Why do people become vegetarians кратко

Обновлено: 02.07.2024

Have you ever thought about becoming a vegetarian? Why do some people become vegetarians? What prevents other people from adopting a no-meat diet? First of all, I have never thought about becoming a vegetarian, but I think it’s great for health. The reason is that vegetarian can prevent heart disease and cancer and it can increase people's immunity. If we eat various vegetables and fruit, we can get more complete nutrients like vitamin C or β-carotene. Therefore, everyone can be attempt no-meat diet program, this method avoids people over to eat beef 、sheep and pork and improves the global world people's health.

Have you ever thought about becoming a vegetarian? Why do some people become vegetarians? What prevents other people from adopting a no-meat diet? First of all, I have never thought of becoming a vegetarian myself, but I think it’s great health-wise. The reason is, vegetarianism can prevent heart disease and cancer whilst increasing the immunity of the body. If we eat various vegetables and fruits, we can get more nutrients like vitamin C or β-carotene. Therefore, everyone can attempt a no-meat diet; this method allows people to avoid eating beef, mutton and pork and improves the health of the global population as a whole.

Задания Д35 C1 № 559

You have 30 minutes to do this task. You have received a letter from your English-speaking pen friend, Ann.

…My friend has decided to become a model and has just gone on a diet. I told her that it could be dangerous but she wouldn’t listen. Besides she is a vegetarian, so there are not many products she can let herself eat now…

Why do people become vegetarians? What do you do to keep fit? What food do you try to avoid?

Write her a letter and answer her 3 questions. Write 100–120 words. Remember the rules of letter writing.

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You have 30 minutes to do this task. You have received a letter from your English-speaking pen friend, Ann.

…My friend has decided to become a model and has just gone on a diet. I told her that it could be dangerous but she wouldn’t listen. Besides she is a vegetarian, so there are not many products she can let herself eat now…

Why do people become vegetarians? What do you do to keep fit? What food do you try to avoid?

Write her a letter and answer her 3 questions. Write 100–120 words. Remember the rules of letter writing.

So many people around the world take care about animals. We can visit animal hotels and help them, take animals to our home, feed homeless animals. There are people who are really crazy about animals and they become vegetarians.

I can not say if it is good or bad, because everyone is free to make the choice. I don’t judge those who like fur and eat meat every day and I also like animals.

Some of my friends have been vegetarians for few years. They don’t eat meat, chicken and someone even doesn’t eat fish. They say they feel happy and never hungry. They eat a lot of fruit and vegetables. I think their menu is very simple and boring but for someone it is pretty good.

Personally I am not vegetarian. I can’t imagine my life without meat. Few times I tried to become vegetarian but without meat I feel hungry.

In internet there is a lot of information about vegetarianism. There are different opinions of doctors, dietologie and people who protect animals. Everyone can choose whatever is closer to him. But I prefer to listen to the doctors. I am taking care about my health and my family was never vegetarians.

By the way people who don’t eat animals say that their bodies are full of energy and power. There is opinion that each group of blood needs particular vitamins. That’s why somebody needs meat so much. I can’t live without meat and my family too. But some my friends don’t even remember the taste of meat. Everyone is free to choose how to live, what to do and what to eat. The important thing is that you are sure about what you are doing and if it’s your real choice.


Так много людей во всем мире заботятся сегодня о животных. Мы часто посещаем питомники для животных и помогаем им, берём питомцев себе домой, кормим бездомных животных. А есть люди, настолько заботящиеся о четвероногих друзьях, что решили стать вегетарианцами.

Не знаю, хорошо это или плохо, потому что каждый волен выбирать самостоятельно. Я не сужу тех, кто любит носить мех и ест мясо каждый день, но я тоже любою животных.

Некоторые мои друзья являются вегетарианцами уже несколько лет. Они не едят мясо, курицу, а кто-то даже отказался от рыбы. Они говорят, что чувствуют себя счастливыми и никогда не испытывают голода. Они едят много фруктов и овощей. Мне кажется их меню достаточно простым и скучным, но кого-то это устраивает.

Лично я не вегетарианка. Я не представляю свою жизнь без мяса. Несколько раз я пыталась стать вегетарианкой, но без мяса я испытываю голод постоянно. В интернете есть много информации о вегетарианстве. Существуют разные мнения врачей, диетологов, а также людей, которые являются защитниками животных. Каждый выбирает то, что ему ближе. Но я предпочитаю прислушиваться к мнению врачей. Я забочусь о своём здоровье и моя семья никогда не придерживалась вегетарианства.

Кстати, люди, которые отказались от мяса, говорят, что они всегда полны сил и энергии. Есть предположение, что каждая группа крови нуждается в определенных витаминах и минералах. Поэтому, некоторым крайне важно кушать мясо. Я не могу прожить без мяса и дня и моя семья тоже. А некоторые друзья даже не помнят вкус мяса. Каждый сам решает, как ему жить, что делать и чем питаться. Важная вещь заключается в том, что вы лично решаете и делаете этот выбор самостоятельно.

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