A day out to remember сочинение

Обновлено: 02.07.2024

Victory Day is a special day to remember war veterans in Russia. It is held on 9th May and dedicates to the end of World War 2. On 9th May every resident of our country remembers terrible, horrible events of this time. What is more, celebratory parades are take place in cities and villages. People there present flowers to veterans, listen to speeches of persons of consequences, give a minute of silence, lay flowers on graves. If someone can’t go to the parade, there are always war movies and broadcast of the main parade in Moscow, which everyone can watch and honor legacy of soldiers, sloggers and all heroes of this tough time.

День победы – особый день памяти ветеранам войны в России. Он проводится девятого мая и посвящён концу Второй Мировой Войны. Девятого мая каждый житель страны вспоминает страшные, ужасные события того времени. Более того, в городах и деревнях проводятся торжественные парады. Люди дарят цветы ветеранам, слушают речи важных лиц, дают минуту молчания, кладут цветы на могилы. Если кто-то не может пойти на парад, всегда есть военные фильмы и трансляция главного парада в Москве, который каждый может посмотреть и почтить память солдатам, трудягам и всем героям того тяжёлого времени.

Victory Day in Russia is a national holiday that is held on 9th May. It officially marks the day when the war ended in 1945 and the main reason for the celebration is to remember the people who died or took part in the war in another way. For example, some citizens who did not fight had to work in the factories making guns.

On 9th May, people lay flowers on graves, veterans march in parades wearing their medals and the President of Russia sends out letters to congratulate the veterans for their bravery. In homes all over Russia families enjoy eating huge feasts and giving presents to one another.

День Победы в России – это национальный праздник, который проводится 9 мая. Он официально отмечает день, когда закончилась война в 1945 году и основная причина для празднования - помнить людей, которые умерли или принимали участие в войне. Например, некоторым гражданам, которые не были в боях пришлось работать на заводах, производящих оружие.

9 мая люди возлагают цветы на могилы, ветераны маршируют в парадах, одевая все свои медали и Президент России отправляет письма, чтобы поздравить ветеранов за их отвагу. В домах по всей России семьи любят устраивать огромные банкеты и дарят подарки друг другу.

b Project: Is there a special day to remember war veterans in your country? Collect information about it, then tell the class all about it.

*Цитирирование части задания со ссылкой на учебник производится исключительно в учебных целях для лучшего понимания разбора решения задания.

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Описание презентации по отдельным слайдам:

A Day to Remember
The Past Simple Tense

One afternoon last summer,
my good friend Jane came round and invited me to go on a bike ride with her. I thought it would be a fun day and so we arranged to meet in the

The next day I got up
early and made lots of
delicious sandwiches to take with us. We set off early and it was lovely and peaceful as we cycled down the country lanes and past the open fields .The weather was lovely and the time flew past.

Shortly, we found a nice field and stopped for lunch. I unpacked the picnic basket and we were just about to tuck into our delicious lunch when we saw an angry bull running towards us.
We jumped up and ran
away, leaving the picnic

Fortunately, the bull didn' t chase us. Instead , he ate all our sandwiches while we watched him from a distance.
A few hours later, we arrived back home. We were tired
and very hungry but we were happy.
lt certainly had been a day out to remember.

Missing verbs
One afternoon last summer, my good friend Jane … round and … me to go on a bike ride with her. I … it would be a fun day and so we … to meet in the morning.

The next day I … up early and … lots of delicious
sandwiches to take with us. We … off early and it … lovely and peaceful as we … down the country lanes and past the open fields . The weather … lovely and the time … past.

Shortly, we … a nice field and … for lunch. I … the picnic basket and we … just about to tuck
into our delicious lunch when we … an angry bull running
towards us.
We … up and … away, leaving the picnic behind.
Fortunately, the bull … n' t chase us. Instead , he …
all our sandwiches while we … him from a distance.
A few hours later, we … back home. We … tired and very hungry but we … happy. lt certainly had been a day out to remember.

Change into the past simple

Answer the questions
Who wanted to go on a ride?
What arrangements did they do?
What was the season of the year?
What happened to the bikes?
Was anybody injured?
It was really a day to remember, wasn’t it?

The Monument to a bull on Wall Street in New York

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Тема по английскому языку: Праздник, который понравился мне больше всего

Лучший праздник

Я хотела бы описать праздник, который понравился мне больше всего. Это был Новый год. Сколько я себя помню, мы всегда отмечали этот праздник дома, только я и моя семья. Конечно, мы все вместе нарядили елку, моя мама приготовила особый праздничный ужин и мы сели за стол. Все было очень мило и трогательно, но сне было немного скучно. И вот однажды мои родители решили отметить праздник вместе с друзьями.


