Реферат по английскому языку на тему олимпийские игры

Обновлено: 05.07.2024

All sports are both entertaining and good for health. They help people to stay in good shape and good mood. It’s almost impossible to list all kinds of modern sports as there are too many. However for better understanding people divide them into two groups: winter sports and summer sports. Most of the sport disciplines are included in the list of Olympic Games. It’s an established truth that winter sports are more spectacular. Indeed, it is more than exciting to watch the pairs dance on the ice or athletes go down the snow-covered hills. Winter sports can be divided into three groups: skiing, skating and sledding.

One of the most spectacular and highly demanded sports in modern society is skiing . People spend large sums of money for ski training lessons. It’s a competitive sport that uses skis to glide on snow, which is likely to have originated in Scandinavia centuries ago. However, there is an opinion that people practiced it in ancient China as early as in 600 B.C. All in all, there are three types of skiing: Alpine, Nordic and Telemark . They are subdivided into various disciplines, some of them being included in Winter Olympics. For example, backcountry skiing is a type of Alpine skiing which involves out-of-area skiing on unmarked or unpatrolled territory.

Sports that use sleds to go down the ice tracks are in the sledding group. It’s a widespread winter activity which became the basis of three Olympic sports: bobsledding, luge and skeleton . The first one is presented by the teams of two or four which make timed runs down narrow and complicated ice tracks. Surprisingly, modern tracks are made of concrete being simply coated with ice. This winter sport can be rather dangerous. There were several cases of fatal accidents. Luge is a one- or two- athlete competition on a small sled. Most tracks for luge are artificially designed. They tend to be very smooth with banked curves and walled-in straights. There are four disciplines in this type of sledding: Men’s singles, Women’s singles, Doubles (mixed event) and Team Relay. Skeleton is another winter sliding sport which involves going down a frozen track on a small sled while lying face down.

And the last group involves the act of skating . It can occur on the indoor or outdoor ice rink using the ice skates. This sport is not only for professionals. Many people go skating with friends on frozen lakes or rivers. However, in that case they should be extra careful for the bodies of frozen waters can be dangerous at times. The most popular and eye-catching type of skating is figure-skating . It’s a competitive event which takes place every winter as a part of national championship and once every four years as an Olympic discipline. The games practiced on ice also include ice-hockey, curling, speed skating or short-track speed skating , etc. At the same time many of these disciplines can be practice in wheelchairs and those winter sports are included in the Paralympic Games’ list.

The Olympic Games are the largest international sports competitions, featuring winter and summer sports. They take place every four years at different locations. Thousands of athletes, presenting more than 200 nations, participate in this global sporting event. The tradition was inspired by the idea of Olympic Games, which were held in Ancient Greece from 8BC to 4AD. The city of Games was situated near Mount Olympus, which is how they got their name. The history of modern Olympic Games started in 1894. The person, who revived this ancient tradition, was Baron Pierre de Coubertin. Since then, every four years, excluding the period of World Wars, the Olympic Games are held.

The Games were initially held only in summer. The city of the event changed each time. So the first Summer Olympic Games took place in Athens (Greece), in 1896. The second capital for Games was Paris – the native city of Pierre de Coubertin. First Winter Olympic Games were also held in France, in 1924. They took place in mountainous region Chamonix. If in Ancient Greece the event had religious implication and was held in honor of Zeus, modern competition is mostly run for friendship of nations and new achievements. The official motto of the Olympic Games is “Citius, Altius, Fortius”, which is translated from Latin as “Faster, Higher and Stronger”. It is notable that women were not allowed to participate in this major international sports event until 1910. The first sport they competed in was golf. Starting from 1988 every Olympic Games are followed by Paralympic event, which is established for athletes with a range of disabilities.

The variety of sports practiced in the Olympics is amazing. Summer sports include archery, football, cycling, canoeing, field hockey, etc. Winter sports are even more spectacular. They are skiing, bobsleigh, curling, ice hockey, figure skating, luge, skeleton, biathlon and other sports. And this is not all. The list of sports is constantly updating. Perhaps, the most impressive part of the Olympic and Paralympic Games are the opening and closing ceremonies. The opening ceremony is usually followed by a range of artistic displays, country presentations, host country’s national anthem, and the athletes’ parade. The closing ceremony introduces all the athletes again without national distinction and the IOC president, who makes the closing speech. Medal presentation is another ceremonial part. It is held after each competition. The winners get gold, silver and bronze medals, depending on their performance.

Представлен реферат по английскому языку на тему Олимпийские игры/ Olympic Games с переводом читать бесплатно.

