Professional and personal qualities of the kazakh language teacher реферат

Обновлено: 05.07.2024

Примеры использования Kazakh language teachers в предложениях и их переводы

The primary objective is to improve the skills of the Kazakh language teachers in the cities and areas of the region.

Thus Kazakhs 90% of whom lived in the province of Bayan Ulgii had access to education in their own language;

Так казахи 90% которых живет в аймаке Баян- Улгий имеют возможность получать образование на своем родном языке; школьные учебники

specialties as:" dentistry"" orthopedic dentistry"" Kazakh language teacher"" computer science"" technology

Вмероприятииприняли участие преподаватели казахского языка Иртышского Павлодарского районов и города Аксу.

They organized and held the festival: teachers of the Kazakh language and culture department- candidate of philological sciences N. T.

Организовали и провели познавательный урок: преподаватели кафедры казахского языка и культуры- кандидат филологических наук Н. Т.

The set of teaching materials was translated into the Kazakh language and languages of the CA countries and distributed during trainings organized for SS teachers.

Данный пакет обучающих материалов переведен на казахский язык и языки стран ЦА и распространен через тренинги для учителей СШ.

Kazakh language's contest held among teachers 06 April 2015 Within the Regional Campaign Plan for 2014-2016 years as a part of the implementation of the"State Program of Functioning and Development of Languages for 2011-2020" contest"The best teacher" was held among the teachers of the Kazakh language in state bodies educational institutions and enterprises of Atyrau region.

Восточно- Казахстанский государственный университет филологический факультет учитель казахского языка и литературы.

Almaty city. Al-Farabi Kazakh State University Specialty: Kazakh language and literature teacher philologist;

Гг. Евразийский национальный университет имени Л. Н. Гумилева г. Астана филологический факультет специальность казахский язык и литература.

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Rakhila Tursynovna Naraliyeva, Maira Shodanovna Toiganvekova, Sultanova Bybigul Mynbaevna

Ұсынылып отырған мақаланың өзектілігі - Елбасымыздың Жауапкершілікті тіл саясатына қатысты айтқан тұжырымды терең ойларын жүзеге асыру мақсатында, отандық білім беру сатысын әлемдік деңгейге көтеруге, бәсекеге қабілеттілігін арттыруға қатысты отандық білім реформасы мен әл-Фараби атындағы Қазақ ұлттық университетінің даму стратегиясына сәйкес елімізде білім алып жатқан қазақстандық жастарды және шетелдік азаматтарды қалыптасқан салт-дәстүрімізді, тарихымызды, әдеп-ғұрпымызды, мәдениетімізді құрметтеуге баулу барысында жетекші рөл атқаратын, көпұлтты елімізді, біздің қоғамымызды одан әрі ұйыстыратын негізгі фактор - мемлекеттік тіліміздің өрісін кеңейту, қолданыс аясын, бәсекеге қабілетті дамыған елу елдің қатарына енуіне, әлемдік аренаға шығуына жол салатын білім мен ілімнің, ғылым мен техниканың тілі ретінде құзыреттілігін артуына байланысты қазақ тілін көп тілді ортада оқытудың инновациялық әдістемесін мемлекеттік және жалпыадамзаттық мәдени кеңістікте ғылыми-теориялық тұрғыдан саралап, оқыту технологиясына қатысты лингвистикалық және инновациялық әдістемелік мәселелерді анықтайды. Ұсынылып отырған әдістеме қазақ тілін көп тілді ортада әлемдік озық тәжірибелерге сүйене отырып, деңгейлік жүйеде оқыту үдерісін: қазақ тілді дәрісхана үшін – іскери және кәсіби қазақ тілін, еліміздегі ұлттық мектептерде және орыс тілді дәрісхана үшін – екінші тіл ретінде, ал шетелдіктер пен мемлекеттік тілді өте нашар білетіндер үшін шет тілі ретінде оқыту бағытын а арнап қазақ тілінің грамматикасын кешенді түрде оқытатын қарқынды оқыту жүйесін ұсынады.

