Disaster at sea сочинение

Обновлено: 28.06.2024

The Tsunami has once again demonstrated the fury of nature and the tragedy it can cause. It showed us that nature could be as harsh as it is benevolent. The Tsunami, an extraordinary calamity of unprecedented proportions, is a reminder that no matter how much wealth or power man acquires, he is still at the mercy of the elements. The havoc created by tsunami can never be forgotten. The most powerful earthquake in 40 years quickly turned into one of the worst disasters in a century, as walls of water crashed ashore across South Asia. The number of human casualties, mostly children and women, is horrible and is increasing with the passage of time. Every person you meet in the tsunami-hit area has his own story to tell but no one is there to listen him or her.

In poor countries, living is so hand-to-mouth that there is scant time to think about the distant future. This dreadful disaster of such a vast dimension has led to outbreak of diseases like cholera, gastroenteritis, hepatitis B, malaria, and dengue fever. It (tsunami) ravaged some of the most fragile economies in Burma, Sri Lanka, and Indonesia.

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I am from Germany._________________________________

4 Вставьте в пробелы необходимый артикль (a, an or – ). Письменно переведите получившиеся предложения. Поставьте предложения в вопросительную и отрицательную форму.

0 He’s _____an________ actor.

1 My father is _______________ doctor.

2 They are _______________ students.

3 Peter is _______________ architect.

4 I am _______________ student.

5 He is _______________engineer.

5 Вставьте в пробелы необходимый артикль (a, an, the). Письменно переведите текст.

I’ve got (0) ___a_____ new computer and (1) ________ old television. (2) ________ computer is in my bedroom and my brother has got (3) ________ television in his bedroom. My brother and I have got (4) ________ CD player too. I’ve got (5) ________ English CD. It’s interesting!

new post office 3. a nice postcard 4. white paper 5. blue and black pens 6. a funny poster 7. an old stamp 8. count stamp 9. a red letterbox 10. the second letter 11. write an address 12. look at a poster 13. an English postman 14. draw a postcard 15. have got a lot of envelopes and stamps Можно несколько словосочетаний в одном предложении. Буду очень признательна!

. is your name ?
. is your surname?
. are you from?
. do you live?
. old are yoy?
. is your birthday?
. is your favourite holiday?
. do you like (to do)?
. friends have you got?

. pets have you got?

May. 3. They (to be) friends (for/since) they started college. 4. We (to know) him (for/since) three years. 5. They (to live) in our house (for/since) two years. 6. She (to be) ill (for/since) Friday. 7. I (not to be) in London (for/since) I (to be) a child. 8. 1 (to leave) Kyiv last year and I (not to see) him (for/since) 9. He (to study) French (for/since) ten years. 10. My mother (to work) in the factory (for/since) some years 11. They (to live) in Brazil (for/since) 1960. 12. I (not to see) him (for/since) this Tuesday. 13. He (to be) in prison now (for/since) five years. 14. She (not to hear) about them (for/since) almost a year. 15. I (to know) nothing about him (for/since) several month.

нужно отвечая на эти вопросы написать сочинение, в 80-100 слов на английском естественно, своей фантазией не блестаю, аграмматика и там и там ужасна сами видите, поэтому обращаюсь за помощью к вам, прошу.

срочно помогите прошу вас.
сочинение надо начать с I am Anastasia,я учусь в школе,в 11 классе,я изучаю английский
язык и дальше я думаю второй язык полезен и т.д.
сочинение на английском.

о мнениях других на эту тему!Только пожалуйста не через переводчик, я так и сама смогу,заранее спасибо)

на 120 слов. просто не представляю как можно растянуть такую тему на 120 слов, да еще и на английском.

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Grog and me have mysteriously appeared on a strange island today. We wondered why for a bit, then we forgot about it. The weather was cloudy. The first thing we did was use our knife to make a wooden spear. Then I went and gathered some sticks as Grog tried to catch fish in the stream that was nearby where we appeared. Eventually Grog caught a fish, but we couldn?t light a fire, so we ate the fish raw.

Yet another cloudy day here. We tried to make a raft but we couldn?t get any large logs. Grog went to explore the island while I tried to catch fish. He came back about 1 ? hours later then told me that there was no place to hide or no way to get off this island. Eventually I caught a fish but, again, we could not light a fire. So, again, we had raw fish.

We had to make a new spear as the first one was now broken, while Grog did that, I went to see if there was any other source of food on this island, but while I was looking, I found some flint! Although I didn?t see many other animals, I didn?t really care. I went back to our makeshift camp and told Grog about my discovery. He was just as pleased as I was, and that night we thoroughly enjoyed our cooked fish.

It rained heavily today. It started right after sunrise and did not quit the entire day. Unfortunately for whatever reason, we could not catch a fish. So we went out to kill one of the small animals on the island. But they had all hid from the rain. The rain was so heavy that we couldn?t light a fire. It was miserable for us today.

Woke up in the middle of the night sliding away in the heavy mud. When it was finally bright enough to see, Grog and I had discovered that our ?camp? had washed away and almost took us with it! We began rebuilding as soon as we could; about mid-day it was raining light enough for us to work adequately well, seeing that we hadn?t eaten for a day and a half now. We rebuilt our camp about 500 feet up the stream. Afterwards we both tried to catch some fish but we could not despite our best efforts.

We did very little today seeing that we were quite hungry. We could not light a fire to keep warm because the sticks were still too wet. Luckily it was not raining anymore. We both hunted for fish but, again, we could not catch any.

