Modern trends in healthcare реферат

Обновлено: 07.07.2024

Внедрение инструментов бережливого производства в медицинских учреждениях

В данной статье рассматриваются особенности внедрения инструментов бережливого производства в медицинских учреждениях с целью повышения качества оказания услуг пациентам.

Оценка уровней навигационных систем медицинских организаций с позиции бережливого производства

Цель исследования. Оценить степень детализации, объем визуализируемых данных и уровни навигационных систем медицинских организаций, оказывающих первичную медико-санитарную помощь.

Заключение. Навигационная система МО является важной частью системы визуализации и одним из критериев качества пространства. Квалиметрия систем навигации не только МО, но и любых других зданий и помещений в настоящий момент доказательно не представлена. Использование авторского метода ALIDS аудита навигационных систем позволяет дать количественную и качественную оценку используемых в медицинских учреждениях навигационных элементов. При совершенствовании навигационных систем действующих МО и проектировании/постройке новых, особенно с комплексной смешанной или секционной планировкой, с целью снижения основных потерь бережливого производства необходимо создавать максимально подробные и понятные общие схемы навигации.

Purpose of the study. To evaluate the level of detail, the amount of visualized data and the levels of navigation systems of primary medical organizations.

Materials and methods. The object of this study was 33 primary care medical organizations located on the territory of 7 constituent entities of the Russian Federation. The subject of the study was all the internal and external navigation elements of the MO. The assessment was based on the ALIDS checklist (version 1.0) of 72 indicators, united by five characteristics in general characteristics: architectural-planning and design solutions, transmitted information, levels and navigation elements. The "Levels" block was represented by 19 parameters with a separate assessment of the internal level (9 indicators), the intermediate level (5 indicators) and the external level (5 indicators) of navigation. For each criterion, a nominal dichotomous point score was set with the possibility, if necessary (doubt, clarification, question, etc.) of indicating an expert comment.

Results. A full-time study of the navigation systems of 33 primary medical organizations found that the levels of intermediate and external visualization are not used enough. Unlike architectural and planning solutions, various levels of navigation are maximally represented in medical institutions of the Tyumen and Kaliningrad regions, Krasnoyarsk Territory. The lack of an external level of navigation contributes to the main losses of lean production: unnecessary movement, unnecessary transportation and expectations from patients and visitors. Among the objects of internal navigation, cabinets and safety signs are most often placed on the navigation elements. The maximum percentage of compliance among the intermediate navigation category has been established for the main entrances for visitors, including entrances for patients with limited mobility.

Conclusion. The navigation system of a medical organization is an important part of the visualization system and one of the criteria for the quality of space. The qualimetry of navigation systems not only of medical organizations, but also of any other buildings and premises, is currently not conclusively presented. Using the author's ALIDS method of audit of navigation systems allows us to give a quantitative and qualitative assessment of the navigation elements used in medical institutions. While improving the navigation systems of existing medical organizations and designing/building new ones, especially with complex mixed or section planning, in order to reduce the main losses of lean manufacturing, it is necessary to create the most detailed and understandable general navigation schemes.

Аспекты внедрения бережливого производства в здравоохранении

Аннотация: Современные тенденции развития общества выдвигают новые требования к медицинскому персоналу и к системе здравоохранения в целом. На сегодняшний день здоровье населения - неотъемлемый фактор успешного функционирования экономических систем. Одним из направлений в данной сфере является менеджмент в здравоохранении, представляющий собой процесс, основанный на совершенствовании форм управления, повышении результативности мероприятий по активизации трудовой деятельности.

Abstract: Modern trends in the development of society put forward new requirements for medical personnel and the health care system as a whole. Today, the health of the population is an integral factor in the successful functioning of economic systems. One of the areas in this area is management in health care, which is a process based on the improvement offorms of management, improving the effectiveness of measures to enhance labor activity.

