Phraseology as a subsystem of language реферат

Обновлено: 28.06.2024

• Работа на занятиях (25 занятий из 33)– 1х25 занятий = 25
• Работа на занятиях, на которых проходит рубежная и итоговая
аттестации и защита рефератов (8 занятий), баллами не
• Развернутый ответ на текущем семинарском занятии – 5
баллов (max – 10)
• Своевременное выполнение домашних заданий – 15 баллов
• Работа в ТУИС – своевременное выполнение заданий и тестов
во всех разделах – 5 баллов.
• Реферат (включая презентацию) – 15 баллов за
своевременную подготовку.
• Аттестация:
• Рубежная аттестация (тест + термины) – 5+5= 10 баллов
• Итоговая аттестация (тест + термины) – 10+10=20 баллов.

3. Экзамен

1. Подготовить реферат и презентацию к нему
на английском языке.
2. Подготовить подробные ответы на
английском языке на вопросы итоговой
аттестации (шрифт 12, интервал 1, не менее
1 страницы на вопрос).
3. Выучить ответы.

4. Правила учета рейтинга при выставлении оценок

A(5+) 95-100
B(5) 86-94
C(4) 69-85
D(3+) 61-68
E(3) 51-60
FX(2+) 31-50
F(2) Менее 31
Максимальная сумма баллов 100
Все виды работ являются строго
Работы, сданные не в положенный срок,
оцениваются 50% баллов!
К итоговой аттестации допускаются только
студенты, сдавшие и представившие реферат

5. Требования к оформлению реферата (1)

• Структура реферата включает:
– Титульный лист
– Содержание
– Введение
– Основная часть
– Заключение
– Список использованной литературы и
источников (не менее 15 по теме, из них
ссылки на 6, учебники не использовать)

8. Useful Links

9. Требования к оформлению реферата (2)

• Список использованной литературы дается
в алфавитном порядке и должен содержать
не менее 15 источников, оформляется
согласно ГОСТ Р 7.0.5.–2008.
• В тексте реферата каждому из разделов
должен предшествовать заголовок.

10. Описание книги с одним, двумя и более авторами

• Мухина В.С. Возрастная психология. - М.:
Академия, 1997. - 432 с.
• Волков Б.С., Волкова Н.В. Детская психология в
вопросах. - М.: Сфера, 2004. - 256 с.
• Орлов Ю.М. и др. Психологические основы
воспитания и самовоспитания / Ю.М. Орлов, Н.Д.
Творогова, И.И. Косарев. - М.: Педагогика, 1994. 60 с.
• Примечание: более подробное перечисление
авторов производится в сведениях, относящихся к
заглавию после косой черты.

11. Сборник работ разных авторов с общим заглавием

• Психология детства: Учебник / Под ред. А.А.
Реана - СПб.: Прайм-ЕВРО-ЗНАК, 2003. 368 с.
• Практикум по возрастной психологии / Под
ред. Л.А. Головей, Е.Ф. Рыбалко. - СПб.:
Речь, 2001. - 688 с.

12. Многотомное издание

• Самойлов Д.С. Избранные произведения: В
2 т. / Вступ. ст. И. Иванова. - М.: Худож. лит.,
1994. - Т. 1-2.

13. Статья из журнала

• Божович Л.И. Этапы формирования
личности в онтогенезе // Вопросы
психологии. - 1979. - №4. - С.23-24.
• Homans G. Social Behaviour as Exchange
//American Journal of Sociology. - 1958. - Vol.
63. - P. 32-49.

14. Cоставная часть книги:

• Шекспир У. Ромео и Джульетта/Пер. с англ.
Б.Пастернака//Трагедии. - М., 1989. - С. 17-118.
• Библиографическое описание книги//Составление
библиографического описания: Крат. правила. - 2е изд., доп. - М., 1991. - Гл. 2. - С. 21-63.
• Сахаров В. Возвращение замечательной книги:
Заметки о романе М.А.Булгакова "Мастер и
Маргарита"//За строкой учебника: Сб. ст. - М.,
1989. - С. 216-229.

