Health service реферат на английском

Обновлено: 03.07.2024

Our country is really huge and we have many different services. There are many different shops and street markets, schools and kindergartens, hospices and hospitals. The only thing is it’s not good enough everywhere. Unfortunately there are big and small towns, villages and countrysides. So service can not be provided equally in all these places.

But if we can speak about medical system in general, I have to say that our doctors are good enough.

To become a doctor you have to be smart and brave and to pass a long training. After 7 years in the university you will have a diploma and you can start to work. There are many different doctors and our people can be cured in Russia from almost all the diseases.

Some medical services are paid and some are free. Public hospitals provide good service, but really slow. It is because it’s free. People go there with all diseases they have and the lines are too big. But still you will see your doctor, he will check on you and give you recommendations. Sometimes you have to take tests and pay and buy medication.

If you don’t like to wait on the line you can book a visit in a private hospitals. The prices are different but the service is better. The important thing is that very often the doctors from public and private hospitals are the same.

Unfortunately there are some diseases we are not able to cure in Russia or it is too much expensive. Then people go abroad. But I really hope that soon we will cure everything and everybody.

People from big towns are more lucky, because medical system is better there. But still people from villages can also come to a big town to be cured. It is only a matter of time and distance.

In general I want to say that our medical system is good. But every day we have to improve ourselves to reach the best results.

Медицина в России

Наша страна очень большая и у нас довольно хорошее обслуживание. У нас есть много разных магазинов и рынков, школ и детсадов, приютов и больниц. Единственное, что я должен сказать: сервис не везде развит одинаково. К сожалению, есть большие города и маленькие, а есть деревни и сельские местности. Поэтому, сервис не может быть одинаково хорош везде.

Но если говорить о медицине, то я должен сказать, что у нас очень хорошие доктора. Чтобы стать врачом, вы должны быть умным и храбрым, пройти долгое обучение. После 7 лет в университете вы получаете диплом и можете начинать работать. Существует много разных специалистов, так что в России лечат людей практически от всех заболеваний.

Если же вы не любите ждать в очереди, вы можете забронировать визит заранее в частной клинике. Цены там разные, но и сервис лучше. Важно то, что очень часто доктора в государственных и частных клиниках - одни и те же люди.

Но к сожалению, есть некоторые заболевания, которые невозможно вылечить в России либо лечение очень дорогое. В этом случае люди едут заграницу. Но я очень надеюсь, что вскоре мы сможем лечить все и всех.

Людям из больших городов повезло больше, ведь медицина там развита лучше. Но все же и люди из деревень могут приехать в большой город, чтобы получить лечение. Вопрос заключается лишь во времени и расстоянии.

А вообще я хочу сказать, что наша медицина - достаточно хорошая. Но каждый день мы должны стремиться к лучшему, чтобы добиться высоких результатов.

One of the cornerstones of the NHS was intended to be the creation of health centres throughout the country. At the present time, because of the lack of money and the enormous cost of the other services, it has only been possible to build one or two. Each of these centres which would provide general medical, dental and public health services for a population of about 20,000 persons under the… Читать ещё >

National Health Service in Great Britain ( реферат , курсовая , диплом , контрольная )

National Health Service in Great Britain

1 Description of the National Health Service

The National Health Service is under the control of the Minister of Health, who is advised by a central health services council made up of 41 persons, 35 of whom are appointed by the Minister himself, selected from the various groups dealing with the care of the sick. The NHS is administered by the civil servants of Whitehall-this is important to remember-and it is divided into three sections. The first one is the hospital services, the second is the medical practice services and the third is public health.

The hospital services control all the hospitals in Great Britain with the exception of a very few denominational hospitals. The whole country is divided into 14 regions arranged around one or more medical schools and administered by the regional hospital boards. These regional boards, 25% of whose membership are physicians, are responsible for all consultans' and registars' appointments in the hospital. Each hospital in turn is controlled by a hospital management committee. The 36 teaching hospitals are under the control of boards of governors which are independent of the regional hospital boards. Each hospital must submit in September its budget for the year commencing the following March and must return to the Treasury any unspent money. This makes planning extremely difficult and complicated and invariably results in the complete expenditure of all funds in order to avoid a smaller allocation the following year.

To the second section of the medical practices committee belong to the general practice of medicine which includes the general practitioner, the dentist, the oculist and the druggist. The section controlled by 163 local executive councils, which succeeded the national insurance committees, is responsible for personal medical services. There are at present in GB about 19,000 physicians for a population of 45 millions which is a proportion of one physician per 2,300 people.

