Are you in charge of the planet how do you help the earth сочинение

Обновлено: 05.07.2024

  • Для учеников 1-11 классов и дошкольников
  • Бесплатные сертификаты учителям и участникам

План урока английского языка

учитель английского языка

МАОУ гимназия восточных языков №4

г. Хабаровска

Колесова Маргарита Рудольфовна

Тема урока : How do you treat the Earth?

Are you in charge of the planet?

создание условий для формирования у школьников иноязычной коммуникативной компетенции посредством современных технологий, расширения кругозора, развития толерантного отношения к проявлению иной культуры и лучшего осознания своей культуры, воспитания бережного отношения к окружающему миру .

образовательные: продолжить работу по овладению знаниями о социокультурной специфике страны изучаемого языка (Великобритании), практиковать учащихся в речевой деятельности (индивидуально и в группах): аудировании и монологических высказываниях по теме;

воспитательные: расширить общее представление учащихся о мире как о многоязычном и поликультурном сообществе; воспитывать уважение к мнению других людей, способствовать выработке собственного мнения, воспитывать ответственное отношение к проблемам окружающей среды, продолжить работу по расширению кругозора учащихся;

развивающие: продолжить работу над формированием способности к самостоятельной информационно-познавательной деятельности, включая умение ориентироваться в различных источниках информации ; развивать творческую фантазию, воображение, инициативу, обучать детей делать выводы и обобщения по теме;

Оборудование урока:

Презентация по теме на английском языке

Презентации учащихся на английском языке

ЦОРы с грамматическими заданиями

Раздаточный материал (карточки )

I .Начало урока :(слайд №1)

1. Приветствие. Организационный момент.

Учитель : Good morning, boys and girls. I am glad to see you.

Sit down , please .

Let’s begin our lesson.

Today we are going to continue our talk about ecology, ecological problems, the influence of a man on the environment, the importance of keeping our nature clean. The Earth is in danger and we must do something to help our planet. And first of all we are going to review the words and grammar material (Present Simple Passive).We’ll watch and listen to the presentations of our students. And at the end of the lesson we‘ll make the Rules that people must follow to help the Earth. ( слайд № 1 )

2.Фонетическая зарядка.

Фонетическое обозрение правила чтения ( фонетические упражнения по теме с использованием интерактивной доски.

Учитель англ . языка : First of all review reading rules. Please , read the words .

(слайд №2) Транскрипционные значки – примеры слов ( Таблица № 1)

glass cartons garbage

I think air pollution is dangerous because … ( it destroys our planet, …)

I think water pollution is dangerous because … (it destroys our health, spoils the environment,…)

I think that deforestation is dangerous because …( it destroys wild life, disturbed animals and birds)

I think that green house effect is dangerous because … ( it damages the Earth, spoils the environment,…)

Animals in danger … (animals are killed,…)

Radiation … (kills people and animals, destroys health,…)

Global warming … (it destroys our planet, spoils the environment,…)

4. Работа с лингвистическим справочником. Linguistic & Cultural Guide

(слайды № 4- 5 )

Учитель англ . языка : The ecological problems are dangerous not only for people but also for animals , birds and plants. People understand that to take care of the environment is very important for our future, for the future of the Earth. That’s why people form the organizations that work to protect the environment. What ecological organizations do you know?

And now let’s read about some ecological organizations in linguistic and cultural guide.

Greenpeace - is an international environmental pressure group, started in1960s in Canada .It has a policy of non- violent direct actions. Greenpeace message is “When the last tree is cut down and the last fish killed , the last river poisoned, then you will see that you can’t eat money.” ( Слайд № 4 )

The friends of the Earth (the FOE)- is an environmental pressure group. It was founded in the UK in 1971. The aim of the group is to protect the environment. The main concerns are air, sea, river, land pollution, recycling and so on. It has branches in 30 countries . (Слайд №6)

5. Упражнение на совмещение. Соотнести знаки и перевод. ( Слайд № 7 )

Учитель англ . языка : Students, I am going to show you some international ecological signs. They are well known all over the world. We should follow ecological signs. They tell us what to do or not to do. Look at these signs, match the sign & translate into Japanese, please.

Put your litter in the bin. --- ( японский перевод )

Keep dogs under control. --- ( японский перевод )

Keep off the grass. --- ( японский перевод )

Recycle . --- ( японский перевод)

Don ’ t break trees . --- ( японский перевод)

Radiation--- ( японский перевод)

You must follow these sings in your everyday life.

