After school activities сочинение

Обновлено: 08.07.2024

We have spoken about what pupils do at school, at lessons and during breaks. But boys and girls don’t spend the whole day at school. This talk will be about what they do when school is over and they are free. Not everybody goes home after the last lesson. Many boys and girls — the most active members of the class and school — stay at school for so me time for social activities. They organize parties, conferences, games and meetings. The school library is open at this time for pupils who come to choose a new book or read an interesting magazine. There are different after-school clubs at school; each member of an after-school club goes there to do something which interests him. Sports sections are also very popular.

Мы говорили о том, что школьники делают в школе, на уроках и на перерывах. Но мальчики и девочки не весь день проводят в школе. Сейчас разговор пойдет о том, что они делают после школы, когда свободные. Не каждый идет после последнего урока домой. Много активистов класса, школы остаются в школе на некоторое время, чтобы выполнить общественную работу. Они организовывают вечера, конференции, игры и сборы. Школьная библиотека открыта в настоящее время для учеников, которые пришли, чтобы выбрать новую книгу или почитать интересный журнал. Существует много кружков, которые работают после занятий в школах; каждый после уроков приходит сюда, чтобы делать то, что его интересует. Спортивные секции тоже очень популярные.

Their members play games and go in for gymnastics. You can see boys and girls from all classes either in the gymnasium or on the sport-ground. As you know, schoolchildren have to study after school, too. They have homework to do. When do you think it is better to begin doing homework? As doctors and teachers say, the best time is after dinner and an hour’s walk. If you have no rest, it’ll be difficult to prepare your lessons. Work about the house is a good rest from studying, too. The English people say, “A change of work is as good as a rest”. So it is useful to go to the shops and buy something. But if you meet a friend in the street, don’t talk too much because you’ll have too little time for your lessons.


  • to go in for [gaum fo:] — заниматься (спортом)
  • to be at home [biat haum] — быть дома


  • What do you like to do after school?
  • Can you do what you like or are there things you must do?
  • Does your school have playing fields?
  • What is your favourite kind of sport?
  • What out-of-school activities are you fond of?

Похожие сочинения:

Запись была опубликована 18.07.2009 в 12:51 в категории Топики по английскому. Вы можете следить за ответами в этой записи через RSS 2.0 ленты.

I am not sure about my future plans. I think that after finishing school I will get higher education or I will go to some technical school. I’m going to study and to work simultaneously. My family lives in Mariupol (свой город) that’s why I think that I will spend my life in my native city. I don’t know what to become. I will choose my profession from financial point of view and for interest, too. I am not afraid of hard work if it brings me enough money.

I wish I would meet a lot of interesting people in future because to associate with original people is a great pleasure. I hope my future life will be various and full of interesting situations. I want to travel in future when I’ll be able to pay for it by myself. I wish I would have my own house and live there with my husband and children. I think that I will go on to associate with my old friends because old faithful friend is the best from two new friends, it’s over clear for everyone. But no one can say for sure what his life will be.

Я не уверена насчет моих планов на будущее. Я думаю, что после окончания школы я буду получать высшее образование или поступлю в техникум. Я собираюсь учиться и работать одновременно. Моя семья живет в Мариуполе (ваш город), поэтому я думаю, что буду жить в родном городе. Я не знаю, кем я стану по профессии. Я выберу профессию с финансовой точки зрения и по интересу также. Я не боюсь тяжелой работы, если она приносит мне достаточно денег.

Я бы хотела познакомиться со многими интересными людьми в будущем, потому что общаться с оригинальными людьми – это большое удовольствие. Я надеюсь, что моя будущая жизнь будет разнообразной и полной интересных ситуаций. Я хочу путешествовать за рубежом в будущем, когда смогу оплатить это самостоятельно. Я бы хотела жить в собственном доме с мужем и детьми. Я думаю, что буду продолжать общаться со старыми друзьями, потому что верный старый друг лучше новых двух, это ясно всем. Но никто не может наверняка сказать, как сложится его жизнь.

