Билл гейтс сочинение на английском

Обновлено: 05.07.2024

He is the youngest self made billionaire, and perhaps the best businessman in the world. Bill Gates is important because he did not only change the computer technology in America, but also created the biggest, strongest, richest and the most powerful company in the world.

Bill was born on October 28, 1955, his parents, Mary and Bill, had one other daughter Kristi.

Gates began his career in PC software, programming computers at age 13.

As to his education, he attended a well-known private school in Seattle, Washington called Lakeside. At Lakeside, he met his future business partner Paul Allen. Bill Gates entered Harvard in 1973.

He created the programming language BASIC. Gates attended Harvard University and after a few years Gates and his business collaborator, Paul Allen, dropped ou t of Harvard to begin the Microsoft Corporation in 1975.

Throughout his life, Gates had many experiences with business. Allen and Gates started a small company called Traf-O-Data. They sold a small computer outfitted with their program that could count traffic for the city.

Gates also worked at a programming company called 'TRW. After all his minor jobs, Gates and Allen founded Microsoft in 1975, the largest computer based company in the world. Gates is the Chief Executive officer and Paul Allen is VP. They are both very wealthy due to this business.

Gates believes that if you are intelligent and know how to apply your intelligence you can accomplish anything.

Bill works very hard to carry out his vision. His belief in high intelligence and hard work is what put him where he is today, as well as being in the right place at the right time. He doesn't believe in luck or any sort of god, just hard work and competitiveness.

Билл Гейтс

Уильям Генри Гейтс, известный также как Билл, сделал себя богатейшим человеком в мире.

Он самый молодой миллионер, который заработал деньги сам и, возможно, самый лучший бизнесмен в мире. Билл Гейтс важен не только тем, что совершил переворот в мире компьютеров в Соединенных Штатах, но и тем, что создал самую большую, самую мощную, самую богатую и самую влиятельную компанию в мире.

Билл родился 28 октября 1955 года. У его родителей Мэри и Билла есть еще и дочь Кристи.

Гейтс начал свою карьеру в сфере программного обеспечения для персональных компьютеров в возрасте 13 лет.

Что касается образования., он посещал широко известную частную школу в Сиэтле, штат Вашингтон, которая называлась Лейксайд. В Лейксайде он встретил своего будущего партнера по бизнесу Поля Аллена. Билл Гейтс поступил в Гарвард в 1973 году.

Гейтс верит, что если ты интеллектуально развит и знаешь, как применять свой ум, ты можешь достигнуть всего, чего захочешь.

Билл очень много работает, чтобы доказать свою точку зрения. Его вера в сильный интеллект и тяжкий труд — это то, что сделало из него того, кем он сейчас является, наравне с тем, что он оказался в нужном месте в нужное время. Он не верит в удачу и ни в какого Бога, только в тяжелый труд и конкурентоспособность.

Трей, как его называют дома, замечательный человек, который смог попасть в центр внимания всего мира, считаясь гением того, что он делает. Он на данный момент владеет состоянием в 92 миллиарда долларов.

The life of Bill Gates. His computer and business skills made him very rich. But now, he has a very different job. Жизнь Билла Гейтса. Его компьютерные и деловые навыки сделали его очень богатым. Но сейчас у него совсем другая работа.

Bill Gates Biography

Bill Gates’s interest in computers began at an early age. When he was 13, his school decided it would give its students the chance to learn about computers. However, the school could not buy a computer. In 1968 computers were still big and costly. Instead, the school paid for some time on a local company’s computer. The chance to use a computer was a special gift. Bill Gates and his friends made full use of it. They learned how to make the computer do what they wanted to. Soon, a local computer company offered Bill Gates a job. They paid him to find things that were wrong with their computer’s program and fix it.

Bill Gates also did very well at many other subjects at school. He got one of the best ever results on the national school test. His mark was 1590 out of 1600 – almost a perfect score. Later he got a place at one of the United States’ best universities – Harvard. However, he never finished his studies there. He left the university to start work. He was asked to create some computer programs for a company. To do this, Gates and his friend Paul Allen created Microsoft. That was in 1975. Today this company is famous around the world.

