История москвы кратко на английском

Обновлено: 03.07.2024

На данной страничке представлен топик про Москву на английском с переводом и фразами. Текст подойдет для учеников средних и старших классов (7-11). Рассказ дает общую информацию о городе и его достопримечательностях.

Moscow is the capital of Russia. And of course, it is the centre of Russian economy, politics, and culture. The city was built many centuries ago by Yuri Dolgorukiy, the Rurikid prince. It is situated on the banks of the Moscow River. Nowadays, Moscow is the largest city in the country with the population of more than 13 million residents.

The Russian capital is also considered to be one of the most beautiful cities in the world. Red Square is the heart of the city in all senses. The Kremlin and St. Basil's Cathedral are situated there. These constructions are the outstanding examples of ancient Russian architecture. The Spasskaya Tower, which is the main tower of the Kremlin, is now a symbol of the country.

However, on the territory of the Kremlin, you can also see other cathedrals, the Bell Tower, the Tzar-Cannon and the Tzar-Bell, and the Palace of Congress. Apart from the Kremlin, one of the most popular tourist attractions is the Lenin’s Mausoleum. It is also placed on Red Square. Hundreds of people wait in lines for hours in order to enter the tomb and to see Lenin’s body.

In addition, Moscow is famous for theatres. Bolshoi Opera house is considered one of the best theatres in the world. There are over 80 universities in Moscow some of which are in the list of World’s prime higher education institutes.

All in all, Moscow is a varied city that amazes with its sizes, culture, and people. Many foreigners come there not only as tourists but also to do business or to live in this vibrant capital.


Москва – столица России. И конечно, она является центром российской экономики, политики и культуры. Город был построен много веков назад Юрием Долгоруким, князем Рюриковичем. Он расположен по берегам Москвы реки. Сегодня Москва – самый крупный город страны с населением свыше 13 миллионов жителей.

Российская столица также считается одним из самых красивых городов в мире. Красная площадь во всех смыслах – сердце города. Кремль и Собор Василия Блаженного располагаются там. Эти постройки – яркие примеры древнерусской архитектуры. Спасская Башня, главная башня Кремля, теперь является символом страны.

Однако на территории Кремля вы также увидите соборы, колокольню, Царь-колокол и Царь-пушку, и Дворец съездов. Помимо Кремля, одной из самых популярных достопримечательностей является Мавзолей Ленина. Он также располагается на Красной площади. Сотни людей часами ждут очереди, чтобы войти в мавзолей и увидеть тело Ленина.

Более того, Москва знаменита своими театрами. Большой театр считается одним из лучших театров оперы и балета в мире. В Москве находится более 80 университетов, некоторые из которых входят в список передовых вузов мира.

В конце концов, Москва – разнообразный город, который поражает своими размерами, культурой и людьми. Многие иностранцы приезжают сюда не только в качестве туристов, но и чтобы вести здесь свои дела или остаться жить в этой шумной столице.

Prince – (здесь) князь

River bank – берег реки

Outstanding – выдающийся, яркий

Tomb – мавзолей, гробница

Higher education institute – высшее учебное заведение

To do business – вести дело/бизнес

Готовишься к ОГЭ или ЕГЭ?

Я от души рекомендую Foxford . Там будут рады помочь сдать любой экзамен на максимальный балл! Записывайтесь к лучшим преподавателям по английскому (и не только!) и готовьтесь качественно!


In 1147, when Moscow was mentioned in Russian history for the first time, it was a part of the principality of Suzdal'; the date of its foundation is unknown. The little village developed into a sprawling city and in 1295 it became the capital of the newly established principality of Moscow. Growth was especially rapid during the first half of the 14th century, a period marked by sharp expansion of the power and wealth of the principality. In 1325 the metropolitan of the Russian Orthodox church transferred his seat to Moscow, making the city the national religious capital. It became the national political capital during the reign (1462-1505) of Grand Duke Ivan III Vasilyevich, who unified the Russian principalities. The seat of the Russian government was moved from Moscow to Saint Petersburg in 1712.

Moscow has survived many disasters, including fires, plagues, riots, revolts, sieges, and foreign occupation. In September 1812, during the Napoleonic Wars, the city was occupied by the armies of Napoleon. Russian patriots set fire to the city soon after his entry; the resultant French withdrawal from Russia led to Napoleon's downfall. The Moscow populace played major role in the Revolution of 1905 and the Revolution of 1917. In 1918 the new government of Russia moved to Moscow, and in 1922 the city was officially made the Soviet capital. Large sections of the city were rebuilt and modernized after the Bolshevik victory. In December 1941, during World War II, powerful German armies were decisively repulsed at the approaches to Moscow. In 1991 the city was the hub of the discussions and confrontations that led to the dissolution of the USSR, and in 1993 was the site of an armed clash between the forces of President Boris Yeltsin and conservative legislators. More than 140 people died in the uprising before Yeltsin's government reclaimed control.

