All children in the world should be able to go to school сочинение

Обновлено: 02.07.2024

Клековкина Е., Манн
М., Тейлор-Ноулз С.

Comment on the following statement:

What is your opinion? Do you agree with this statement?
Write 200-250 words.
Use the following plan:
— make an introduction (state the problem)
— express your personal opinion and give 2-3 reasons for your opinion
— express an opposing opinion and give 1-2 reasons for this opposing opinion
— explain why you don't agree with the opposing opinion
— make a conclusion restating your position



Some people think that schools should teach pupils practical skills that will help them in later life, whereas others think that those skills should be acquired elsewhere and schools should focus on traditional academic subjects.

I think that practical skills can be very important – sometimes more important than anything else people learn at school. First of all , knowing how to cook and what to eat can help one stay healthy. Secondly , a single class in first-aid can one day help a person save a human life. Learning meditation at school can also help people have a calm and focused mind, which will enhance their academic performance.

At the same time there are people who believe that schools should be all about academic subjects. A person can learn how to fix their car but that would mean spending fewer hours studying academic subjects. This can potentially reduce one's chances of entering a good university in the future.

Well , I think schools can find time and teach all the classes just not make them mandatory . Not everyone wants to go to universities and for some pupils learning how to fix cars could mean having a good job in the future. Classes in cooking can help someone live a longer and healthier life.

In conclusion , I would like to say that academic education is important, but one should not forget that school is not only about academic subjects. There are other fields of a pupil's life that are no less important. I think that schools should help students learn about them. Thus , I strongly believe that practical skills should be given a special emphasis.

In conclusion , I would like to say that there are opposing views on this issue. At first sight only academic education is important but in actual fact school is not only about academic subjects. There are other fields of our lives that are no less important and I think that schools should help pupils learn about them. Thus , I strongly believe that practical skills should be given a special emphasis.

Здесь Вы можете ознакомиться и скачать Some people think boys and girls should study separately at different schools. Others think that they should be taught together.

Если материал и наш сайт сочинений Вам понравились - поделитесь им с друзьями с помощью социальных кнопок!

The world is changing very fast nowadays and in order to adapt to all the modifications we need an up-to-date education. However, many people do not see the need to change some educational traditions, one of which is to separate schools for boys and girls.

In my opinion, boys and girls should not study separately. Today, one of the main purposes of school is to develop communication skills in the students. And they should be able to connect with all genders.

As many people know, school forms the primary friend circle for children, therefore, if this circle consist only of one gender it may be troublesome to reshape that circle to be inclusive for boys and girls alike.

However, it is believed that when in separate schools, boys and girls tend to focus on their academic performance more. Children are less distracted by the opposite gender, even if they have a boyfriend/girlfriend, he/she won’t interact with the student’s school life, which benefits the grades of the student.

I tend to disagree with that point of view. Today, world economy is in it’s post-industrial stage, where most jobs are in the service industry. Поступаете в 2019 году? Наша команда поможет с экономить Ваше время и нервы: подберем направления и вузы (по Вашим предпочтениям и рекомендациям экспертов);оформим заявления (Вам останется только подписать);подадим заявления в вузы России (онлайн, электронной почтой, курьером);мониторим конкурсные списки (автоматизируем отслеживание и анализ Ваших позиций);подскажем когда и куда подать оригинал (оценим шансы и определим оптимальный вариант).Доверьте рутину профессионалам – подробнее.

This industry requires well-developed communications skills rather than good grades in high school. And a school for both genders is more likely to provide that necessary skill.

To conclude, I would like to say that the traditional approach to education in schools is no longer the best one. Boys and girls would benefit more from a school where they can learn to build up connection with everyone.

I think this article is about schools in the future. — Я думаю, эта статья о школах в будущем.

3. a) Read the article and list viewpoints for and against computers. — Прочитайте статью и составьте перечень точек зрения за и против компьютеров.