One of the reasons for Bill Gates’ great success is that he thought about the future. He correctly thought that one day millions of people would own computers. He said that he wanted to help put a computer in every home and in every work place. Gates knew that if millions of people owned computers, then he could make a lot of money. This was a strange idea 30 years ago. At that time, computers were difficult to use and very costly.

Much of Bill Gates’ great wealth comes from the computer system ‘Windows’. Most of the home computers in the world use this operating system. It was first created by Microsoft in 1985. Since then Microsoft has developed Windows to do more and more things. Other companies find it very hard to compete with Bill Gates’ company.

However, in the late 1990s Microsoft faced trouble. Bill Gates had to go to court to defend his business. Many people said that the company was unfair in the way it worked. They said that it stopped other companies from having any chance of success. At first, the judge ruled against Microsoft. However, the case continued for years in the US courts, and finally Microsoft escaped any serious punishment.

At this time, Bill Gates was the richest man in the world. He had more money than many people could even imagine. He earned about 250 dollars every second. If he was a country he would have been the 37th richest country on earth. But Gates found that being the richest man on earth did create problems. Many people thought that it was wrong for one man to have so much money.

People thought that he should give more of his money away. Gates read about important business leaders before him. He learned about Andrew Carnegie. Carnegie had been one of the richest men in the world, but had given much of his money away.

And so in the year 2000, Gates created a new organization with his wife. The organization is called the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. It gives away over a billion dollars every year. Most of the money goes towards fighting health problems around the world. In particular, the Foundation gives money towards fighting diseases such as malaria, AIDS, polio and pneumonia.

The organization also gives money to help with education in the United States. Some of this money helps poorer children learn better at school and give them the chance to go to university.

In 2008 Bill Gates stopped working for Microsoft. Now he spends all his time working for the Gates Foundation. Bill Gates says his new job is very different to the job that brought him success. But he finds it just as satisfying.

Bill Gates is this generation’s most famous business person. To many, he is an example of how unbalanced the world’s economy is. He is still hugely wealthy. But over the next few decades his money will be spent on trying to solve some of the world’s most important problems. Even after his death, Bill Gates money will continue doing good. He may yet be remembered for his generosity more than for his wealth.


Интерес Билла Гейтса к компьютерам возник в раннем возрасте. Когда ему было 13 лет, его школа решила, что даст своим ученикам возможность узнать о компьютерах. Однако школа не могла купить компьютер. В 1968 году компьютеры были еще большими и дорогими. Вместо этого школа оплачивала какое-то время на компьютере местной компании. Возможность пользоваться компьютером была особым подарком. Билл Гейтс и его друзья в полной мере использовали это. Они узнали, как заставить компьютер делать то, что они хотели. Вскоре местная компьютерная компания предложила Биллу Гейтсу работу. Они заплатили ему, чтобы он обнаружил неисправности в программе их компьютера и исправил их.

Билл Гейтс также очень хорошо учился по многим другим предметам в школе. Он получил один из лучших результатов на общенациональном школьном тесте. Его оценка была 1590 из 1600 — почти высший балл. Позже он поступил в один из лучших университетов США — Гарвард. Однако там он так и не закончил учебу. Он ушел из университета, чтобы начать работать. Его попросили создать несколько компьютерных программ для компании. Для этого Гейтс и его друг Пол Аллен создали Microsoft. Это было в 1975 году. Сегодня эта компания известна во всем мире.

Одна из причин большого успеха Билла Гейтса в том, что он думал о будущем. Он правильно считал, что однажды миллионы людей будут владеть компьютерами. Он сказал, что хочет помочь установить компьютер в каждом доме и на каждом рабочем месте. Гейтс знал, что, если миллионы людей будут владеть компьютерами, он сможет заработать много денег. Это была странная идея 30 лет назад. В то время компьютеры были трудными в использовании и очень дорогими.

Однако в конце 1990-х годов Microsoft столкнулась с проблемами. Биллу Гейтсу пришлось обратиться в суд, чтобы защитить свой бизнес. Многие говорили, что компания действовала несправедливо. Они сказали, что это мешает другим компаниям иметь шансы на успех. Сначала судья вынес решение против Microsoft. Однако дело продолжалось годами в судах США, и в конце концов Microsoft избежала серьезного наказания.

