Реферат на тему шотландия на английском языке

Обновлено: 04.07.2024

If you ask any of my friends about my favorite place in the world, any of them will tell you it’s Scotland. I have never been there before, but I have learnt a lot about this place. I have some pen-friends from Scotland, few our relatives went there. It has been my dream to visit Scotland since childhood.

Scotland is the United Kingdom’s northernmost country, it’s a place of wild mountains and beautiful lakes. The nature there is really fantastic and picturesque.

The most popular cities of Scotland are Edinburgh, Glasgow, Skye and some others.

The capital of the country is Edinburgh, but Glasgow is still the biggest city. The population of the country is only 5 million of people. And the territory is about 77 thousands Square kilometers. Queen Elizabeth II is the monarch of Scotland.

The first written reference to Scotland was more than 2300 years ago. This land had many monarchs and its history was changing almost every year. People here had different traditions, that can look very strange to us. Even today its traditions are very interesting and unique.

I like a lot the art of Scotland, music and habits. For example, men in Scotland wear particular skirts. It looks funny, but it’s a tradition and we have to respect.

Language of Scotland is not always English. People in United Kingdom often speak with dialect and it’s not easy to understand each other.

There are many interesting movies about Scotland and its nature. Beautiful lakes and ancient castles, huge mountains and good beer- these are what local people are proud of. Do you know Lochness monster? This legend came to us from Scotland.

As you can see Scotland is a fantastic country. I bet many people want to visit this place and I really hope one day my dreams will come true.


Если вы спросите любого из моих друзей, какое мое любимое место на планете, каждый из них скажет, что я люблю Шотландию. Я там ещё ни разу не была, но изучила уже почти все об этом месте. У меня есть несколько друзей по переписке из Шотландии и некоторые родственники бывали там. Моей мечтой с детства было путешествие в Шотландию.

Шотландия - это самая северная часть Великобритании; это место диких гор и красивейших рек. Природа там по-настоящему фантастическая и живописная.

Самые популярные города Шотландии - Эдинбург, Гласгоу, Скай и некоторые другие.

Столицей Шотландии является Эдинбург, но Гласгоу все ещё является самым большим городом страны. Численность населения страны составляет почти 5 миллионов человек. А территория ее составляет около 77 тысяч квадратных километров. Королева Елизавета II является монархом Шотландии.

Первое письменное упоминание о Шотландии было более 2300 лет назад. На этой земле было много правителей, а история ее менялась почти каждый год. Люди тут имели разные традиции, которые могут нам казать достаточно странными. Даже сегодня в Шотландии есть необычные и уникальные традиции.

Мне очень нравится искусство этой страны, музыка и привычки народа. Например, мужчины в Шотландии носят специальные юбки. Это выглядит немного смешно, но есть такая традиция и мы должны уважать ее.

Шотландский язык, кстати, не всегда английский. Люди в Великобритании часто говорят на диалекте и не всегда им легко понять друг друга.

Есть много интересных фильмов о Шотландии и ее природе. Красивые озёра, старинные замки, огромные горы и вкусное пиво - вот, чем по-настоящему гордятся местные жители. А вы слышали о Лохнесском чудовище? Эта легенда пришла к нам именно из Шотландии.

Как видите, Шотландия - это фантастическая страна. Я спорю, что многие люди хотят посетить это место и я очень надеюсь, что однажды моя мечта осуществится.

Шотландия является неотъемлемой частью Соединенного Королевства. Она занимает северную треть острова Великобритании. Шотландия – очень маленькая страна. Ее протяженность составляет 274 мили. Река Твид и Чевиот Хиллс образуют южную границу Шотландии с Англией. Северо-западный канал отделяет Шотландию от Северной Ирландии на юго-востоке. На севере и западе страна ограничивается Атлантическим океаном. Восточное побережье омывается Северным морем, которое отделяет Шотландию от материковой Европы. Стоит также отметить, что Шотландия включает в себя свыше 790 островов. Население страны составляет около 5 миллионов человек.

Главные промышленные города

Главные промышленные города страны – Глазго, крупнейший в Шотландии, и Эдинбург, являющийся столицей страны. Эдинбург – это также один из крупнейших финансовых центров Европы. Шотландские воды Северной Атлантики и Северного моря содержат крупнейшие запасы нефти в Европейском Союзе. Именно поэтому Абердин называется Европейской нефтяной столицей.

Столица страны

Шотландские города довольно отличаются от городов Англии. Столица страны – один из самых привлекательных городов в Шотландии. Несмотря на то, что это современный город, Эдинбург славится своей историей. В Эдинбурге 9 холмов. На самом большом можно увидеть Эдинбургский замок, который был домом шотландской королевской семьи до 1603. Дорога, которая начинается у замка и идет на восток, называется Королевская Миля, в конце которой расположен дворец Холирудхаус.

