Реферат english and the family

Обновлено: 04.07.2024

The most important thing in my life is my family. We are very friendly and always together. We know how to support each other and do this all the time.

My parents are great people and they taught me many important things. I love and respect all my friends and relatives. I remember all good things they have done for me and I want to help them as well.

Family is the thing that can make us happy and upset few times per day. We can argue, but at the end of the day I understand they are the best people in my life.

Children have to help the parents. Yes sometimes we want to have fun or go to the party, but first we have to help the family. I know that my mom and dad work hard to grow us up and give us better future. So I am really thankful and I would like to make their life easier. I wash the dishes, clean my home, help to cook and help with shopping whenever I can.

Family values are very important nowadays. I think there is no family without family values. We learn these things at school and at the universities. But the best lessons we learn from our parents and grandparents. If mom and dad respect each other, then in future we will respect our husband or wife. If we feel love and support from our parents, then we will give same love and support to our children. I guess the idea is clear.

I am happy that my family explained to me these simple but important things. Unfortunately today the world has changed. For some people family values are not important anymore. Families without children, misunderstanding between husband and wife and many other things become popular today. But I hope that in future everything will change and family values will become popular and important for every person.

Семейные ценности

Самой важной вещью в моей жизни является моя семья. Мои родные очень дружелюбные и мы все делаем вместе. Мы знаем, как поддержать друг друга и постоянно делаем это.

Мои родители - замечательные люди и они научили меня серьезным вещам. Я люблю и уважаю своих друзей и родных. Я помню все то добро, которое они сделали для меня, и хочу отплатить им тем же.

Семья - это то, что может сделать нас счастливыми и несчастными несколько раз за день. Мы можем спорить бесконечно, но в конце дня я понимаю, что это лучшие и самые дорогие люди в моей жизни.

Семейные ценности очень важны в наши дни. Мне кажется, что без семейных ценностей семья не может существовать. Мы учимся этому в школе и в университете. Но самые важные уроки мы узнаем от наших родителей и дедушки с бабушкой. Если мама и папа уважают друг друга, то и в будущем мы будем так же относиться к нашим мужу или жене. Если мы чувствуем любовь и поддержку от наших родителей, такое же отношение мы проявим и к нашим будущим детям однажды. Я полагаю, что идея понятна.

Я очень рада, что моя семья сумела объяснить мне эти простые и важные вещи. К сожалению сегодня наш мир очень изменился. Для многих людей семейные ценности больше не важны. Семьи без детей, недопонимания между мужем и женой и тому подобное стало очень популярным. Но я очень надеюсь, что в будущем все изменится и семейные ценности станут вновь важны для каждого человека.

Family is the most important thing in life and no one can deny it. It is also the strongest unit of society. Families can be different. For example one person’s family consists only of one parent; the other’s family consists of parents, grandparents, sisters, brothers and several cousins. The average family in our country consists of mother, father and two children. In my opinion, I’m lucky. I have a large family and we all live in the same two-storey detached house. My name is Vlad. I have parents, grandparents, two brothers and a sister. One of my cousins, my uncle’s daughter, is also currently staying with us. Besides we have some pets: a dog, two cats and a hamster.

Our house is located in the suburbs of Moscow, but me and my siblings study in the city. Both my brothers are older than me, but my sister is younger. She is only five and we all pamper her. I’m 15, my brothers are 18 and 20. Our cousin Lena is almost my age. Her mother died after continuous illness two years ago and her father works under contract in Hungary. My mum drives us every morning to school and my little sister to the nursery. Our parents work in Moscow downtown. My mum is a qualified pharmacist and my father is a bank manager. They seem to like their occupations. When I grow up I want to become a pilot. My father says I need to train hard to become professional. Both my brothers study at the university. Andrey, who is 20, is going to be a physician; Denis, who is 18, is going to be a vet. My little sister says she’ll become a singer, although she might change her mind in teenage years. My cousin is going to be an accountant. My grandparents are retired. When they were younger, they were both doctors. They’ve met when they were students at the university and since then never parted. Now, when they have more free time, my grandfather likes working at his garden and my grandmother likes embroidering the patterns.

All in all, we are a friendly family. We respect discipline and family values. That’s why we try to be home for dinner and at weekends we spend lots of time together. Most of all I like our festive meals on special occasions, such as New Year, Easter, family members’ birthdays. At such days we have lots of guests over and our house becomes a real “melting pot”. Sometimes my parents take a vacation, when they get especially tired of us. As for pets, I think they are also happy to be the members of our family.

Представлен реферат по английскому языку на тему Моя семья/ My Family с переводом читать бесплатно.

Семья – это самое важное в жизни, и никто не может этого отрицать. Это также самая сильная ячейка общества. Семьи могут быть разными. Например, семья одного человека состоит всего лишь из одного родителя; семья другого состоит из родителей, бабушек и дедушек, сестер, братьев и несколько двоюродных братьев. Среднестатистическая семья в нашей стране состоит из матери, отца и двух детей. На мой взгляд, мне повезло. У меня большая семья, и все мы живем в одном двухэтажном особняке. Меня зовут Влад. У меня есть родители, бабушка с дедушкой, два брата и сестра. Одна из моих двоюродных сестер, дочь моего дяди, также в настоящее время живет с нами. Более того, у нас есть несколько домашних питомцев: собака, две кошки и хомяк.