In the third section of the public health service we find the health centres, the various clinics for pre-natal care, for school children, for vaccination, for immunization, for tuberculosis and for rehabilitation.

At the present time it should be pointed out that the medical services are not entirely free since the patient has to make a weekly contribution to the national insurance system and has to pay a certain fraction of the cost of the prescriptions, dentures, glasses, trusses and other medical accessories. About 95% of the medical profession receive their income through governments cheques. Almost all the hospitals and sanatoria belong to the government and the whole NHS is ultimately controlled by civil servants of the Ministry of Health. It is estimated that about 92−95% of the population in England is now under the NHS.

2 Cost of the National Health Service

The individual weekly contribution to the national insurance system varies between 35 cents for an unemployed person under 18 to $ 1.25 for a worker whose employer pays half of its amount. Less than 10% of the total contributions to the national insurance system or about $ 100 million went to the division of the NHS in the years 1950;1951. Since the total cost of the NHS in those years was 1.2 billion dollars, it means that 92% of the total cost oh NHS had to come from the general taxation moneys. This represents about 3.5% of the total government revenue, about 22% of the expenses of the national insurance system and about $ 27.00 per head of population.

One of the cornerstones of the NHS was intended to be the creation of health centres throughout the country. At the present time, because of the lack of money and the enormous cost of the other services, it has only been possible to build one or two. Each of these centres which would provide general medical, dental and public health services for a population of about 20,000 persons under the local health branch of the NHS would cost about $ 450,000. Such a centre would include six general practitioners, two dentists and one or two health officers. On this basis, greater London alone would need about 450 such centres.

3 Free services and contributory services

The vast majority of NHS services are free at the point of use.

This term, which is commonly used, means that people generally do not pay anything for their doctor visits, nursing services, surgical procedures or appliances, consumables such as medications and bandages, plasters, medical tests, and investigations, x-rays, CT or MRI scans etc. Hospital inpatient and outpatient services are free, both medical and mental health services. This is because these services are all pre-paid from taxation.

Because the NHS is not funded by contributory insurance scheme in the ordinary sense and most patients pay nothing for their treatment there is thus no billing to the treated person nor to any insurer or sickness fund as is common in many other countries. This saves hugely on administration costs which might otherwise involve complex consumable tracking and usage procedures at the patient level and concomitant invoicing, reconciliation and bad debt processing.

Citizens of the EU holding a valid European Health Insurance Card and persons from certain other countries with which the UK has reciprocal arrangements concerning health care can likewise get emergency treatment without charge.

In England, from 15 January 2007, anyone who is working outside the UK as a missionary for an organization with its principal place of business in the UK is fully exempt from NHS charges for services that would normally be provided free of charge to those resident in the UK. This is regardless of whether they derive a salary or wage from the organization, or receive any type of funding or assistance from the organisation for the purposes of working overseas. This is in recognition of the fact that most missionaries would be unable to afford private health care and those working in developing countries should not effectively be penalized for their contribution to development and other work.

There are some other categories of people who are exempt from the residence requirements such as specific government workers and those in the armed forces stationed overseas.

Prescription charges

The high and rising costs of some medicines, especially some types of cancer treatment, means that prescriptions can present a heavy burden to the PCTs, whose limited budgets include responsibility for the difference between medicine costs and the fixed prescription charge. This has led to disputes whether some expensive drugs (e.g. Herceptin) should be prescribed by the NHS.

The good points of the NHS

a) The main part of medical research in England depends on the Medical Research Council which is a government body, free of political influence. The characteristics of medical research in England are that the greatest part of the funds available come from one central body which is the MRC, that most of the work done under its grants is of good to superior quality and there is a minimum of useless duplication.

b) Medical care costs very little to the individual and there is no question that the public is satisfied.

c) The previously full time physicians in the hospitals receive a better income than before and are given the importance they deserve. Many of them are happy about the change.

d) The out-patient departments are given greater importance and better organization.

e) The most competent section of the medical profession, professors, consultants, and top research workers are given more importance than formerly in the advisory committees, in the organization and the development of the service.

f) It appears that that the British doctors have a reasonable income and are much happier in comparison with the rest of English society.