  • For: writing assignments, keeping notes during lectures, looking up information online — За: писать задания, хранить записи во время лекций, искать информацию онлайн.
  • Against: computers will never replace teachers, can’t act as role models, can’t help with difficult tasks — Против: компьютеры никогда не заменят учителей, не могут выступать примером для подражания, не могут помочь с трудными заданиями.

b) Look at the words in italics. Which ones are used to: add points? show contrast? conclude? What are they in your language? — Посмотрите на слова, выделенные курсивом. Какие используются для того, чтобы: добавить что-то? показать контраст? сделать заключение? Какие слова используются для этого в твоем языке?

  • Add points: What’s more, Moreover — Добавить: Что еще, Более того
  • Show contrast: However — Показать контраст: Однако
  • Conclude: To sum up — Заключение: Подводя итог

4. a) Match the paragraphs to the headings. — Сопоставь параграфы с заголовками

  • Conclusion (summary of the topic) — Заключение (итог темы)
  • Introduction (presentation of the topic) — Вступление (представление темы)
  • Viewpoints & examples — Точки зрения и примеры
  • Opposing viewpoints & examples — Противоположные точки зрения и примеры
  1. Paragraph 1 — Introduction — Параграф 1 — Вступление
  2. Paragraph 2 — Viewpoints & examples — Параграф 2 — Точки зрения и примеры
  3. Paragraph 3 — Opposing viewpoints & examples — Параграф 3 — Противоположные точки зрения и примеры
  4. Paragraph 4 — Conclusion — Параграф 4 — Заключение

b) Explain the words in bold. — Объясни слова, выделенные жирным шрифтом.

  • school assignments: school work such as projects students need to do — школьная работа, типа проектов, которые нужно сделать ученикам, школьные задания;
  • keep notes: write down words or ideas you need to remember — записывать слова или идеи, которые нужно запомнить, делать заметки;
  • go online: connect to the Internet — выйти в Интернет;
  • motivate: encourage/give somebody a good reason to do something — поощрять/давать кому-нибудь причину сделать что-нибудь, мотивировать, поощрять;
  • role models: people who give examples of good behaviour — человек, который дает пример хорошего поведения, примеры для подражания.

Using topic/supporting sentences

Main body paragraphs should begin with a topic sentence which introduces or summarises the main topic of the paragraph. This helps the reader understand what the paragraph will be about. The topic sentences should be followed by supporting sentences which provide reasons or examples to support the topic sentences.

Использование ключевых/вспомогательных предложений

Главные параграфы должны начинаться с ключевого предложения, которое представляет или обобщает главную тему параграфа. Это помогает читателю понять, о чем будет сказано в параграфе. Ключевые предложения по теме должны быть подкреплены вспомогательными предложениями, в которых приводятся причины или примеры основных предложений по теме.

5. a) Underline the topic sentences. Replace them with other appropriate ones. — Подчеркни ключевые предложения. Замени их другими подходящими.

Topic sentences to be underlined: — Тематические предложения, которые нужно подчеркнуть:

  • It is true that technology plays a big part in learning today. — Действительно, сегодня технологии занимают большую часть в процессе обучения.
  • However, computers will never be able to replace teachers. — Однако, компьютеры никогда не будут способны заменить учителей.

Replacement topic sentences:

  • Computers are very important for education. — Компьютеры очень важны для образования.
  • However, computers will never be able to do everything a teacher can do. — Однако, компьютеры никогда не смогут делать все то, что может сделать учитель.

b) What supporting sentences does the writer give for each topic sentence? — Какие вспомогательные предложения дает автор для каждого ключевого предложения?

  • In many parts of the world, students use personal computers to write their school assignments or keep notes of lectures. — Во многих частях мира ученики используют персональные компьютеры, чтобы делать свои домашние задания или хранить конспекты лекций.
  • What’s more, students go online to look up useful information or do an online course. — Еще студенты выходят в интернет, чтобы найти полезную информацию или пройти онлайн курсы.
  • Teachers motivate their students, help them out with difficult tasks, answer their questions and give clear explanations. — Учителя мотивируют своих студентов, помогают им с трудными заданиями, отвечают на их вопросы и дают понятные объяснения.
  • Moreover, teachers show young children how to behave and act as role models for them. — Более того, учителя показывают детям как нужно вести себя и выступают примером для подражания.

