Черная пятница сочинение на английском

Обновлено: 05.07.2024

Вы наверняка в курсе всего этого шопинг-безумия, связанного с Черной пятницей. Пол, преподаватель курсов Start2Study из США, решил рассказать в новом видео о том, откуда взялась "Black Friday" , как перевести термины "BOGO", "Overstock sale" и "Clearance sale" , которые вы наверняка встретите в этот день в британских и американских онлайн и оффлайн магазинах, и заодно делится советом, как сэкономить свои нервы во время шопинга, если вы терпеть не можете огромные толпы людей и очереди.

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Black Friday is a Friday after Thanksgiving Day in the USA. From this day begins the traditional Christmas sales season. The idea of holding this event came out in XIX century already and the term “Black Friday” was created in 1966 and was first used mostly on the east of the United States. Since Thanksgiving Day is celebrated on the 4th Thursday of November, Black Friday is usually between 23 and 29 of November.

It is not a statutory holiday but many people take a day off , except for those who work in shops, because the quantity of clients rises significantly . On Black Friday shops open very early, at around 5 a.m. and some shops begin to work even at midnight. First customers are offered bigger discounts – 50-80%. Companies do this to attract more people.

In fact, the term “Black Friday” first appeared in Philadelphia and meant “ horrendous traffic on the day after Thanksgiving Day”. Modern significance of this phenomenon is more positive and connected with an idiom “ in the black ” and literally, mean that shop-assistants will make money on this day.

At present, Black Friday is organized in many countries all over the world and even in online shops. Several days before this event, companies start to push their special offers and stir clients’ interest up. On Black Friday everyone goes nuts . They fight for different staff in shops, stay in long lines and spend a lot of money on this day.


Черная пятница – пятница после Дне Благодарения в США. С этого дня начинается сезон рождественских распродаж. Традиция организовывать распродажи в этот день появилась уже в XIX веке, а термин был создан в 1966 и впервые использовался в основном на востоке США. Так как День Благодарения отмечается в четвертый четверг ноября, Черная Пятница обычно проводится между 23 и 29 ноября.

Черная Пятница не является официальным праздником, но многие люди берут отгул, кроме тех, кто работает в магазинах, потому что количество покупателей значительно возрастает. В Черную пятницу магазины открываются рано, около 5 утра, а некоторые даже в полночь. Первым покупателям предлагают большие скидки – 50-80%. Компании делают это, чтобы привлечь больше людей.

Сейчас Черная Пятница проводится во многих странах по всему миру и даже в онлайн магазинах. За неделю до этого дня, компании начинают рекламировать специальные предложения и подогревают интерес покупателей. В этот день люди сходят с ума. Они дерутся за различные вещи в магазинах, стоят в длинных очередях и тратят много денег.

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What day is highly popular with people who long to sales and bargains?

[2] Unquestionably, this is Black Friday, and therefore my purpose today is to give detailed information on this day.

I think the majority of you enjoy going shopping, so do I. However, most of you have never taken part in Black Friday. More than that, I bet there are persons who even aren’t familiar with term.

So where does the name ‘Black Friday’ come from? [3] It was first used in Philadelphia in the 1950s. The police called this day as ‘Black Friday’ due to the heavy traffic jams. In the 1960s, stores tried to rename the day ‘Big Friday’. Alas, it didn’t stick, and the term ‘Black Friday’ continued spreading across the country.

The day after Thanksgiving is the start of the holiday shopping season. Thanksgiving falls on Thursday, so the day after is Friday. This day has come to be known as Black Friday. It’s been the busiest shopping day of the year since 2005.

Now that we have seen, what ‘Black Friday’ is supposed to mean, let’s look what happens this day. [4] Most stores offer great deals on Black Friday. They open their doors in the wee hours of the morning. They try to attract shoppers with big discounts. Some items like TVs are much cheaper than usual. There is a strong probability that stores will lose money on these items. [5] They hope that shoppers will buy gifts for other people while in the store.