Түйін сөздер: білім, қазақ тілі, тілді оқыту, бейімделген грамматика .

The article suggests the lines of the Kazakh language development in professional scientific and technological area, based on the understanding of its role and priorities in the formation of the statehood of the Republic of Kazakhstan. As the importance of the Kazakh language grows and the scope of its application expands, the demand for the development of new scientific theories and innovative technologies and the introduction of innovative methods in teaching foreign students and preparing them for training in various specialties arises. This article contains the author’s technique for studying the Kazakh language in a multilingual environment and the grammar of the Kazakh language paradigmatically adapted for learners.

Modern technologies of teaching the Kazakh language in multilingual environment systematically justifies the ways of the Kazakh language development in the professional scientific and technical area. The Republic of Kazakhstan is a multinational state where mutual understanding and tolerance are given priority in relationships. Given the experience of the most effective methods for learning the Kazakh language, the authors of this project offers an innovative unique comprehensive methodology poliyazychnoy Kazakh language in the field as a foreign, second to inochyazychnoy audiences, as well as business and professional level for Kazakh-audiences, based on the Kazakh grammar adapted to paradigmatics for learners and students . In 2010, the Republic of Kazakhstan chaired the OSCE and the Islamic Conference in 2011. The integrity of the Kazakh language is the cornerstone of independence. The Republic of Kazakhstan keeps working to increase the credibility and relevance of the state language in all fields, and especially in the professional field. President Nursultan Nazarbayev noted the high unifying role of the state language. In his address to the people of Kazakhstan, he spoke of the need to enhance its role in the state. In the light of national revival and improvement of the country’s competitiveness, the emphasis was laid on the language policy. The state program of languages development for 2010-2020 in the Republic of Kazakhstan emphasizes the specific areas of work to raise the standing of the state language. The President in his 201 5 address noted the need to apply innovative technologies in the field of education in this respect. The main objective of the methods. The proposed methods is for the implementation of the provisions relating to the language policy of the country and expand the use of the state language in particular in the professional sphere, language competencies in the field of science and technology, as well as strengthening the role of language in the formation of the proper attitude of foreign citizens to the traditions, history, culture people, as well as the increasing role of communication in Kazakhstan in the world, plans of entering the top fifty most competitive countries, aims to develop innovative methods of teaching the Kazakh language in the professional, scientific and technical fields, the development of innovative teaching and linguistic issues and ways to resolve them, and related training technologies.

Keywords: education, the Kazakh language, language-learning methods , adapted grammar

For the purpose of implementation of these provisions relating to the language policy of the country and extension of the scope of use of the state language, particularly in the professional field, increase in the competencies of the language in the scientific and technical field, as well as strengthening of the language role in forming proper attitude of foreign nationals to the traditions, history, and culture of the nation, as well as in connection with the increasing role of Kazakhstan in the world, the plans to become one of the thirty most competitive countries, the proposed technique aims to develop innovative methods for teaching the Kazakh language in professional, scientific and technical field, and to approach the linguistic and innovative methodological issues and ways to resolve them, also relating to the training technology.

With account of the experience of using the most effective methods to teach the Kazakh language to learners, the teachers of our Department of Preliminary Training offer the innovative unique integrated technique of learning the Kazakh language in a multilingual environment as a foreign language and as a second language for foreign audience, and also offer the business and professional levels of the Kazakh language for the Kazakh-speaking audience, based on the grammar of the Kazakh language paradigmatically adapted for the learning persons and students [1,115-121].

