Гринпис кратко на английском

Обновлено: 13.05.2024

as well as regional offices in 41 countries. Its headquarters are based in Amsterdam, the Netherlands.
Greenpeace is a non-profit organization and nongovernmental. It unites people of different colours living in different continents and speaking different languages. The common mission of this organization is preserving life on the earth in its full variety.
Greenpeace does not accept donations from governments, corporations or political parties but relies on contributions from individual supporters and foundation grants. Greenpeace does not support any political party. Nevertheless, its members carry on a dialogue with all political forces and struggle for approving and passing laws for the welfare of our environment.
As a global organization, Greenpeace focuses on the most crucial worldwide threats to our planet’s biodiversity and environment. It campaigns to stop climate change, save the oceans, stop whaling, say no to genetic engineering, stop the nuclear threat, eliminate toxic chemicals.
The goal of Greenpeace is to expose environmental criminals, and to challenge government and corporations


1. When did a small team of activists set sail from Vancouver, Canada?
2. Who were the founders of Greenpeace?
3. What was their mission?
4. Who lived at Amchitka?
5. What did the journey spark?
6. Was nuclear testing on Amchitka ended?
7. What was the island declared?
8. What can you say about Greenpeace today?
9. Does Greenpeace have many supporters?
10. Where are its headquarters based?
11. What is the common mission of this organization?
12. What do you know about political activities of Greenpeace?
13. What does Greenpeace focus on?
14. What does it campaign?
15. What is the goal of Greenpeace?

To motivate — побуждать; служить мотивом, причиной
to set sail — отправляться в плавание
fishing boat — рыболовное судно
founder — основатель, основоположник, родоначальник
to bear witness — свидетельствовать, показывать
underground — подземный
nuclear testing — ядерные испытания
tiny — очень маленький, крошечный
island — остров
earthquake — землетрясение
prone — склонный (к чему-л.), подверженный (чему-л.)
refuge — убежище; прибежище
endangered — находящийся в опасности
otter — выдра
bald eagle — белоголовый орел
peregrine falcon — обыкновенный сокол, сапсан
wildlife — живая природа
to intercept — останавливать, задерживать; отрезать, преградить путь, помешать
to spark — воспламенять, зажигать, побуждать
flurry — зд. вспышка или волна возбуждения
to detonate — взрывать(ся), детонировать
to declare — заявлять, объявлять
sanctuary — заказник, заповедник
supporter — приверженец, сторонник
worldwide — во всем мире
headquarters — штаб-квартира
non-profit — бесприбыльный; не предназначенный для извлечения прибыли, недоходный
to unite — объединять, соединять
to preserve — сохранять, сберегать
to rely — полагаться, надеяться;
contribution — вклад
to carry on a dialogue — вести диалог
vto approve — одобрять; утверждать (особ, постановление); санкционировать
to pass a law — принять закон
for the welfare — на благо
threat — опасность, угроза
to campaign — проводить кампанию
to eliminate — уничтожать, ликвидировать, аннулировать
to expose — зд. выявлять, разоблачать
to challenge — призывать к ответу (за что-л.); призывать к рассмотрению
to live up to — жить, действовать согласно (принципам и т. п.)

Свидетельство и скидка на обучение каждому участнику

Зарегистрироваться 15–17 марта 2022 г.

Susan Mosinyan Form X “B”

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Описание презентации по отдельным слайдам:

Susan Mosinyan Form X “B”

Susan Mosinyan Form X “B”

Greenpeace - international independent non-governmental environmental organiz.

Greenpeace - international independent non-governmental environmental organization, which consists of Greenpeace International (GPI), headquartered in Amsterdam and 30 regional offices in 47 countries. Current director of GPI - Kumi Naidoo - South African social activist and fighter against apartheid.

The objectives of Greenpeace - environmental protection , environmental educa.

The objectives of Greenpeace - environmental protection , environmental education and promotion of eco-friendly lifestyle. In the view of the organization are global environmental problems such as global climate change, loss of tropical and boreal forests , excessive commercial fishing , commercial whaling , the development of genetic engineering, radiation hazards and a new line of work - preserving Arctic.

Greenpeace uses direct action ( action and protests ) , lobbying and research.

Greenpeace uses direct action ( action and protests ) , lobbying and research to achieve its goals . Greenpeace has general consultative status with the UN , together with the Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) and is a founding member of the Charter of the responsibility of international non-governmental organizations , which was created to enhance the transparency of reporting of non-governmental organizations.

Greenpeace is guided by the principles articulated by its founders (David Fra.

