История возникновения лондона кратко на английском языке

Обновлено: 03.07.2024

Топик История Лондона рассказывает о возникновении столицы Великобритании с самого начала: первыми были древние британцы, затем – римляне, германцы, норманны, поэтому можно сказать, что структура современного Лондона - это результат сложных исторических событий. На протяжении всего Средневековья, развитие Лондоне было замедленно многочисленными военными сражениями, эпидемиями и торговыми кризисами. Настоящим бичом древнего города стали повторяющиеся пожары и тогда в Лондоне стали строить только каменные и кирпичные здания. После 1566 года Лондон быстро набирает торговое влияние в Европе, и торговля расширяется за пределы Западной Европы. В 19-ом веке многие пригороды вошли в черту города, все мосты были перестроены в камне, а улицы стали освещаться сначала газовыми, а потом и электрическими фонарями. Во время 1-ой и 2-ой Мировых войн, Лондон подвергался частым бомбардировкам вражеской авиации, в результате чего многие исторические здания были разрушены. В конце 1950-х годов в столице, на месте старинных зданий, были построены небоскребы, что в значительной мере изменило городской пейзаж.

More than two thousand years ago the early Britons established a settlement on the north bank of the Thames. The site had many advantages. It was defended on two sides by rivers. It lay in the center of the most fertile region. The old Britons gave the town its name, Lyndin, the Romans made it the center of their colony, the Germanic invaders tried to burn and destroy it, the victorious Normans made it the capital of the country. So the physical layout of contemporary London is the end product of complex historical events and growth forces.

The fort of Londinium, founded by the Romans in the 1st century AD, and the administrative center established at Westminster 1000 years later, served as the nuclei for following development in Central London.
At the time of the Roman occupation of Britain in the 1st century AD, London was already a town of considerable importance, in the 2nd century King Alfred made London the capital of his kingdom. After William the Conqueror established himself in England, he began construction of the Tower of London, intending it as a citadel to overawe the populace. Many Normans settled in London and erected imposing edifices.

Throughout the Middle Ages the development of London was slow and was repeatedly arrested by wars, epidemics and commercial crises. The opening by Queen Elizabeth 1 of the Royal Exchange in 1566 marked the growth of the city expanded it might become too powerful. Queen Elizabeth 1 issued a proclamation prohibiting the construction of any new building within a radius of 4,8 km outside the city gates.

In 1665, during the Great Plague, nearly 70,000 Londoners died of to the disease with a period of a year. The epidemic was followed by the Great Fire of 1666, which destroyed most of the walled section of the city. Because the Rebuilding Act of 1667 stipulated that only stone and brick be used, the new buildings that rose from the ruins bore little resemblance to the quaint wooden dwellings of old London.

During the 19th century many suburbs were incorporated into Greater London, all the bridges in the city were rebuilt in stone, and the streets were furnished first with gas, and later with electric illumination.

During World War 1 London was the object of frequent raids by German airplanes and zeppelins. The city was heavily bombed during World War 2. About 10,000 persons wee killed. Among the celebrated buildings either damaged or destroyed were the Tower of London, the British Museum, Houses of Parliament, St. Paul’s Cathedral, Buckingham palace, many railway stations also were severely damaged.
After the war, by the end of the 1950s most of the war damage in London was repaired. As a result of the reconstruction the skyline of the city began changing. Tall buildings were built, such as The London StockExchange, the General Post Office. Homes, shops, schools and a cultural center were built, and important landmarks were preserved.
Considerable controversy followed the demolition of several historical or architecturally interesting areas sacrificed for the construction of high-rise office and apartment buildings.

It grew up around the first point where the Roman invaders found the Thames narrow enough to build a bridge. There has been a “London Bridge” in the same area ever since.

They founded a Celtic settlement then known as Londinium and later they had turned it into a large port and important trading centre with a long wall of stone and brick. Inside the wall low houses were built with bright red tiled roofs.

The Tower of London was founded by Julius Caesar and in 1066 rebuilt by William the Conqueror. It was used as a fortress, a royal residence and a prison. Now it is a museum and also the place where the Crown Jewels are kept.

Time passed. London grew and became a great city. The coming of the railway changed London for ever. The first underground railway was opened in 1863 between Paddington and the City.

Today London is the capital of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. It is one of the most beautiful cities in the world.

There are many places of interest in it and this city is well worth visiting.

Краткая история Лондона

Лондон является древним городом. Он вырос вокруг того места, где римские захватчики нашли Темзу достаточно узкой, чтобы построить мост. Там до сих пор стоит Лондонский мост.

Они основали кельтское поселение известное тогда как Лондиниум, а потом он превратился в крупный порт и важный торговый центр с длинной стеной из камня и кирпича. Внутри городских стен были построены малоэтажные дома с ярко-красными черепичными крышами.