Thorough study of the language, the techniques of teaching Kazakh as a foreign language in a multilingual environment based on the experience of culturally developed and civilized countries is a traditional process, the indicator of which is integrity of the national culture and ethical values. As for the scientific and practical level, the prospects, and the structure of the innovative technique of teaching Kazakh as a foreign language, it may be noted that, though until 2000, there had been a demand for the official language among foreign citizens, in recent years, foreign students have been showing interest in learning the Kazakh language. As a peaceful nation that is also rich in natural resources and has its rightful place in the international educational space, Kazakhstan attracts competitive foreign countries and certain foreign nationals. Taking into account the growing interest in the state language, we state that the content and structure of the technique of teaching Kazakh as a foreign language require updating. Numerous articles and publications have been published on matters relating to the above issue. Teachers of the Kazakh language using the Kazakh language textbook “First Step” (Musaeva, Buldybaev & Ekshembeeva, 1998) noted that lessons in the textbook are arranged methodically correctly. The purpose of the textbook is to ensure practical learning of the Kazakh language as a means of communication at the elementary level and to form verbal communication skills. The book has been tested for 5 years at the pre-university course for foreign students. Modern Kazakhstan is a multilingual country, but the state language is of top priority. The practical principles of implementation of the Program of the Kazakh language as the state language are being developed by national linguists, educators, and psychologists. The Program of the Kazakh language implementation as the state language has led to the idea to create the level-by-level study guides “Language is a Means” [“Tyl—khural”] (study guides of levels A1, A2—editions in the Kazakh and Russian languages)[5,39]. Therefore, teachers of the state language have an important task—to learn and apply the unique experience and knowledge of foreign specialists in creating an enabling learning environment for the development of the Kazakh language, which would contribute to the formation of a socially active person who can live in peace and harmony and would have a feeling of due respect for other cultures. The goal and mission of linguists and teachers of the Kazakh language are to develop teaching packages (hereinafter—TP). The TP development requires changing the existing structure of the technique, the techniques of teaching the Kazakh language, the content of study guides, and developing the content of the educational process. In our country, education programs correlate with the language learning, and two main trends are determined: the bilingual and multilingual education. That is why the Kazakh language learning materials for a foreign audience are of bilingual nature (there are editions in the Kazakh and Russian languages). For example, “Numeral” for students of the Russian section (Kokkozova & Tymbolova, 1997), “The Kazakh Language” study guide for students of the Russian department of the Geography Faculty (Tymbolova, 2008), “The Kazakh Language. The Theory and Practice of Testing” (Kuzekova, Pazylova, & Abdirasilov, 2009), the information and methodical journal “Tvorcheskaya Pedagogika” (“Creative Pedagogy”) (materials in the Kazakh and Russian languages), “Exercises for the Language Development” (Zhakhina, 2002), “Kazakh Official Business Documents” (Duysembekova, 2005), “The Kazakh Language”, test book to prepare for the UNT (Ibragimov, 2011). The goals and objectives of these study guides, guidelines, and developments are to provide practical learning of the Kazakh language and to assist in preparing for the Kazakh language knowledge level assessment exam in the form of testing. The particular focus is made on listening, speaking, and testing. However, the problem of formation of an innovative technology-based system of teaching Kazakh as a foreign language has not yet been solved. Development of innovative methods is paid special attention. For this purpose, scientific-methodical and practical conferences are held every year in the leading universities of Kazakhstan. Having compared foreign and domestic language teaching techniques[6,31-60], the authors propose a new comprehensive technique of teaching Kazakh as a foreign language. For example, the authors of New ENGILSH FILE provide in their book grammatical forms and syntactic constructions to reinforce the educational materials: Who is who? Who knows you better? (Olive Oxenden, Christina-Koenig & Paul Seligson, 1997)[7,4-6].

The comparison of domestic and foreign experience in the organization of the learning process not only allows conscious understanding of the achievements and shortcomings of our techniques, but also helps conduct purposeful work for further development of techniques of the Kazakh language learning. We considered the relationship of the basic components of the methodical system and the need to modernize our educational system and effective methods. According to E.A.Yamburg, it is effective that is able to work in this environment (Yamburg, 1996). The pre-conducted research and testing have shown that a comprehensive and innovative technique of teaching Kazakh as a foreign language improves the quality of learning the proposed educational material. The proposed technique is a unique method of new content in this field.