Black Friday is a great time to get good deals on items. The main problem is that there are not enough low-priced items to go around. Each store may only have a few. [6] These things are in high demand. People stand in long queues to get such great deals. They may line up hours until a store is open. They may be hoping to pick up a cheap TV or laptop, for instance, yet not everyone who wants one will actually get one. Some people leave disappointed and fully frustrated.

[7] It should be noticed that people spend enormous amount of cash during Black Fridays year by year . This slide represents spending in the United Sates over a ten-year period.

The situation can be tense. Let's take the example of what occurs when people run amok. According to some police reports, mad and eager crowds easily trampled some poor shop assistants. Fights have broken out over people cutting in line. [8] Looks like this, doesn’t it? But don’t be scared to the death, a great number of Black Fridays are safe and fun. [9] Still, if you’re willing to try your luck, be ready to expect large crowds.

Now people all over the USA take part in the event known as ‘Black Friday’ on a yearly basis. It is even spreading to other parts of the world. Stores have held Black Friday events in the UK, Australia [10] , and Brazil [11] since 2012. In Russia, citizens aren’t in the mad rush looking for discounts in malls. They prefer buying things via online shops. [12] In Costa Rica, Black Friday is known as [12’] "Viernes Negro." [13] And in Mexico, stores offer an annual weekend of discounts. [13’] They call it "El Buen Fin," which means "the good weekend" in Spanish. [14] I guess, no matter what culture or nation you belong to, the language of savings is universal.

Thank you for being so attentive, I hope everything was clear, if you do have any questions, don’t hesitate and ask them. [15]

Задания по английскому языку Christmas shopping

Черная пятница (Black Friday) — это пятница после Дня благодарения, во время которой, по всей территории США стартуют рождественские распродажи, этот день так же называют карнавалом капитализма. Черная пятница 2017 года выпадает на 24 ноября, а в понедельник 27 ноября, соответственно будет кибер-понедельник (покупки в режиме онлайн). Эти дни в США являются самыми значительными за весь год по уровню прибыли. Черная пятница — это пятница после Дня благодарения, во время которой, по всей территории США стартуют рождественские распродажи, этот день так же называют карнавалом капитализма. Каждый год, ритейлеры планируют свои основные продажи именно на эти два дня, выпадающие на пятницу и понедельник после Дня благодарения. Это же время является очень популярным у тех туристов, которые имеют возможность оказаться в США во время этих жарких распродаж. Действительно, совершая покупки в это время, можно отлично сэкономить и купить сотни великолепных по качеству, и доступных по цене вещей. Шопоголики ждут этого дня всегда с большим нетерпением. Многие из числа тех, кто планирует посещать такие распродажи за рубежом знают, что английский язык там очень даже нужен. Однако, даже если вы не собираетесь устроить себе шоппинг во время американских рождественских распродаж, то уметь общаться и изъясняться на английском, вам всегда поможет не пропасть заграницей.

О том, хорошо или плохо, иметь зависимость от распродаж мы уже начинали говорить несколько уроков назад. Устное упражнение по английскому языку на тему Shopping — это хорошая предыстория для урока по теме: Christmas shopping and Black Friday, а так же задания — Alternative Gifts. В преддверии новогодних праздников, я предлагаю вам провести урок английского языка с использованием этого рабочего листа с заданиями.

Задания по английскому языку Christmas shopping

В самом задании есть интересный текст о дарении рождественских подарков. На листе также имеются задания, ответы к которым есть в конце документа.

Black Friday is an informal name for the Friday following Thanksgiving Day in the United States. The day after Thanksgiving has been regarded as the beginning of the United States Christmas shopping season since 1952. Nowadays many stores offer highly promoted sales on Black Friday. Despite the pandemic, no one has cancelled Black Friday and lots of people especially teens are looking forward to this big sale day. Here are some ideas that you can use in your classes to discuss the benefits and drawbacks of Black Friday, to enlarge students’ vocabulary on the topic of “Shopping” and to hone their listening and speaking skills. The lesson is suitable for Pre-Intermediate level.