6 . Повторение грамматического материала . ( слайд № 8 )

Учитель англ . языка : And now lets review grammar material Present Simple Passive. Take the cards. Please , make up the sentences using Present Simple Passive : Card 2.

Model: We leave a fire. We destroy the forest.- When the fire is left, the forest is destroyed .

We pollute the air .We change the climate.

We throw away litter. We pollute nature.

We leave bottles in the forests. We hurt animals.

We break branches. We damage trees.

We cut down tees. We destroy animal’s homes.

We break trees. We disturb birds.

We recycle litter. We save the environment.

We feed birds in winter. We protect wildlife.

We disturb wild animals. We spoil the environment.

We leave litter. We destroy our planet.

We pollute water .We pollute rivers and oceans.

We recycle newspapers and papers. We save forests.

We plant flowers and trees. We don’t damage wildlife.

Упражнение на карточках на составление сложных предложений. Раздаточный материал ( карточки с заданием для каждого ученика) ( Слайд №8)

Учитель : Let ’ s have a rest . (Слайд №9)

Up and down, up and down.

Which is the way to London town?

Where- where up in the air.

Close your eyes and you are there.

(слайд №10 раздать карточки перед презентациями)- Card 3

Учитель : Now let’s listen and watch the presentations of our students.

Учитель : Thank you very much. Please , answer the questions :

10.Вопросы по прослушанным презентациям по-английски.

( слайд №11)- Card 3 .

What are the most dangerous ecological problems in our city?

What are the most dangerous ecological problems in the world?

Высказывания учащихся по презентациям

Card 3

The most dangerous ecological problems in our city are… ( air pollution, water pollution, …)---

The most dangerous ecological problem in the world are … ( air pollution, water pollution, deforestation, global warming, …)---

11.Окончание урока. Домашнее задание (Слайд №12)

Учитель: Thank you very much . Now your home task:

Home work: Reader Ex. 4 p.32-33

A topic about ecological problems

of our city (15 sentences)

or if you have some difficulties you can do :

2. Activity Book ex.6 p.139 – ( My family is eco- friendly)

Учитель : Please, students, write promises what we must do and mustn't do to save the Earth. ( Слайд №13)

Учащиеся пишут обещания на лепестках, выходят к доске , зачитывают и прикрепляют ,образуя цветок .

People mustn’t pollute the water People mustn’t kill fish

People mustn’t leave litter

People mustn’t cut down trees

People mustn’t drop the litter

People must turn off lights and water

People must clean after their dogs

People must recycle used materials

People must feed birds and help them.

People mustn’t wear fur coats

People must use public transport

People mustn’t use campfire

*Появляется слайд №14

Чтение стихотворения (3 ученика)

Today and tomorrow

Save the environment.

Oceans, seas, forests and animals.

Today and tomorrow

Love the environment.

Plants, trees and beautiful flowers.

Today and tomorrow

Respect the environment

Feed birds and wonderful animals.

( слайд №15) Учитель . The famous English writer John Galsworthy said:

"If you don`t think about the future you will not have it." Let’s save our planet. Let’s help the Earth!’’

13.Итоги урока. ( слайд №16) Заключительные слова учителей. Подведение итогов, вручение сувениров.

Учитель : Thank you very much . Now you marks for today’s lesson: excellent marks ; good marks ;

Environmental groups and organizations can do a lot. These groups are specially organized to help nature. I think Greenpeace and Friends of the Earth should be in charge of the Earth.

Wildlife specialists can help the environment. They take care of wild animals and prepare them for life in the wild.

Taking care of the planet is everybody’s business. Even small changes can make a difference to the environment. So, you can help the planet by turning off the TV and lights when you leave a room.

Группы и организации по защите окружающей среды могут сделать многое. Эти группы создаются специально для того, чтобы помогать природе. Я считаю, что Гринпис и Друзья Планеты должны быть в ответе за Землю.

Специалисты по дикой природе могут помочь окружающей среде. Они заботят о диких животных и готовят их к жизни в диких условиях.

Проявлять заботу по отношению к планете – задача каждого человека. Даже маленькие вклады могут изменить мир к лучшему. Поэтому вы можете помочь планете, просто выключая телевизор и свет, когда вы выходите из комнаты.

3. А ты в ответе за планету? Что ты делаешь, чтобы помочь ей?

I’m in charge of the planet. I try to use plastic bags as many times as it’s possible. I don’t throw away old clothes. I give clothes to charity shops or shelters. I also try to reduce energy use.