1. 5.Naralieva, R. T. (2014). The Modern Technique for Teaching Kazakh as a Foreign Language: Innovation, Quality, Result, Achievements ( pp. 115-121 ) . Moscow: ANO Publishing House “Scientific Review” .

2.Shakanova, Nurila, & Truevtseva, O. (1997). Essential Kazakh Grammar ( p . 53. ) Almaty .

3.Adilkhanova, J. S. (2013). The Kazakh Language: Handy (Adapted) Grammar for Foreigners (p. 9). Almaty: the Kazakh University .

4.Kasabek, K., & Kuzembaeva, A. (1999). Laboratory and Practical Works on the Kazakh Language Teaching Technique in Russian Schools (pp. 5-16) Almaty: the Republican Publishing Office of the Y. Altynsarin Kazakh Academy of Education .

5.Mamaeva, M. K., Zhylkybaeva, M., & Zholshaeva, M. and other Authors. (2011 a ). Language is a Means [Tyl - khural] level A1. Study guide for preparing for the Kazakh language knowledge level assessment exam in the form of testing ( p. 39 ) .

6.Author (2012). English as a Second Language . In School and Education Resources ( рр. 31-60 ) . International Education .

7. Olive , O . , Christina-Koenig, & Paul S . (1997) . Pre-intermediate Students Book (pp.4-6). OXFORD University press .

Key words: speaking skill, text, monologic speech, dialogical speech, self-education, exercises, vocabulary.

Practically in all classes the students speak, listen, read and write. Of course, teachers of all subjects follow the speech of students, explain the meaning of new words, assess the consistency and expressiveness of the answer, etc. At the lessons of the Kazakh language and literature, the task of developing speech is solved purposefully, in a certain system, with the support of linguistic knowledge and comprehension of the speech experience of students.

When determining the content of the work on the development of speech, it is necessary to take into account that, when attending classes, the students already know their native language. However, the speech of the students requires improvement at various levels. This must be taken into account if we, the teachers, set a goal, solve the educational and educational tasks set for the modern school by the state and society.

Speech exists in two forms — oral and written. In this form of speech is primary, in writing — is secondary. In this article, we would like to pay more attention to the development of oral speech skills.

Oral speech — is loudly pronounced and perceivable by ear, and written — is speech encoded with the help of graphic signs and perceived with the help of the organs of vision. Oral speech has the means of sound expressiveness: intonation, tempo, strength and timbre of sound, pauses and logical accent.

Oral forms of speech include such types of speech activity as speaking and listening. Despite the fact that the role of written speech increases, the oral one is more inclined to the development of speech. The development of speech is not only the enrichment of vocabulary and grammatical structure, not only the education of speech culture and the development of speech activity skills in all its forms is also the development of the sense of language and linguistic intuition, and as a result it is the development of all components of the language ability.

As the head of state Nursultan Nazarbayev notes: «With all the power of its communicative, epistemological and expressive wealth, the Kazakh language occupies a legitimate and worthy position in the world linguistic space. In terms of its development, the Kazakh language, like Ukrainian, Uzbek and Russian, is the main part of the universal treasury of language forms and meanings. There are a lot of such original words and expressions in it that do not have external equivalents and are not found in any dictionary of the world, so that specific phenomena, concepts and representations of the language picture of the world of Kazakhs can be explained and interpreted only with the support of the resources of the Kazakh language " [1, p. 2]. Proceeding from this, we are teachers who primarily educate a citizen of the Republic of Kazakhstan, and only after the pupil from a small age should develop a speech, namely, speech of the native language. For this, we ourselves must show love for our native language. Since children need to be taught not by words, but by actions.

