Кратко о лобачевском на английском

Обновлено: 02.07.2024

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Задание2. Выпишите из текста предложения со словами, оформленными окончанием - s. Определите функцию этого окончания:
а) показатель 3-сго лица единственного числа глагола в Present In-
б) признаком множественного числа имени существительного;
в) показателем притяжательного падежа имени существительного.

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3 курс группа МПМЗС-11

Проверила: к.п.н., доцент

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N.I. Lobachevsky is a great Russian mathematician and the creator of non-Euclidean geometry. He was born on December 1, 1792 in Nizhni Novgorod in a poor family. When N. Lobachevsky was a child, his father died and the family moved to Kazan. There boy learned at the ''gumnasium'' from 1802 to 1807 and in 1807 he entered Kasan University. At the University N.I. Lobachevsky spent the next forty years of his life as a student, professor and rector.

Lobachevsky became interested in mathematics when he was still a schoolboy and be remained true to this science all his life long.

Lobachevsky did a lot to make Kazan University a first-rate educational institution of that time. At the same time he made extensive researches into mathematics.

On February 23, 1826 a great event took place at Kazan University. N.I. Lobachevsky presented a paper ''A brief outline of principles of geometry strictly demonstrating the theorem of parallel lines." That day a new geometrical system, the so-called non-Euclidean geometry was born. In the paper he attacked the theory which was the basis of geometry for 2.000 years and made a real revolution in mathematics.

In the years that followed Lobachevsky wrote a number of works in the field of algebra and mathematical analysis. However, nearly nobody understood and recognized his works at that time. They were recognized only twelve years after his death.

Lobachevsky's ideas greatly influenced the development not only of geometry and other mathematical sciences, but also mechanics, physics and astronomy. One British mathematician called Lobachevsky "Copernicus of Geometry"


Лобачевский Н.И. - великий русский математик и основатель неевклидовой геометрии. Он родился 1 декабря 1792 года в Нижнем Новгороде в бедной семье. Когда он был маленьким его отец умер и семья переехала в Казань. Мальчик учился в гимназии с 1802 по 1807 годы и в 1807 году он поступил в Казанский университет. В университете Лобачевский провел следующие сорок лет своей жизни как студент, профессор и ректор.

Лобачевский заинтересовался математикой, когда он был еще мальчиком и оставался верен этой науке всю свою жизнь.

Лобачевский сделал много для того чтобы Казанский университет стал первоклассным университетом того времени. В тоже время он совершил огромное исследование в области математики.

В последующие годы Лобачевский написал несколько работ в области алгебры и математического анализа. Однако в то время никто не понял и не признал его работу. Его труд был признан через 12 лет после его смерти.

N.I. Lobachevsky was born on December 1, 1792 in Nizhni Novgorod.

  1. When did Lobachevsky become interested in mathematics?

Lobachevsky became interested in mathematics when he was still a schoolboy.

  1. What new geometrical system did Lobachevsky create?

He created a new geometrical system, the so-called non-Euclidean geometry.

  1. What sciences did Lobachevsky's ideas influence?

Lobachevsky's ideas greatly influenced the development not only of geometry and other mathematical sciences, but also mechanics, physics and astronomy.

Задание2. Выпишите из текста предложения со словами, оформленными окончанием - s. Определите функцию этого окончания:

а) показатель 3-сго лица единственного числа глагола в Present In-

б) признаком множественного числа имени существительного;

в) показателем притяжательного падежа имени существительного.

а) примеров предложений с глаголом в Present Indefinite в тексте нет, поэтому приведем пример в Past Simple: He was born on December 1, 1792 in Nizhni Novgorod in a poor family.

б) признак множественного числа имени существительного: At the same time he made extensive researches into mathematics. N.I. Lobachevsky presented a paper ''A brief outline of principles of geometry strictly demonstrating the theorem of parallel lines." In the years that followed Lobachevsky wrote a number of works in the field of algebra and mathematical analysis. However, nearly nobody understood and recognized his works at that time. Lobachevsky's ideas greatly influenced the development not only of geometry and other mathematical sciences, but also mechanics, physics and astronomy.

в) показатель притяжательного падежа имени существительного: Lobachevsky's ideas greatly influenced the development not only of geometry and other mathematical sciences, but also mechanics, physics and astronomy.

Задание 3. Выпишите из текста предложные конструкции с предлогом of. Замените существительные с предлогом of существительными в притяжательном падеже.

Ответ: At the University N.I. Lobachevsky spent the next forty years of his life as a student, professor and rector.