В то время Билл Гейтс был самым богатым человеком в мире. У него было больше денег, чем многие могли себе представить. Он зарабатывал около 250 долларов каждую секунду. Если бы он был страной, он был бы 37-й по величине страной на земле. Но Гейтс обнаружил, что быть самым богатым человеком на земле действительно создает проблемы. Многие думали, что для одного человека неправильно иметь столько денег.

Люди думали, что он должен отдать больше денег. Гейтс читал до него о важных бизнес-лидерах. Он узнал об Эндрю Карнеги. Карнеги был одним из самых богатых людей в мире, но отдал большую часть своих денег.

Итак, в 2000 году Гейтс вместе со своей женой создал новую организацию. Организация называется Фонд Билла и Мелинды Гейтс. Ежегодно он раздает более миллиарда долларов. Большая часть денег идет на борьбу с проблемами здоровья во всем мире. В частности, фонд выделяет деньги на борьбу с такими заболеваниями, как малярия, СПИД, полиомиелит и пневмония.

Организация также дает деньги, чтобы помочь с образованием в США. Часть этих денег помогает более бедным детям лучше учиться в школе и дает им возможность поступить в университет.

В 2008 году Билл Гейтс перестал работать в Microsoft. Теперь он все свое время работает в Фонде Гейтса. Билл Гейтс говорит, что его новая работа сильно отличается от той, которая принесла ему успех. Но он находит это столь же удовлетворительным.

Билл Гейтс — самый известный бизнесмен этого поколения. Для многих он является примером несбалансированности мировой экономики. Он по-прежнему очень богат. Но в следующие несколько десятилетий его деньги будут потрачены на попытки решить некоторые из самых важных мировых проблем. Даже после его смерти деньги Билла Гейтса продолжат приносить пользу. Его еще можно запомнить больше за его щедрость, чем за его богатство.

3 thoughts on “ Биография Bill Gates текст + аудио ”

Билл Гейтс родом из очень интеллигентной семьи. Он учился в самой привилегированной школе в Сиэтле, где он развивал свои навыки программирования на школьном компьютере. В 1973 году он поступил в Гарвардский университет, но был исключен после двух лет, и сразу, же начал работать над разработкой программного обеспечения. А в 1975 году Гейтс совместно с Полом Алленом основали компанию Micro-Soft, которая была позже названа Microsoft Corporation. Его программное обеспечение в буквальном смысле изменило мир. В настоящее время почти все используют программное обеспечение Microsoft на ежедневной основе.

Bill Gates is an idol for many people who seek to make a success in business and earn big money.

To begin with, his background can be considered as unique one. The man was born in a wealthy family and had all means to build his capabilities. At the age of 14, he focused on programming and started studying it. Besides, he was very smart student to score 1590 out of 1600 on his SATs and consequently entered the Harvard College in 1973. Although, he made a decision to leave the college after after sophomore year of study to start up his own software company.

Билл Гейтс

It is supposed that nothing can be compared with his achievements. The tripping -point for information technology to develop so powerfully nowadays was made by this intelligent and talented man. The Altair Basic programs had been written by mr. Gates. He also completed Microsoft, which is still used for the majority of PCs today. Moreover, he is one of the richest people with an asset of $59 billion in 2007 as well as one of the most influential people in the world. He and his wife are also very philanthropic, donating a great amount of money to many charitable organizations. His personal life was always private and was without any scandals. So, he has a beautiful wife, two daughters and smart son.

Билл Гейтс - кумир для многих людей, которые стремятся добиться успеха в бизнесе и заработать большие деньги.

Для начала, его жизненную ситуацию можно считать уникальной. Человек родился в богатой семье и имел все средства для совершенствования своих умений. В возрасте 14 лет, он остановил свое внимание на программировании и начал его изучать.

Кроме того, он был очень умный студентом, чтобы набрать 1590 баллов из 1600 на экзаменах и, следовательно, поступить в Гарвардский колледж в 1973 году. Однако, он принял решение покинуть колледж после второго года обучения, чтобы основать свою собственную компанию по разработке программного обеспечения.