Олимпийские игры являются крупнейшим международным спортивным соревнованием по зимним и летним видам спорта. Они проходят раз в четыре года в разных локациях. Тысячи спортсменов, представляющих более 200 стран, участвуют в этих международных соревнованиях. Традиция была вдохновлена ??идеей Олимпийских игр, которые проводились в Древней Греции с 8 века до н.э. по 4 век н. э. Город игр был расположен недалеко от горы Олимп, откуда и появилось такое название. История современных Олимпийских игр началась в 1894 году. Человеком, возродившим эту античную традицию, был барон Пьер де Кубертен. С тех пор, каждые четыре года, за исключением периода мировых войн, проходили Олимпийские игры.

Разнообразие видов спорта, которые практикуются во время Олимпийских игр, просто поражает. Летние виды спорта включают стрельбу из лука, футбол, езду на велосипеде, греблю на каноэ, хоккей на траве и т.д. Зимние виды спорта еще более зрелищны. Катания на лыжах, бобслей, керлинг, хоккей на льду, фигурное катание, санный спорт, скелетон, биатлон и прочие виды спорта. И это еще не все. Список игр постоянно обновляется. Пожалуй, наиболее впечатляющей частью Олимпийских и Паралимпийских игр являются церемонии открытия и закрытия. Церемония открытия обычно сопровождается целым рядом художественных выступлений, презентаций стран, национальным гимном страны-устроительницы, а также парадом спортсменов. Церемония закрытия снова представляет всех спортсменов, но без национального различия, и президента МОК, который говорит заключительную речь. Выдача медалей – еще одна торжественная часть. Она проводится после каждого соревнования. Победители получают золотые, серебряные и бронзовые медали, в зависимости от результатов соревнования.

The Olympic Games are the largest international sports competitions, featuring winter and summer sports. They take place every four years at different locations. Thousands of athletes, presenting more than 200 nations, participate in this global sporting event. The tradition was inspired by the idea of Olympic Games, which were held in Ancient Greece from 8BC to 4AD. The city of Games was situated near Mount Olympus, which is how they got their name. The history of modern Olympic Games started in 1894. The person, who revived this ancient tradition, was Baron Pierre de Coubertin. Since then, every four years, excluding the period of World Wars, the Olympic Games are held.

The Games were initially held only in summer. The city of the event changed each time. So the first Summer Olympic Games took place in Athens (Greece), in 1896. The second capital for Games was Paris – the native city of Pierre de Coubertin. First Winter Olympic Games were also held in France, in 1924. They took place in mountainous region Chamonix. If in Ancient Greece the event had religious implication and was held in honor of Zeus, modern competition is mostly run for friendship of nations and new achievements. The official motto of the Olympic Games is “Citius, Altius, Fortius”, which is translated from Latin as “Faster, Higher and Stronger”. It is notable that women were not allowed to participate in this major international sports event until 1910. The first sport they competed in was golf. Starting from 1988 every Olympic Games are followed by Paralympic event, which is established for athletes with a range of disabilities.

The variety of sports practiced in the Olympics is amazing. Summer sports include archery, football, cycling, canoeing, field hockey, etc. Winter sports are even more spectacular. They are skiing, bobsleigh, curling, ice hockey, figure skating, luge, skeleton, biathlon and other sports. And this is not all. The list of sports is constantly updating. Perhaps, the most impressive part of the Olympic and Paralympic Games are the opening and closing ceremonies. The opening ceremony is usually followed by a range of artistic displays, country presentations, host country’s national anthem, and the athletes’ parade. The closing ceremony introduces all the athletes again without national distinction and the IOC president, who makes the closing speech. Medal presentation is another ceremonial part. It is held after each competition. The winners get gold, silver and bronze medals, depending on their performance.

The Olympic Games have a very long history. They began in 777 BC in Greece and took place every four years for nearly twelve centuries at Olimpia. They included many different kinds of sports: running, boxing, wrestling, etc. All the cities in Greece sent their best athletes to Olimpia to compete in the Games. For the period of the Games all the wars stopped. So the Olympic Games became the symbol of peace and friendship.

In 394 AD the Games were abolished and were not renewed until many centuries later.

In 1894, a Frenchman, Baron Pierre de Coubertin, addressed all the sports governing bodies and pointed out the significance of sports and its educational value. Two years later the first modern Olympic Games took place. Of course, the competitions were held in Greece to symbolize the continuation of the centuries-old tradition.

In 1896 the International Olympic Committee was set up. It is the central policy-making body of the Olympic movement. It is formed by the representatives of all countries which take part in the Olympic Games. The International Olympic Committee decides upon the programme of the games, the number of the participants and the city-host for the Games. Over one hundred and fifty countries are represented in the International Olympic Committee now. Besides, each country has its National Olympic Committee.

Summer and Winter Games are held separately. There are always several cities wishing to host the Games. The most suitable is selected by the International Committee. After that the city of the Games starts preparations for the competitions, constructs new sports facilities, stadiums, hotels, press centres. Thousands of athletes, journalists and guests come to the Games, and it takes great efforts to arrange everything. There is always an interesting cultural programme of concerts, exhibitions, festivals, etc., for each Games.