Шотландская культура

Что касается шотландской культуры, ее значимым аспектом является музыка. Знаменитый традиционный инструмент – это большая хайлендская волынка. Спорт – другой важный элемент шотландской культуры. Хайлендские игры, или, как их еще называют, Шотландские Олимпийские, проводятся в стране каждый год.

Флаг Шотландии

Последний интересный факт, который стоит отметить, касается национального флага Шотландии, известного как Андреевский крест или Крест Святого Андрея. Согласно легенде, его происхождение датируется 9 веком. Таким образом, он считается старейшим флагом, все еще находящимся в пользовании.


Шотландия действительно стоит того, чтобы ее посетили.

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Part of the United Kingdom

Scotland is an integral part of the United Kingdom. It occupies the northern third of the island of Great Britain. Scotland is a very small country. It’s about 274 miles long. The river Tweed and the Cheviot Hills form Scotland’s border with England. The Northwest Channel separates Scotland from Northern Ireland in the south-west. In the north and in the west the country is bounded by the Atlantic Ocean. The eastern coast is washed by the North Sea, which separates Scotland from the mainland of Europe. It should also be mentioned that Scotland includes over 790 islands. The population of the country is about 5 million people.

Main industrial cities

The country’s main industrial cities are Glasgow, which is the largest one in Scotland, and Edinburgh, the capital of the country. Edinburgh is also one of the largest financial centres of Europe. Scottish waters of the North Atlantic and the North Sea contain the largest oil reserves in the European Union. That is why Aberdeen has been given the title of Europe’s oil capital.

The capital of the country

Scottish towns are quite different from English ones. The capital of the country is one of the most attractive cities in Scotland. In spite of being a busy modern city, Edinburgh is famous for its history. There are nine hills in Edinburgh. On the highest hill one can see Edinburgh Castle, which was the home of Scotland’s royal family until 1603. The road which begins at the castle and goes eastwards is called Royal Mile, at the end of which there is the Palace of Hollyroodhouse.

Scottish culture

As for Scottish culture, music is its significant aspect. A famous traditional instrument is the Great Highland Bagpipe. Sport is another important element of Scottish culture. Highland games, or Scottish Olympics, as they are called, are held in the country every year.

Scotland is one of the most beautiful countries in the world. It is one of the four parts of the United Kingdom, occupying about one-third of the island of Great Britain.

The country has a population of over 5 million (2020). Scotland is the second largest country in the United Kingdom. Edinburgh is Scotland’s capital city.

The head of state in Scotland is the British monarch, currently Queen Elizabeth II (since 1952). Scotland entered into a union with England in 1707. This led to the creation of the United Kingdom of Great Britain on 1 May of that year.

Scotland's cities

Home to over 500,000 people, Edinburgh is Scotland’s capital city.

It is certainly one of the most beautiful cities in the United Kingdom, with buildings such as Edinburgh Castle and the Scott Monument towering over the skyline.

Edinburgh is home to the world’s largest arts festival – the Festival Fringe .

Glasgow is Scotland's biggest city, home to over 600,000 people. There is incredible historic architecture from the 18th and 19th century which contrasts beautifully with new modern buildings.

Other major cities include Aberdeen, Dundee, Paisley and East Kilbride.

Cultural heritage

Scotland is well-known for its Loch Ness Monster , haggis and traditional festivals.

The Harry Potter books were written in Edinburgh by English novelist J.K. Rowling.

Sean Connery, perhaps best known for his portrayal of James Bond, was Scotland’s most recognizable film star of the second half of the 20th century.

New Year's Eve is a big celebration for millions of people all over the world. But it is a particularly big deal in Scotland where it is called Hogmanay. Festivities take place all over the country and last for three days, beginning at the end of December and ending on 2 January.


Magnificent mountains, atmospheric glens, picturesque lochs and rivers and fabulous forestry: no wonder Scotland’s scenery has a reputation for being among the most spectacular in the world.

The 10 tallest mountains in the UK can all be found in Scotland. Ben Nevis is the tallest of them all. Its height is 1345 metres .

Рассказ про Шотландию на английском с переводом

Рассказы на английском

Рассказ про Шотландию на английском с переводом

Scotland is located in Europe, at the northern end of Great Britain. Scotland is a part on the United Kingdom, along with England, Wales and Northern Ireland. Scotland shares a border with England.

Scotland has nearly 800 islands, but people only live on some of them. Scotland is a very beautiful country with many mountains, forests, beaches, rivers and lakes.

The capital of Scotland is Edinburgh while the largest city is Glasgow.
The population of Scotland was around 5.2 million.
Most people live in the south of the country in and around the cities of Edinburgh, Glasgow, Perth and Dundee. The language spoken is English and Scottish. The money used here is called the pound sterling.

The highest mountain in Scotland is Ben Nevis which stands at a height of 1344 metres.