Считают, что достижения невозможно сравнивать с чем либо. Этим умным и талантливым человеком была создана отправная точка интенсивного развития информационных технологий в наши. Мистером Гейтсом была написана программа Altair Basic. Он также дополнил Microsoft, которая до сих пор используется для большинства современных ПК. Более того, он является одним из самых богатых людей с активом в 59 миллиардов долларов на 2007 год, а также одним из самых влиятельных людей в мире. Он и его жена являются филантропами и жертвуют огромные деньги многим благотворительным организациям. Его личная жизнь всегда была закрытой от вмешательства общественности и была лишена каких-либо скандалов. И в результате, у него красивая жена, две дочери и умный сын.

Just past 9 PM on October 28, 1955, the man who would revolutionize the computer industry as we know it, was born. The son of Bill Jr. and Mary Gates was named William Henry Gates III. The computer super-genius was soon to take his place in history. Within the last fifteen years the company that he and Paul Allan started, Microsoft, has become the largest software corporation in the computer industry. What is Bill Gates? background, and how did he preserve his place in history while amassing his fortune?

Bill Gates grew up in a typical wealthy family. His father, Bill Gates Jr., was a lawyer in Seattle, Washington. His mother was a socialite housewife and occasional teacher. Growing up, Bill Gates? nickname was “Trey.” This nickname was indicative of the III after his name. This nickname has stayed with him throughout his life to date (Wallace and Erikson 10). Bill also grew up as a middle child between his two sisters. His older sister is named Kirsti, and his younger sister?s name is Libby (Sihvonen 3). Bill Gates attended Lakeside School (an expensive private school in Seattle) as a child.

Bill Gates was first introduced to computers as a student at Lakeside School. A company called Computer Center Corporation (referred to as “C-cubed” by Bill Gates) leased computers from Digital Equipment Corporation. In 1968, the board of Lakeside School decided to provide a computer (a GE PDP-10 connected via Teletype at the school), and computer time for their students (Wallace and Erikson 26). Almost instantly, Bill and a handful of fellow students were addicted to the new computer. Within a year, Bill Gates, Paul Allan, and two other students of Lakeside School formed the Lakeside Programmer?s Group. At the age of 13, Bill Gates had already constructed an application (program) that played tic-tac-toe. Later, the Lakeside Programmer?s Group developed an application called Traf-O-Data. This was a program that would calculate the number of cars traveling down a road, and would give the best timing for a stop light. C-cubed used Gates and his friends to try and hack items, but Gates was

often scolded for hacking too much. Unfortunately, in 1970, C-cubed went out of business.

Soon after C-cubed went out of business, Bill?s parents made him give up computers. They stated that he was becoming too addicted. With the same enthusiasm as he had placed in computers, he dove into his high school classes. He especially committed himself to reading. His favorite books included Catcher in the Rye and A Separate Peace. Even though Bill tried to be “normal” in high school, he was still very much considered an outcast to those who did not know him. Those who did not know him thought of him as egotistical and nerdy. To the opposite, those who did know him thought of him as energetic and a risk taker (Wallace and Erikson 25-37). His best friend throughout life has been Paul Allan. Later, it would be Gates and Allan that created Microsoft.

After a one year absence, Bill Gates once again took up computers and associated with the Lakeside Programmer?s Group. In 1971, the Lakeside Programmer?s Group received an excellent opportunity. They had received a call from Information Sciences Incorporated to create a program that would deal with payrolls on a PDP-10 computer. Paul Allan and a friend told Gates that there was not enough work to go around, and not to worry about doing anything in the project. In the end, it was Gates and a friend who did most of the programming (Wallace and Erikson 42). Gates? father took care of the legal implications of the project throughout this time.

Gates and the fellow programmers went on a bus to Portland, Oregon to deliver the product. When they met the executives, they were given a sheet of paper and a pen to write a resume for them, so they could be hired on the spot. They agreed on a price for the product. It was ten percent of the profit in royalties. They also received about ten thousand dollars worth of computer time.

In a joint effort between Bill Gates and Kent Evans, they constructed an application to computerize class schedules. In the 1972-73 school year, the school used the program for a cost of two dollars per student. To this day, the changes in the program have only been minor, as it is still being used.

In the fall of 1973, Bill Gates began college at Harvard University. His major was in pre-law, though he did not know what he wanted to do. In his third year of college, Bill Gates dropped out to begin a company called “Micro-Soft”( A combination of “microcomputer software”), centered in Albuquerque, New Mexico. While still at Harvard, Bill Gates had been working on a new program called “BASIC”(Beginner?s All-purpose Symbolic Instruction). This was a new programming language. The first computer to use BASIC was the Altair. Gates told the Altair executives that BASIC was done three weeks before it was actually finished. This is an example of business-wise Gates is. If would not have done this, he never would have received the contract to create and own the language used on the Altair, and Bill Gates? company, Microsoft, would have died. From then on, BASIC evolved along with Microsoft.