At the University N.I. Lobachevsky spent the next his life's forty years as a student, professor and rector.

Задание 4. Выпишите из текста прилагательные и наречия, образуйте от них степени сравнения. Переведите их.

Роог — poorer – the poorest - бедный — беднее- самый бедный

long – longer - the longest — длинный — длиннее- самый длинный

great – greater – the greatest — великий — более великий — самый великий

new – newer – the newest – новый - новейший - самый новый

Задание 5. Найдите в тексте и выпишите предложения, содержащие местоимения. Укажите, к какой группе они относятся (личные, притяжательные, указательные, вопросительные, отрицательные и др.). Переведите предложения на русский язык.

He was born on December 1, 1792 in Nizhni Novgorod in a poor family. (Не — личное местоимение он).

Он родился 1 декабря 1792 года в Нижнем Новгороде в бедной семье.

When N. Lobachevsky was a child, his father died and the family moved to Kazan.(When — вопросительное местоимение когда).

Когда Лобачевский был маленьким, его отец умер и семья переехала в Казань.

That day a new geometrical system, the so-called non-Euclidean geometry was born. (That — указательное местоимение этот)

В этот день была основана новая геометрическая система, так называемая, неевклидова геометрия.

At the same time he made extensive researches into mathematics. (same — указательное местоимение в это же, he — личное местоимение он)

В это же время он совершил огромное исследование в области математики.

However, nearly nobody understood and recognized his works at that time. (nobody — отрицательное местоимение никто, his — притяжательное местоимение его, that - указательное местоимение тот)

Однако в то время никто не понял и не признал его работу.

Задание 6. Выпишите из текста предложение в Present Indefinite. Напишите это предложение в отрицательной форме. Поставьте к этому предложению все типы вопросов: общий, специальный, разделительный, альтернативный, вопрос к подлежащему.

On February 23, 1826 a great event took place at Kazan University. (Past Indefinite)

On February 23, 1826 doesn't a great event took place at Kazan University. (Отрицание)

Does a great event take place at Kazan University On February 23? (Общий вопрос)

When does a great event take place at Kazan University? (Специальный вопрос с вопросительным словом )

On February 23, 1826 a great event takes place at Kazan University, does it? (Разделительный вопрос)

Does a great event take place at Kazan University or at Moskow's University?

What does took place at Kazan University?

(Вопрос к подлежащему)

Задание 7. Поставьте глагол-сказуемое одного предложения из текста во все временные формы группы Indefinite в действительном залоге, произведя все необходимые изменения.

In the paper he attacked the theory. (Past Indefinite)

In the paper he attacks the theory. (Present Indefinite)

In the paper he will attack the theory. ( Future Indefinite)

Задание 8. Поставьте глагол-сказуемое одного предложения из текста во все временные формы группы Indefinite в страдательном залоге; произведя все необходимые смысловые изменения.

That day a new geometrical system was born. ( Passive Past Indefinite )

That day a new geometrical system is born. ( Passive Present Indefinite)

That day a new geometrical system will be born. ( Passive Future Indefinite)

Упражнение 38. Замените русские слова словами: much, litlle, many, few, a little, a few

1. There is a little meat in the soup. 2. I don't cat much bread 3. I have a little money. 4. There is a little salt in the soup. 5. There is not much bread on the table. 6. There is not much air in this room. 7 Are there many cups on the table ? 8. We don't cat much meat at supper. 9.There are not many things in this room. 10. There are many chairs there.

Упражнение 44. Заполните пропуски причастиями I и II (от глаголов данных в скобках) в зависимости от смысла и переведите предложения на русский язык:

1. The instrument left on the table belong to Mr. Brown (Инструменты оставленные на столе принадлежат мистеру Брауну) 2. There are different kinds of plants growing in the Polar regions (Разнообразные виды растений выращиваются за полярным кругом). 3. The work done by the scientists on the drifting ice of great importance (Работа проделанная учеными на дрейфующей льдине имеет важное значение). 4. A telescope is an instrument making distant objects appear nearer and larger (Телескоп это инструмент, делающий далекие предметы ближе или дальше). 5. The results obtained varied with the material used. (Достигнутые результаты соотносятся с используемыми материалами.) 6. The workers improved their work with the help of the new machines received by them (Рабочие улучшили свою работу с помощью новых полученных машин). 7. The voting scientist taking part in the discussion of the new plan, put forward an importand problem.(Ученый принимающий участие в обсуждении нового плана выдвинул важную проблему.)