Using personal-oriented technology, we as teachers, have the opportunity to create a positive emotional attitude to the work of all students, through the application of knowledge that allows the student to choose the type, type and form of the material (verbal, graphic, symbolic), evaluation) when interviewing not only the correct answer of the student at the lesson, but also an analysis of how the student reasoned, what method he used, why he made a mistake and what. That is, the student works independently, and the teacher in turn only directs and acts as a mentor [6, p. 95].

As stated above, oral speech is divided into two groups: unprepared (spontaneous) oral speech, interactive speech (conversation, interview, speaking in a discussion) and prepared oral speech (lecture, report, speech, report); dialogical speech (direct exchange of statements between two or more persons) and monologic speech (the kind of speech addressed to one or a group of listeners, sometimes to oneself).

For the development of monologic speech, the following types of tasks are used:

  1. Read the text (a summary of the text in Kazakh)
  2. Read the text (in Russian)

The second task is more difficult, since it does not give standard clichés and it is necessary to use the maximum of lexical units that they own. Therefore, I use a multi-level approach, since not all learners have the same level of knowledge in the Kazakh language.

An example of a three-level task:

Ақназар ұйқысын әбден қандырып тұрды. Тыста күннің көзі күлімдеп, шуағын төгілдіре шашады. Осы тамылжыған табиғаттың ғажайып шағын аңлдаған соң, сыртқа тезірек шығуға асықты. [4, с. 234]

Ақназар ұйқысын әбден қандырып тұрды. Тыста күннің көзі күлімдеп, шуағын төгілдіре шашады. Осы тамылжыған табиғаттың ғажайып шағын аңлдаған соң, сыртқа тезірек шығуға асықты.

Лекіген көңілі құнанын көргенде тіпті асқақтап кетті. Үстінде судай жаңа ер, жылтырағы мен салпыншақтары көп өмілдірік, құйысқан. Тамағында салбыраған шашағы бар жүген, ноқта. Шылбырының өзі аппақ жібектен. Осының бәрі үйлесімін тауып, құнанды одан бетер құлпыртып жіберді. [4, с. 234]

Ақназар ұйқысын әбден қандырып тұрды. Тыста күннің көзі күлімдеп, шуағын төгілдіре шашады. Осы тамылжыған табиғаттың ғажайып шағын аңлдаған соң, сыртқа тезірек шығуға асықты.

Лекіген көңілі құнанын көргенде тіпті асқақтап кетті. Үстінде судай жаңа ер, жылтырағы мен салпыншақтары көп өмілдірік, құйысқан. Тамағында салбыраған шашағы бар жүген, ноқта. Шылбырының өзі аппақ жібектен. Осының бәрі үйлесімін тауып, құнанды одан бетер құлпыртып жіберді.

Айран-асыр болған Ақназардың аузы ашылып қалыпты.Дел-сал күй кешкендей, аяғын жаймен басып мама ағашқа таянщды. Өз көзіне өзі сенбейді, құнанның арда сұлулығынан жанарын тайдыра алмайды. Өмілдірік, құйысқанның жақтауларына қайыспен иттіс шалып, сірісін қошқар мүйіздеп, ол аз дегендей, ақ сауыттай күмбезделген күмістерді қатар тізе мінеп тастапты. Әбзелдердің күміс шектеулері өзі қара көк жылқыны тіптен айшықтап, ажарын ашып әрлендіре түскен. [4, с. 234]

. 1970 жылдың желтоқсан айы болатын.Өнер институтының екінші курс студенті кезімде Мұхтар Әуезов атындағы Қазақ драма театрының актерлар тобына көмекші құрамға алындым. Алғаш көз тоқтатып, танысқан кісі Серағаң еді.

—Тұңғышбай деген балаңызбын, Сераға. Жаманқұл-атамның аты,-дедім.

—Тұңғышбаевскиймін де. Әкең бар ма?Аты кім?