15. Оформление библиографических ссылок на электронные информационные ресурсы

16. Требования к оформлению реферата (3)

• Объем основной части реферата должен составлять не менее
10 страниц
• Требования к оформлению:
– реферат выполняется на листах бумаги формата А4;
– текст набирается на компьютере шрифтом TimesNewRoman;
– размер шрифта – 14 пт;
– межстрочный интервал – 1,5 пт;
– цвет шрифта должен быть черным;
– поля: левое – 3 см., правое – 2 см., верхнее – 2 см., нижнее –
2 см;
– страницы реферата нумеруются арабскими цифрами с
соблюдением сквозной нумерации по всему тексту. Номер
ставится в верхнем правом углу страницы.

17. Методические рекомендации по написанию рефератов

18. Library-research paper

Рекомендуемый объем реферата – от 10 страниц (без
библиографического списка литературы).
В структуре реферата должны быть представлены:

титульный лист,
введение с указанием цели и задач работы – 1 стр.,
реферативный раздел с обязательной рубрикацией – от 10 стр.,
заключение и выводы – 1 стр.,
список литературы.
Следует обратить внимание на правильное оформление
текста реферата, ссылок, цитат, списка литературы,
который должен быть оформлен в сроки,
предусмотренные учебным графиком (до 1 мая).

Interrelation of causes, nature and results of semantic change of meaning.
Historical changeability of semantic structure.
Polysemy and homonymy: etymological and semantic criteria.
Interrelation of denotational and connotational meanings of synonyms.
Etymological analysis of lexical suppletion in word families.
Extra-linguistic context in determining the meaning of the word.
Analysis of semantic classification of vocabulary items.
Phraseological units versus free word-groups.
Phraseological units and proverbs.
Phraseology as a subsystem of language.
Derivational patterns as meaningful arrangements of various types of ICs.

20. Tips for presenting ideas

• Many people feel the need to fill their PowerPoint slides with long and
complicated messages
• There seems to be a need to include every last word and detail on the
slide and cover every last piece of space with text
• Many people tend to use the screen a script for themselves and read the
entire message to their audience (who can presumably read for
• This usually leaves the presenter with their back to their audience so they
have no eye contact or interaction and the audience is missing much of
what is being said as the words are being spoken to the wall
• Humans find it very difficult to read and listen and learn all at the same
time, therefore much of what you are saying, showing or hoping your
audience will take away with them is wasted and you might as well give up

26. Part -Time Workers

27. The 1-7-7- rule

Have only one slide per idea
Insert only 7 lines of text maximum
Use only 7 words per line maximum
The question is though: does it work?
Is this method really good advice?
Is this really an appropriate, effective “visual”
This slide has just 7 bullet points

Key points of presentations
• Content (Purpose? / Interest? /
Structure (Organisation? / Signposting? /
Grammar (Accuracy? / Appropriateness?)
Vocabulary (Accuracy? / Appropriateness? /
Delivery (Pronunciation? / Projection? / Eye
contact? / Body language? / Communication?)

29. Preparation is the key to success

40. Тема 1. Содержание и задачи предмета лексикологии. Связь лексикологии с другими разделами языкознания. Слово как основная


41. Basic Terms

• The term ‘lexicology’ is composed of two
Greek morphemes: lexis denoting ‘word’ and
logos denoting ‘learning’. Thus the literal
meaning of the term ‘lexicology’ is ‘the
science of the word’. In modern linguistics
lexicology is one of the branches of science
dealing with different properties of words and
the vocabulary of a language.


• The general study of words and vocabulary,
irrespective of the specific features of any
particular language.
• Linguistic phenomena and properties common
to all languages are generally referred to as
language universals


• devotes its attention to the
description of the characteristic
peculiarities in the vocabulary of
a given language.