Упражнение 47. Откройте скобки и поставьте глаголы в форме (Рast или Present) Indefinite или Continuous по смыслу:

1. What are you doing now? -1'm translating an article now. 2. Where did you get this magazine? - A friend of mine gave it to me yesterday. 3. Last week I got two letters from my brother. 4. Father came at 5o'clock last night. 5. I went to the station at 5 o'clock yesterday. 6. When I translate the article I usually used a dictionary. 7. We tryed to translate the article without a dictionary. 8. What did you do at 8 o'clock in the evening yesterday? 9. It was raining from 2 till 4 o'clock yesterday. 10. Is it still raining? I must be going. 1 am afraid to be late. 11. They were discussing a report while we were working in the workshop. 12. The meeting was open at 14:30. 13. We were watching TV when friend of mine came. 14. The hall was full of people when we came in.

N. I. Lobachevsky is a great Russian mathematician and the creator of non-Euclidean geometry.J He was born on December 1, 1792 in Nizhni Novgorod in a poor family. When N. Lobachevsky was a child, his father died and the family moved to Kasan. There the boy learned at the "gymnasium" from 1802 to 1807 and in 1807 he entered Kasan University. At the University N. I. Lobachevsky spent the next forty years of his life as a student, professor and rector.
Lobachevsky became interested in 2 mathematics when he was still a schoolboy and he remained true to3 this science all his life long.
Lobachevsky did a lot to make Kasan University a first-rate4 educational institution of that time. At the same time he made extensive researches into mathematics.
On February 23, 1826 a great event took place at Kasan University. N. I. Lobachevsky .presented^ paper "A brief outline of the principles of geometry strictly demonstrating the theorem of parallel lines." 5 That day a new geometrical system, the so-called non-Euclidean geometry was bora. In the paper he attacked the theory which was the basis of geometry for 2,000 years and made a real revolution in mathematics.
In the years that followed Lobachevsky wrote a number of6 works in the field of algebra and mathematical analysis. However, nearly nobody understood and recognized his works at that time. They were recognized only twelve years after his death.
Lobachevsky's ideas greatly influenced the development not only of geometry and other mathematical sciences, but also mechanics, physics and astronomy. One British mathe¬matician called Lobachevsky "Copernicus of Geometry".

Н.И. Лобачевского является великий русский математик, создатель неевклидовой geometry.J Он родился 1 декабря 1792 года в Нижнем Новгороде в бедной семье. Когда Н. Лобачевского была ребенком, его отец умер, и семья переехала в Казани. Там мальчик научился в "гимназии" с 1802 по 1807 и в 1807 году он поступил Казани университет. В университете Н. И. Лобачевского провел следующие сорок лет своей жизни, как студент, профессор и ректор.
Лобачевского заинтересовался 2 математике, когда он был еще школьником, и он остался верен to3 этой науки всю жизнь долго.
Лобачевского сделал много сделать Касан университет первого кадров4 учебное заведение того времени. В то же время он сделал обширные исследования в области математики.
На 23 февраля 1826 года большое событие состоялось в Kasan университета. Н.И. Лобачевского .presented ^ бумагу "Краткий очерк о принципах геометрии строго демонстрируя теорему параллельных линий." 5 В тот день новая геометрическая система, так называемый неевклидовой геометрии было Бора. В работе он напал на теорию, которая легла в основу геометрии для 2000 года и совершил настоящую революцию в математике.
В последующие годы Лобачевский написал ряд of6 работ в области алгебры и математического анализа. Тем не менее, почти никто не поняли и признали свои произведения в то время. Они были признаны только двенадцать лет после его смерти.
Идеи Лобачевского в значительной степени повлияли на развитие не только геометрии и других математических наук, но также механики, физики и астрономии. Один британский mathe¬matician называется Лобачевского "Коперник геометрии".

н. и. лобачевского - великий русский математик и создатель неевклидова геометрия. J родился 1 декабря 1792 в нижнем новгороде в бедной семье.когда N. лобачевский был ребенком, его отец умер, и семья перебралась в казани.там мальчик научился на "гимназия" с 1802 по 1807 и в 1807 году он вошел в казани университета.в университете имени н. и. лобачевского провел следующие сорок лет своей жизни, как студент, профессор, ректор.лобачевский заинтересовался 2 математики, когда он был еще школьником, и он по - прежнему правда to3 этой науке, всю свою жизнь.лобачевский много сделал для того, чтобы казани университета first-rate4 учебное заведение того времени.в то же время он высказал подробные исследования в математике.23 февраля 1826 большое событие произошло в казани университета.н. и. лобачевского. представлены ^ документ "краткое изложение принципов геометрия строго демонстрации теорема параллельные линии" 5. в тот день новой геометрической системы так называемого неевклидова геометрия был бора.в документе, который он напал на теорию, которая является основой геометрию 2000 лет и сделал настоящую революцию в математике.в последующие годы лобачевский написал ряд of6 работает в области алгебры и математический анализ.однако почти никто не понимает и признает его работ на тот момент.они были признаны только через 12 лет после его смерти.лобачевский идеи оказали огромное влияние на развитие не только в геометрии и других математических наук, но и механики и физики и астрономии.британский mathe ¬ matician назвал лобачевский "коперник геометрии".

