Алтайский край сочинение на английском

Обновлено: 03.07.2024

2 Welcome to Altai !

6 Station first- cities

7 Welcome to Barnaul

8 Barnaul - a city in Western Siberia, on the banks of the Ob River (near a tributary of the Barnaulka), the administrative center of the Altai Region. History The city was founded by Akinfiy Demidov ( ), a Russian founder of the mining industry in Altai in Geography The city is located in the steppe zone of the West Siberian Plain, on the north east of the Ob plateau on the left bank of the Ob, where the Barnaulka river flows into the Ob. - The distance from Moscow km. - The nearest big city - Novosibirsk (193 km). - The absolute height above sea-level city of m. - The area of the city km. square.

10 Akimphy Demidov, the son of the famous merchant and Tula citizen Nikita Demidov, started sending walkers and manufactures to Siberia in the search of furs and minerals. They found great reserves of copper ores.

11 Demidov square is one of the oldest areas of Barnaul. It is located in a historic city center. The square is located between the streets of Polzunov, Pushkin and Red Army in the prospectus of the Central District. So people honour the historical person.

12 Barnaul is not only administrative, but also an educational city. In 2007 higher education in Barnaul is provided by nine public universities, which invite students not only from Altai, but from other cities and countries.

13 The Altai State Agrarian UniversityAltai State Pedagogical Academy

14 Barnaul Institute of Law, Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia Altai Economics and Law Institute

15 Barnaul is a cultural centre There is a lot of fun: There is a lot of fun: cinema houses, theatres, different youth clubs

16 The third station - famous people

17 Ivan Ivanovich Polzunov He was born in March Ekaterinburg and lived and worked in Barnaul. Ivan Ivanovich is an outstanding Russian inventor, creator of the first steam machine in Russia.

18 Lieutenant General Mikhail Timofeyevich Kalashnikov He was born in November 10, 1919 in Russia's southern Altai region. Mikhail Timofeevich is a Russian small arms designer, most famous for designing the AK-47 assault rifle.

19 Mikhail Evdokimov He was born in December ,in Stalinsk. Mikhail Sergeevich was an actor of the bandstand, humorist, movie actor, well-earned actor of the RF, since April 2004 to August 2005 chapters to administrations of the Altai region.

20 Valery Zolotukhin He was born in June 21, 1941, Bystry Istok, the Altai Region. Valery is a Russian and Soviet film and theater actor, Natonal Artist of Russia.

21 Altai is one of the best land in Russia. It is rich. If you were born here or visited it once you will never forget it.

  • Для учеников 1-11 классов и дошкольников
  • Бесплатные сертификаты учителям и участникам

Golden Mountains of Altai.

Выполнила: Главатских Елена

Altai is a very beautiful and amazing place that attracts tourists from all over the globe every year. These places have everything you need for both extreme and family holidays. There is fresh air, excellent nature and indescribable landscapes. Why is Altai called the Golden Mountain? Yes, because this is how the word Altai is translated from the Turkic language. It is through this territory that the border connects several countries, such as Mongolia, Russia, China and Kazakhstan. Since 1998, the territory of the Altai Territory has been declared a UNESCO site.

Almost the entire area covering the Altai Mountains is strewn with a variety of lakes that reach completely different sizes. The territory boasts its buffer zones, nature reserves and amazing natural parks. Altai Nature Reserve decided to create around Lake Teletskoye. This is truly one of the largest lakes in this area. Many people call Teletskoye Lake the younger brother of Lake Baikal itself. There is one legend about the lake. Rumor has it that once upon a time a famine raged in Altai. One local resident had a large gold bar, he wanted to exchange it for food for a long time, but did not know how to do it. He wandered all over Altai for a long time, but he never found food. The man was hungry and angry, so disappointed, he threw a gold bar into the lake. Then the waves covered him. Since that time, the lake has been called Golden. Teletskoye Lake is the place of the purest and most spring water of this region. The lake is hidden among mountain slopes and tall fir and pine trees. In the spring, this lake becomes a place where animals gather, coming out of the forest, they go in search of fish and other food.

Thanks to the work of scientists and researchers, we now know that this region was formed on an unusual relief that has a very diverse shape. Nature has depicted this in a variety of ways. These are, of course, mountain peaks, canyons, river mouths and even magnificent woodlands. Of course, the Altai Mountains may be similar to many amazing places in the world, but it is truly unique. It is here that steppes, forests, deserts, and beautiful meadows are located. The Ukok Plateau has become an excellent home for rare plants and mosses, many of them were eventually listed in the Red Book. The fauna and flora of this place is quite diverse. Many different birds live here, including the rarest, such as peregrine falcon, black stork, saker falcon, golden eagle and others. Thanks to the diverse landscape in Altai, some endemics were able to form and even survive.