Weak points of the NHS

a) One of the most important failures of the NHS lies in its artificial administrative division into the three branches of the hospital services, general medical services, and public health, without any integration at any level. There is very little relationship between the consultant in the hospitals, the general practitioner and the public health officer. This often leads to misunderstanding and mutual ignorance. In the end it is the patient who suffers in this artificial no man’s land between the three divisions.

b) Animal experimentation is under the control of the civil servants of the Home Office, who sometimes has little or no knowledge of hospital problems, medical care or of medical research. Any experimentation involving the use of animal requires a written application to the Home Office. Permission is usually given without difficulty but still there are exceptions.

c) The private charitable and the voluntary welfare associations have been chocked and replaced by the cold, slow and impersonal machinery of the various government bodies.

d) Since the actual number of young physicians prepared for consultants' posts is too great there is strong competition for these, as well as competition between consultants for the special awards, with all the unwelcome features attendant on these struggles.

e) Because of the number of certificates required and the impersonal character of hospital care, professional secrecy and discretion are in many instances things of the past.

f) Surgeons are paid by operating sessions and receive the same payment whether they do one appendectomy per operating session or four gastrectomies.

g) In the care of the aged, tuberculous patients, the chronically sick, the infirm and the patients with infected tonsils the situation is so bad that there is a waiting period of non-urgent cases of 6 months to 2 years before admission to the hospital and during that time the patient becomes a burden on the general practitioner.

In summary, the main weaknesses of the NHS consist of:

1) The lack of unity between the three divisions of general practice, public health, hospital services and consultants;

2) The excessive demands for services of the general practitioners which render them unable to give the necessary time to cases which deserve close attention;

3) The isolation of the general practitioners from hospitals, the long waiting list in all hospitals for non-urgent cases, and the lack of facilities for the aged and chronically sick patients.

The health service in Russia embraces the entire population and it is financed by the state budget.

There is a wide network of medical institutions to protect the health of our people. They are polyclinics, hospitals and clinics. Polyclinics give qualified medical assistance. Many doctors and nurses work in the polyclinics. There are a lot of consulting rooms, some laboratories, X-ray, physiotherapy, surgical and dental departments. District therapeutists examine out-patients. The polyclinic has rooms for the examination of infectious diseases and also rooms for treatment and diagnostics. In Russia district doctors are on call part of their working day, they visit patients who are seriously ill and stay at home.

Any Russian citizen may go to the district doctor or call him in and receive medical assistance. Every citizen has a right to get a sick-leave.

Health service in Russia provides the emergency service. The emergency ambulance service operates day and night and it is free of charge. In case of an emergent disease one dial 03 for the doctor to come. The ambulances are well-equipped. Modern medical equipment enables the doctor to give emergency surgical and therapeutic treatment.

There are special hospitals for the treatment of particular diseases – infectious, psychiatric diseases, cancer and so on.

The main principle of health service in Russia is the prevention of diseases. One of the main tasks in the fight against diseases is the early detection of the first signs of the diseases. One of its methods is health education.

Match the words in the columns

  1. The health service
  2. The polyclinic
  3. The emergency ambulance service
  4. The district doctor
  5. Russian citizens

Answer the questions

1. Who works in the polyclinics?

2. What rooms does the polyclinic have?

3. What is the main principle of health service in Russia?

4. What does modern medical equipment enable the doctors to do?

Continue the sentences

  1. Polyclinics give …
  2. Any Russian citizen may …
  3. Every citizen has a right to …
  4. One of the main tasks in fighting against diseases is …


A health care system is the organization of people, institutions, and resources to provide health care services to give people medical assistance. There is a wide variety of health care systems around the world. This topic will tell you about the health care system in the UK.

1.Review the given words

prescription / treatment / cold / cough / surgery / care / emergence ambulance / fall ill / a case of illness / accident / staff

2.Match the words together. Translate the word combinations

1. divide into 2. provide 3. remain 4. use 5. visit 6. give 7. prescribe 8. offer § free § services § sectors § a doctor § a course of treatment § health care § the NHS § advice

3.Study the new words

1. private – частный

2. set up – основывать, учреждать, создавать

3. regardless of – независимо от, не принимая во внимание, невзирая на

4. available – доступный, имеющийся в наличии

5. charge – цена, плата (за услуги)

6. employ – нанимать, предоставлять работу, держать на службе

7. general practitioner (GP) – терапевт

8. arrange – договариваться, организовывать, устроить

9. facilities – возможности, благоприятные условия

10. improve – улучшать

11. extend – расширять

12. taxes – налоги, сборы, пошлины

4.Say into English

1. частная школа / больница / собственность

2. основывать компанию / дело; сформировать правительство; создать лабораторию

3. независимо от состояния; невзирая на ошибки; не принимая во внимание будущее

4. земельный налог; местные сборы; собирать (взимать) налоги; платить налоги

5. делать что-то доступным; доступные средства; имеющиеся в наличии лекарства

6. за маленькую плату; цены на газ; плата за вход

7. фабрика держит на службе 2000 человек

8. договориться о встрече; договориться о времени и дате

9. благоприятные условия для лечения / занятий / исследования

10. расширять здание школы / больницы; расширять аэропорт / ж.д. вокзал

11. улучшать английский / благосостояние; улучшаться с возрастом,

5.Find the sentences with the new words in the text and translate them into Russian

British National Health Service

The British National Healthcare System is divided into state and private (independent) sectors. The state sector is represented by the National Health Service (NHS) and financed by the state from taxes. The NHS is one of the best health care systems in the world. The NHSwas set up in 1948 to provide good health care available to all, regardless of wealth.