Bill Gates later purchased a product and rights to a revolutionary new disk operating system called 86-QDOS from Seattle Computer Products. He then changed the name to MS-DOS and resold the product for a profit. Keeping the rights, he got to receive royalties in addition to the sale price of MS-DOS. Bill Gates and Microsoft still to this day receive royalties and profits from the original 86-QDOS.

Later in the life of Microsoft, Bill Gates developed a new GUI (Graphical User Interface), for a disk operating system. He called this new style Windows. Windows versions 1-2 earned him a small amount of money, but the major jackpot came from Windows 3.1, Windows 95, Windows NT, and soon, Windows 98. This new approach to a graphical interface has often been imitated, but no imitation has ever come close to the power and friendliness of his Windows products.

Recently, Microsoft and Bill Gates have selected the Internet as the cutting edge. They have focused their time and effort to create programs that will work with “the web”. The United States Justice Department has slapped Microsoft with an anti-trust lawsuit on behalf of the American people. Generally, the American people are happy with Microsoft because Microsoft?s products run their computers.

Bill Gates has not only left his mark in the past, but is and will be in the present and future. With the future release of Windows 98, Bill Gates has shown that he has the staying power in the PC (Personal Computer) market like no other individual or person in history. In addition to the operating systems, Microsoft also has many other products for PC?s. Microsoft?s products include Word, Excel, Access, PowerPoint, and Schedule+. With these products, Microsoft has made life easier for all people who use PC?s.

Not only has Bill Gates changed the computer market for individuals, but with Windows NT, he has focused in on the business world as well. Bill Gates to date is worth a total of 48.4 billion dollars. The equivalent amount would be if everyone in America were to give $179.54 (Greenspun 1). With this money, he has the opportunity to change the world physically, as well as in history.

James Wallace, and Jim Erickson. Hard Drive. New York, New York: HarperBusiness, 1993.

Биографии на английском

Билл Гейтс биография на английском языке поможет не только узнать о жизни американского предпринимателя и основателя компании Microsoft, но и выучить английский.

Билл Гейтс биография на английском

Early Life of Bill Gates
Bill Gates was born on 28th October, 1955 in Seattle, Washington. His father was a successful attorney and mother was a school teacher. He was a middle child with an elder and a younger sister.

His parents wanted him to become a lawyer but Bill was interested in computers from the very beginning. Bill studied at a private school where he became good friends with Paul Allen who had similar interests.

Later Allen became Bill’s business partner when he developed Microsoft. Paul and Bill were computer geniuses and soon realised the potential for a booming computer industry.

While still in high school, Bill, along with Paul, started a firm called Traf-O-Data and earned twenty thousand dollars. Bill Gates was responsible for the first computer virus that ruined other programs and data.

He was severely punished for that and was kept away from computers for a year, to concentrate on law school. But nothing could keep him and Paul away from pursuing their love for computer software.

The Beginning of Microsoft
Gates dropped out of Harvard and wrote programs for the early Apple and Commodore machines. He, along with Paul, started Microsoft in 1975. It was in 1980 that IBM approached Gates and for help with a special project.

Gates then developed the Microsoft Disk operating system or MS-DOS. It was a huge success as software developers moved rapidly to become compatible with the IBM computers. MS-DOS has since then been the leader of all operating systems.

In 1985 they introduced the Microsoft Windows Operating system which was compatible to run on a variety of PCs. It was compared with the operating system of Apple, but Apple OS could run only on Apple machines.

Personal Life
Bill Gates married Melinda French and has 3 children. In the year 2000, they formed a Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation which is one of the largest charitable foundations in the world and aims at enhancing healthcare and reducing poverty in America.

Bill Gates’ house, a mansion in Washington is the most high-tech house in the world and is worth $123 million! The mansion has features like: change the artwork on the wall with a button click, an underwater music system in the swimming pool, 24 bathrooms, a home theatre for 20 guests and many more.

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