Task 1: Warm-up

Look at the picture. What do you think is going on? Why are there so many people? Can you guess the topic of the lesson?

Task 2: Quiz

Do the quiz to find out your money personality type.

Do you agree with the result? Why?

Task 3

Discuss the questions.

  1. Does shopping make you feel happy and satisfied?
  2. Do you usually spend more money than you have planned when you go shopping? Why?
  3. Have you ever shopped on Black Friday? What usually happens on this day?
  4. Have you ever bought anything online during Black Friday? If so, what?
  5. Are the Black Friday deals really that good?
  6. Are you going to buy anything on Black Friday 2020? Why (not)?

Task 4

Match the expressions with the definitions.

F. to slash the prices

I. go from being in the red to black

  1. A temporary reduction in the price of goods aimed at increasing sales.
  2. To reduce, to decrease or to lower the prices.
  3. Something on sale at a lower price than its true value.
  4. A lower price for something.
  5. An act of economizing.
  6. A period during which a shop or dealer sells goods at reduced prices.
  7. A person who uses goods or services.
  8. To stand in a line of people waiting for something.
  9. Go from being in debts to making a profit

A — 4

B — 7

C — 5

D — 8

E — 1

F — 2

G — 3

H — 6

I — 9

Task 5

Complete the sentences with the appropriate words: a discount, a consumer, saving, to queue, deal, to slash the prices, a bargain, a sale, go from being in the red to black.

  1. I couldn’t afford to buy a new armchair, that’s why I bought a second-hand one, which was a real ___.
  2. Zara store offers a 40% ___ on men’s and children’s wear for their online customers.
  3. If you really want to buy that product on Black Friday, you will have ___ for more than 4-5 hours to get into the shop.
  4. On Black Friday due to big discounts and special offers, a lot of shops ___.
  5. American ___ are becoming informed about the safety of products made for children.
  6. She bought these shoes in the winter ___ that’s why they turned out to be quite cheap.
  7. We can afford to buy this expensive watch because of my mother’s ___.
  8. A lot of retailers usually ___ by 40% at Christmas.
  9. Take our ___ and buy three T-shirts for the price of two ones.


1 — bargain

2 — discount

3 — to queue

4 — go from being in the red to black

5 — consumers

6 — sales

7 — savings

8 — slash the prices

9 — deal

Task 6

Watch the video and answer the questions.

  1. Where did Black Friday originate? When does it take place?
  2. What does Black Friday mark?
  3. What are the advantages of this day?
  4. Why have many retailers slashed their prices on this day?
  5. In which countries has Black Friday spread?
  6. When was the term Black Friday first used?

It originated in the USA and is on the Friday after Thanksgiving day.

Black Friday marks the start of the Christmas shopping season.

Consumers make big savings online and get time-limited deals in store.

To encourage people to buy goods for Christmas.

It has spread to the UK and China.

It was first used in the 1960s when so many people went out to shop causing traffic accidents and even violence amongst bargain hunting crowds. Another theory behind the name is that Black Friday is the day when shops accounts would go from being in the red to black.

Task 7

Watch the video (01:20 — 02:00) and discuss the questions.

  1. How can you describe the situation presented in the video? What’s your attitude towards this crowd and the way they are shopping?
  2. Do you think it is worth going shopping despite the queues and the madness?
  3. Have you ever experienced or witnessed fighting because of shopping? If yes, tell about it in detail.
  4. What would you do to avoid this kind of situation on Black Friday?
  5. Is Black Friday popular in your country? Do people look forward to this day for big shopping?

Task 8

Work in pairs. Go to the official website of Black Friday. Find the best offers to spend your 350$ wisely on this day. Decide with your partner what to buy and explain your choices.

Possible words to use: a discount, a consumer, saving, to queue, deal, to slash the prices, a bargain, a sale, go from being in the red to black.

Преподаватель Skyeng, волонтер-преподаватель английского, армянского и русского в школе для детей из бедных семей

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