Бережливое производство в сфере здравоохранения: основные инструменты и опыт внедрения

Аннотация. Бережливое производство было разработано в компании Toyota в середине прошлого столетия. Данный бизнес-процесс необходим для определения способов оптимизации процессов внутри организации. Бережливое производство было популярно в производственных компаниях, но в последние годы многие медицинские учреждения различных стран также решили применять данный бизнес-процесс. Так, внедрение бережливого производства позволяет не только повысить качество предоставляемых услуг, но и снизить затраты в учреждениях.

Abstract. Lean production was developed at Toyota in the middle of the last century. This business process is necessary to determine how to optimize processes within the organization. Lean production was popular in manufacturing companies, but in recen t years many medical organizations in various countries have also decided to use this business process. Thus, the introduction of lean production can not only improve the quality of services provided, but also reduce costs in institutions.

Эффективное управление в здравоохранении: проекция в будущее. Совершенствование системы мотивации персонала медицинской организации при внедрении принципов бережливого производства

Возможности метода 5s бережливого производства при организации рабочего пространства в медицинской организации

В статье проанализированы данные научной литературы о возможностях метода 5S при организации рабочего пространства сотрудников медицинских организаций. Показано место метода 5S в систематике инструментария бережливого производства, отражен исторический аспект создания метода 5S. Произведен контент-анализ используемых в методе 5S терминов: предмет, рабочее пространство, рабочее место и рабочая зона. Продемонстрирован международный и российский опыт внедрения метода 5S в сферу здравоохранения. На конкретных примерах внедрения метода 5S в медицинские организации показаны возможности метода бережливого производства в улучшении условий труда и в повышении производительности труда медицинского персонала, а также в повышении качества оказания медицинских услуг.

The article analyzes the data of the scientific literature on the possibilities of the 5S method when organizing the working space of medical organizations. The place of the 5S method is shown in the systemat-ics of the lean production tools, the historical aspect of the 5S method creation is reflected. Produced content analysis used in the method of 5S terms: subject, workspace, workplace and work area. There is international and Russian experience in implementing the 5S method in the health sector. With specific examples of the implementation of the 5S method in medical organizations, the possibilities of the lean production method in improving working conditions and increasing the productivity of medical personnel, as well as improving the quality of medical services, are shown.

Особенности управленческих решений в системе здравоохранения на основе принципов бережливого производства


The article is devoted to the analysis of the lean production methodology implementation in the sphere of health care, interpreted as a service sector in modern society. The use of “lean-culture” in medicine provides an opportunity of medical services streaming method with the use of logistics technologies. The article presents differentapproaches to the concept of “quality medical care”, the grouped main components of medical care qualityand the identified main components of its structure. On the basis of the innovative business process formationmechanism in the field of health care, management innovations are achieved through the use of lean productiontools, business process reengineering, thereby achieving medical, social and economic efficiency of organizations. The study revealed the model of “lean clinic”, grouped technological management solutions, identified themain directions of the medical care quality improvment. The development of the project “Lean hospital” meansassessing, combining theoretical and practical branches of medicine, in order to achieve efficient allocation ofresources in the provision of medical care to the population. The practical aspects of the project “lean polyclinic”on the basis of children’s polyclinic “Regional hospital № 4” in Krasnokamensk of the Transbaikal region werestudied, which has allowed to group technological management decisions based on the factors of formation oflosses. The economic effect of health care organizations from the implementation of the project lean clinic, whichis achieved through the development and application of management decisions that entail the effectiveness ofwork, improve the medical care quality and economic activity. Lean technology is based on continuous improvement of the quality of service and reduction of losses that impede the effective management process

Этапы внедрения концепции бережливого производства в медицинские организации

Вопросы внедрения в практическую деятельность медицинских организаций концепции бережливого производства приобретают все большую актуальность. Это объясняется, в большей степени, потребностями современного общества и рыночной экономики. Существует опыт использования данной концепции в медицинской сфере в зарубежных странах и имеется небольшой опыт в отечественной практике. В данной статье представлен обзор зарубежной и отечественной литературы, описывающей результативность применения концепции бережливого производства, представлены данные практического внедрения в стоматологическую поликлинику. Все это позволило сформировать этапы внедрения бережливого производства в медицинские организации. В статье также дана характеристика методов бережливого производства, реализуемых на выделенных этапах, определены особенности медицинской сферы, затрудняющие внедрение в практику бережливого производства.

