Никола тесла на английском кратко

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Nikola Tesla — Никола Тесла Fotografía de Nikola Tesla en 1890 a los 34 años de edad. Nacimiento 10 de julio de 1856 … Wikipedia Español

Nikola Tesla — (kyrillisch Никола Тесла, * 10. Juli 1856 in Smiljan, Kroatische Militärgrenze, Kaisertum Österreich; † 7. Januar 1943 in New York, USA) war ein Erfinder … Deutsch Wikipedia

Nikola Tesla — (Similjan actual Croacia (ex Austria Hungría), 10 de julio de 1856 Nueva York EEUU, 17 de enero de 1943) (Nombre original: Никола, Nikola). Fue un físico, matemático, inventor, e ingeniero eléctrico … Enciclopedia Universal

Nikola Tesla — Tesla, aged 37, 1893, photo by Sar … Wikipedia

Nikola Tesla — Pour les articles homonymes, voir Nikola Tesla (homonymie). Nikola Tesla … Wikipédia en Français

Nikola Tesla — noun United States electrical engineer and inventor (born in Croatia but of Serbian descent) who discovered the principles of alternating currents and developed the first alternating current induction motor and the Tesla coil and several forms of … Useful english dictionary

Nikola Tesla in popular culture — Nikola Tesla, inventor and engineer, has appeared in popular culture as a character in books, films, comics and video games. The lack of recognition received by Tesla during his own lifetime has made him a tragic and inspirational character well… … Wikipedia

Nikola Tesla (Niska Banja) — Nikola Tesla (Niška Banja) Pour les articles homonymes, voir Tesla et Nikola Tesla (homonymie). Nikola Tesla Никола Тесла [[Image:|100px|center|Blason]] [[Image:|100px|center|Drapae … Wikipédia en Français

Nikola-Tesla-Museum (Belgrad) — Nikola Tesla Museum Daten Ort Belgrad Art Biografisches Museum, Technikmuseum Archi … Deutsch Wikipedia

Nikola tesla (homonymie) — Cette page d’homonymie répertorie les différents sujets et articles partageant un même nom. Nikola Tesla peut désigner : Nikola Tesla, un inventeur et ingénieur serbe du XIXe siècle et de la première moitié du XXe, dans le domaine de l… … Wikipédia en Français

Nikola-Tesla-Museum — steht für: Nikola Tesla Museum (Belgrad) in Belgrad (Serbien) Nikola Tesla Museum (Smiljan) in Smiljan (Kroatien) Tesla Museum in Gallspach (Österreich) Diese Seite ist eine Begriffsklärung zur Unterscheidung mehrerer mit d … Deutsch Wikipedia

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 10 July 1856 – 7 January 1943

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 10 July 1856 – 7 January 1943

10 July 1856 – 7 January 1943

 Nikola Tesla was a remarkable scientist. He was a Serbian inventor of Austr.

Nikola Tesla was a remarkable scientist. He was a Serbian inventor of Austro-Hungarian origin who developed the field of electrical engineering. At the same time he was a great physicist and supporter of modern electricity. Contemporaries called him “the man who invented the 20th century”, as his experiments somehow led to the next level of industrial revolution.

Tesla was born in a small village Smilijan, which is now in Croatia, on July.

Tesla was born in a small village Smilijan, which is now in Croatia, on July 10, 1856, in the family of an Orthodox priest. Regardless his father’s wish to see Nikola as a priest, the future scientist was always convinced he wanted to become an engineer. In 1882 he graduated from a prestigious university in Graz. By that time he was already invited to work in Paris for one large corporation.

Soon he presented his first electric motor and got acquainted with Th. Edison.

Soon he presented his first electric motor and got acquainted with Th. Edison. The later invited him to New York to work as an engineer, which was more than pleasant for the young inventor. Unfortunately the two talented inventors couldn’t work together and Tesla decided to quit. In 1888 he settled his own company and sold over 40 patents for large sums of money. Finally, he was financially free at the extent that he could devote more time to his beloved experiments.

Almost 7 years he dedicated to experimenting with the magnetic field and high.

Almost 7 years he dedicated to experimenting with the magnetic field and high frequencies. Starting from 1899 he led a series of experiments, proving that electrical current can be easily passed through the ground. A year later he returned to New York City to build the tower for transatlantic link establishment. The money for the project was donated by one rich banker whose surname was Morgan.

. Tesla later confessed that his main aim was to create a machine capable of.

