Kremlin the heart of russia and moscow реферат

Обновлено: 03.07.2024

Представлен реферат по английскому языку на тему Москва. Достопримечательности/ Moscow. Sights с переводом читать бесплатно.

Кремль представляет собой средневековую крепость в самом сердце Москвы. Он состоит из многочисленных древних дворцов, соборов с золотыми куполами и Кремлевской стены с башнями. Ее великолепный архитектурный ансамбль возвышается над Москвой-рекой. Начиная с 1991 года, Кремль стал президентской резиденцией. К соседним достопримечательностям относятся Александровский сад и Красная площадь. Эффектный собор Василия Блаженного также расположен в центральной части города. Раньше он был церковью, а теперь служит в качестве музея. Здание напоминает пламя костра, которое касается неба. Его эстетическая красота и уникальность хорошо известны во всем мире. Останкинская телебашня находится в районе Останкино, в честь которого она и названа. Это одно из самых высоких свободно стоящих сооружений в мире. Построенная в честь годовщины Октябрьской революции, башня сегодня привлекает огромное количество любопытных туристов. Парк в Царицыно является одним из самых привлекательных исторических парков во всей России. Это романтическое и несколько таинственное место с псевдоготическим особняком расположено в южной части Москвы. Парк в последнее время претерпел большие ремонтно-реставрационные работы.

Moscow is the capital of Russia and its major political, cultural, scientific center. It is one of the largest cities in the world and the northernmost megacity on Earth. Moscow is situated in central part of the country on the Moskva River, after which it is named. Every year millions of people visit Moscow to explore its sights. It has a world-renowned architecture and many places of historical significance. The central attraction and the place that nobody misses is the Kremlin. It is one of the World Heritage Sites. Other than that tourists want to see the real masterpiece of Russian architecture – Saint Basil’s Cathedral, and many prominent landmarks including Ostankino Tower, Tsaritsyno Park, the Triumphal Arch, Novodevichy Convent, “Friendship of Nations” fountain, the Pushkin Museum of Fine Arts, the Bolshoi Theatre and, of course, Moscow Metro.

The Kremlin is a medieval fortress in the very heart of Moscow. It consists of numerous ancient palaces, golden-domed cathedrals and the Kremlin Wall with its towers. Its magnificent architectural ensemble stands high above the Moskva River. Starting from 1991 the Kremlin has become the presidential residence. Neighboring sights are the Alexander Garden and Red Square. The spectacular Saint Basil’s is also in the central part of the city. It used to be a church, but now serves as a museum. The building reminds the flame of a bonfire that touches the sky. Its aesthetic beauty and uniqueness are well-known in the world. Ostankino Tower is located in Ostankino district, after which the tower is named. It is one of the tallest free-standing structures in the world. Built to commemorate the anniversary of October Revolution, the tower today attracts a vast number of curious tourists. Tsaritsyno Park is one of the most attractive historic parks in all of Russia. Situated in the southern part of Moscow, it’s a romantic and somewhat mysterious place with a pseudo-Gothic mansion. The park has recently undergone a large-scale restoration.

The Triumphal Arch of Moscow is an architectural monument with a large solemn arch, which was built to mark the victory of Russian people in the Patriotic War of 1812. The earliest wooden structure was replaced by solid brick construction. The current arch is designed in the second half of the 20th century by Joseph Bove. Novodevichy Convent is a Russian Orthodox church founded in 1524 in honor of the conquest of Smolensk. Today, it’s an active cloister and historical museum. The “Friendship of Nations” fountain is one of the main symbols of All-Russian Exhibition Center. This grand structure of historical, cultural and national importance was built in 1954. It consists of 16 gilded female statues, each representing the former USSR republics. The fountain is nicely illuminated at night and looks mysterious. The Pushkin Museum of Fine Arts holds one of the largest foreign art collections in Russia. It presents the works of art from ancient times to the present day. There are more than 670 thousand at items there. Annual attendance is about 1 million people. One of the largest theatres in Russia, the Bolshoi Theatre, is of world significance in the field of opera and ballet. The complex of its buildings is located in the central part of Moscow, on Theatre Square.

Kremlin - the heart of Russia and Moscow

At the heart of Moscow stands the Kremlin. This old fortress was the centre of the Soviet Union's government until that nation was dissolved in 1991. Since then, it has been the centre of the Russian government. Inside its walls, which extend almost 11.2 miles (2.4 kilometres), are beautiful cathedrals and palaces, as well as government buildings. Some of the cathedrals date from the 1400's. Many czars are buried in the Cathedral of the Archangel Michael.

The Grand Kremlin Palace was built in the early 1800 s as an imperial residence. The building later was the meeting place of the Supreme Soviet, the parliament of the Soviet Union. In 1992, Russia's Congress of People's Deputies met in the Grand Kremlin Palace. The Palace of Congresses, built in 1961, is used for cultural performances and government meetings and receptions. From 1961 to 1990, it also housed Soviet Communist Party meetings.

The Kremlin has a long history as a seat of government in Russia. Beginning in the 1100 s, when Moscow was the centre of one of many Russian states, its princes ruled from the Kremlin. The Kremlin was the centre of czarist rule from the mid-1500s until 1712, when Peter the Great moved the Russian capital to St. Petersburg.

In 1918 Moscow and the Kremlin again became the seat of government, shortly after the Communists took control of Russia. The Kremlin remained the seat after the Communists formed the Soviet Union in 1922. With the break-up of the Soviet Union in 1991, the Kremlin became the seat of government of an independent Russia.