The Scottish Highlands are a mountainous region of Scotland with historical importance and a low population density.

Most major cities are located in the Scottish Lowlands.


A variety of wildlife can be found in Scotland, including seals, mountain hare, ptarmigan, stoats and the golden eagle.

Scotland has over 300 railway stations.

Scottish drivers use the left-hand side of the road. Scotland has a unique culture with traditions such as bagpipes, kilts and highland dancing. The thistle is a national symbol of Scotland.

Рассказ про Шотландию на русском (перевод)

Шотландия расположена в Европе, в северной части Великобритании. Шотландия входит в состав Соединенного Королевства вместе с Англией, Уэльсом и Северной Ирландией. Шотландия граничит с Англией.

В Шотландии около 800 островов, но люди живут только на некоторых из них. Шотландия — очень красивая страна с множеством гор, лесов, пляжей, рек и озер.

Столица Шотландии — Эдинбург, а крупнейший город — Глазго.
Население Шотландии составляло около 5,2 миллиона человек.
Большинство людей живут на юге страны в городах Эдинбург, Глазго, Перт и Данди и их окрестностях. Разговорный язык — английский и шотландский. Используемые здесь деньги называются фунтом стерлингов.

Самая высокая гора Шотландии — Бен-Невис, высота которой составляет 1344 метра.

Шотландское нагорье — горный регион Шотландии, имеющий историческое значение и низкую плотность населения.

шотландия интересные факты на английском

Большинство крупных городов расположены в Шотландской низменности.

В Шотландии можно найти множество диких животных, в том числе тюленей, беляка, куропатку, горностай и беркут.

В Шотландии более 300 железнодорожных станций.

Шотландские водители используют левую сторону дороги. Шотландия имеет уникальную культуру с такими традициями, как волынки, килты и горные танцы. Чертополох — национальный символ Шотландии.


Scotland is a beautiful country with dramatic mountains, lochs and many offshore islands. The Cheviot Hills is a natural boundary between England and Scotland. This part of the UK is divided into three regions: Lowlands, Highlands and Southern Upland.

Scotland is not densely populated. Most part of the Scottish population lives in Lowlands.

Scotland's biggest city, Glasgow, is situated on the bank of the river Clyde. Though this city is the biggest port and the most industrially developed, still it is not the capital.

Edinburgh has been the capital of Scotland since the 15th century. It is known as "the Athens of the North" and is one of the United Kingdom's nicest cities. There is the Palace of Holyrood House in Edinburgh, the Queen's official residence in Scotland.


In the Highlands the Scots speak English with their own accent. Besides English they also speak Gaelic, the ancient Scottish language. Many Scottish surnames start with Mac or Mc (e. g. MacDonald, McCalister). "Mac" means "son of". MacDonald and Campbell were once two main clans.

Highland region is famous for the clan system, which was the basis of the Highland life in the early days. The word "clan" comes from the Gaelic and means "children" and clan's members were united by kinship from the common ancestor. Each clan had its own tartan. Though tartan was worn in other parts of Scotland, it was in the Highlands, where it became the symbol of clan kinship. Tartan was a kind of checked cloth and was worn by both men and women. But the kilt (a kind of skirt made of tartan) was worn only by men.

Even though the clan system has lost its power it had over the years, people still wear the tartan of their clan, either a tie or a kilt to proclaim their pride in their origin.

Loch Ness

The Great Glen in the Scottish Highlands is a valley, which contains three famous lochs: Lochy, Oich and Ness. The most famous of these is Loch Ness.

It is deeper than the North Sea and is very long and very, very narrow and has never been known to freeze. Some people believe that a large monster lives in it. There are many stories about this water monster Nessie. Year after year thousands of tourists come to Loch Ness, put up their tents and watch the lake in the hope to see the monster. Since then, Nessie has been seen many times but has never harmed anyone. Interest in Nessie became great and over the years several scientific investigations have taken place.

Scotland is known for its so-called Highland Games. During these games different competitions are held. At the beginning of the games, people march to the game place and the pipers play the bagpipes.

There is an interesting custom in Scotland. It is the world's biggest New Year's Eve party, which takes place for several days. At the end of each year at midnight people together sing the old song of Robert Burns "Auld Lang Syne" what means "For old times' sake".

An old belief says that if the first person who enters the Scottish house after the beginning of a new year is a dark-haired man with a piece of coal, all the members of this family will have good luck.

St. Andrew is the Saint Patron of Scotland. St. Andrew's cross is a "saltire" [səl'taiə], or X-shaped cross. His cross, in white on a blue background, remains the pride symbol of Scotland today and forms a central component of the Flag of the United Kingdom. St. Andrew's Day is on November 30th.

Scotland is associated with the names of such writers and poetsas Walter Scott, Robert Louis Stevenson and Robert Burns.

Scotland is also traditionally regarded as the home of golf.

The thistle is the national emblem of Scotland.

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