6. a) Read the rubric. Use the topic sentences below to think of appropriate supporting sentences. Compare with your partner. — Прочитайте рубрику. Используйте ключевые предложения, данные ниже, чтобы придумать подходящие вспомогательные предложения. Сравните результат со своим партнером.

Your school magazine asked its readers to send in articles expressing their opinion on the following question. Computers: A blessing or a curse? (120-150 words) — Ваш школьный журнал просит своих читателей прислать статьи, выражающие их мнение по следующем вопросу. Компьютеры. Благо или вред? (120-150 слов).

  • It is true that computers can save a lot of space and time. — Действительно, компьютеры могут сберечь много места и времени.
  • On the other hand, the use of computers can lead to problems. — С другой стороны, использование компьютеров может привести к проблемам.

For: Computers help save paper. Computers save space in your house. Computers help us learn. Computers allow us to stay in contact with people via e-mail.

Against: Computers can be bad for your eyes. Some children may spend too much time playing computer games. Computers don’t help children to communicate with others.

b) Portfolio: Use your own ideas to write the essay. — Портфолио: Используйте собственные идеи, чтобы написать эссе.

Computers: A blessing or a curse?

There aren’t many people who don’t know how to use computers. Look in almost any home, classroom or office and you’ll see a computer.

It is true that computers can save a lot of space and time. Firstly, computers help save a lot of paper and that’s good for the environment. Secondly, computers save space in your house because they can do the job of encyclopedias and other books. Lastly, computers help us to learn and allow us to stay in contact with people via e-mail or Skype.

On the other hand, the use of computers can lead to problems. To begin with, computers can be bad for your eyes, especially as some children may spend too much time playing computer games. Moreover, computers don’t help children communicate with others. Instead, children spend their time indoors sitting in front of a computer screen.

To sum up, computers have their good points and their bad points. It’s very important to use computers correctly. Then computers will help us to study, to work, to play and to communicate with other people.

Компьютеры: благо или зло?

Не так много существует людей, которые не умеют пользоваться компьютерами. Посмотрите, почти в каждом доме, классе или офисе вы увидите компьютер.

Это правда, что компьютеры могут сберечь много места и времени. Во-первых, компьютеры помогают сберечь много бумаги, и это хорошо для окружающей среды. Во-вторых, компьютеры сберегают пространство в вашем доме, потому что они могут заменить собой целую энциклопедию и другие книги. И наконец, компьютеры помогают нам учиться, а также позволяют нам контактировать с другими людьми через электронную почту или Скайп.

С другой стороны, использование компьютеров может привести к проблемам. Начнем с того, что компьютеры могут быть вредны для ваших глаз, особенно, когда некоторые дети проводят слишком много времени, играя в компьютерные игры. Более того, компьютеры не способствуют живому общению с другими детьми. Вместо этого, дети проводят свое время дома, сидя перед экраном компьютера.

Подводя итог, можно сказать, что у компьютеров есть хорошие и плохие стороны. Очень важно правильно использовать компьютеры. Тогда они помогут нам учиться, работать, играть и общаться с другими людьми.

Всем привет! Снова с вами Natalie Silakoff и курс подготовки к ЕГЭ.

Сегодня нашей темой будут сочинения - иными словами ESSAYS

Прежде всего хочу сказать, что их не надо бояться, а надо всячески полюбить. Подобные работы не имеют ничего общего с нашими сочинениями по литературе. Поэтому тем, кто не умеет писать сочинения, можно расслабиться - эссе умеют писать все - а не умеют, так научим. Нужно уяснить форму, знать нужные связующие элементы-клише, ну а собственное мнение есть в принципе у каждогою

1. Постановка проблемы - здесь вы должны и себе и другим доказать, что тема, на которую вы пишите актуальна. Эта часть занимает 1/4 часть работы, и ее удачнее всего закончить вопросом.

