in the world, where the continuity of the state and culture is preserved for four thousand years.

One of the most ancient world civilizations, China is the only country in the world, where the continuity of the state and culture is preserved for four thousand years.

Residents of this state were convinced that they lived in the center of the Earth and on the highest part of it, raised to the sky. In the East of the natural boundary of China there are the Yellow and the East China seas, in the South of Ancient China ends in the valley of the river Yangtze. They form a vast natural irrigated valley, convenient for highly productive agriculture .

Residents of this state were convinced that they lived in the center of the Earth and on the highest part of it, raised to the sky.

In the East of the natural boundary of China there are the Yellow and the East China seas, in the South of Ancient China ends in the valley of the river Yangtze.

They form a vast natural irrigated valley, convenient for highly productive agriculture .

 The Chinese first started to apply for writing a paper, Chinese masters were doing a good weapon, and the art of battle became an example for the other countries.

The Chinese first started to apply for writing a paper, Chinese masters were doing a good weapon, and the art of battle became an example for the other countries.

 the Dragon was the cultural symbol of the Chinese people

the Dragon was the cultural symbol of the Chinese people

Glorified Ancient China and unique monuments of architecture and art. Fantastic facilities, interesting roof of the houses, rich palaces of emperors and exquisitely decorated temples.

Glorified Ancient China and unique monuments of architecture and art.

Fantastic facilities, interesting roof of the houses, rich palaces of emperors and exquisitely decorated temples.

Ancient rope bridges

Ancient rope bridges

Clothing Male and female outfits were almost identical . All the Chinese were double-breasted gowns, which are plowed right and belts. The curved bottom dragging on the ground floor, wide sleeves were much longer than the arms. Shoes attached great importance: to go out barefoot considered for a noble human disgrace. In ancient times shoes made ​​of leather, rich sported silk shoes. Headwear has long been considered an essential part of the toilet: they wore it going out in the street, reading and writing. Form of caps often changed, and yet had to consider hair because men in China did not cut hair and plait them into one or two braids and laid in a bun at the back or on the right from the top .

Male and female outfits were almost identical . All the Chinese were double-breasted gowns, which are plowed right and belts. The curved bottom dragging on the ground floor, wide sleeves were much longer than the arms. Shoes attached great importance: to go out barefoot considered for a noble human disgrace.

In ancient times shoes made ​​of leather, rich sported silk shoes. Headwear has long been considered an essential part of the toilet: they wore it going out in the street, reading and writing. Form of caps often changed, and yet had to consider hair because men in China did not cut hair and plait them into one or two braids and laid in a bun at the back or on the right from the top .

Chinese art has evolved in a variety of ways. Only in this country could find artists, fine manufactures the finest silk, or potters, famous for the production of decorative porcelain. Chinese painters painted not only the walls of temples and palaces, but also small ceramic and textile products.

Chinese art has evolved in a variety of ways. Only in this country could find artists, fine manufactures the finest silk, or potters, famous for the production of decorative porcelain.

Chinese painters painted not only the walls of temples and palaces, but also small ceramic and textile products.

Individual views of the ancient Chinese art is considered to be theatrical skill. The Chinese in his theatrical productions skillfully combined music and movements of the body, Oriental martial arts, and religion. Theatre of shadows as part of the Chinese drama

Individual views of the ancient Chinese art is considered to be theatrical skill. The Chinese in his theatrical productions skillfully combined music and movements of the body, Oriental martial arts, and religion.

Theatre of shadows as part of the Chinese drama

Chinese are very respectfully refer to their ancestors, the natural resources and subjects of art. Practically every area in China is full of history and cultural value.

Chinese are very respectfully refer to their ancestors, the natural resources and subjects of art. Practically every area in China is full of history and cultural value.

Thank you for your attention

Thank you for your attention


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