This branch of linguistics discusses
the origin of various words, their
change and development, and
investigates the linguistic and
extra-linguistic forces modifying
their structure, meaning and

46. Descriptive lexicology

deals with the vocabulary of a given language at a
given stage of its development.
• It will contrast the word boy with its derivatives:
boyhood, boyish, boyishly, etc.
• It will describe its semantic structure comprising
alongside with its most frequent meaning, such
variants as ‘a son of any age’, ‘a male servant’, and
observe its syntactic functioning and combining
• This word, for instance, can be also used vocatively in
such combinations as old boy, my dear boy, and
attributively, meaning ‘male’, as in boy-friend


• provides a theoretical basis on
which the vocabularies of
different languages can be
compared and described.

Within the scope of linguistics the
word has been defined
• syntactically,
• semantically,
• phonologically and
• by combining various approaches.



E. Sapir : “one of the smallest completely
satisfying bits of isolated ‘meaning’, into which
the sentence resolves itself”
its indivisibility: “It cannot be cut into without a
disturbance of meaning, one or two other or
both of the several parts remaining as a helpless
waif on our hands”.

52. The essence of indivisibility

the article a and the prefix ain
a lion and alive.
• A lion is a word-group because we can
separate its elements and insert other words
between them: a living lion, a dead lion.
• Alive is a word: it is indivisible, i.e. structurally
impermeable: nothing can be inserted
between its elements. The morpheme a- is
not free, is not a word.


Stephen Ullmann’s explanation:
connected discourse, if analysed from the
semantic point of view, “will fall into a
certain number of meaningful segments
which are ultimately composed of
meaningful units. These meaningful units
are called words."


A.H.Gardiner’s definition:
“A word is an articulate sound-symbol
in its aspect of denoting something
which is spoken about."


The eminent French linguist A. Meillet (18661936) advances a formula which underlies many
subsequent definitions:
“A word is defined by the association
of a particular meaning with a
particular group of sounds capable of a
particular grammatical employment."


57. The main points may now be summarised:

1. The word is the fundamental unit of
language. It is a dialectical unity of form and
content. Its content or meaning is not
identical to notion, but it may reflect human
notions, and in this sense may be considered
as the form of their existence. Concepts fixed
in the meaning of words are formed as
generalised and approximately correct
reflections of reality, therefore in signifying
them words reflect reality in their content.

2. The acoustic aspect of the word serves to
name objects of reality, not to reflect them. In
this sense the word may be regarded as a sign.
This sign, however, is not arbitrary but
motivated by the whole process of its
That is to say, when a word first comes into
it is built out of the elements already
available in the language and according
to the existing patterns.

59. WORD

The word is a speech unit used for the purposes
of human communication, possessing a
employment and characterized by formal and
semantic unity.


Each lexical unit is expected to be analysed on
the following five levels:
1) derivational level;
2) morphemic level;
3) etymological level;
4) semantic level;
5) stylistic level.

61. The derivational level of analysis

1. The derivational level of analysis is aimed at establishing
the derivational history of the word in question, i.e. at
establishing through what word building means it is built
and what is its structural or word-building pattern. The
method of analysis into Immediate (IC) and Ultimate
Constituents (UC) is very effective on this level. For
• threateningly is an adverb which falls into the following
1) threatening + -ly on the pattern A + -ly;
2) threaten + -ing on the pattern V + -ing;
3) threat + -en on the pattern N- + -en.
The adverb threateningly is a derivative built through

62. The morphemic level

The morphemic level is aimed at establishing the number
and type of the morphemes making up the word. Here
it is necessary to make use of the data gathered on the
derivational level as a result of establishing the UC‟s.
For example,
• in the adverb threateningly they are (arranged in the
order of the stages of the IC‟s analysis of the word) -ly,
-ing, -en, threat. Thus, the adverb threateningly is a
polymorphemic word consisting of four morphemes of
which one is a root morpheme and three derivational
• to head is a monomorphemic word consisting of one
root morpheme, it is a root word;
• teaspoon is a polymorphemic word consisting of two
root morphemes. It is a compound.