The issues of implementation of the concept of lean production in the practical activities of healthcare organizations are becoming increasingly important. This is primarily due to the needs of modern society and the market economy. This concept is broadly used in the medical field abroad, however, the experience of its use in domestic practice is small. This article presents an overview of foreign and domestic literature describing the effectiveness of the concept of lean manufacturing. The data of its practical implementation in a dental clinic is also presented in the article. All this made it possible to form the stages of implementation of lean production in medical organizations. The article also describes the methods of lean production, implemented at the selected stages, defines the features of the medical sphere, complicating the introduction of lean production into practice.

Концепция бережливого производства в здравоохранении: проекты и перспективы

Demin, Alexey Yuryevich, Kasimova Chulpan Rishatovna

The article discusses the concept of lean manufacturing, the introduction of the program “Lean Po l-yclinic” at the present stage of development of health care, offers options for improving the existing system.

Особенности внедрения метода 5s бережливого производства в систему здравоохранения Российской Федерации

Цель. Проблемно-критически проанализировать особенности внедрения метода 5S бережливого производства в систему здравоохранения Российской Федерации.

Материалы. Использованы 33 источника отечественной и зарубежной литературы, включенных в базы данных РИНЦ, Scopus, Web of Science и PubMed.

Результаты. В статье детально описываются 5 последовательных шагов метода 5S бережливого производства по организации рабочего пространства, основанного на взаимосвязанных принципах. Метод 5S бережливого производства эффективно внедряется в отечественную систему здравоохранения с целью выявления и сокращения имеющихся потерь всех видов, а также предупреждения возникновения возможных потерь.

Специфика трудовой деятельности медицинского персонала и особенности законодательного регулирования в медицинских организациях сказываются на практическом применении отдельных шагов метода 5S. Использование метода 5S с учетом имеющейся нормативно-правовой базы в сфере здравоохранения повысит управляемость рабочего пространства и создаст условия для эффективной работы медицинского персонала с учетом рекомендуемых принципов бережливого производства.

Aim. In this study, we carry out a problem and critical analysis of the process of implementing the 5S lean manufacturing methodology in the Healthcare System of the Russian Federation.

Materials. 33 Russian and foreign literature sources indexed in the RSCI, Scopus, Web of Science and PubMed databases were reviewed.

Results. This article scrutinizes 5 consecutive steps of the 5S lean manufacturing method for organizing a workplace. This method, which is based on interrelated principles, is being actively introduced into the Russian Healthcare System with the purpose of identifying, reducing and preventing various types of losses.

It is shown that the practical realization of the 5S method is hampered by the specifics of medical personnel work and the peculiarities of legislative regulation in RF medical organizations. The application of the 5S methodology, taking into account the existing regulatory framework in the field of healthcare, can increase the manageability of workplaces and create conditions for the effective work of medical personnel.

Information technology is perhaps the greatest agent of change in the modern world. While never without risk, technological breakthroughs promise innovative solutions to the most pressing global challenges of our time. From zero-emission cars fuelled by hydrogen to computer chips modelled on the human brain, this year’s 10 emerging technologies offer a vivid glimpse of the power of innovation to improve lives, transform industries and safeguard our planet.

Rolling away from the production line

The popular imagination has long foreseen a world where robots take over all manner of everyday tasks.

This robotic future has stubbornly refused to materialize, however, with robots still limited to factory assembly lines and other controlled tasks. Although heavily used (in the automotive industry, for instance) these robots are large and dangerous to human co-workers; they have to be separated by safety cages.