. Tesla later confessed that his main aim was to create a machine capable of transmitting electricity to any corner of the planet. The great scientist died in 1943 at the age of eighty-six. The range of his discoveries was incredibly wide. He was the founder of the system of high voltages, the first samples of electromechanical generators, the rotating magnetic field, etc. In 1891 during the public lecture he demonstrated the principles of radio communication

His discoveries formed the foundation of modern electrical engineering. His p.

His discoveries formed the foundation of modern electrical engineering. His projects were willingly financed by many outstanding people of that time, including Vanderbilt, Rothschild, Astor, Morgan and others. And finally, the unit of magnetic induction is named after Tesla. Apart from that, the eccentric scientist was the owner of numerous honorable awards.

— Nikola Tesla (Serbian; 10 July 1856 – 7 January 1943) was an inventor, mechanical engineer, and electrical engineer. His work helped usher in the Second Industrial Revolution.

— Tesla was born to Serbian parents in the village of Smiljan, Austrian Empire near the town of Gospić, in the territory of modern-day Croatia. Nikola was the fourth of five children, having one older brother and three sisters. His family moved to Gospić in 1862. Tesla attended school at Higher Real Gymnasium in Karlovac.[11] He finished a four-year term in the span of three years.

— Tesla then studied electrical engineering at the Austrian Polytechnic in Graz (1875). While there, he studied the uses of alternating current. Some sources say he received Baccalaureate degrees from the university at Graz. Tesla was later persuaded by his father to attend the Charles-Ferdinand University in Prague, which he attended for the summer term of 1880. Here, he was influenced by Ernst Mach. However, after his father died, he left the university, having completed only one term.

— In 1882 he moved to Paris, to work as an engineer for the Continental Edison Company, designing improvements to electric equipment brought overseas from Edison's ideas. According to his autobiography, in the same year he conceived the induction motor and began developing various devices that use rotating magnetic fields for which he received patents in 1888.

— On 6 June 1884, Tesla first arrived in the United States, in New York City with little besides a letter of recommendation from Charles Batchelor, a former employer. In the letter of recommendation to Thomas Edison, Batchelor wrote, "I know two great men and you are one of them; the other is this young man." Edison hired Tesla to work for his Edison Machine Works. Tesla's work for Edison began with simple electrical engineering and quickly progressed to solving some of the company's most difficult problems. Tesla was even offered the task of completely redesigning the Edison company's direct current generators.

— In 1886, Tesla formed his own company, Tesla Electric Light & Manufacturing. The initial financial investors disagreed with Tesla on his plan for an alternating current motor and eventually relieved him of his duties at the company. Tesla worked in New York as a laborer from 1886 to 1887 to feed himself and raise capital for his next project. In 1887, he constructed the initial brushless alternating current induction motor, which he demonstrated to the American Institute of Electrical Engineers (now IEEE) in 1888. In the same year, he developed the principles of his Tesla coil, and began working with George Westinghouse at Westinghouse Electric & Manufacturing Company's Pittsburgh labs. Westinghouse listened to his ideas for polyphase systems which would allow transmission of alternating current electricity over long distances.

From 1893 to 1895

— From 1893 to 1895, he investigated high frequency alternating currents. He generated AC of one million volts using a conical Tesla coil and investigated the skin effect in conductors, designed tuned circuits, invented a machine for inducing sleep, cordless gas discharge lamps, and transmitted electromagnetic energy without wires, building the first radio transmitter. In St. Louis, Missouri, Tesla made a demonstration related to radio communication in 1893. Addressing the Franklin Institute in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania and the National Electric Light Association, he described and demonstrated in detail its principles.

— In 1899, Tesla decided to move and began research in Colorado Springs, Colorado in a lab located near Foote Ave. and Kiowa St., where he would have room for his high-voltage, high-frequency experiments. Upon his arrival he told reporters that he was conducting wireless telegraphy experiments transmitting signals from Pikes Peak to Paris. Tesla's diary contains explanations of his experiments concerning the ionosphere and the ground's telluric currents via transverse waves and longitudinal waves.At his lab, Tesla proved that the earth was a conductor, and he produced artificial lightning (with discharges consisting of millions of volts, and up to 135 feet long).