Наш дом расположен в пригороде Москвы, но я и мои братья и сестры учимся в городе. Оба брата старше меня, а сестра младше. Ей всего пять, и все мы балуем её. Мне 15, моим братьям 18 и 20. Наша кузина Лена почти моего возраста. Ее мать умерла, после продолжительной болезни два года тому назад, а отец работает по контракту в Венгрии. Моя мама отвозит нас каждое утро в школу, а мою маленькую сестру – в детский сад. Наши родители работают в центре Москвы. Моя мама квалифицированный фармацевт, а папа – менеджер в банке. Им, кажется, нравятся их профессии.
Когда я вырасту, я хочу стать пилотом. Мой отец говорит, что нужно много тренироваться, чтобы стать профессионалом. Оба моих брата учатся в университете. Андрей, которому 20, собирается стать врачом; Денис, которому 18, собирается быть ветеринаром. Моя младшая сестра говорит, что она станет певицей, хотя все может измениться в подростковом возрасте. Моя двоюродная сестра собирается стать бухгалтером. Мои бабушка с дедушкой пенсионеры. Когда они были моложе, оба были врачами. Они встретились, когда были еще студентами в университете и с тех пор не расставались. Теперь, когда у них больше свободного времени, мой дед любит заниматься своим огородом, а бабушка любит вышивать картины.

Family is the most important thing in life and no one can deny it. It is also the strongest unit of society. Families can be different. For example one person’s family consists only of one parent; the other’s family consists of parents, grandparents, sisters, brothers and several cousins. The average family in our country consists of mother, father and two children. In my opinion, I’m lucky. I have a large family and we all live in the same two-storey detached house. My name is Vlad. I have parents, grandparents, two brothers and a sister. One of my cousins, my uncle’s daughter, is also currently staying with us. Besides we have some pets: a dog, two cats and a hamster.

Our house is located in the suburbs of Moscow, but me and my siblings study in the city. Both my brothers are older than me, but my sister is younger. She is only five and we all pamper her. I’m 15, my brothers are 18 and 20. Our cousin Lena is almost my age. Her mother died after continuous illness two years ago and her father works under contract in Hungary. My mum drives us every morning to school and my little sister to the nursery. Our parents work in Moscow downtown. My mum is a qualified pharmacist and my father is a bank manager. They seem to like their occupations.
When I grow up I want to become a pilot. My father says I need to train hard to become professional. Both my brothers study at the university. Andrey, who is 20, is going to be a physician; Denis, who is 18, is going to be a vet. My little sister says she’ll become a singer, although she might change her mind in teenage years. My cousin is going to be an accountant. My grandparents are retired. When they were younger, they were both doctors. They’ve met when they were students at the university and since then never parted. Now, when they have more free time, my grandfather likes working at his garden and my grandmother likes embroidering the patterns.

All in all, we are a friendly family. We respect discipline and family values. That’s why we try to be home for dinner and at weekends we spend lots of time together. Most of all I like our festive meals on special occasions, such as New Year, Easter, family members’ birthdays. At such days we have lots of guests over and our house becomes a real “melting pot”. Sometimes my parents take a vacation, when they get especially tired of us. As for pets, I think they are also happy to be the members of our family.

моя семья текст на английском языке

Как рассказать о семье на английском языке?

Пройдите тест на уровень английского:

Разумеется, не все семьи такие счастливые и идеальные, как в тексте ниже, но как правило рассказ или текст на эту тему должен быть позитивным, даже если это идет вразрез с правдой жизни. Все-таки, суть этого задания, проверить ваши знания и навыки, а не установить достоверные факты о вашей семье.

My Family – Моя семья. Текст на английском языке + аудио

Это вариант текста с аудио. Ниже вы найдете такой же текст с переводом. Кстати, обратите внимание, что я не стал упоминать чей-либо возраст в тексте. Также нет имени самого рассказчика/рассказчицы. Упомянуть такие вещи все же желательно, просто я не хотел задавать конкретный возраст рассказчика.

Если такая схема сочинения кажется вам слишком короткой, просто добавите подробностей о хобби членов семьи, или расскажите про двоюродного дядю, которого видели в последний раз в 5 лет. Если сочинение, наоборот, слишком длинное, уберите подробности про чьи-то увлечения. Разумеется, необязательно добавлять в сочинение домашнее животное (но лично я бы добавил).

For almost any person, there is nothing more important in the world than their family. I love my family too. Today I would like to tell you about them.

My family is quite big. It consists of my mother, father, my three siblings and our cat Bob. Well, most people would say that a pet is not a family member but no one in our family would agree with that. We all love Bob and consider him a family member.

My mother’s name is Anna, she is a teacher. She has been working in our local school for a long time. My mom teaches History and Social Studies, the subjects that I really love. She loves reading very much, and her favorite book is “A Street Cat Named Bob” by James Bowen. If you are familiar with the book, you can guess why she named our ginger cat Bob.

My father’s name is Igor. He is a little older than mom and he used to be a police officer. He retired at a quite young age and has been running his own business ever since. He has a small coffee shop and a candy store. To be honest, I don’t know much about his business, but he says it is doing well.

As for my siblings, I have a sister, her name is Maria, and she is the oldest one, and two brothers – Viktor and Boris. By the way, I am the youngest child in the family but I am totally happy with that role. My sister Maria is an engineer, she lives in another town but visits us at least once a month. My brothers are still students. Viktor studies history, following in our mother’s footsteps, Boris is going to be a software developer. He is a big fan of videogames, and his dream is to develop his own game.

Текст на английском языке с переводом. My Family – Моя семья

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