День гая фокса кратко на английском

Обновлено: 02.07.2024

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Открытое мероприятие по английскому языку:

Guy Fawkes Day in Great Britain

Подготовила: преподаватель английского языка

  • знакомство с традициями Великобритании
  • развитие мотивационной сферы обучающихся, интереса к языку
  • развитие познавательной активности студентов

-познакомить с традициями Великобритании, с событиями в истории Англии XVII века; с возникновением праздника День Гая Фокса;

-сформировать умения и навыки употребления специальных лексических единиц в устной речи;

-совершенствовать слухопроизносительные навыки речи;

-способствовать совершенствованию навыков самоконтроля и взаимоконтроля.

  • развивать образное мышление, воображение, творческие способности; желание расширять кругозор;
  • развивать слуховую и зрительную память.
  • воспитывать толерантное отношение к стране и культуре изучаемого языка;
  • воспитывать чувство ответственности за конечный результат индивидуальной/коллективной работы;
  • способствовать здоровьесбережению учащихся.

Оборудование: мультимедиа проектор

2.Введение в тему. Постановка задачи, вызов потребности и интереса учащихся

3.Фонетическая зарядка. Формирование слухового и звукового образов новых лексических единиц

4.Развитие лексических навыков по теме

5.Формирование навыков перевода

6.Развитие слуховой и зрительной памяти

7.Развитие навыков чтения.

8.Выполнение заданий к тексту (работа в группах)

9.Самопроверка и взаимопроверка учащимися правильности выполнения задания

10.Отработка изученной лексики нового материала в речи.

12.Рефлексия. Подведение итогов со студентами.

Эпиграф к уроку:

the 5th of November…

1. Организационный момент. Введение в тему. Постановка задачи, вызов потребности и интереса учащихся. Формирование положительного эмоционального настроя при постановке задачи, повышение мотивации студентов, указание на сферу разговора.

Today we are going to travel back in time and centuries. We’ll speak about old English holiday which is associated with a terrible crime in history of England of the 17th century, “Guy Fawkes Night”, which is celebrated in England on the 5 th of November.

Guy Fawkes Night

Guy Fawkes Night or Bonfire Night is celebrated every year in Great Britain on the 5 th of November. London and other big cities are lit with beautiful fireworks. The main tradition is to burn off the Guy Fawkes dummy- the hero of the day. Every pupil in Britain knows Guy Fawkes.

Каждый год 5 ноября в Великобритании отмечают Ночь Гая Фокса (по-английски- Guy Fawkes Night или Bonfire Night ). Небо Лондона и других крупных городов освещается фейерверками, повсюду взрывают петарды. Главная традиция – сжигание на костре чучела Гая Фокса, героя дня. Того самого Гая, стишки о деяниях которого знает любой школьник.

This holiday is known in Britain as Bonfire Night. It’s one of the most cherished holidays in the country. Each year it’s celebrated with massive fireworks and bonfires. According to a calendar, the holiday falls on the 5th of November and celebrates the failure of Gunpowder Plot. Some historic facts prove that this evil project was led by a person named Guy Fawkes in 1605. He was a member of a Catholic group that tried to set some explosives beneath the Houses of Parliament while the king was in the building. The plotters were caught and convicted in high treason.

Этот праздник известен в Британии, как Ночь костров. Это один из самых почитаемых праздников в стране. Каждый год его празднуют крупными фейерверками и кострами. Согласно календарю, праздник выпадает на 5 ноября и отмечает провал Порохового заговора. Некоторые исторические факты доказывают, что этот зловещий проект был подготовлен во главе с человеком по имени Гай Фокс в 1605 году. Он был членом католической группы, которая пыталась установить взрывчатку под зданием парламента, пока король был в здании. Заговорщики были схвачены и осуждены в государственной измене.

The tradition is to light bonfires on this day has a different background, but is well connected with the idea of the holiday. As it’s almost the end of autumn people find it necessary to burn all their garden rubbish. In larger cities the authorities organize collective bonfires in a communal space. There are also professional fireworks at park zones. In some regions people keep the tradition of dressing up into spooky thematic outfits. Children’s favorite part during Gay Fawkes Night is the tasty food sold in streets. For example baked potatoes, homemade toffee apples, sausage rolls, popcorn etc. However, not everyone support this legendary holiday and certainly it’s not a public holiday. All schools and public organizations are open as usual. Transport works according to its habitual timetable. There were many cases of injuries, connected with fireworks. That’s why many people are against loud celebration.

Традиция - жечь костры в этот день имеет иное толкование, но хорошо сочетается с идеей праздника. Так как это конец осени люди считают необходимым сжечь весь свой садовый скарб. В крупных городах власти организуют коллективные костры в общем пространстве. Также, устраиваются грандиозные фейерверки в парковых зонах. В некоторых регионах люди придерживаются традиции переодеваться в устрашающую тематическую одежду. Любимое детское развлечение в Ночь Гая Фокса - это вкусная еда, которую продают на улицах. Например, печеный картофель, яблоки в карамели, сосиски в тесте, попкорн и т.д. Однако не все поддерживают этот легендарный и, конечно, не государственный праздник. Школы и общественные организации открыты, как обычно. Транспорт работает в привычном режиме. Бывало немало случаев травматизма, связанных с фейерверком. Вот почему многие люди против шумных празднеств.