Greenpeace is guided by the principles articulated by its founders (David Fraser McTaggart, Bob Hunter, Dorothy & Irving Stowe):

In July 1989, at a press conference on board the Greenpeace ship " Rainbow Wa.

In July 1989, at a press conference on board the Greenpeace ship " Rainbow Warrior, " the chairman of the Committee on Environmental Protection Alexei Yablokov officially announced Greenpeace office in the USSR " the first independent organization in the Soviet Union ".

In 2007 in St. Petersburg launched a project "Clean Neva", aimed at solving p.

In 2007 in St. Petersburg launched a project "Clean Neva", aimed at solving problems with contamination of the Neva River , canals and rivers in the Leningrad region . Greenpeace activists carry out their own research , conduct its own environmental monitoring and , if necessary, go to the scene. During navigation , tracking discharge of toxic substances , working Greenpeace Water Patrol . Special boat crew takes water samples reveals illegal waste water treatment responds to St. Petersburg .

Since 2002, the project " Restore our forests ," Greenpeace together with stu.

Since 2002, the project " Restore our forests ," Greenpeace together with students engaged in restoration of forests in sparsely regions of Russia. During the existence of the project , it was attended by 252 schools, were planted 186,000 seedlings of pine , oak , alder, elm and maple. In 2004, the project turned into a Russian movement " Restore our forests " and has more than 500 participants (both collective and individual ) from 57 regions of Russia. The " Restore our forests " .

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№ слайда 1

Structure of presentation: Introduction Mission statementNational and regional o

№ слайда 2

Structure of presentation: Introduction Mission statementNational and regional officesPriorities and campaignsThink tanksHistoryResource

Introduction part Greenpeace is an international non-governmental organization f

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Introduction part Greenpeace is an international non-governmental organization for the protection and security of the environment. Greenpeace is a global environmental organization that consists of Greenpeace International (Stichting Greenpeace Council) in Amsterdam.

Mission statements Problem solving climate change (global warming) Saving the oc

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Mission statements Problem solving climate change (global warming) Saving the oceans Saving ancient forestsPeace and nuclear disarmament Promoting sustainable agricultureEliminating toxic chemicals

National and regional offices: Greenpeace has a worldwide presence with national

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National and regional offices: Greenpeace has a worldwide presence with national and regional offices in over 40 countries, which are affiliated to the Amsterdam-based Greenpeace International.

OceaniaAustralia, Fiji, Papua New Guinea, Solomon Islands, New Zealand EuropeBel

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OceaniaAustralia, Fiji, Papua New Guinea, Solomon Islands, New Zealand EuropeBelgium, Czech Republic, France, Germany, Greece, Italy, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Spain, Switzerland, United Kingdom, Portugal Greenpeace Nordic: Denmark, Finland, Norway, Sweden Greenpeace Central and Eastern Europe: Russia, Austria, Hungary, Slovak Republic, Poland, Romania, Bulgaria, Slovenia, Serbia, Montenegro and Bosnia Greenpeace Mediterranean: Israel, Cyprus, Malta, Tunisia, Turkey, AmericasArgentina, Brazil, Canada, Chile, Mexico, United States AsiaLebanon,China, India, Japan, South Korea, Philippines, Indonesia, Thailand Africa

Priorities and campaigns The organization currently addresses many and varied en

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Priorities and campaigns The organization currently addresses many and varied environmental issues with a primary focus on efforts to stop global warming and the saving of the world's oceans and ancient forests. In addition to conventional environmental organization methods, Greenpeace uses nonviolent direct action in many of its campaigns.

Think tanks Think tanks, under the Greenpeace umbrella, propose blueprints for w

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Think tanks Think tanks, under the Greenpeace umbrella, propose blueprints for world's transition to renewable energy. The focus is to reduce carbon emissions without compromising on economic growth. Greenpeace think tanks also focus on individual nation's energy scenarios.

The origins of Greenpeace lie in the peace movement and the Campaign for Nuclear

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The origins of Greenpeace lie in the peace movement and the Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament generally, and particularly in the “Don't Make A Wave Committee”. Bill Darnell has received the credit for combining the words "green" and "peace", thereby giving the organization its future name. Irving Stowe, Paul Coté and Jim Bohlen are co-founders of Greenpeace. Greenpeace History The year 1996 is a year of celebration for greenpeace

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Resource: Http://www.greenpeace.org Http://www.wikipedia.org

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I think that organization Greenpeace make a good job for our life. “If everybody

№ слайда 12

I think that organization Greenpeace make a good job for our life. “If everybody to plant a tree we can easier to breathe. ”

Thanks for your attention! Maria Nesterova

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