Лондонский Тауэр был основан Юлием Цезарем и перестроен в 1066 году Вильямом Завоевателем. Он использовался как крепость, королевская резиденция и тюрьма. Теперь это музей, а также место, где хранятся драгоценности короны.

Время шло. Лондон вырос и стал большим городом. С приходом железной дороги Лондон изменился навсегда. Первая подземная железная дорога была открыта в 1863 между Пэддингтоном и Сити.

Сегодня Лондон является столицей Великобритании и Северной Ирландии. Это один из самых красивых городов в мире.В нём есть много интересных мест и этот город стоит посетить.

London is the capital city of England and of the United Kingdom. It is the most populous region of the country. Its history dates back over 2,000 years. During this time the city has underwent numerous outbreaks of plague, civil war, devastating fire, terrorist attacks and bombardments. Nevertheless, it has become one of the most beautiful, financially and culturally significant capitals in the world.

The official history of London begins around AD 43. At that time, it was a civilian town (Londinium), established by the Romans shortly after their invasion. In around AD 60 London was destroyed by the Iceni tribe. The city continued to grow normally after this conquest and soon Londinium’s population was almost 30,000. During the 2 nd century the city was at its height. With the population of 60,000 it became the capital of Brittania. The Roman occupation of London became to an end by the 5 th century.

Certain archaeological excavations prove that Anglo-Saxon settlement of the city began as early as in the 5 th or 6 th century. It was then known as Lundenwic. While early Anglo-Saxon London belonged to Middle Saxons, by the 7 th century it became the East Saxons’ kingdom. In the 650s King Sigeberht II established the Christianity in the kingdom. The 9 th century was marked by frequent Viking attacks. By 1066 London was under the Norman regime. It was the time when the first stone castle in the country was built to replace a wooden fortification. The most important of these fortresses was the Tower of London. Many remarkable constructions were built during Norman and Medieval periods. For example, in 1097 the son of William the Conqueror started the building of Westminster Palace. The first bridge through the river Thames was built in 1176. Middle Age London was marked by a steady trade growth.

London has survived series of tragic events. Thus, in 1348 England suffered from Bubonic Plague, brought from the continent. One third of the city population was killed by this illness. In 1381 London was stormed by angry peasants, who set fire to lots of buildings. This event is recorded in history as the Peasants’ Revolt. Until 1665 there were 15 more outbreaks of Plague. The year 1666 brought another calamity – the Great Fire, which destroyed almost entire London. This incident has forced citizens to move outside the walls of the city, which led to the city extension. By 1700 London has become the largest city in Europe with the population of 600,000.

By the 19 th century the number of inhabitants reached 1 million. By that time London had become an artistic capital, which is reflected in many posh areas of the city. In the middle of the 19 th century, due to potato famine, thousands of Irish refugees moved to London. In 1851 the First World Fair, also known as the Great Exhibition, was held in Hyde Park. This event was a tremendous success. It brought large amounts of money, which were later used to build the greatest museums of the city: the Natural History Museum, the Science Museum, the Victoria and Albert Museum.

By 1900 the population of London has reached 6 million people. The city was extensively bombed during the World War II. More than 35,000 people were killed and injured. In 1948 London hosted Summer Olympics. After the 1960s it has become an epicenter of youth culture.

История Лондона

Лондон является столицей Англии и Соединенного Королевства. Это самый густонаселенный регион страны. Его история насчитывает более 2000 лет. За это время город подвергался многочисленным вспышкам чумы, гражданской войне, разрушительному пожару, терактам и обстрелам. Тем не менее, он превратился в один из самых красивых, финансово и культурно значимых столиц в мире.

Официальная история Лондона начинается около 43 года нашей эры. В то время, это был гражданский город (Лондиниум), созданный римлянами вскоре после их вторжения. Примерно в 60 г. н.э. Лондон был разрушен племенем Ицены. Город продолжал нормально развиваться после этого завоевания, и вскоре население Лондиниума достигло почти 30,000. Во 2-ом веке город был в самом разгаре своего развития. С населением в 60,000 он стал столицей Бриттании. Римская оккупация Лондона подошла к концу в 5-м веке.

Некоторые археологические раскопки доказывают, что англо-саксонское заселение города началось уже в 5 или 6 веке. Затем он стал известен как Люнденвик. Если сначала англосаксонский Лондон принадлежал средним саксам, то в 7 веке он стал королевством восточных саксов. В 650-е годы­ король Сигеберт II учредил в королевстве христианство. В 9 веке стали частыми нападения викингов. К 1066 году Лондон был под игом Нормандцев. В это время в стране был построен первый каменный замок для замены деревянных фортификаций. Наиболее важным из этих крепостей был Лондонский Тауэр. Многие знаменательные сооружения были построены в Нормандский и средневековый периоды. Например, в 1097 году сын Вильгельма Завоевателя начал строительство Вестминстерского дворца. Первый мост через реку Темза был построен в 1176 году. В средние века в Лондоне отмечался устойчивый рост торговли.