Russia joined the Olympic movement in 1952. Since then it has won a lot of gold, silver, and bronze medals. In 1980 Moscow hosted the Twenty- Second Olympic Games. Russian sportsmen got medals for their records in many sports events.

Олимпийские игры

Олимпийские игры имеют очень давнюю историю. Они начались в 777 до н.э. в Греции и проходили каждые четыре года почти 12 веков в Олимпии. Они включали различные виды спорта: бег, бокс, борьба и т. д. Все города Греции посылали своих лучших спортсменов в Олимпию соревноваться в играх. Во время игр все войны останавливались. Так Олимпийские игры стали символом мира и дружбы.

В 394 г. н.э. игры были отменены и возобновлены лишь много веков спустя.

В 1894 году француз барон Пьер де Кубертен обратился ко всем спортивным руководящим органам и указал на значимость спорта и его воспитательное значение. Два года спустя состоялись первые современные Олимпийские игры. Конечно, соревнования были проведены в Греции символизируя продолжение многовековых традиций.

В 1896 году был создан Международный олимпийский комитет. Он является центральным директивным органом олимпийского движения. Он образуется представителями всех стран, которые принимают участие в Олимпийских играх. Международный олимпийский комитет принимает решения о программе игр, количестве участников и городах-хозяинах Олимпийских игр. Более 150 стран представлены в Международном олимпийском комитете в настоящее время. Кроме того, каждая страна имеет свой национальный олимпийский комитет.

Летние и зимние игры проводятся отдельно. Всегда есть несколько городов, желающих провести у себя игры. Наиболее подходящие выбираются Международным комитетом. После этого в городе начинается подготовка к соревнованиям: строятся новые спортивные объекты, стадионы, гостиницы, пресс-центры. Тысячи спортсменов, журналистов и гостей приезжают на игры и нужны огромные усилия, чтобы все уладить. На каждых играх имеется интересная культурная программа, концерты, выставки, фестивали и т.д.

Россия вступила в олимпийское движение в 1952 году. С тех пор она выиграла много золотых, серебряных и бронзовых медалей. В 1980 году в Москве прошли двадцать вторые Олимпийские игры. Русские спортсмены получили медали за свои рекорды во многих спортивных мероприятиях.

Olympic Games

Олимпийские игры

Sport plays an important role in people’s life. Many people do sport. Everyone chooses the kind of sport he or she likes most of all. There are many championships and sport competitions in the world. They can be local, national or world ones.

Спорт играет важную роль в жизни людей. Многие люди занимаются спортом. Каждый выбирает вид спорта, который ему больше всего нравится. В мире существует множество чемпионатов и спортивных соревнований. Они могут быть местными, национальными или мировыми.

One of the most popular sport competitions is the Olympic Games. They are one of the leading sport competitions in the world. The Olympic Games are held every four year. They can be Winter Games and Summer Games, consequently, Winter Games include winter sports and Summer Games include summer sports.

Одним из самых популярных спортивных соревнований являются Олимпийские игры. Они являются одним из ведущих спортивных соревнований в мире. Олимпийские игры проводятся раз в четыре года. Это могут быть зимние и летние игры, следовательно, в Зимние Олимпийские игры включены зимние виды спорта, а в Летние Олимпийские игры включены летние виды спорта.

There was a tradition of Olympic Games in ancient Greece. They were held in Olympia. They were a part of religious and athletic festivals. The winners of the Olympic Games were admired. People composed poems in honour of them. In the 4th century B.C. the Olympic Games were forbidden.

В Древней Греции существовала традиция проведения Олимпийских игр. Они проводились в Олимпии. Олимпийские игры были частью религиозных и спортивных фестивалей. Победителями Олимпийских игр восхищались. Люди сочиняли поэмы в их честь. В IV веке до н.э. Олимпийские игры были запрещены.

In the late 19th century the Olympic Games were revived. At first, only Summer Games were held. Some years later Winter Games were also established. Winter Games are held in two years after Summer Games.

В конце 19 века Олимпийские игры были возрождены. Сначала проводились только Летние игры. Несколько лет спустя были также организованы Зимние игры. Зимние игры проводятся через два года после Летних игр.

There are many traditions connected with the Olympic Games. The symbol of the Olympic Games which is called Olympic Rings consists of five intertwined rings and represents the unity of the five inhabited continents. The opening ceremony takes place before the sport competitions start. The most important part of it is when athletes light the Olympic flame.

Существует много традиций, связанных с Олимпийскими играми. Символ Олимпийских Игр, которым являются Олимпийские кольца, состоит из пяти переплетающихся колец и представляет собой единство пяти населенных континентов. Церемония открытия проходит до начала спортивных соревнований. Самая важная часть церемонии – это когда спортсмены зажигают Олимпийский огонь.

I like the Olympic Games. They are very interesting and exciting sport competitions.

Мне нравятся Олимпийские игры. Это очень интересные и увлекательные спортивные соревнования.

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