Science is a very important and interesting field of activity of man. Mathematics as a science is a good example of such activity.

Russian and Soviet mathematicians made a great contribution to the development of mathematics. World known are the name of S. Kovalevskaya, N. Lobachevsky and others. There are scientists who seem to be born scientists. And their life is not always a bed of roses, sometimes their life turns really tragic. Lobachevsky's life is a good example and a proof of this statement.

Lobachevsky was born in 1792 near Nizhni Novgorod. When he was a child, his family moved to Kazan, where Lobachevsky entered the gymnasium. His progress in mathematics was very rapid there.

At the age of 15 he entered the University of Kazan. At 19 he was awarded a Master's degree. At the age of 24 Lobachevsky became a Professor of mathematics at Kazan University. When he was 35, Lobachevsky was appointed rector of the University. Lobachevsky was 34 years old, when he founded non-Euclidean geometry of two-dimensions. His geometry is valid for pseudosfherical surfaces. It is based on the assumption that the axiom on parallel to a given straight line.

It was one of the masterpieces of mathematics. Strange as it may seem, scientists of old Russia and Europe did not support his geometry. But Lobachevsky was not discouraged. In 1846 he was dismissed from his office. And still Lobachevsky continued his research work, now at home. When he got blind, he dictated his new masterpiece-pan-geometry - to his pupils, Lobachevsky died in 1856 at the age of 63.

So, we see that revolutionary idens in science, they struggle their way through misunderstanding. And only a really talented and persistent personality can win.

Список литературы

Science is a very important and interesting field of activity of man. Mathematics as a science is a good example of such activity. Russian and Soviet mathematicians made a great contribution to the development of mathematics. World known are th

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Ответы и объяснения 1

Born December 1, 1792 in Nizhny Novgorod. His father died when he was seven years old , and his mother , along with his three sons moved to Kazan .Lobachevsky graduated from the University of Kazan . In 1814 he began lecturing on the theory of numbers, as in 1827 , when he was a professor, was elected to the rectors and held this position for 19 years .Lobachevsky great fame is based on his geometrical research. By 1826 he determined he had developed the system as an "imaginary geometry" in contrast to " widely-used " Euclidean .Opening Lobachevsky was first described briefly in February 1826 at a meeting of the Division of Physical and Mathematical Sciences , and then presented in the article " New Beginnings geometry with full theory of parallel " (" Proceedings of the University of Kazan ', 1835 ) .European scientists have learned about the work of Lobachevsky only in 1840 , and in 1842 he was elected a corresponding member of the Gottingen Scientific Society .Lobachevsky also owns a number of works on mathematical analysis . He gave a general definition of the functional dependence . In algebra, known for his method of approximate solutions of the equations of any degree , he was the first in Russia published a course of higher algebra.In Kazan University Lobachevsky lectured on astronomy and astronomical observations conducted . Thanks to his enthusiasm at the university built a new observatory, one of the best at that time . She started working in 1838 , one year ahead of the Pulkovo (now Main Astronomical Observatory, near St. Petersburg ) .Died February 24, 1856 in Kazan.In 1883-1886 years. Kazan University published " The Complete Works by Lobachevsky geometry ." In 1893, in honor of the centenary of the birth of Lobachevsky he erected a monument in Kazan collected by international subscription funds . In 1895 Kazan Physics and Mathematics Society established a prize named after Lobachevsky for outstanding work in the field of geometry. This award today awards Russian Academy of Sciences .