Guy Fawkes is the only criminal in the world whose name is connected with the holiday which celebrates practically all the country. This is connected not with all Guy Fawkes life but with only one day from his biography. Some plotters planned to explode the parliament of Great Britain during the speaking of James I.

2. Фонетическая зарядка. Формирование слухового и звукового образов новых лексических единиц посредством хоровой и индивидуальной отработки.

Now I am giving you the lists of paper, here you can see the words, which would help us better to understand the topic of our lesson. Read them after me, please.

  • Gunpowder [’gʌnpaʋdər] – порох;
  • treason [’tri:zən] – измена;
  • plot [plɒt] –заговор;
  • reason [’ri:zən] – причина;
  • bonfire night [’bɒn faɪər naɪt – ночь костров;
  • time machine [taim mə’ʃi:n] – машина времени.
  • Dummy, guy – чучело
  • To blow up – разрушать
  • To brake away – порвать с чем-либо, отказаться от чего-то.
  • To overthrow – свергать, уничтожать
  • Cellar –подвал, погреб
  • Torture – пытка
  • Firewood – дрова

Thank you. Now listen to the poem and then we’ll translate it.

Remember, remember the fifth of November,

Gunpowder treason and plot.

We see no reason

Why gunpowder treason

Should ever be forgot!

5. Формирование навыков перевода

-Who will try to translate the rhyme, please?

Запомни ноябрь и день его пятый,
Порох, измена и ложь.
Героя отважного заговор правый

Из памяти ты не сотрешь.

6. Развитие навыков чтения

Students, and now I am giving you another task, here you can see the text about Guy Fawkes.

  • Your task is to read it very attentively
  • Translate the text from English into Russian
  • Make groups of three
  • The 1 st group: after reading you should be ready to complete the sentences.
  • The 2 nd group: after reading you should find all the words
  • The 3 rd group: after reading you should answer the questions of the quiz
  • Do you understand the task? Let’s do it.

Our lesson is almost over. Let’s make a conclusion. Have you ever heard anything about this holiday? Did you like the lesson? Was it interesting for you? Would anybody of visit this holiday in Great Britain? You have seen a presentation about Guy Fawkes Day and the film about it. We found out that at the present time this holiday is celebrated in England too. Thanks to everybody, for your work.

Guy Fawkes (1570 to 1606), also known as Guido Fawkes, was one of a group of Catholic plotters who planned, but failed, to blow up Parliament - now known as the Gunpowder Plot of 1605.

At the time, King James I was on the throne. England had broken away from the Catholic faith and the Church of Rome in Henry VIII's reign (by 1536), but there were still many Catholics in the country. Guy Fawkes joined up with a group of thirteen Catholic plotters, led by Robert Catesby, who planned to overthrow the King and put a Catholic monarch back on the throne.

The plotters rented space in the cellars of the House of Lords and filled it with gunpowder. Guy Fawkes was put in charge. They planned to set of the gunpowder during the opening of Parliament, on 5th November 1605. One or more of the plotters, however, were worried that some of their fellow Catholics and friends would be at the opening and get caught in the explosion, and must have written to warn them not to be there that day. We know that a certain Lord Monteagle received a letter warning him to go to the country because Parliament would "receive a terrible blow". Lord Monteagle showed the letter to the King, and the cellars were thoroughly searched and Guy Fawkes caught.

After several days of horrible torture, Guy Fawkes gave up the names of his fellow plotters and eight of them went to trial in January 1606. All were found guilty and executed in the terrible fashion of the times.

On 5 November, people across the UK celebrate Bonfire Night (or Guy Fawkes Night). All over the country there are firework displays and bonfires with models of Guy Fawkes, which are burned on the fire.

It’s a special day in honour of a historic event. It's the anniversary of a failed attempt to blow up the Houses of Parliament in 1605. This was called the Gunpowder Plot.

The history

A group of men made a plan to blow up the Houses of Parliament in London. An enormous explosion was planned for 5 November. Guy Fawkes was part of the Gunpowder plot.

Did they succeed? No, they didn’t. The police caught all the men involved in the plot.

This was because of religion. England was a Protestant country and the plotters were Catholic. They wanted England to be Catholic again, and thought they could force change if they killed King James I and his ministers.

Перевод на русский язык

5 ноября по всей Великобритании празднуют Ночь костров (или Ночь Гая Фокса). По всей стране устраиваются салюты и костры с чучелами Гая Фокса, которые сжигаются на костре.

Это особый день в честь исторического события. Это годовщина неудачной попытки взрыва здания парламента в 1605 году. Оно известно как Пороховой заговор.


Группа людей подготовила план взрыва здания парламента в Лондоне. Мощный взрыв был запланирован на 5 ноября. Гай Фокс был участником Порохового заговора.

Удалось ли им это? Нет. Полиция поймала всех участников заговора.

Это было из-за религии. Англия была протестантской страной, а заговорщики были католиками. Они хотели, чтобы Англия вновь стала католической, и думали, что смогут добиться перемен, если убьют короля Якова I и его министров.