63. The etymological level

The etymological level is aimed at establishing the
etymology (origin) of the word under analysis, i.e.
at finding out whether it is a native English word,
a borrowing or a hybrid. For example,
• challenge is a Romance borrowing (French, to be
• threateningly is a native English word;
• nourishing is a hybrid composed of morphemes
of different origin: nourish is a Romance (Fr.)
borrowing, but -ing is a native English suffix.

64. The semantic level

The semantic level is aimed at establishing the word's
semantic structure or the type of meaning in which the
word under analysis is used in a given context. For example,
• sense is a polysemantic word (enumerate its meanings);
• contemptuous is a monosemantic word;
• ear – “He‟s got a musical ear”. The word ear is a
polysemantic word. In this sentence it is used in one of its
secondary, figurative, abstract, wide meanings which is a
result of a shift (semantic change) metonymic in nature
because the name of the organ of hearing is used as the
name of its power or faculty.

65. . The stylistic level

The stylistic level is aimed at establishing the
stylistic colouring of the word. For example,
• nourishment is a word of literary style;
• threat is a word of neutral style.

66. Sample Analysis

• To busy is a verb which means occupy, keep busy.
• Derivational level. On the derivational level of analysis
it is a derivative built through conversion from the
adjective stem busy (V ← adj).
• Morphemic level. On the morphemic level of analysis it
is a monomorphemic word consisting of one root
• Etymological level. Etymologically it is a native word.
• Semantic level. Semantically – polysemantic.
• Stylistic level. Stylistically – neutral.

10) Semantic stability is based on lexical stability.

11) An integral part of this approach is a method of phraseological identification which helps to single outset expressions of Modern English.

Some problems of diachronic approach—(has been scarcely investigated) Almost all set phrases may be traced back to free w.-c. It is observed that free w.-c. may undergo the process of grammaticalization or lexicalization.

(Cases of grammaticalization — transformation of 'have' +PII into Present Perfect. The grammatical inseparability is so high that the verb seems to have lost its meaning.)

General Characteristics

The sentence is a syntactical structure. Being a syntactical structure the sentence is ameaningful unit of the language. Being a meaningful semiotic unit of the language asentence reflects the properties connected with peculiarities of structure, contents and usage of a sentence i.e. three aspects characterizing every meaningful unit of the language: structure, semantics and pragmatics.

Pragmatics. The sentence is the smallest unit of speech communication. Structural units of lower level (words and word combinations) are only able to act as its constituents.

The sentence of any structure marks certain actualized situation (coordinated with reality).The sentence got a) modal characteristic (the subject of speech considers the corresponding phenomena as reality), b) certain time perspective (plan of present, past or future).

Actualizationas a syntactic phenomenon is termed predication.

Categories of Modality and Tense make up Predication.

The most important structural peculiarity of the sentence is seclusion [уединение, исключение] of relative syntactic links making up a sentence. On the basis of this statement is the correspondence of each sentence to a certain structural pattern the choice of which is limited and specified for each language.

Sentence— is the smallest syntactic construction used in acts of speech communication characterized by predication.

Predication — is one of the most important structural features of the sentence. Predication differs a sentence from a word-combination and from a word. The latter are actualized only through their use in a sentence.

Modalaspect of the sentence is multilevel. Structurally the main modal plan is formed by a mood of a verb-predicate. It is present in every sentence even in a sentence without a verb. But explicatory by grammatical means Modal Plan is expressed only in verbal sentences.

The main Modal Plan represents a described situation as real/unreal. Though modern language possesses a considerable number of lexical means and means of modification of the main modal plan. V.V.Vinogradov characterized modal meanings expressed by these means as the second layer of modal .meaning. Introduction of the second layer in the contents of the sentence brings in subjectivity (that is the author's appraisal of the main modal plan):

You certainlyknow how to do yourself well. Miller is not a very good driver really. He must have seen the light. It was supposed to be ahome for birds.