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Born December 1, 1792 in Nizhny Novgorod. His father died when he was seven years old , and his mother , along with his three sons moved to Kazan .Lobachevsky graduated from the University of Kazan . In 1814 he began lecturing on the theory of numbers, as in 1827 , when he was a professor, was elected to the rectors and held this position for 19 years .Lobachevsky great fame is based on his geometrical research. By 1826 he determined he had developed the system as an "imaginary geometry" in contrast to " widely-used " Euclidean .Opening Lobachevsky was first described briefly in February 1826 at a meeting of the Division of Physical and Mathematical Sciences , and then presented in the article " New Beginnings geometry with full theory of parallel " (" Proceedings of the University of Kazan ', 1835 ) .European scientists have learned about the work of Lobachevsky only in 1840 , and in 1842 he was elected a corresponding member of the Gottingen Scientific Society .Lobachevsky also owns a number of works on mathematical analysis . He gave a general definition of the functional dependence . In algebra, known for his method of approximate solutions of the equations of any degree , he was the first in Russia published a course of higher algebra.In Kazan University Lobachevsky lectured on astronomy and astronomical observations conducted . Thanks to his enthusiasm at the university built a new observatory, one of the best at that time . She started working in 1838 , one year ahead of the Pulkovo (now Main Astronomical Observatory, near St. Petersburg ) .Died February 24, 1856 in Kazan.In 1883-1886 years. Kazan University published " The Complete Works by Lobachevsky geometry ." In 1893, in honor of the centenary of the birth of Lobachevsky he erected a monument in Kazan collected by international subscription funds . In 1895 Kazan Physics and Mathematics Society established a prize named after Lobachevsky for outstanding work in the field of geometry. This award today awards Russian Academy of Sciences .



Mikhail Lomonosov (19.11 (08.11. O.S.) 1835 - 15.04.(04.04. O.S.) 1765) - Russian poet and scientist.

Lomonosov was the son of a poor fisherman. At the age of 10 he too took up that line of work. When the few books he was able to obtain could no longer satisfy his growing thirst for knowledge, in December 1730, he left his native village, penniless and on foot, for Moscow. His ambition was to educate himself to join the learned men on whom the tsar Peter I the Great was calling to transform Russia into a modern nation.

The clergy and the nobility, attached to their privileges and fearing the spread of education and science, actively opposed the reforms of which Lomonosov was a lifelong champion. His bitter struggle began as soon as he arrived in Moscow. In order to be admitted to the Slavonic-Greek-Latin Academy he had to conceal his humble origin; the sons of nobles jeered at him, and he had scarcely enough money for food and clothes. But his robust health and exceptional intelligence enabled him in five years to assimilate the eight-year course of study; during this time he taught himself Greek and read the philosophical works of antiquity.

Noticed at last by his instructors, in January 1736 Lomonosov became a student at the St. Petersburg Academy. Seven months later he left for Germany to study at the University of Marburg, where he led the turbulent life of the German student. His work did not suffer, however, for within three years he had surveyed the main achievements of Western philosophy and science. His mind, freed from all preconception, rebelled at the narrowness of the empiricism in which the disciples of Isaac Newton had bound the natural sciences; in dissertations sent to St. Petersburg, he attacked the problem of the structure of matter.

In 1739, in Freiberg, Lomonosov studied firsthand the technologies of mining, metallurgy, and glassmaking. Also friendly with the poets of the time, he freely indulged the love of verse that had arisen during his childhood with the reading of Psalms. The "Ode," dedicated to the Empress, and the Pismo o pravilakh rossiyskogo stikhotvorstva ("Letter Concerning the Rules of Russian Versification") made a considerable impression at court.

After breaking with one of his masters, the chemist Johann Henckel, and many other mishaps, among which his marriage at Marburg must be included, Lomonosov returned in July 1741 to St. Petersburg. The Academy, which was directed by foreigners and incompetent nobles, gave the young scholar no precise assignment, and the injustice aroused him. His violent temper and great strength sometimes led him to go beyond the rules of propriety, and in May 1743 he was placed under arrest. Two odes sent to the empress Elizabeth won him his liberation in January 1744, as well as a certain poetic prestige at the Academy.

While in prison he worked out the plan of work that he had already developed in Marburg. The 276 zametok po fizike i korpuskulyarnoy filosofi ("276 Notes on Corpuscular Philosophy and Physics") set forth the dominant ideas of his scientific work. Appointed a professor by the Academy in 1745, he translated Christian Wolff's Institutiones philosophiae experimentalis ("Studies in Experimental Philosophy") into Russian and wrote, in Latin, important works on the Meditationes de Caloris et Frigoris Causa (1747; "Cause of Heat and Cold"), the Tentamen Theoriae de vi Aлris Elastica (1748; "Elastic Force of Air"), and the Theoria Electricitatis (1756; "Theory of Electricity"). His friend, the celebrated German mathematician Leonhard Euler, recognized the creative originality of his articles, which were, on Euler's advice, published by the Russian Academy in the Novye kommentari.

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