В нашей семье заботятся о защите окружающей среде. Я стараюсь использовать пластиковые пакеты так долго, на сколько это возможно. Я не выбрасываю старую одежду, а отдаю ее в благотворительные магазины или приюты. Я также стараюсь сократить потребление энергии.

4. День Земли празднуется 22-го Апреля.

Для чего нужен этот день?

Earth Day is an annual event, celebrated on April 22, on which day events worldwide are held to demonstrate support for environmental protection. It was first celebrated in 1970, and it is now coordinated globally by the Earth Day Network and celebrated in more than 193 countries each year.


И правда, при чём тут программное обеспечение?

Мы постоянно добавляем новый функционал в основной интерфейс проекта. К сожалению, старые браузеры не в состоянии качественно работать с современными программными продуктами. Для корректной работы используйте последние версии браузеров Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Opera, Microsoft Edge или установите браузер Atom.

Создание монологического высказывания по данной проблеме.

Социокультурный аспект-знакомство с понятиями и реалиями the RSPB, the WWF; формирование умения работать с the LCG (культурно страноведческим справочником);

Развивающий аспект-развитие способности к общению, логичности доказательности;

Воспитательный аспект-формирование уважительного отношения к мнению другого; формирование ответственного отношения к проблемам окружающей среды;

Учебный аспект-совершенствование речевых навыков на основе целенаправленного и управляемого комбинирования и трансформации материала, усвоенного на предыдущих уроках, создание монологического высказывания по данной проблеме, развитие умения читать, аудировать с детальным пониманием содержания, отрабатывать знания по грамматике: косвенная речь, пассивный залог.

English-учебник для 7-го класса общеобразовательных учреждений / В П Кузовлев, Н М. Лапа, Э. Ш. Перегудова и др.,-4-е изд.-М. Просвещение, 2004г.-319с.

Reader-книга по чтению к учебнику для 7-го класса общеобразовательных учреждений / В. П. Кузовлев, Н. П Лапа, Э. Ш. Перегудова и др.,-4-е изд.-М. Просвещение, 2004г.-127с.

Work Book-рабочая тетрадь к учебнику для 7-го класса общеобразовательных учреждений / В. П. Кузовлев, Н. П Лапа, Э. Ш. Перегудова и др.,-4-е изд.-М. Просвещение, 2004г.-112с.

Компьютер, проектор, презентация, магнитофон, аудиокассеты с записями песни, текста для аудирования.

Good morning, pupils. Take your seats.

Вступительное слово учителя (звучит музыка The Beatles “Imagine”, меняются слайды презентации).

Since ancient times Nature has served man, being the source of his life. For thousands of years people have been living in harmony with environment and it seemed to them that natural riches were unlimited. But with development of civilization man’s interference in nature began to increase.

Постановка темы, целей урока (тема урока, план урока показаны на слайде презентации).

During previous lessons we spoke about ecological problems of the planet. Today we are going to continuo to speak about urgent environmental problems, name some problems and give their definitions. We are going to read and talk about animals, their life in the wild and their relations with people. We are going to listen to opinions of British children about their attitude to ecological problems. After that you should answer the main question of this lesson “Are You in Charge of the Planet?” And what can children do to help nature? And at last to make a conclusion: How can children save the nature.

Речевая зарядка. Аудирование.

First of all listen to the song and say what ecological problems are discussed in this song. (Звучит песня, меняются слайды презентации.)

Today we are going camping
With your family, friends or a class.
Please help us, don’t drop any litter!
‘Cos, your litter lives longer than us!

Refrain. ‘Cos nothing is forever
And nature is getting tided.
If we don’t stop and think today
Tomorrow the Earth could die.

Today you cut down your forests
But the planet needs our leaves.
Please stop it because tomorrow
You’ll have no air to breathe!

You can have a bath or a shower
But today is the time to think.
Save the rivers because without them
You’ll have no water to drink!

Today we are still in your forests,
In the sky, in the rivers, but look:
Don’t kill us! Because your children
Will see us in picture book!

What are results of people influence on the planet? Build your sentences in reported speech.

P1.Liter is thrown away.

P2. Forests are cut down.

P3. Water is polluted.

P4 Animals are hurt.

Look at the blackboard. You see some photos. Name the ecological problems and give their definitions (на слайдах презентации появляются фотографии с экологическими проблемами).

P1. Recycling. We throw away so much glass, paper, metal and plastic. We mustn’t do that. We can recycle or reuse these things.

-What does P.1. says?