I woke up in the middle of the night feeling quite hungry. Yet, thank all the deities, we caught a small fish. Grog and I ate ravenously. So, after feeling like I had more energy, I went to explore the interior of the island some more. Amazingly I found a small cave just big enough to get into, but on the inside there were 2 generously sized caverns that would allow both of us to sleep in it. Almost immediately after I told Grog about the cave, he caught another fish! I started to think that we might not die here after all.

Natural disasters like earthquakes, tornado, tsunami and floods happen more frequently nowadays. There are many reasons why they occur, but the main one is related to human activity on Earth which often has a negative impact on our environment.

All kinds of disasters are usually very damaging. Many dwellings, roads and even whole streets and cities are ruined. The number of victims usually terrifies as hundreds or even thousands of people get injured or die in disasters. However, each disaster has a different nature.

For example, an earthquake is the result of the tectonic plates’ movement which leads to the shaking of a certain area on land. Earthquakes destroy buildings and people usually become victims because they get stuck or killed under the rubble.

Tornado is also a natural disaster which looks like an enormous column of the wind which lifts cars, bicycles, furniture and many other things. It is also called a twister and it can be very dangerous if touches the surface of the ground or water.

Flood in its turn happens when rivers burst their banks. Most extended floods damage cities and wash away whole populated places. Tsunami is another natural disaster which arises as a series of huge waves caused by underwater earthquakes.

Thus, there are many natural disasters which are dangerous for all of us. We should be careful and treat our planet better in order not to die with it.


Природные катаклизмы, такие как землетрясения, торнадо, цунами и наводнения, теперь случаются все чаще. Существует много причин, из-за которых они возникают, но основная причина связана с деятельностью человека, которая часто оказывает негативное воздействие на нашу окружающую среду.

Все виды природных катастроф обычно разрушительны. Разрушаются многие здания, дороги и даже целые улицы и города. Число жертв обычно приводит в ужас, так как сотни и даже тысячи людей получают ранения, или погибают в катастрофах. Однако у каждого катаклизма своя природа.

Например, землетрясение – результат движения тектонических плит, которое приводит к сотрясению определенной территории земли. Землетрясения разрушают здания, и люди обычно становятся жертвами из-за того, что застревают или погибают под обломками.

Торнадо – также относится к катастрофам природного характера, которая имеет вид огромного столба ветра, поднимающего над землей машины, велосипеды, мебель и многие другие вещи. Торнадо также зовут вихрем, и он может быть весьма опасным, если коснется поверхности земли или воды.

Наводнения, в свою очередь, происходят, когда реки выходят из берегов. Большинство обширных наводнений наносят вред городам и смывают целые населенные пункты. Цунами – еще один природный катаклизм, который возникает в виде нескольких огромных волн, спровоцированных подводными землетрясениями.

Таким образом, существует множество природных катаклизмов, которые опасны для всех нас. Нам следует быть осторожнее и лучше относиться к нашей планете, чтобы не погибнуть вместе с ней.

Natural disaster – природный катаклизм

Environment – окружающая среда

To ruin/to destroy – разрушать

Under the rubble – под обломками

To burst the banks – выходить из берегов

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Lost At Sea Essay, Research Paper
Day 1
Grog and me have mysteriously appeared on a strange island today. We wondered why for a bit, then we forgot about it. The weather was cloudy. The first thing we did was use our knife to make a wooden spear. Then I went and gathered some sticks as Grog tried to catch fish in the stream that was nearby where we appeared. Eventually Grog caught a fish, but we couldn?t light a fire, so we ate the fish raw.
Day 2
Yet another cloudy day here. We tried to make a raft but we couldn?t get any large logs. Grog went to explore the island while I tried to catch fish. He came back about 1 ? hours later then told me that there was no place to hide or no way to get off this island. Eventually I caught a fish but, again, we could not light a fire. So, again, we had raw fish.
Day 3
We had to make a new spear as the first one was now broken, while Grog did that, I went to see if there was any other source of food on this island, but while I was looking, I found some flint! Although I didn?t see many other animals, I didn?t really care. I went back to our makeshift camp and told Grog about my discovery. He was just as pleased as I was, and that night we thoroughly enjoyed our cooked fish.
Day 4
It rained heavily today. It started right after sunrise and did not quit the entire day. Unfortunately for whatever reason, we could not catch a fish. So we went out to kill one of the small animals on the island. But they had all hid from the rain. The rain was so heavy that we couldn?t light a fire. It was miserable for us today.
Day 5
Woke up in the middle of the night sliding away in the heavy mud. When it was finally bright enough to see, Grog and I had discovered that our ?camp? had washed away and almost took us with it! We began rebuilding as soon as we could; about mid-day it was raining light enough for us to work adequately well, seeing that we hadn?t eaten for a day and a half now. We rebuilt our camp about 500 feet up the stream. Afterwards we both tried to catch some fish but we could not despite our best efforts.
Day 6
We did very little today seeing that we were quite hungry. We could not light a fire to keep warm because the sticks were still too wet. Luckily it was not raining anymore. We both hunted for fish but, again, we could not catch any.
Day 7
I woke up in the middle of the night feeling quite hungry. Yet, thank all the deities, we caught a small fish. Grog and I ate ravenously. So, after feeling like I had more energy, I went to explore the interior of the island some more. Amazingly I found a small cave just big enough to get into, but on the inside there were 2 generously sized caverns that would allow both of us to sleep in it. Almost immediately after I told Grog about the cave, he caught another fish! I started to think that we might not die here after all.

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