Moscow is the capital and the most populous city of Russia. It is situated on the Moskva River. Moscow now has a population of about 13 million (2020). Moscow is one of the largest cities in the world. It is divided into twelve administrative okrugs.

Moscow is the financial center of Russia. It is home to many Russian companies in numerous industries, such as finance and technology.

Moscow’s landmarks include Red Square, the Kremlin, Saint Basil's Cathedral, the Bolshoi Theatre and Ostankino Tower.

Moscow has numerous museums, galleries and libraries. These include the State Tretyakov Gallery, the State Darwin Museum, the Pushkin State Museum of Fine Arts, and Moscow Museum of Modern Art.

Moscow hosted the 1980 Summer Olympics and the Eurovision Song Contest 2009. In 2018, Moscow was a host city to 12 games of the FIFA World Cup.

The Moscow Metro is one of the largest rapid transit systems in the world. It has 275 stations (03.2020) and 15 lines (2019).

Тема по английскому языку: Москва – один из красивейших городов мира

Столица России

История города

Мировой промышленный центр

Москва – один из крупнейших мировых промышленных центров. Порядка тридцати процентов населения работает на заводах и фабриках, расположенных внутри или около Москвы. Ведущими отраслями промышленности являются металлургия, металлообрабатывающая промышленность и машиностроение. Но не менее важную роль играют и текстильная промышленность, пошив одежды и обуви, химическая промышленность и средства автоматизации производства.

Культура города

Москва бесспорно является основным культурным центром России. Здесь находится Академия наук. Самый крупный российский университет – МГУ им. Ломоносова также расположен в Москве. Помимо этого в столице находятся бесчисленные научно-исследовательские учреждения, технические колледжи, музыкальные и художественные академии. По этой причине Москва – студенческий город. Также в Москве можно познакомиться с величайшими шедеврами искусства. В столице насчитывается более восьмидесяти музеев. Наиболее известные из них: Государственный музей изобразительных искусств им. А.С. Пушкина и Государственная Третьяковская галерея. В Москве также можно найти огромное количество театров. Самый знаменитый из них – Большой Театр, переживший два пожара. Также большим успехом пользуются драматические театры и театры-студии. Благодаря всему этому многообразию Москва – весьма привлекательный для туристов, особенно иностранных, город.


В заключение хотелось бы отметить, что Москва всегда была и остается гордостью России.

Moscow is one of the most beautiful cities in the world

The capital of Russia

Moscow is the capital of Russia and its political, industrial, scientific, financial and cultural centre. It’s one of the most beautiful cities in the world as there is indeed a lot to see in Moscow. It is also the seat of the Russian Federal Government. The city is situated on the banks of the Moskva River which divides it into parts. Due to its location in the very centre of European Russia, Moscow is the starting point for all trade routes. There is even a special place called “zero kilometre”.

The history of the city

Moscow was founded in 1147 by the prince Yury Dolgoruky. The Kremlin is considered to be the heart of the capital. It’s a really old building with the history dating back to the 11th century. There are 20 towers on the top of the Kremlin but the most beautiful one is Spasskaya Tower which is famous for its architecture. On the territory of the Kremlin one can view old cathedrals, the Bell Tower of Ivan the Great, the Palace of Congresses, the Tsar-Cannon and the Tsar-Bell, which are the biggest cannon and bell in the world. The entrances to the Kremlin are carefully guarded.

Industrial city

Moscow is one of the largest industrial cities in the world. Nearly 30 per cent of the population work in different plants and factories located in or around Moscow. Among the leading industries metallurgy, metal processing and engineering could be pointed out. But others are quite important as well. They are textiles, clothing and footwear, chemical industry and automation equipment.

Cultural centre

Moscow is surely the main cultural centre of Russia. It’s the seat of the Academy of Sciences. Russia’s biggest University named after Mikhail Lomonosov is also situated in Moscow. Besides, there are numerous scientific research institutions, technical colleges and academies of music and art in Moscow. Therefore it’s recognized as a city of students. This city is the very place one can get acquainted with wonderful masterpieces of art. There are more than 80 museums in Moscow. The most widely-known are The Pushkin Museum of Fine Arts and the State Tretyakov Gallery. One can also find a great number of theatres in Moscow. The most famous one is the Bolshoi Opera House which has survived two fires but Drama theatres and studios are also very popular with visitors. So, Moscow is very attractive for tourists and especially foreigners.


In conclusion, I’d like to say that Moscow always was and remains the pride of Russia.

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