The Kremlin is a triangular enclosure extending almost 11.2 miles (2.4 kilometres) around. Views of the Kremlin can be breathtaking. Especially impressive are its gilded domes, its tapered gate towers, and the contrast between the threatening boundary wall and the richness and intricacy of the interior. The variety of styles and lavish decoration give an impression of powerful magnificence. Today, many Kremlin buildings serve as museums. The Kremlins historical treasures include paintings, jewels, and crowns worn by Russia's czars.

The first Kremlin on the site was built in 1156. The present Kremlin walls have stood since the late 1400's, when Moscow became the most powerful Russian city. At that time, architects from northern Italy and from throughout Russia were called to work on the Kremlin.

In the 1475-1479 Italian architects built the Cathedral of the Assumption, the Bell Tower of Ivan the Great (1505-1508), the Granovitaya Palace (1487-1491), and the Cathedral of the Archangel Michael (1505-1509). The architects blended the Italian Renaissance classical style with more traditional Russian forms, like those used in the Kremlin's Cathedral of the Annunciation (1484-1489).

Кремль - сердце России и Москвы

В самом сердце Москвы стоит Кремль. Эта старая крепость была центром правительства Советского Союза, пока эта страна не прекратила существование в 1991 г. С тех пор он стал центром российского правительства. В его стенах, которые простираются почти на 11,2 мили (2,4 километра), находятся красивые соборы и дворцы, а так же правительственные здания. Постройки некоторых соборов датируются 1400 г. Многие цари похоронены в соборе Архангела Михаила.

Большой Кремлевский дворец был построен в начале 1800-х как резиденция императора. Позже здание было местом заседаний Верховного Совета, парламента Советского Союза. В 1992 г. съезд народных депутатов России собрался в Большом Кремлевском дворце. Дворец съездов, построенный в 1961 г., используется для культурных мероприятий и правительственных встреч и приемов. С 1961 до 1990 гг. в нем также проводились заседания Коммунистической партии Советского Союза.

У Кремля есть долгая история как у места заседания правительства в России. Начиная с 1100-х, когда Москва была центром одного из многих российских государств, его князья управляли из Кремля. Кремль был центром царского правления с середины 1500-х до 1715 г., когда Петр Великий переместил российскую столицу в Санкт-Петербург.

В 1918 г. Москва и Кремль снова стали местом заседания правительства, вскоре после того, как коммунисты взяли под свой контроль Россию. Кремль оставался местом заседаний после того, как коммунисты образовали Советский Союз в 1922 г. С распадом Советского Союза в 1991 г., Кремль стал местом заседаний правительства независимой России.

Кремль представляет собой треугольник с периметром почти 11,2 мили (2,4 километра). Виды Кремля захватывают дух. Особенно впечатляют его позолоченные купола, его клиновидные башни ворот, и контраст между угрожающей крепостной стеной и богатством и сложностью интерьера. Разнообразие стилей и богатого художественного оформления производит впечатление грандиозного великолепия. Сегодня, многие Кремлевские здания служат музеями. Исторические сокровища Кремля включают картины, драгоценности, и короны, которые носили цари России.

В 1156 г. был построен первый Кремль на этом участке. Существующие Кремлевские стены стоят с конца 1400-х, когда Москва стала самым сильным российским городом. В то время созвали архитекторов из северной Италии и из всех уголков России, чтобы построить Кремль.

В 1475-1479 годах итальянские архитекторы построили Успенский Собор, Колокольню Ивана Великого (1505-1508), Грановитую палату (1487-1491), и Собор Архангела Михаила (1505-1509). Архитекторы смешивали классический стиль итальянского Ренессанса с более традиционными российскими формами, как те, которые использовались в кафедральном Благовещенском соборе (1484-1489).

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The Kremlin is the heart of Moscow. It is surrounded by a high wall of 2 1/2 kilometres long, built by the Russian builders by order of Ivan III (1462-1505), and supervised by the Italian architects. The twenty towers on the Kremlin wall, which give it a unique aspect, were built for decoration and have no military significance. They were constructed in the seventeenth century when Moscow had ceased to be a fortress. Among the ancient buildings in the Kremlin are the churches and a tall bell tower built in 1600 by Russian architects under Boris Godunov and known as the Bell Tower of Ivan the Great. The largest cathedral, the Uspenski (Assumption), was built in 1475-1479 by Aristotle Fiorovante. There are some very fine old frescoes, some of which were restored in the XX-th century. It was there that the Russian tsars and emperors were crowned.

The Archangel Cathedral was built in 1505 by the Italian architect, Aleviso Novy. The tombs of the Moscow princes and tsars are here, among them the graves of Ivan the Terrible, of his son Ivan, and of his second son, Tsar Fyodor. The Blagoveshchensky (Annunciation) Cathedral was built in 1484 by architects from Pskov. It is noted for the unusual oil paintings done in the fifteenth and the sixteenth centuries by Andrei Rublev and his pupils, the greatest artists of the time.

Facing the same square is a very beautiful building known as Granovitaya Palata (Palace) which was built in the end of the 15th century by Marco Ruffo and Pietro Solari. In this palace the Moscow tsars held magnificent receptions in honour of foreign ambassadors. The Granovitaya Palace is connected with the enormous Grand Kremlin Palace.

Among other historical monuments in the Kremlin are the Tsar Cannon (sixteenth century) and the Tsar Bell (eighteenth century), both of enormous size and made by Russian masters. In a large wing of the Palace is the Armoury and a museum of applied art where imperial collections of utensils, furniture, weapon and garments of eastern and western workmanship are on display.

In the north-eastern section of the Kremlin is a beautiful building of classic design built by the most famous Russian architect of the eighteenth century, M. Kazakov. In the square opposite this building is the former Arsenal, along the facade of which are numerous cannons captured by the Russian Army from Napoleon in 1812-1814.

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