Except charges for some prescriptions, optical and dental services, the NHS remains free for anyone who is resident in the UK. That is more than 60m people. It covers everything from routine treatments for coughs and colds to open heart surgery, accident and emergency treatment and end-of-life care.

The NHS employs more than 1.7m people. Of those, just under half are clinically qualified, including 120,000 hospital doctors, 40,000 general practitioners (GPs), 400,000 nurses and 25,000 ambulance staff. The number of patients using the NHS is huge. On average, it deals with 1m patients every 36 hours.

When a person falls ill he first visits his GP. GPs make the first diagnosis in the case of illness, give advice and may prescribe a suitable course of treatment or arrange for the patient to see a specialist. The specialist decides whether the patient needs hospital treatment and if he does whether he should be treated at the local hospital or at a specialized hospital.

District general hospitals offer a broad range of clinical services. Treatment is provided for in-patients and out-patients. There are also special hospitals. These hospitals combine special treatment facilities with the training of medical students. Many of the hospitals in the NHS were built in the 19 th century. Much has been done to improve and extend existing hospital building and many new hospitals have been opened.

NHS emergence ambulances are available free for cases of sudden illness, for accidents and for doctors’ urgent calls.

RU Health Service - здравоохранение в Великобритании

The National Health Service provides free treatment for people living in Britain and gives emergency treatment for visitors.

The greater part of the cost is met from taxes taken from people's wages.

People also pay some money every month as a sort of insurance.

The National Health Service consists of three main parts: the general practitioners, the specialist hospital and services, and local health services authority.

Local health authorities are responsible for medical education, hospital building environmental health vaccination and service so on.

The centre of National Health Service is the general practitioner (GP).

Each person is registered with a certain doctor in his or her area.

The GP diagnoses, gives medical certificates, prescribes medicines.

Dentists and opticians usually have separate clinics.

They are not parts of health centers.

There is also a medium-level hospital staff.

District nurses give injections, physiotherapy exercises at people's homes.

Ward nurses take care of the ill in the hospital.

Regular medical inspections are held at schools.

Children receive various vaccinations and are examined by different specialists.

There also exists a school dental service in every school.

Much attention is paid to the educational programs.

The Department of Health provides anti-smoking education programs, alcohol education programs, cancer prevention programs and so on.

Much attention is paid to the AIDS and drug programs.

Great Britain pays much attention to the qualification of doctors.

They are trained at 16 universities.

Besides, they get practice during their work at teaching hospitals.

Британская система здраво-охранения обеспечивает бесплатную медицинскую помощь населению Великобритании и оказывает первую медицинскую помощь приезжим.

Большая часть денег поступает в систему охраны здоровье как налоги, которые вычитаются из зарплаты.

Люди также платят определенную сумму каждый месяц как страховку.

В национальной системе здравоохранения есть три основных составляющих: врачи-терапевты, больничные и специализированные службы и местные органы здравоохранения.

Местные органы здравоохранения несут ответственность за медицинское образование, строительство больниц, состояние окружающей среды, прививки и так далее.

В центре национальной системы здравоохранения - врачи-терапевты.

Каждый человек прикреплена к определенному врачу в своем районе.

Терапевт ставит диагноз, выдает больничные листы, прописывает лекарства.

Стоматологи и окулисты обычно принимают в отдельных клиниках.

Они не являются частью здоровоохоронних центров.

Существует также средний медперсонал.

Районные медсестры делают уколы, физиотерапевтические процедуры дома.

Палатные сестры заботятся о больных в больнице.

Регулярные медицинские осмотры проводятся в школах.

Детям делают различные прививки, их осматривают разные специалисты.

В каждой школе также существует школьная стоматологическая служба.

Много внимания уделяется образовательным программам.

Министерство здравоохранения проводит образовательные программы о вреде курения, употребления алкоголя, программы по предотвращению раковых заболеваний и так далее.

Много внимания уделяется программам по Спиду и о вред наркотиков.

Великобритания уделяет особое внимание квалификации врачей.

Их готовят в 16 университетах.

Кроме этого, они проходят практику во время своей работы в учебных больницах.

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