2. Тело эссе. Эта часть состоит из двух подчастей. В первой вы излагаете все аргументы "за", а во второй - все аргументы "против" Здесь вы еще не высказываете свое субъективное мнение, здесь вы приводите все объективно существующие взгляды на данную проблему. Чтобы соединить "за" и "против", существует крылатая фраза: But for every plus there is a minus. Эта часть занимает 2/4 части работы.

3. Ну и выводы - теперь настало время изложить вашу собственную субъективную точку зрения на проблему. А она может коренным образом отличаться от всего вышеперечисленного.

Советую писать эссе и особенно заканчивать его в мажорном тоне. Поверьте при прочтении равнозначных сочинений по качеству, но написанных в разных тональностях, преимущество в глазах эксперта имеет оптимистично написанные работы. Но это уже психология)))

Теперь посмотрите и запомните те самые необходимые клише, для соединения элементов эссе.

+ing has both advantages and disadvantages

Obviously, there are many advantages.

To begin with, + довод

What is more, + довод

On the pluse side, +

However, for every plus there is a minus and there are also some disadvantages.


In fact, + объедин . 2 абзаца

On the whole, I think the humanity isn’t ready to answer the question which is better. They are both of a great value and we are not ready to abandon one for the sake of the other.

It’s not an easy task to oppose this and that, because they are both unique and special in their own way.

А теперь разберем по скелету одно из типичных экзаменационных эссе.

Many children are becoming obese. Some people feel schools should ban junk food to help solve this problem.

What can you say for and against serving junk food in schools? Write 200-250 words using the plan.

1. Introduction
(state the problem)

Would children have a healthier lifestyle if chips, hamburgers and fizzy drinks were banned from school canteens? Many of the meals that children eat at school are high in sugar and fat. In Europe today about 25% of children weigh more than is healthy. This is a serious problem because children who are overweight are likely to be overweight as adults and this can lead to health problem.

2. Arguments “for”

Many people believe that schools are responsible for teaching children healthy eating habits. Children who eat well learn well. If school canteens have only good food on the menu, children will eat good food. If children learn to appreciate a healthy diet at school, they will appreciate it for the rest of their lives.

3. Arguments “against”

However, if you stop children buying junk food at school it doesn’t mean that they will stop buying junk food outside school. It is better to teach children to make healthy food choices. Lead by example by eating well at home. If you teach a child to make healthy choices, you are teaching them an important lesson.

4. Conclusion

Schools, parents and children themselves must share the responsibility for the food children eat. Children who eat well do better at school and will probably go on to be healthy.

Еще в качестве бонуса, хочу привести в пример несколько эссе ваших ровестников из США - почитайте, скопируйте и сохраните. Они вам очень пригодяться)))

Establishing Personal Goals in Life

As the most of my peers, I have been asking myself a question, what is it really I want out of my life? This question has not only been bothering me, but also many college students who are trying to figure out the path which will lead them to their comfortable life. One might ask, what is that comfort that we all are striving for? Is it a state of mind or is it some unknown world that we are so eager to enter? Well, it varies from person to person. It depends on the life that the person has left behind when the decision to go to college was made. I for one would like to obtain a higher standard of leaving, greater education, and fulfill a long time goal of being an engineer.

So many years has gone by since the first day I was taken to school by my older brother. It was a whole new experience for me. It was as if I have seen a new world made out of so many kids that are dressed alike. Before I knew, I was taken in to a classroom along with many other kids. This was a new era in my life. As I can remember, “What do you like to be doing with your life? ” was the first question I was asked. “I would like to become an Engineer,” I responded back. Many more years has gone by since the magic question. I have not forgotten my response to what has been bothering me for so many years. There wasn’t a day I tried to make sense out of my own response to the question that I was once asked. At the time, I did the best of my ability to work toward my Personal Goal. Now, almost thirty years later, I am still asking my self the same question. How ever, many different things have shaped my life during the last fifteen years.