P2. Air pollution. Our factories throw a lot of dirt into the air. We are polluting the atmosphere.

-What does P.12 says?

P3. Water pollution. Our drinking water is full of chemicals. The sees are dirty because we continue to put chemicals and litter into them.

-What does P.3. says?

P4. Greenhouse effect. We spend too much energy and burn a lot of gas, coal and oil. This causes global warming.

-What does P.4. says?

P5. Deforestation. Paper comes from trees. If we use a lot of paper we kill a lot of trees. Three hundred thousand square kilometers of forests disappear every year.

-What does P.5. says?

P.6. the ozone layer. The gases from aerosol cans and refrigerators can destroy the ozone layer. We can find the alternatives to such gases.

What does P.6. says?

P.7. Endangered animals. Animals are in danger. We pollute the atmosphere and disturb the wild. A lot of animals are disappeared.

-What does P.7. says?

Проверка домашнего задания. Практика чтения, работы с текстом.

At home you read the article from the National Geographical World magazine about raccoons, their life in the wild and their relations with people. Read and translate the article. (Текст отрывка дан в Книге по чтению Reader-7 с. 44-46)

Some people might wonder why raccoons live in towns. But the raccoons were there first. Cities grow, houses move into woods and fields where once only wild animals lived. As a result, some kinds of animals move out. Raccoons usually stay on.. They can live near people. People don’t always like having raccoons as neighbors, however. The animals can carry dangerous illness.

Raccoons sleep almost of the day. They sleep on the trees branches. At night, they come out in search of food. Dark fur around their eyes gives raccoons the nickname of “masked bandit”. Garbage is now a large part of the city raccoon’s diet. People often try hard to make their garbage cans raccoon-proof, but they usually don’t succeed, because raccoons are clever animals.

In the woods, raccoons usually live in trees, high above the ground. In towns, however, trees are very rare. As a result, raccoons sometimes make their nets in chimneys.

When people discover a raccoon in their house, they usually want to get rid of it. There are people who are good at catching raccoons. It’s a good idea to call on one of these experts for help. City or country officials can help, too, by giving you the names of people who are trained to help homeless, lost, or sick animals. Such people help animals learn to survive in their natural environment. After preparing the cubs for life in the wild, these people release them.

-Do you think there is any ecological problem? Name the problem. What wild animals can we meet in the cities of Russia? How can people help wild animals? Do we have any officials who help wild animals in the cities?

Новый материал. Аудирование, чтение, говорение.

In Great Britain there are a lot of people who think about the future of the planet. Some people take care of animals, others take care of birds, others are in charge of forests. Listen to the opinions of British children. Who of these children helps the Earth? What do they do?

Nikki. I think it is necessary to help wild animals. For example, my relatives live in Louisiana, the USA. They are wildlife specialists. They care for otters: there are a lot of them in Louisiana. They prepare the babies of otters for life in the wild.

Some otters are sold the zoo. Most of the animals, however, go to the states where otters have nearly disappeared. When I visit my relatives I help them to care for otters. I love otters, especially the babies. I feed them, clean their cages. My uncle says that he is happy to see the otters coming back. I am also very happy. Now I know I want to work for a wild life park.

Does Nikki help the Earth?

What does Nikki do?

Jackie. I think there are a lot of ways we can help to save the Earth. One way is to remember the three R’s. I save the plastic bags we get at the grocery shop and reuse them. I save the plastic food containers. They make good water toys. Before I buy something, I ask myself the following question: “Can I recycle it? If I have to throw it away, will it damage the environment?” I’ve just joined the RSPB Young Ornithologist Club. I’ve even asked my mum to help me make a protecting area for birds and other wild animals. We have planted trees. We’ve also made a pond to help frogs. I want to be the kid who saves the Earth!

Does Jackie help the Earth?

What does Jackie do?

What does the RSPB mean? Consult the LCG (Linguistic and Cultural Guide) on page 269.

Nick. The problem of the environment is much spoken about on TV, radio, and in the newspapers. But my friends and I don’t really talk about it. In our school we don’t have an environmental programme. And I don’t care about it. I know GREENPEACE, THR WORLD WILDLIFE FUND and FRIENDS OF THE EARTH. These groups are specially organized to help nature. I think they should be in charge of the Earth.

Does Nick help the Earth?

What does Nick do?

What is the meaning of the WWF? Consult the LCG on page 275.

Let’s check and correct your ideas after reading.

Who is in charge of the planet? What do Nikki, Jackie and Nick think about it?

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