—Бар.Ол кісінің есімі-Қадыр, 46 жаста.

—Жоқ, аға. Мен шалдың баласымын,-дедім. [4, с. 180]

This dialogue is made up between creative individuals and contains literary words in a mixture with sarcasm, which are immediately noticeable for the students of the senior classes. The material is fairly understandable, but the learner again must form a dialogue, thereby developing the speech using complex lexical units. Thus, a dialogical conversation is part of a wider set of oral tools needed to reach diverse goals for schools with a broader curriculum. It is also necessary for children to improve their level of learning now and later as adults in society.

The third thing we use for quality assimilation of the material is health saving technology. Since modern assignments provided in the school system of education represent a large volume of lexical units, this technology is simply necessary. Namely, to give an opportunity to relax, that is, to leave the image of concentration and relax. That is, to master this large amount of information provided, it is necessary to apply methods of memory development.

Drawing conclusions, one can answer the question: what is the goal of all modern education? The answer is obvious, modern education tends to transition to independent work of the student. That is, the teacher fulfills the guiding function, and the student follows this directional path and makes independent steps. As it was emphasized above, this technology is always focused on the independent activity of students — individual or group, which students perform for a certain period of time, and involves a set of problematic methods of teaching, creative in nature.

Thanks to the lessons of speech development, the foundations for successful adaptation and self-realization in the further life of our graduates are laid. Thus, the purposeful and systematic work on developing the speech of schoolchildren helped not only to develop students' thinking, their observance, thoughtful and careful attitude to the native word, contributed to the formation of a common culture, but also made a significant contribution to the development of a comprehensive, socially active personality of the school graduate, helped formation and development of key competencies, its social adaptation, which determines the quality of modern education. As philology teachers, we believe that the main task of our pedagogical activity is not only to give a certain amount of knowledge (to expand the vocabulary of students, to show inexhaustible riches of the Kazakh language, to present Kazakh and world literature as a treasure of the world culture to learners), but also that important and valuable, to show practical value and the need for further life. In other words, after graduation and entering higher education institutions, future specialists should be able to speak competently, have presentation and oratorical skills, be able to actively master the richness of oral and written speech, to think and have a desire to further develop their own creative abilities. We were convinced that the work on the development of speech in the lessons of the Kazakh language gives good results:

‒ develops creative, research abilities of students, increases their activity;

‒ helps the development of cognitive activity of students and interest in the subject;

‒ develops logical thinking in students, significantly raises the level of reflexive actions with the studied material.

The evaluation the teachers’ pedagogical competence and determination their rating, it should be continuous and engulf all lecturers at higher learning institution with purpose to increase the quality of educational process at higher establishment.

Рубрика Педагогика
Предмет Pedagogy
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Язык английский
Прислал(а) Iryna Zvarych
Дата добавления 10.05.2018
Размер файла 16,8 K

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School attendance and types of schools. Pre-school and elementary education. Nursery schools and kindergartens which are for children at the age of 4 - 6. The ideal of mass education with equal opportunity for all. Higher education, tuition fees.

реферат [20,5 K], добавлен 01.04.2013

The basic tendencies of making international educational structures with different goals. The principles of distance education. Distance learning methods based on modern technological achievements. The main features of distance education in Ukraine.

реферат [19,1 K], добавлен 01.11.2012

The impact of the course Education in Finland on my own pedagogical thinking and comparison of the Finnish school system and pedagogy with my own country. Similarities and differences of secondary and higher education in Kazakhstan and Finland.

In recent years, the issue of teaching the Kazakh language has reached a new level. In particular, various research papers and new teaching methods are being developed. In this regard, the problems of literary criticism, Turkic language family stems began to be considered in more detail in the methodology of teaching language. And in high school, language theory is the key to understanding the nature of fiction.