— Tesla researched ways to transmit power and energy wirelessly over long distances (via transverse waves, to a lesser extent, and, more readily, longitudinal waves). He transmitted extremely low frequencies through the ground as well as between the Earth's surface and the Kennelly–Heaviside layer. He received patents on wireless transceivers that developed standing waves by this method. In his experiments, he made mathematical calculations and computations based on his experiments and discovered that the resonant frequency of the Earth was approximately 8 hertz (Hz). In the 1950s, researchers confirmed that the resonant frequency of the Earth's ionospheric cavity was in this range (later named the Schumann resonance).

— In the Colorado Springs lab, Tesla observed unusual signals that he later thought may have been evidence of extraterrestrial radio wave communications coming from Venus or Mars.He noticed repetitive signals from his receiver which were substantially different from the signals he had noted from storms and earth noise. Specifically, he later recalled that the signals appeared in groups of one, two, three, and four clicks together. Tesla had mentioned that he thought his inventions could be used to talk with other planets. There have even been claims that he invented a "Teslascope" for just such a purpose. It is debatable what type of signals Tesla received or whether he picked up anything at all. Research has suggested that Tesla may have had a misunderstanding of the new technology he was working with,or that the signals Tesla observed may have been non-terrestrial natural radio source such as the Jovian plasma torus signals.

— Later in life, Tesla made remarkable claims concerning a “ teleforce " weapon . The press called it a "peace ray" or death ray . In total, the components and methods included.

— An apparatus for producing manifestations of energy in free air instead of in a high vacuum as in the past. This, according to Tesla in 1934, was accomplished.

— A mechanism for generating tremendous electrical force. This, according to Tesla, was also accomplished.

— A means of intensifying and amplifying the force developed by the second mechanism.

— A new method for producing a tremendous electrical repelling force. This would be the projector, or gun, of the invention.

— Another of Tesla's theorized inventions is commonly referred to as Tesla's Flying Machine, which appears to resemble an ion-propelled aircraft.Tesla claimed that one of his life goals was to create a flying machine that would run without the use of an airplane engine, wings, ailerons, propellers, or an onboard fuel source. Initially, Tesla pondered about the idea of a flying craft that would fly using an electric motor powered by grounded base stations. As time progressed, Tesla suggested that perhaps such an aircraft could be run entirely electro-mechanically. The theorized appearance would typically take the form of a cigar or saucer.

— The urn with Tesla's ashes in Nikola Tesla Museum in Belgrade

— Tesla died of heart failure alone in room 3327 of the New Yorker Hotel, on 7 January 1943.Despite having sold his AC electricity patents, Tesla died with significant debts. Later that year the US Supreme Court upheld Tesla's patent number 645576 in a ruling that served as the basis for patented radio technology in the United States.

— Tesla's funeral took place on 12 January 1943, at the Cathedral of Saint John the Divine in Manhattan, New York City. His body was cremated and his ashes taken to Belgrade, Serbia, then-Yugoslavia in 1957. The urn was placed in the Nikola Tesla Museum in Belgrade.

Я студент технического вуза. Дали задание составить рассказ об Николе Тесле. Вот что я сделал: Nikola Tesla was a Serbian American inventor, electrical engineer and physicist.
Tesla was one of the great pioneers of the use and study alternating electric current.
One of the most important of his inventions are induction generator and Tesla coil.
The induction generator - it is device that changes mechanical energy into alternating current electricity.
Tesla coil is designed to change the frequency and magnitude of alternating current
Tesla is also known for its research in the field of radio communications, in particular the project "World Wireless".
After financial ruin Tesla continued research, but many of his ideas remained in his head only.Помогите откорректировать, только без излишеств - я всетаки технарь.

я тоже технарь. Потому могу подсказать: набираешь в Вике "Тесла", жмешь слева English, получаешь как раз такой текст, который тебе надо.

Кстати, таким путем можно переводить собственные названия и термины, с которыми словарь не поможет.

Nikola Tesla was a Serbian American inventor,an electrical engineer and physicist.
Tesla was one of the greatest pioneers who used and studied the alternating electrical current.
The most important of his inventions are the induction generator and Tesla^s coil.
The induction generator - it is the device that changes mechanical energy into the alternating current electricity.
Tesla^s coil is designed to change the frequency and the magnitude of the alternating current
Tesla is also known for his research in the field of radio communications, particularly in his project " The World Wireless".
After financial ruin Tesla continued to research, but many of his ideas remained the only in his head.

Stanislawa Просветленный (46836) the only- переводится как "только"-многие из его идей остались только в его голове!

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