Many scientists have conducted research here, during which ancient people's sites were discovered, as well as monuments of not one, but even several epochs. The Altai Mountains are a real amazing natural complex. It was he who was able to divide the Central Part from Siberia. Everything seems to be in its place here, and all the components complement each other. The noise of waterfalls is perfectly combined with endless green meadows, and the slopes of the mountains are well decorated with local lakes. Due to the fact that the bright sun rays give the mountains and their peaks, like a golden glow, a sense of mystery is created. This is not only nature untouched by man, it is the home of local animals, of which there are very few left. Do not think that only in summer it is beautiful here, winter also leaves its imprint on the local places. In winter, the local nature is covered with snow, and goes into hibernation. Everything ends when spring comes, the sun warms everything around, the snow gradually disappears, and tourists begin to come again. Wildlife seems to come to life again before our eyes, breathing in the fresh spring air. It is not for nothing that Altai is called a pearl, because it is here that the nature is so unique and wonderful that people go to these parts every year, and some may even several times.

Altai is a very beautiful and unforgettable place, which is located at the intersection of borders between four states. Altai is famous for its insanely beautiful nature, as well as in Altai you can meet and admire the beauty of the local mountains.

The highest mountain of Altai reaches a height of up to 4.5 kilometers. Many streams and some rivers flow through the mountains, the water in them is purified and icy. The streams, having passed their long way, meet at the foot of the mountains and gather into a large lake.

When visiting the golden mountains, you should be extremely careful, as there are wild animals there. And large feathered predators live above the peaks of the mountains.

Hi! My name is Marina and I`d like to tell you about my native place. It`s a wonderful place, though there are a lot of people who think that there are more interesting lands anywhere. But, of course, it`s there point of view.

As for me, I prefer to live here. I say about Altai territory, if you know where it is situated. It consists of Altai region and Mountain Altai. It`s not the same. There are two different areas not only in nature, landscape, but in many other features But there are not borders between them, so Altai and Kazakh chabans can move with their cattle from one place to another without any problems.

I live in Altai krai. It has lots fine countrysides with thick woods, fast rivers, lakes and large steppes. Thanks to a lot of fertile lands Altai region is one of the general wheat supplying districts in Siberia. In Altai krai there are some big cities such as Barnaul, Rubtsovsk, Biysk, Zmeinogorsk and a great number of villages.

What about climate? It`s various from place to place. There are areas where the winters are rather warm and summers are not too hot. But in the place where I live the climate is not mild. Let`s take this year, for example. The temperature was forty degrees below zero during all the winter. And what strong winds, huge rugs of snow! The most exiting activity is to sit in a warm house near the hot fire.

People of many nationalities live in Altai. They are Russians, Germans, Ukrainians and others. All of them are proud to be the citizens of this country. I was born in Vladivostok, married and bore my children in Kazakhstan and during more than twelve years my family and I live in a small Altai village on the border with Kazakhstan.

The name of this village is Samarka and it has a very interesting history. First, it was founded in 1898 and in the beginning of the twentieth century it was a place where Germans from the Central Russia were sent without their wish only because of their nationality. The name of the first family, who found this place as their future Motherland were the Shtromberger. they began to settle here from the foundation of the village. Lots of Germans died due to severe frosty winters and loss of food. But those who survived could build the typical German village with special traditions and customs. Up to 1993 there were only German-speaking people in this place. They had there own administration and didn`t like "foreigners". Everything changed when they took the right to live in their historical Motherland – Germany. Now there are only some German families in Samarka. All of them are rather old people.

Nowadays the population of the village is mostly Russian. But the memory about the first inhabitants is fresh, because they did a lot to make the village a better place. Another reason to live here is a lot of free land and a nice river Zolotushka. Many years ago it was rather deep, but now you can cross without any problems.

You can ask: why did I tell you the story? To my mind it`s easy – I like this place and want you to like it too.

Barnaul is the administrative center of Altai Krai. – Барнаул – это административный центр Алтайского края.

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It was founded in 1730 on the left bank of the great Siberian river Ob. – Он был основан в 1730 году на левом берегу великой сибирской реки Обь.

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The population of Barnaul is more than 700 000 people. – Население Барнаула более 700 000 человек.

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Its total area is 322 square kilometers. – Его общая площадь 322 км2.

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Barnaul is one of the best developed industrial cities of Siberia. – Барнаул – один из самых развитых промышленных городов Сибири.

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So called House under the spire is historical monument of Barnaul. – Так называемый дом под шпилем –исторический памятник Барнаула.

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Barnaul has a number of theatres and a lot of museums. The city’s Museum of Local Lore is one of the oldest in Siberia. – В Барнауле несколько театров и много музеев. Городской краеведческий музей является одним из старейших в Сибири.

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Soviet square is the center of the city. The Local administration, the Central Hotel, the Central Department store, the Central Post-Office and the University are situated there. – Советская площадь – центр города. Местная администрация, центральный отель, центральный универмаг, почтамт и университет расположены здесь.

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Take your children to Ostrich Ranch. It’s a wonderful place, where you can see a lot different birds and animals. – Возьмите своих детей на страусиное ранчо. Это замечательное место, где можно увидеть много разных птиц и животных.

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Another great place for children is Kak-Tak? It is a museum of entertaining sciences. Here you can touch everything and even make some scientific experiment. – Ещё одно замечательное место для детей – это Как-Так? Это музей занимательной науки. Здесь всё можно трогать руками и даже сделать какой-нибудь научный эксперимент.

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Time World Museum is worth visiting, too. – Стоит также посетить музей Мир времени.

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