Mastery of fiction and in-depth acquaintance with students is based on a theoretical analysis of all the components of the work. Without this, an in-depth and high-quality language education with a future specialist is impossible (Baitursynov, 1934). Students’ literary literacy is manifested in their ability to read and analyze works of art. A student with a high level of knowledge and skills is a professional who will teach the Kazakh language in the future. A student with this ability will be able to reflect on literary works, express his taste, perception, perceive work with his heart and mind, and comprehensively analyze literary and theoretical concepts.

When it comes to the literary analysis of a literary work, we pay special attention to its literary and theoretical analysis. And there are many more questions that were not addressed in this analysis. Especially this issue deserves special attention in the science and methodology of Kazakh literary criticism. True, in recent years, some works in the field of literary criticism have often sought to reveal the aesthetic nature and artistic details of the work. However, methodological works that facilitate the literary and theoretical analysis of contemporary works of art are not enough. In this regard, the methodologist and scientist T.A. Akshulakov (1968) said: “A language teacher is like a geologist who is looking for precious minerals in the earth or a doctor who is looking for flaws in the human body. And here the teacher must look for those pearls that he needs in his work, the enlightenment of the student, the signs of goodness, the hot fire of the soul, the burning blows, the barbaric details of his anger. ” From this point of view, it is not enough just to study the theory of language in order to dive deeper into an aesthetic work of art. To do this, you need to be aware of the connection between other related sciences, such as philosophy, psychology and pedagogy, with language. Since language is a work of art, it is necessary to consider in more detail the integration of these areas with language in order to get the most out of work. Only a knowledgeable teacher who knows all this can reveal to the student the basic nature of language.

The involvement of students in the study of fiction, the formation of their worldview, thinking, aesthetic taste, moral, moral qualities and their desire for art, works of art require a certain degree of literacy. In this regard, the principles of instruction are determined and ways of mastering individual literary concepts arise. In the course of a lesson based on didactic principles, a concrete detail of the figurative meaning of figurativeness is extracted from the literary text and the definition of the literary and theoretical understanding of it.

Interactive methods also play an important role in the development of certain literary and theoretical concepts in language lessons (Atabayeva, 2006). These methods, firstly, stimulate the student to read fiction, and secondly, to reveal the power of language and reveal the secrets of his work, to lead them to master literary and theoretical concepts. All aspects of learning are learned by the teacher and student interest in the subject. Conducting an analysis of the abstract, studying theoretical problems, understanding the artistic nature of a work of art arouses great interest among students in the language, increases his love for the subject.

In conclusion, based on the results obtained in the study of literary and theoretical concepts in higher education, the following conclusions were drawn:

  1. The university revealed a systematization of the basic didactic principles used in determining the content of the study of literary and theoretical concepts, the use of interactive methods in the development of concepts in general language lessons, on the basis of which the correct choice of teaching materials and types of training was opened.
  2. The study of the system of interactive methods of teaching the Kazakh language in higher educational institutions can be used to determine ways to establish “subject-subject” relationships relevant to modern education (Nurmuratov, 2014). In particular, he can be guided by the development of pedagogical activities aimed at providing mechanisms for student self-development, and at the same time at increasing the activity of teachers and students, using types that improve the quality of education in the educational process and provide constant control over independent work.
  3. In addition, our studies revealed the pedagogical and psychological aspects of the study of literary and theoretical concepts in higher education.
  4. The philosophical and social foundations and the philological and logical foundations of the literary and theoretical concepts at the university are determined, and the problems of modern philosophy of education are examined.
  5. The university describes professional-subject, communicative competencies that are formed during the development of literary and theoretical concepts, on the basis of which it is established that the future specialist must possess knowledge, skills and abilities.
  6. The following didactic opportunities were identified and used for the development of literary and theoretical concepts in higher education to describe the structural, substantive features of education:

– systematization of the educational process;

– Creation of a database of creative, research work of students and their database;

– practical use of design and other creative works of students;

– making changes and additions to students and teachers, which must be used in the learning process and reproduced in other lessons.

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