Взяв с собой подарки и прочие элементы празднования, мы вышли из дома в одиннадцать часов. Обычно дорога до дома друзей родителей занимает у нас двадцать минут, но общественного транспорта в такой поздний час уже не было, поэтому мы попробовали поймать такси. Это оказалось не так просто. После всех приключений нам удалось добраться до места без четверти двенадцать как раз к началу праздника. Когда традиционная часть – я имею в виду бой курантов и стук бокалов с шампанским – была позади, все расслабились. В этой семье есть двое сыновей моего возраста, поэтому мы отправились играть, есть фрукты и конфеты пока родители смотрели телевизор и болтали.

Завершение праздника

Около трех часов ночи мы решили, что пора подышать свежим воздухом. Мы пошли на главную городскую площадь, где увидели Деда Мороза и, чтобы не замерзнуть, поучаствовали в разных конкурсах. Мы все отправились спать уже утром очень усталые, но довольные и счастливые.


A holiday I remember well

A holiday I liked most

I would like to describe a holiday I liked most. It was a New Year’s Day. As I remember we always celebrated it at home, just me and my family. Of course we decorated a New Year’s Tree together, my mother cooked a very special tasty dinner and then we all sat at the table. That was quite nice and touchy but I felt a bit bored all the time. And once my parents decided to spend the holiday with our family friends.

The traditional part of the holiday

Having taken all the presents and holiday stuff we left the house at 11 o’clock. Usually it takes for about twenty minutes to get to our friends’ place but as it was no public transport available at that time of the evening, we tried to get a cab. It turned out to be not such an easy thing to do. After all, we arrived at a quarter to twelve, I’d say just in time for the celebration. When the traditional part of the holiday, I mean listening to the clock strike twelve and drinking to it, was finished, we all relaxed. There were two boys of my age in that family, so we were playing different games together and eating fruits and sweets all the time while our parents were watching TV and chatting.

At night

At about 3 o’clock at night we decided it was high time to get some fresh winter air. We went to the city main square where we saw Father Frost and took part in funny competitions in order not to get frozen. We all went to bed early in the morning exhausted but very happy and satisfied.


From that time on New Year has become one of my favourite holidays as it’s always a lot of fun and entertainment.

A Day to Remember The Past Simple Tense

№ слайда 1

A Day to Remember The Past Simple Tense

1 One afternoon last summer, my good friend Jane came round and invited me to go

№ слайда 2

1 One afternoon last summer, my good friend Jane came round and invited me to go on a bike ride with her. I thought it would be a fun day and so we arranged to meet in the morning.

2 The next day I got up early and made lots of delicious sandwiches to take with

№ слайда 3

2 The next day I got up early and made lots of delicious sandwiches to take with us. We set off early and it was lovely and peaceful as we cycled down the country lanes and past the open fields .The weather was lovely and the time flew past.

3 Shortly, we found a nice field and stopped for lunch. I unpacked the picnic ba

№ слайда 4

3 Shortly, we found a nice field and stopped for lunch. I unpacked the picnic basket and we were just about to tuck into our delicious lunch when we saw an angry bull running towards us. We jumped up and ran away, leaving the picnic behind.

4 Fortunately, the bull didn

№ слайда 5

4 Fortunately, the bull didn' t chase us. Instead , he ate all our sandwiches while we watched him from a distance.A few hours later, we arrived back home. We were tired and very hungry but we were happy. lt certainly had been a day out to remember.

Missing verbs One afternoon last summer, my good friend Jane … round and … me to

№ слайда 6

Missing verbs One afternoon last summer, my good friend Jane … round and … me to go on a bike ride with her. I … it would be a fun day and so we … to meet in the morning.

The next day I … up early and … lots of delicioussandwiches to take with us. We

№ слайда 7

The next day I … up early and … lots of delicioussandwiches to take with us. We … off early and it … lovely and peaceful as we … down the country lanes and past the open fields . The weather … lovely and the time … past.

Shortly, we … a nice field and … for lunch. I … the picnic basket and we … just

№ слайда 8

Shortly, we … a nice field and … for lunch. I … the picnic basket and we … just about to tuck into our delicious lunch when we … an angry bull running towards us. We … up and … away, leaving the picnic behind. Fortunately, the bull … n' t chase us. Instead , he … all our sandwiches while we … him from a distance. A few hours later, we … back home. We … tired and very hungry but we … happy. lt certainly had been a day out to remember.

Change into the past simple Cycle-Fly-Make-See-Watch-Arrive-Is-Are-Come-Invite-T

№ слайда 9

Change into the past simple Cycle-Fly-Make-See-Watch-Arrive-Is-Are-Come-Invite-Think-Arrange-Get-Set-Run-Eat-

Answer the questions Who wanted to go on a ride?What arrangements did they do?Wh

№ слайда 10

Answer the questions Who wanted to go on a ride?What arrangements did they do?What was the season of the year?What happened to the bikes?Was anybody injured?It was really a day to remember, wasn’t it?

The Monument to a bull on Wall Street in New York

№ слайда 11

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