I was always wondering, what will happen to me after school. My dream is to become a . In order to achieve this goal, I have to finish my school with the good grades. This will definitely help me to get in to the good university. I am planning to study abroad, since they have a good education system and I am very interested in learning new languages, such as english. Perhaps, I will be studying 4 years. 1st year in university I will spend in the country I will live in to learn the language and try to blend in with the culture of the country. The rest 3 years I will focus in my studies. I will try to do my best and be first of all a good man with good priorities and thoughts, and also a good worker.
After I finish with my education I hope to get my own family and live happy together.

написал сам за 5-7 минут, в интернете нигде не найдешь.

Al K Знаток (485) я и написал сочинение после школы, в моем сочинении я пишу о планах в университете так как если вы хотите хорошую работу, вы должны поступить в университет. но если это не соответствует вашим планам и сочинение не подходит я не обижаюсь :)

Hey, my name is Akmaral. I want to start of by saying im terrible at explaining things . Im gonna do my best to try and explain my life the best i can. I am 16 and im in highschool. I have a pretty sweet life, i have an amazing family that which it seems like im drifting slowly away from, and i have a boyfriend who is great to me. And i have a lot of great close friends. I came on here cause im lost. I have absolutly no clue what i wanna do when im older. I want something with adventure. Something new day to day. But most of all i want money. People say do what you love, well i love money . i wanna travel and party. I have got so big dream but i know i could never do it. And im so scared cause I know im gonna be screwed for the future :Honestly though, if i was told what to do and that if i did that i would make it, i would drop everything i had and put my absolute most into my dream. I am in the best shape of my life, i am very fit. I dont have the best grades and I feel like I could do better if i just get over this but i cant cause I have litterally no idea what to do, but if I were to figure it out I would be able to set my mind straight and pull through with the absolute best. Please help anyone.

Если вам мое сочинение понравится поставте пожалуйста лучший ответ.
School really plays an important role in our life. You may like it or you may not but we spend so
much time at school that it becomes our second home. And no doubt this is true. What is the role of
school in modern age? First of all it is making students literate. All students study for eleven years to get
knowledge. And the most important role of school is giving knowledge. There are students who like
studying because they are doing well in most subjects and they are going to continue their education
after school, get higher education. But for those who are not successful in schooling and who are always
pressed by their parents and teachers school becomes boring and not interesting.
The education given at our school is of a very high standard. I'm a good student actually and I
don't have many problems with schooling. I generally get on quite well with the teachers. I am quite
successful in class and I usually go to school with pleasure, because I like my school and my teachers.
I think school gives me not only knowledge. Children are taught real life there. School helps us
understand our life better. School is a place where we create and develop our relationships, are taught to
be tolerant and respect one another. And school teaches us principles and how not to lose face in
difficult situations.
At school we can enjoy different cultural activities and show our talents. Everyone can take part in
a school performance or a class party or take part in a sport competition. All this helps to create good
atmosphere and relations among classmates. We want to be friends with everyone.
However, I think that sometimes we have too much homework. Teachers and parents think that
doing homework helps us to develop the student's ability to work without assistance, or that additional
work could help us complete our education successfully. But I believe, in many subjects, homework is
totally unnecessary, because it doesn't do me any good. I think it's really stupid to copy from a
textbook. Less homework would give more time to take up hobbies and interests.
We are human beings who want to be heard and understood and only then taught. And only
sensitive teachers can do this well. So a teacher is a key figure in our education. Teachers come to your
mind first when you think about school years. A good teacher must be intelligent and fair. I think that I'm
lucky. All of my teachers are very intelligent and interesting. Most of my teachers have a lot of teaching
experience. They help us to learn all subjects well. They share their knowledge and experience with us,
and we respond with love. If we do something wrong our teachers do not criticize us they always try to
tell what was wrong in this or that action, they express their opinion helping to solve the problem. I am
not going to speak about all our teachers, they have different methods of teaching. But I think any
teacher should remember that they are responsible for student's character and behavior too. They have
become like parents to us. They support us and care for us. I'm happy at my school and so are my
classmates. And will remember with pleasure everything what I have had at school.