Advances in robotics technology are making human-machine collaboration an everyday reality. Better and cheaper sensors make a robot more able to understand and respond to its environment. Robot bodies are becoming more adaptive and flexible, with designers taking inspiration from the extraordinary flexibility and dexterity of complex biological structures, such as the human hand. And robots are becoming more connected, benefiting from the cloud-computing revolution by being able to access instructions and information remotely, rather than having to be programmed as a fully autonomous unit.

Emergent artificial intelligence

Artificial intelligence (AI) is, in simple terms, the science of doing by computer the things that people can do. Over recent years, AI has advanced significantly: most of us now use smartphones that can recognize human speech, or have travelled through an airport immigration queue using image-recognition technology. Self-driving cars and automated flying drones are now in the testing stage before anticipated widespread use, while for certain learning and memory tasks, machines now outperform humans. Watson, an artificially intelligent computer system, beat the best human candidates at the quiz game Jeopardy.

On the other hand, emergent AI may make attributes that are still exclusively human – creativity, emotions, interpersonal relationships – more clearly valued. As machines grow in human intelligence, this technology will increasingly challenge our view of what it means to be human, as well as the risks and benefits posed by the rapidly closing gap between man and machine.

5. Distributed manufacturing

Distributed manufacturing turns on its head the way we make and distribute products. In traditional manufacturing, raw materials are brought together, assembled and fabricated in large centralized factories into identical finished products that are then distributed to the customer. In distributed manufacturing, the raw materials and methods of fabrication are decentralized, and the final product is manufactured very close to the final customer.

In essence, the idea of distributed manufacturing is to replace as much of the material supply chain as possible with digital information. To manufacture a chair, for example, rather than sourcing wood and fabricating it into chairs in a central factory, digital plans for cutting the parts of a chair can be distributed to local manufacturing hubs using computerized cutting tools known as CNC routers. Parts can then be assembled by the consumer or by local fabrication workshops that can turn them into finished products. One company already using this model is the US furniture company AtFAB.

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  • Для учеников 1-11 классов и дошкольников
  • Бесплатные сертификаты учителям и участникам

Пән аты: Шет тілі . (Ағылшын тілі)

директордың оқу ісі

The English

Сабақ жоспары № 1 5

The subject of the lesson: Modern technology in medicine.

The aims of the lesson: 1) Educational-to acquaint students with a new vocabulary and expressions on a theme: Modern technology in medicine.

2) Developing- the practice phonetic skills. Training lexical skills .

3) Bringing up- to stimulate interest in learning language.

The type of the lesson: Дәстүрлі емес сабағы

Methods: Іздену әдісі.

Interobjects connection: Kazakh language, Russian language , Geography

The visual aids: CD,CD-RW. Ноутбук. Ғаламтор қолдану.

The procedure of the lesson:

Organization moment: (3 мин)

Good day, students! Sit down! I am glad to see you!

We begin our English Lesson!

Conversation with on duty:

Who is on duty today?

What date is it today?

What day is it today?

Thank you, very much! Sit down!

Check up the educational accessories.

Creation the language atmosphere

What is the weather like today?

What season is it now?

Is it raining today?

Phonetic drill: (3 мин)


Repetition of the lesson.

Checking the home task.

What was your home task for today?

Presentation of the new material: ( 25 мин)

Top 5 Medical
Technology Innovations


Against the backdrop of health care reform and a controversial medical device tax, medical technology companies are focusing more than ever on products that deliver cheaper, faster, more efficient patient care. They are also making inroads with U.S. Food & Drug Administration regulators to re-engineer the complex review and approval process for new medical devices.

Many in the industry have long felt overly burdened by what they consider to be an unnecessarily complex approval process. Critics claim it impedes innovation and delays the availability of better health care. To change that perception, the FDA last year announced a new Medical Device Innovation Consortium (MDIC) charged with simplifying the process of designing and testing new technologies. With input from industry, government, and other nonprofit organizations, public-private MDIC will prioritize the regulatory science needs of the medical device community and fund projects to streamline the process.

