Действительно ли это пустая трата времени и денег быть модным на английском сочинение

Обновлено: 29.06.2024

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1 Являются ли друзья важнее семьи для большинства молодых людей?
2 Действительно ли это пустая трата времени и денег быть модным?
3 Вкусы людей в музыке имеют наибольшее влияние на то, как они выглядят и ведут себя?
4 Полезно ли делать обобщения относительно молодых людей?

1) The British say that friends are thieves of our time. 14-16 year old young people really, often consider their friends to be more important than family. They have taken everything they could from the family. Now they need to consolidate their knowledge or try it out in practice. So young people learn to communicate with their peers. They argue, quarrel and put up again, solve problems.

2) To be able to dress beautifully, stylishly is a talent which should be developed. To imitate the fashion is funny and not to follow it is silly. Don't be funny, pulling on a full body some very tight clothes. Disguise your flaws, don't show them off for fashion. It's impossible to buy everything you want, don't waste so much money on clothes, most importantly, is what's inside of you. Because you can become with the help of expensive outfits 'the elegantly packaged filth'.

3) Here is 'yes' and there is 'no'. For the young people, this statement is relevant. I do not want to feel lonely and, I'm sharing with a certain group their musical tastes, young people transfer these principles to their appearance. But it's like growing pains that goes with age. Look at your parents! They also used to listen to "revolutionary" music and wore non-standard clothes when they were young.

4) Based on the last statement, I think that generalizations, especially negative ones, regarding young people should not be done. All passes, and youth with its eccentricities, too, will pass. We are your children, no matter how we dress - we are your reflection. Everything you give us, we'll keep!

The problem of following fashion trends has always aroused sharp debates. Nowadays a great number of people claim that people should not pay any attention to fashion. However, others have quite a different point of view. This problem is really worth discussing.

As for me, I support the first opinion and have several reasons to prove it. To start with, fashion is very changeable. It is unprofitable to buy fashionable things as they quickly become unnecessary. In addition, following stylish trends takes away people’s personality. People have the same appearance wearing stylish things. Moreover, modern things are just uncomfortable for anybody in everyday life. For example, practically everybody wears tight jeans which are harmful to health.

Nevertheless, there are a lot of people who think in a different way.

They claim that people become more beautiful and better following fashion.

Though I respect this point of view, I definitely cannot share it. I strongly believe it is not true because there are a lot of different ways to look beautiful. People can wear ordinary clothes, just to take care of themselves and look aesthetically.

In conclusion, I would like to stress that in spite of the fact how many points of view concerning this problem may be, I still stand my ground that fashion is a waste of time and money.

Проблема следования модным тенденциям всегда вызывала острые дискуссии. В наши дни огромное количество людей заявляет, что не стоит обращать внимание на моду. Однако другие придерживаются совершенно иной точки зрения. Эта проблема действительно заслуживает обсуждения.

Что касается меня, я поддерживаю первое мнение и имею несколько причин, чтобы его доказать. Начнем с того, что мода очень изменчива. Покупать модные вещи невыгодно, они быстро становятся ненужными. Кроме того, следование модным тенденциям лишает людей индивидуальности. Одинаково выглядят люди в стильных вещах. Более того, современные вещи в повседневной жизни никому не удобны. Например, практически все носят узкие джинсы, вредные для здоровья.

Тем не менее, есть много людей, которые думают иначе. Они утверждают, что люди становятся красивее и лучше следуют моде.

Хотя я уважаю эту точку зрения, я определенно не могу ее разделять. Я твердо верю, что это неправда, потому что есть много разных способов выглядеть красиво. Люди могут носить обычную одежду, просто чтобы позаботиться о себе и эстетично выглядеть.

В заключение хочу подчеркнуть, что, несмотря на то, что может быть много точек зрения на эту проблему, я все же твердо придерживаюсь мнения, что мода - это пустая трата времени и денег.

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Nowadays some people think that following fashion is necessary to be acceptable in society. While others are convinced that fashion trends are needed to people for boasting and showing that they have a lot of money.

In my opinion, fashion brings humanity new opportunities in all sphere of our life. Firstly, I do not think that following fashion is a waste of money. Fashion gives an opportunity to human to look nicer and happier because of bought cloth. Secondly, exactly fashion introduced new technologies which are useful for our life. Also, I want to point out that fashion on clothes, on new technologies, on literacy makes humanity developing and becoming clever and more successful.

Nevertheless, others suppose that fashion is a bad thing which happened to people.

For example, scientists have discovered a new psychological disease - shopaholism which

makes people to waste big amounts of money to buy unnecessary goods. We all know about Apple products, especially mobile phones. The firm makes us to pay more for this brand.

I disagree with that point of view. Honestly, I believe that fashion clothes rise self-esteem, so why people should economize on yourselves and wear cheap and unfashionable dresses. Besides, I think fashion brands make multifunctional devices and it is worth to waste money for them.

To sum it up, I want to say that fashion has both advantages and disadvantages. Поступаете в 2019 году? Наша команда поможет с экономить Ваше время и нервы: подберем направления и вузы (по Вашим предпочтениям и рекомендациям экспертов);оформим заявления (Вам останется только подписать);подадим заявления в вузы России (онлайн, электронной почтой, курьером);мониторим конкурсные списки (автоматизируем отслеживание и анализ Ваших позиций);подскажем когда и куда подать оригинал (оценим шансы и определим оптимальный вариант).Доверьте рутину профессионалам – подробнее.

Also, it is the decision of people to follow fashion or to ignore it. As for me, following fashion is the right way of living.

Я думаю, что следовать моде - это пустая трата денег.Во-первых - модно, это глупо. Мода притупляет человека. Обычно моде следуют люди, у которых нет своего мнения. Так как следуя ею, они одеваются, делают покупки, слушают музыку под диктовку грамотных маркетологов.Во-вторых мода не всегда практична. Очень много в моде вещей, от которых мало практической пользы. К примеру дорогие автомобили. Если воспринимать его средство передвижения, то нет смысла покупать модные дорогостоящие автомобили. Можно, к примеру, ездить и на велосипеде.Поэтому я думаю что следовать моде пустая трата времени и денег.

I think that to follow fashion - it's a waste deneg.Vo First - it is fashionable, it's stupid. Fashion dulls human. Usually, fashion followed by people who have no opinion. Since following it, they dress, shop, listen to music dictation competent marketologov.Vo second fashion is not always practical. Very much in the fashion of things, from which little practical use. For example, expensive cars. If you take his vehicle, then there is no point in buying fancy expensive cars. You can, for example, to drive and I think that velosipede.Poetomu follow fashion is a waste of time and money.

I think that following fashion is a waste of money. Fashion dulls a person. Usually fashion is followed by people who do not have an opinion. Since following it, they dress, make purchases, listen to music to the dictation of literate marketers. There are a lot of things in fashion that are of little practical use. For example, expensive cars. If you take his means of transportation, then there is no sense to buy fashionable expensive cars. You can, for example, ride a bike.

I think fashion is a waste of money. First of all, fashion is stupid. Fashion is dull. Usually, fashion is made up of people who have no opinion. Because according to it, they wear clothes, do shopping, listen to music, and are dictated by qualified salesmen. Secondly, fashion is not always practical. There are a lot of fashionable things, no practical benefits. Like an expensive car. If you feel his vehicle, there is no point in buying a fashionable and expensive car. Yes, for example, riding a bike. So I think walking in fashion is a waste of time and money.

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