Intonation. Every sentence is intonationally formed. Intonation is an inseparable feature of every sentence. Intonation characterizes different communicative types of the sentence (affirmative, interrogative, negative).

Intonation should be considered as the additional feature beyond the grammar scope of description and is the object of phonetics. The cases of interaction of grammar and phonetics when intonation neutralizes grammar indicatiors are the subject of grammar studies: "So you admit it?"

Sentence as a central syntactic unit. The sentence remains the central unit in syntactic and even in linguistic description because it is the result of the action of the system which we call language. Speaking about central position of the sentence in the system of language and in syntactic description a simple mono predicative sentence is meant. The simple sentence absolutely satisfies all features of the sentence as structural and communicative unit. It is the basis for other syntactical structures of any complexity.

Another aspect connected with central position of a sentence in syntactic description is the problem of correlation between Sentence and Utterance. Every utterance (actualized sentence) is the speech manifestation of a language unit sentence.

Задачи и функции аптечной организации: Аптеки классифицируют на обслуживающие население; они могут быть.

Экономика как подсистема общества: Может ли общество развиваться без экономики? Как побороть бедность и добиться.

Роль языка в формировании личности: Это происходит потому, что любой современный язык – это сложное .

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Phraseology as a Subsystem of language. Free Word-Groups and Set-Phrases. Phr.

Описание презентации по отдельным слайдам:

Phraseology as a Subsystem of language. Free Word-Groups and Set-Phrases. Phr.

Phraseology as a Subsystem of language. Free Word-Groups and Set-Phrases. Phraseological Units and Idioms . Classification.

In linguistics, phraseology is the study of set or fixed expressions, such as.

In linguistics, phraseology is the study of set or fixed expressions, such as idioms, phrasal verbs, and other types of multi-word lexical units, in which the component parts of the expression take on a meaning more specific than or otherwise not predictable from the sum of their meanings when used independently.

Distinctive features of phraseological units:1. Integrity (or transference) o.

Distinctive features of phraseological units:
1. Integrity (or transference) of meaning;
2. Stability (lexical and grammatical)
3. Separability
4. Expressivity and emotiveness

Phraseological unitsOn the whole phraseological units, even if they present a.

Phraseological units
On the whole phraseological units, even if they present a certain pattern, do not generate new phrases. They are unique. word-group is the largest two-facet lexical unit comprising more than one word but expressing one global concept.

Set phrasesA set phrase or fixed phrase is a phrase whose parts are fixed, ev.

Set phrases
A set phrase or fixed phrase is a phrase whose parts are fixed, even if the phrase could be changed without harming the literal meaning.

Idioms Idioms are fixed expressions that are usually not clear or obvious. Th.

Idioms are fixed expressions that are usually not clear or obvious. The expression to feel under the weather, which means to feel unwell is a typical idiom. The words do not tell us what it means, but the context usually helps.

Two groups of idioms:nominal verbal

Two groups of idioms:

Classification of idioms
Grammaticalverb + objecthold someone's hand [to take care of]
By meaningverb + preposition phraserise the eyebrows [to wonder]
By verb or another key wordHis fingers are all thumbs [clumsy].Do you mind my smoking? [object to]

The End

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The term "phraseological unit" (ph.u.) was introduced by Soviet linguists and is generally accepted in the countries of post-Soviet period. There are, however, different points of view on the essential features of ph.u. as distinguished from free word-groups. The complexity of the problem to distinguish between ph.u. and free word-groups is accounted for the fact that the border-line between them is not clearly defined. The so-called free word-groups are only relatively free as collocability of their member-words is fundamentally delimited by their lexical and grammatical valency which makes at least some of them very close to set-phrases.