In the process earning an Engineering Degree, I had completed my High School, and found my way in to one of the best Collages in the Silicon Valley. I got enrolled in De Anza Collage. By this time, I was financially unstable and soon enough, I was not able to continue with my education. Therefore, I planned on returning to school when I no longer had any financial instability. It took me many months before I found a career opportunity with a high tech. Company. I now had a job that not only paid great, but also put me in to a career path that I always have admired. This was a chance of a lifetime. I now had the money and the time to follow up with my long time Goal. How ever, as this stage, I no longer had the same thought or motivation for school. I now had money and therefore, I wanted to have a life style that I always wanted.

Jumping in to Marriage Too Soon

When people are young and in love, I do not think they fully realize the work that must be done to make a marriage last. It is said “a marriage may be ‘made in heaven,’ but the maintenance must be done on earth”. Couples must constantly be thinking about their mate and that what they do always influences the marriage, in one way or another. I for one did not really understand what it took to keep a marriage going. Marriages must be cultivated and worked at, just like a garden, to keep them fruitful and lasting.

When I was nineteen, I got married for the first time. I was, or so I thought, totally in love with my new husband of twenty-one. I moved from San Jose, California to Detroit, Michigan, to be with him as he was from there. I had no experience in cooking or cleaning as my mother took care of those things while I was growing up. When I got married it was such a shock to realize how much work went into those things. It was so bad that I did not even know how to boil water. My poor husband also did not fully realize that I had absolutely no experience in the kitchen or in the house. The first time I tried to cook, it was a disaster. I remember I cooked tacos, rice, and beans. Everything was burnt or under-cooked. I did not even know how to mop a floor or clean a bathroom. Those first few months were such an adjustment for us both.

My husband also had some adjustments to deal with. He had been living at home, just as I had, and had been able to spend all of his paycheck on himself. He had no one to answer for but himself. He now had to start paying bills, rent, and car notes. He also had to give me money to buy groceries. The first paycheck he gave me when we were first married was so difficult for him. He now could not buy the types of clothes and shoes that he was used to buying for himself. He had to start thinking of me too. It hurt him so much to hand over his money to me and not get the types of things he wanted and was used to getting.

We also had well-meaning family to contend with. Everyone it seemed had an opinion as to how a marriage should work. Both of our parents were from the era that men went out and worked and women stayed at home. Consequently, that was how we though things should be also. Unfortunately, our bills and his lifestyle prevented us from doing that for long. I finally had to go to work. I found a job working full-time as a secretary and he was already working full-time as a firefighter for the city of Detroit. He was gone twenty-four hours on and twenty-four hours off, twenty-four hours on then three days off. Soon, we so busy working and then coming home and just being tired that we stopped communicating. To me that was the beginning of the end.

We continued our life like that for seven years. In the meantime, we had three children also to deal with. We got into a rut. Go to work, come home, cook for the kids, then go to bed. Once the kids were in school, then after we had dinner, we helped them with their homework. But, we were really not talking and dealing with each other. It was the basic things, dealing with the kids or paying the bills. Once in a while, things seemed to go back to the way they were and we had a good time and seemed to really be in love again. Both of us realized though, that we had never been in love in the first place, that it had been infatuation.

Unfortunately, it seems that’s how it goes for a lot of young couples nowadays. They think they are in love, but it is really infatuation. They do not realize that marriage is work and if they really do not love and understand the other person, they are going to have problems. It is never going to last for the long haul. I know mine didn’t and that is what is so sad. Oftentimes, it is the children who are the ones to suffer when things do not work out. I think that marriage is a job and it must be worked at continually to make it last and be satisfying.

Real Heroes in Contemporary Times

What is a hero? There are many definitions of a hero. Since this is my essay, I bet you want to know what my definition is. Well my definition of hero is someone who cares and loves someone so much that they will go out of their way to help someone. A great example of a hero is Superman or Batman.

There are modern and old heroes in this world, meaning super heroes. I think there is a difference between modern super heroes and old super heroes. The major difference is their powers. Today’s super heroes can fly, shoot lasers, bend, and become invisible. Old super heroes just had one power, like flying or shooting lasers. But if we are talking about everyday real heroes, I do not think there is a difference. Today and in the old days people are saving people from fires and crashes. As in the old days, u had fireman and policemen who are heroes. Heroes haven’t changed from the old days and today.