Лондон пережил серию трагических событий. Так, например, в 1348 году Англия страдала от бубонной чумы, завезенной с континента. Треть населения города пала жертвой этой болезни. В 1381 году Лондон штурмовали разгневанные крестьяне, которые подожгли большое количество зданий. Это событие зафиксировано в истории, как Крестьянский бунт. До 1665 года было еще 15 вспышек чумы. 1666 год принес еще одну беду – Великий пожар, который уничтожил почти весь Лондон. Этот инцидент заставил граждан переехать за стены города, что привело к расширению города. К 1700 году Лондон стал крупнейшим городом в Европе с населением в 600,000.

К 19 веку число жителей возросло до 1 миллиона. К этому времени Лондон стал художественным центром, что отражено во многих богатых районов города. В середине 19-го века, в связи с картофельным голодом, тысячи ирландских беженцев переехали в Лондон. В 1851 году Первая мировая ярмарка, также известная как Великая выставка, прошла в Гайд-парке. Это событие имело огромный успех. Оно принесло большие суммы денег, которые впоследствии были использованы для создания самых значимых музеев города: Музей естественной истории, Музей науки, Музей Виктории и Альберта.

К 1900 году население Лондона достигло 6 миллионов человек. Во время Второй мировой войны город подвергался множественным бомбардировкам. Более 35,000 человек были убиты и ранены. В 1948 году в Лондоне состоялись летние Олимпийские игры. После 1960-х годов он стал эпицентром молодежной культуры.

London is an old city. It grew up around the first point where the Roman invaders found the Thames narrow enough to build a bridge. There has been a "London Bridge" in the same area ever since. They founded a Celtic settlement then known as Londinium and later they had turned it into a large port and important trading centre with a long wall of stone and brick. Inside the wall low houses were built with bright red tiled roofs. The Tower of London was founded by JuliusCaesar and in 1066 rebuilt by William the Conqueror. It was used as a fortress, a royal residence and a prison. Now it is a museum and also the place where the Crown Jewels are kept. Time passed. London grew and became a great city. The coming of the railway changed London for ever. The first underground railway was opened in 1863 between Paddington and the City. Today London is the capital of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. It is one of the most beautiful cities in the world. There are many places of interest in it and this city is well worth visiting.

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London is the biggest city in Britain

London is the biggest city in Britain

Over seven million people live in London

Over seven million people live in London

It is also an old city, with a long and interesting story

It is also an old city, with a long and interesting story

The Romans came to Britain in AD43. They built a town on the river Thames. T.

The Romans came to Britain in AD43. They built a town on the river Thames. They called the town Londinium. HISTORY LONDON

Soon, they built a bridge over the river. Londinium grew bigger. Ships came t.

Soon, they built a bridge over the river. Londinium grew bigger. Ships came to the town from all over Europe. HISTORY LONDON

William was the Duke of Normandy in France. In 1066 William the Conqueror cam.

William was the Duke of Normandy in France. In 1066 William the Conqueror came to England. HISTORY LONDON

He won the Battle of Hastings and he became King of England.

He won the Battle of Hastings and he became King of England.

William lived in London but he was afraid of the people of London He built th.

William lived in London but he was afraid of the people of London He built the White Tower to feel safe. Now it is the tallest part of the Tower of London.

The houses in London were built very close to each other. THEY WERE MADE OF.

The houses in London were built very close to each other. THEY WERE MADE OF WOOD.

On Saturday 2nd September 1666 there was a big fire. A quarter of a million p.

On Saturday 2nd September 1666 there was a big fire. A quarter of a million people lost their homes. But only a few people died. It started in the house of the King’s baker, in Pudding Lane, near London

People built houses again after the Great Fire.

People built houses again after the Great Fire.

But this time they built them of stone and brick. The city grew larger and la.

But this time they built them of stone and brick. The city grew larger and larger. By 1830, there were more than one and a half million people in London.

The railways came

The railways came

and there were factories all over the city

and there were factories all over the city

It has always been at the centre of the city The river Thames is part of Lond.

It has always been at the centre of the city The river Thames is part of London’s history

Until 1749, there was only one bridge across the river: London Bridge. There.

Until 1749, there was only one bridge across the river: London Bridge. There were houses and shops on the bridge.

Often, the river froze in the winter and people walked on the ice.

Often, the river froze in the winter and people walked on the ice.

Now there are more than twenty bridges over the river Thames.

Now there are more than twenty bridges over the river Thames.

Many of the Thames’ bridges are lit up at night.

Many of the Thames’ bridges are lit up at night.

They look very beautiful.

They look very beautiful.

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