"By sharing and leveraging resources, MDIC may help industry to be better equipped to bring safe and effective medical devices to market more quickly and at a lower cost," says Jeffrey Shuren, M.D., J.D., director of the FDA's Center for Devices and Radiological Health.

As the regulators, politicians, and corporate executives hash out these details, industry engineers and scientists continue to push through new ideas for improving and managing human health. Every year, industry observers like the Cleveland Clinic and the medical device trade press single out their favorite technology trends. These thought leaders agree that today's best technologies strike a balance between reducing the overall cost of medical care and increasing safety and survival rates—and isn't that what health care reform is all about?

Here are five emerging technologies to watch in the year ahead.


1. Cutting Back on Melanoma Biopsies

With the most deadly form of skin cancer, melanoma, a huge number of dangerous-looking moles are actually harmless, but has always been impossible to know for sure without an invasive surgical biopsy. Today dermatologists have new help in making the right call — a handheld tool approved by the FDA for multispectral analysis of tissue morphology. The MelaFind optical scanner is not for definitive diagnosis but rather to provide additional information a doctor can use in determining whether or not to order a biopsy. The goal is to reduce the number of patients left with unnecessary biopsy scars, with the added benefit of eliminating the cost of unnecessary procedures. The MelaFind technology (MELA Sciences, Irvington, NY) uses missile navigation technologies originally paid for the Department of Defense to optically scan the surface of a suspicious lesion at 10 electromagnetic wavelengths. The collected signals are processed using heavy-duty algorithms and matched against a registry of 10,000 digital images of melanoma and skin disease.


2. Electronic Aspirin

For people who suffer from migraines, cluster headaches, and other causes of chronic, excruciating head or facial pain, the "take two aspirins and call me in the morning" method is useless. Doctors have long associated the most severe, chronic forms of headache with the sphenopalatine ganglion (SPG), a facial nerve bundle, but haven't yet found a treatment that works on the SPG long-term. A technology under clinical investigation at Autonomic Technologies, Inc. , (Redwood City, CA) is a patient-powered tool for blocking SPG signals at the first sign of a headache. The system involves the permanent implant of a small nerve stimulating device in the upper gum on the side of the head normally affected by headache. The lead tip of the implant connects with the SPG bundle, and when a patient senses the onset of a headache, he or she places a handheld remote controller on the cheek nearest the implant. The resulting signals stimulate the SPG nerves and block the pain-causing neurotransmitters.


3. Needle-Free Diabetes Care

Diabetes self-care is a pain—literally. It brings the constant need to draw blood for glucose testing, the need for daily insulin shots and the heightened risk of infection from all that poking. Continuous glucose monitors and insulin pumps are today's best options for automating most of the complicated daily process of blood sugar management – but they don't completely remove the need for skin pricks and shots. But there's new skin in this game. Echo Therapeutics (Philadelphia, PA) is developing technologies that would replace the poke with a patch. The company is working on a transdermal biosensor that reads blood analytes through the skin without drawing blood. The technology involves a handheld electric-toothbrush-like device that removes just enough top-layer skin cells to put the patient's blood chemistry within signal range of a patch-borne biosensor. The sensor collects one reading per minute and sends the data wirelessly to a remote monitor, triggering audible alarms when levels go out of the patient's optimal range and tracking glucose levels over time.


4. Robotic Check-Ups

A pillar of health reform is improving access to the best health care for more people. Technology is a cost-effective and increasingly potent means to connect clinics in the vast and medically underserved rural regions of the United States with big city medical centers and their specialists. Telemedicine is well established as a tool for triage and assessment in emergencies, but new medical robots go one step further—they can now patrol hospital hallways on more routine rounds, checking on patients in different rooms and managing their individual charts and vital signs without direct human intervention. The RP-VITA Remote Presence Robot produced jointly by iRobot Corp. and InTouch Health is the first such autonomous navigation remote-presence robot to receive FDA clearance for hospital use. The device is a mobile cart with a two-way video screen and medical monitoring equipment, programmed to maneuver through the busy halls of a hospital.