Grammatical valency is the ability of a word to appear in various grammatical structures; it is determined by the part of speech the word belongs to. The grammatical valency distinguishes individual meanings of a polysemantic word.

V + N – to grow roses (wheat) = “to cultivate”

V + V – to grow to like = “to begin”

V + A – to grow old (tired, dark) = “to become”

V + D – to grow quickly (rapidly) = “to increase”

But grammatical valency of the words belonging to the same part of speech is not necessarily identical. E.g., to propose (suggest) a plan, but it is only "propose" that can be followed by the infinitive of a verb – to propose to do something.

Lexical valency is the ability of a word to be used in different lexical contexts.

V + N – to deliver letters = “to distribute letters”

To deliver a blow = “to strike a blow”

To deliver a lecture = “to give a lecture”

The range of grammatical valency is restricted by lexical valency:

A + N – blind people (+) – blind sugar (-)

A smiling girl (+) – a smilimg crocodile (-)

But phrases, literally absurd, may be used figuratively:

Look at him! A smiling crocodile!

Lexical valency may be different in different languages. In the following examples grammatical valency is the same in English and Ukrainian but lexical valency is different:

Heavy sea – бурхливе море; strong tea – міцний чай;

Heavy fog – густий туман; strong sheese – гострий сир;

Heavy silence – гнітюча тиша; strong flavour – різкий присмак;

Heavy clouds – важкі хмари; strong constitution – міцне здоров’я

Heavy sleep – міцний сон.

All free word-groups are formed on definite lexico-grammatical patterns. The pattern is an arrangement of component elements of a collocation. The patters of free word-groups are generative, i.e. any word in a sentence may be replaced by its synonym or hyponym:

Brave (courageous, valiant, fearless, bold) man (woman, boy).

Ph.u. as distinguished from free word-groups have three main parameters (according to the theory of prof. A.V. Kunin):

1. Ph.u. are language units, their characteristic feature is semantic complexity, i.e. full and partial transference of meaning, e.g., to burn one’s fingers is used figuratively, it is a metaphor based on the similarity of action.

2. Structural separability and semantic cohesion, e.g., to kick the bucket – to die, Mrs. Grundy, Tom, Dick, and Harry (перший-ліпший)

3. A ph.u. is never formed on a generative pattern of a free word-combination, one cannot predict the formation of a ph.u. The patterns in phraseology are of some other character; they are patterns of description (unpredictable). There are some grammatical patterns (noun phrases, verbal phrases), some semantic patterns (metaphoric formation, metonymic formation).

P h r a s e o l o g i c a l u n i t s are set-expressions with semantic complexity which are not formed on generative patterns of free word-combinations. The pattern of a ph.u. is that of description.

Phraseological units and their distinguishing features

Ph.u. possess phraseological s t a b i l i t y which may be called macrostability; it is made up of several microstabilities.

The stability of use. Ph.u. is reproduced ready-made, it is not based on a grammatical and semantic pattern of a free word-group. They are registered in dictionaries and handed down from generation to generation; they are public property, not private.

Stability of meaning. The meaning of ph.u. is fully or partially transferred. Metaphor and metonymy are the common types of the complication of meaning. E.g., fully transferred meaning: a bull in a china shop, to make a mountain out of a molehill, like a fish out of water; Wall Street, Fleet Street; time and tide wait for no man, на козаку нема знаку; Ten Commandments, to be or not to be, десять заповідей, бути чи не бути, Jack Ketch (hangman), Tom Pepper(great Her), Tom Tailor (tailor), Tom Thumb (a small man, a Lilipntian), Nosy Parker (людина, що втручається/суне ніс не в свої справи). Similarly in Ukrainian: Макар Касян, i.e. (ненажера), Чалий (підступна, зрадлива людина); Герострат, Ксантипа (сварлива Сократова дружина),

- partially transferred meaning: as brave as a lion, as sly as a fox, to drink like a fish, язиката Хвеська, сердешна Оксана.

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