The heroes in my life are people who are close to me. A hero in my life is my mom, Alvita. My mom does everything for me; she loves me and takes very good care of me. My mom makes many sacrifices so that I can do and have what I want. My mom always puts my brother and me before herself. Without my mom I do not think I would be able to survive in this world. Another hero in my life was my Great Aunt. My Great aunt always took care of me. She did everything for my brother and I. My mom and my great aunt will always be heroes to me. They have always been there for me in a time of need. So mom I love you. And Auntie (my great aunt) I will always love you too and you will be in my heart forever.

The Value of Good Friendship

Encountering a good friend can be quite difficult in the contemporary lives of teenagers. They experience an immense amount of worries and problems throughout the day, that being a good friend is one of their last priorities. I, myself, was once baffled by what the definition of a “good” friend was, until I discovered a single step that if taken would make you the greatest friend there is.

Willingness. That is all it takes in order to be considered a good friend. If you lack will, there is a diminutive chance of you being able to be a good friend. Willingness must come from within. Listening is the most essential part of a friendship, you must be willing to stay for long hours listening to what they have to say, even if its not the most exciting thing in the world to hear. Listening to your friend makes them feel important, special, wanted. It also allows them to exhale their problems and worries, and not keep them all bottled up. Although listening makes up most of what a good friend is there are also other things that form a good friend. The will to sacrifice for your friend will also take you a step closer to being a good friend. For instance, you planned your entire night, but as you’re about to leave to enjoy your Saturday night with your boyfriend/girlfriend, your best friend calls you right when you’re stepping out, hysterical because something bad had occurred in their life. You must be willing to sacrifice your Saturday night you had so carefully planned out and go to your friend’s house and converse with them about the situation and try to console them in any way that you can. Doing this demonstrates that you are willing to be there for him/her in their time of need and sacrifice whatever you had planned.

You must always be willing to give advice to your friend. For example say your friend is in a situation where they do not know what to do, and so they turn to you for help; you must be willing to think things through with them and try to give them the best advice. I once experienced something similar to this; I had turned to a friend for advice because I had failed a major test and did not know whether I should notify my parents or not. My “good” friend, instead of trying to help me out and console me, said “don’t show it to your parents, that’s just stupid” After I took my friends “great” advice I realized that her advice was the worst to take. My parents received a call from my teacher telling them about the grade she had given me, they were extremely unhappy and said if I had told them they would have been a little more understandable. I became aware that the “advice” she had given me was not by a good friend. She was not willing to stay and try to help me out with my problem; she’d rather go out and not have to listen to what I had to say. This is when I discovered the one single step to be a good friend. The willingness to care is also a big must in being a good friend. If you don’t care for your friend then your friend won’t care for you and the whole point of you trying to be a good friend will diminish. You must care about how your friend feels and what she’s experiencing. Caring is one of the best things you can do, because when your friend is in they’re time of need and the whole world seems to be turned against them, you must be the one to care and make them see that it’s not over yet.

Nobody ever said being a good friend was going to be easy, but if you want to be a good friend then you’re willing to listen, sacrifice, give advice and care for your friend, these skills will come in real handy if you really want to be a good friend. In the long run this skills will not only help you to be a good friend but also to be good to yourself and to others. In the end practicing this skill will all pay off, and you’ll be glad you were willing.

Думаю, на сегодня хватит с уроками.

Дорогие друзья-студенты. Знаете ли вы о конкурсе Чижевского? Мои лучшие студенты участвуют в нем ежегодно. Если среди вас есть желающие плодотворно поработать на ниве лингвистического исследовани, то я, пожалуй могу взять пару человек писать работу под моим руководством. Дело это интересное и увлекательное, и что не менее важно, вам всем теперь предстоит собирать портфолио. Примеры работ участвовавших в конкурсе можно увидеть здесь

Не забывайте заходить за обновлениями сюда и сюда. Посещайте мой литературный проект и смелее принимайте в нем участие, это же интересно))) Посмотрите мою новую рассылку

Всем пока. До встречи в следующем выпуске рассылки и в виртуальном классе.

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