5. A Valve Job with Heart

The Sapientranscatheter aortic valve is a life-saving alternative to open-heart surgery for patients who need new a new valve but can't endure the rigors of the operation. Manufactured by Edwards Life Sciences (Irvine, CA), the Sapien has been available in Europe for some time but is only now finding its first use in U.S. heart centers—where it is limited only to the frailest patients thus far. The Sapien valve is guided through the femoral artery by catheter from a small incision near the grown or rib cage. The valve material is made of bovine tissue attached to a stainless-steel stent, which is expanded by inflating a small balloon when correctly placed in the valve space. A simpler procedure that promises dramatically shorter hospitalizations is bound to have a positive effect on the cost of care.

Con sol i dati on of the new lesson: (12 мин )

1. People have become more and more concerned about health and they tend to eat healthier food like gluten-free food and organic food.

2. E-booking is Internet Booking Engine (IBE) and Central Reservation System (CRS) designed for direct on-line booking and payment, intended for accommodation objects of all types and sizes.

3. Wellness is generally used to mean a healthy balance of the mind, body and spirit that results in an overall feeling of well-being.

4. Wellness tourism represents US$439 billion market or 14% of world tourism expenditures.

5. Sustainable tourism is the concept of visiting a place as a tourist and trying to make only a positive impact on the environment, society and economy.

6. There are many low-budget options that would allow you to get to your dream destination.

7. A budget hotel is the lowest category of hotel that provides the rooms and meals at cheap cost.

8. A budget airline, also called a low-cost carrier, is a flight carrier that seeks to provide flight service at low cost, sometimes undercutting traditional airlines by more than 50%.

9. Self Service Conciergeis a touch smart screenkiosk located in the lobbies of hotels, which can help a guest find out information (restaurants, activities, flights) without the hassle of carrying a laptop or waiting for someone to assist them.

10. Touch-screen in-room consoles are panels that are located in hotel bathrooms, allowing guests to set the lighting, curtains and control music to indulge in an ultimate relaxation experience.

11. Infrared scanners are used to minimize disruptions relating to housekeeping (which is a common complaint from customers).

12. Social media has made a huge impact on the tourism industry.

13. Consumers engage with social networking sites to research trips, make informed decisions about their travels and share their personal experiences of a particular hotel, restaurant or airline.

14. Sharing your skills or providing goods or services for a fee is called the sharing economy.

15. A sharing economy is an economic model based on sharing underutilized assets from spaces to skills for monetary and non-monetary benefits.

16. In hospitality industry the major players of the sharing economy are AirBnBand Couchsurfing. They are providing users spaces ranging from a simple couch to a castle in England. It is cheaper than staying at hotels.

17. Uber and Lyft is a convenient, inexpensive and safe taxi service.

18. Virtual currency uses peer-to-peer technology to operate with no central authority or banks.

19. Bitcoin is a form of digital currency, created and held electronically.

20. Near-field communication (NFC) technology is the next-generation short-range high frequency wireless communication technology that gives users the ability to exchange data between devices.


Опора деревянной одностоечной и способы укрепление угловых опор: Опоры ВЛ - конструкции, предназначен­ные для поддерживания проводов на необходимой высоте над землей, водой.

Папиллярные узоры пальцев рук - маркер спортивных способностей: дерматоглифические признаки формируются на 3-5 месяце беременности, не изменяются в течение жизни.

Организация стока поверхностных вод: Наибольшее количество влаги на земном шаре испаряется с поверхности морей и океанов (88‰).

Общие условия выбора системы дренажа: Система дренажа выбирается в зависимости от характера защищаемого.

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