Teenagers spend most of their time at school. School is the place where they learn something new and meet new friend. But there are people who are sure that school is not the best place to make friends.

I firmly believe that you find your best friends among your classmates. To begin with, classmates spend a great amount of time together. It allows them to know each other better and to get accustomed to each other’s habits. Furthermore, school life often creates situations when you can learn more about the personal qualities of your friend. For example, when you have to make a project together and your classmate wants you do all the work, you can find out that he is lazy person and tries to get benefits from friendship.

Finally, you have many things to discuss: teachers, lessons, after-school activities, etc.

However, some people think differently. They claim that sometimes it is difficult to get along with your classmates. Firstly, you can be easily distracted from studying by your friends: you will prefer talking to them to listening to the teacher. Secondly, you can stop communicating with each other after finishing school.

There is something in what they say. Still, I am sure that school friendship is the strongest one and memories unite classmates even after the graduation. Also, having fun together is an essential part of friendship, and sometimes the skills of communication are even more important than the school subject.

In conclusion, I want to say that no one can do without friends and school helps us to find the best ones.

Подростки проводят большую часть своего времени в школе. Школа - это место, где они узнают что-то новое и встречают нового друга. Но есть люди, которые уверены, что школа - не лучшее место, чтобы заводить друзей.

Я твердо верю, что вы найдете своих лучших друзей среди своих одноклассников. Начнем с того, что одноклассники проводят много времени вместе. Это позволяет им лучше узнать друг друга и привыкнуть друг к другу. Кроме того, школьная жизнь часто создает ситуации, когда вы можете узнать больше о личных качествах вашего друга. Например, когда вам нужно вместе создать проект, и ваш одноклассник хочет, чтобы вы делали всю работу, вы можете узнать, что он ленивый человек и пытается получить выгоду от дружбы. Наконец, у вас есть много вопросов для обсуждения: учителя, уроки, внешкольные мероприятия и т.д.

Однако некоторые люди думают иначе. Они утверждают, что иногда бывает трудно ладить с одноклассниками. Во-первых, ваши друзья могут легко отвлечься от учебы: вы предпочтете разговаривать с ними, а не слушать учителя. Во-вторых, вы можете перестать общаться друг с другом после окончания школы.

В том, что они говорят, есть доля правды. Тем не менее, я уверена, что школьная дружба - самая сильная, и воспоминания объединяют одноклассников даже после окончания школы. Кроме того, веселье вместе является неотъемлемой частью дружбы, и иногда навыки общения даже важнее школьного предмета.

В заключение хочу сказать, что никто не может обходиться без друзей, и школа помогает нам найти лучших.

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Перечень вопросов, рассматриваемых в теме:

What do you usually do when you go to school? What do you do after school? Do you have any extra classes?

Глоссарий по теме:

What is the first thing you do when you come to school? Do you greet your classmates, or your teacher? Do you take off your coat? To talk about all school activities, you need some words.

extra-curricular – дополнительные занятия,

tutor – частный преподаватель,

home task – домашнее задание,

participate – принимать участие,

make up – собирать, изобретать,

indoor – в помещении,

Основная и дополнительная литература по теме:

Афанасьева О.В., Дули Д., Михеева И.В., Оби Б., Эванс В. Английский язык 10 класс: Учебник для общеобразовательных учреждений. 10 класс. – М.: Просвещение, 2017. с. 46-49

Теоретический материал для самостоятельного изучения:

School plays a very important role in the life of every person. We learn, communicate and make friends at school.

My week day starts at 7:00 a.m. when I wake up. The lessons start at 8 o’clock in the morning. I usually have 6 lessons a day. After lessons I have some extra activities. For example, every Friday I have swimming training and on Mondays I have music lessons. When my extra classes are over, I go home, have dinner, do my homework and surf the Net or watch TV to relax. I usually go to bed at about 11p.m.

I really like the school life we have. All these concerts, competitions, presentations and performances are really great. The process of preparation can also be very funny.

To sum it up, I’d like to say that being a school student is great.

What is the first thing you do when you come to school? Do you greet your classmates, or your teacher? Do you take off your coat? To talk about all school activities, you need some words.

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