In 1605 King James I was on the throne. As a Protestant, he was very unpopular with Roman Catholics. Some of them planned to blow up the Houses of Parliament on the 5th of November of that year when the King was going to open Parlament. Under the House of Lords, they had stored thirty-six barrels of gun powder, which were to be explored by a man called Guy Fawkes.

However one of the plotters spoke about these plans and Fawkes was discovered, arrested and later hanged. Since that day the British traditionally celebrate 5th of November by burning a dummy, made of straw and old clothes, on a bonfire, whilst at the same time letting off fireworks.

This dummy is called a 'guy' (like Guy Fawkes) and children can often be seen on the pavements before 5th November saying, "Penny for the guy". If they collect enough money they can buy some fireworks.

В 1605 году король Джеймс I был на престоле. Как протестант он был очень непопулярен среди католиков. Некоторые из них планировали взорвать здание парламента 5 ноября того года, когда король собирался открыть парламент. Под палатой лордов они хранили тридцать шесть баррелей пороха, которые должен был осмотреть человек по имени Гай Фокс.

Однако один из заговорщиков рассказал об этих планах, и Фокс был обнаружен, арестован и впоследствии повешен. С того дня британцы традиционно празднуют 5 ноября, сжигая манекен из соломы и старой одежды на костре, одновременно выпуская фейерверк.

Guy Fawkes Day

Should ever be forgot.

When one person says of another, “What a guy!” it isn’t always meant as a compliment and this can be explained by the history of the word.

On November 5th in the year 1605 the famous Gunpowder Plot was perpe­trated as a protest against the sharp enforcement of the anti-Catholic laws of King James I.

The anniversary of this event is celebrated each year in England and is called Guy Fawkes Day in memory of the chief character in the drama.

This fellow Fawkes took a house adjoining the Houses of Parliament in London, tunneled through to the cellar, and concealed a nice fat charge of gun­powder in the coal bin. Unfortunately one of those conspirators betrayed their leader, and this led to the discovery of the plot and Guy Fawkes being tortured and hanged.

On this day it is customary in England to carry an effigy of Fawkes through the streets and then to bum it. The children ask passers-by the traditional phrase “Have you got a penny for the guy, please?” collecting the money to buy fireworks with. In the evening on the 5th of November, the children have a big bonfire, eat roast chestnuts and let off the fireworks.

Many other people, besides Guy Fawkes, have been burned as dum­mies on November 5th…

Napoleon Bonaparte became a “Guy” many times during his lifetime, and in 1945 a dummy of Hitler was burned on hundreds of fires all over Britain.

“Beefeaters” still search the cellars of the House of Commons and the House of Lords on the first day of a new Parliament, before members take their seats. They have always done so since 1605.

британские праздники текст на английском

British Holidays — Праздники в Великобритании. Текст на английском языке + аудио

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British Holidays

Each holiday is good, but there are some of them that are really special and more popular than others.

New Year’s Day (December 31 – January 1) is a bank holiday. Like many nations around the world, British people celebrate it by hosting parties with their friends and families to await the countdown to the New Year. In Scotland they call it Hogmanay and celebrate it by having a party with friends and setting fireworks off. In many cities there are free celebrations that anyone can join.

Valentine’s Day (February 14) is celebrated in many countries around the world, although it is not a public holiday in most of them. This day has a Catholic origin and has been associated with romantic love since it was mentioned in one of Geoffrey Chaucer’s poems. Nowadays, it’s the day of anyone who is in love. On the Valentine’s Day people usually give to the person they love some sweets, a traditional heart-shaped card (“valentine”) and say, “Be my Valentine”.

Halloween (October 31) also known as All Hallow’s Eve, or All Saint’s Eve, is a yearly celebration observed in a number of countries on October 31. It is the time in the liturgical year dedicated to remembering the dead. On this day children will dress up in costumes and go ‘trick or treating’ around the neighborhood. “Trick or Treating” involves knocking on someone’s door and saying ‘Trick or Treat’. That person gives them a treat (usually sweets). Children enjoy the holiday because they go home with a bag of sweets!

Guy Fawkes Night (November 5) is a firework festival associated with the tradition of celebrating Guy Fawkes’s failed attempt to blow up the Houses of Parliament in 1605. It is an annual event dedicated to bonfires, fireworks and celebrations.

Christmas (December 25) is the most important holiday for British families. This is the day that people spend with their families. There are many Christmas traditions, but the most important one is about presents. Family members prepare their gifts and put them under the Christmas tree. In the evening they sit down around the table and enjoy the meal. Then they watch the Queen’s speech on the television as she delivers her traditional Christmas message to the people of the United Kingdom. After that, family eats the Christmas cake and goes to sleep. In the morning all the family members wake up and gather around the tree to find the presents that were prepared for them.

Boxing Day (December 26) is based on the tradition of giving gifts to poor people after celebrating Christmas. The word “boxing” refers to gift boxes, and has nothing to do with the sport.

Текст на английском языке с переводом. Holidays in the United Kingdom — Праздники в Великобритании.

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