Can you ride a bike ответить на вопрос кратко

Обновлено: 02.07.2024

Прочитай вопросы и кратко ответь на них.
1) Can you ride a bike?
2) Do you like to play hide-and-seek?
3) Does Jill like ricnic?-Yes,
4) Has Jim got a dog?-Yes,
5) Will they play football in the park?-No,
6) Are they students?-Yes,
7) Is Jill sad today?-No,

5. 1.Can you ride a bike? -Yes, I can ./No, I can't. 2.Do you like to play hide -and -seek ?- Yes, I do ./No, I don't. 3.Does Jill like picnics- Yes, she does. 4.Has Jim got a dog ?-Yes, he has. 5.Will they play football in the park ?-No, they won't (will not ). 6.Are they students? -Yes, they are. 7.Is Jill sad today? - No , she isn't.

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When I go shopping for presents, usually buy things of horoscopes. It is very convenient to give horoscope's Souvenirs as a birthday present to relatives and friends. I believe in horoscopes. I read about my horoscope every day. Usually I discuss about horoscope with my mother. She believes it to. There are a lot of authors of horoscopes. But I prefer horoscopes of Tamara Globa. Sometimes I compare incidents with the predictions of the horoscope and much the same. Many do not believe in horoscopes. But I think Horoscopes can warn us against many things.

прочитай вопросы и кратко на них ответь.
например: Do you like summer? - Yes,I do.

1. Can you ride a bike?- ----------------------------
2. Do you like to play hide-and-seek? - -----------------
3. Does Jill like picnics? - Yes,-------------
4. Has Jim got a dog? - Yes? ------------------
5. Will they play football in the park? - No, --------------
6. Are they students? - Yes, ----------
7. Is Jill sad today? - No, -----------

1. No, I can not
2. No, I do not
3.Yes, he does
4. Yes, he has
5. Now, the will not
6. Yes, they are
7. No, he is not

Can you ride a bike? Yes, I can
Do you like to play hide and seek? Yeah, like
Is there like Jill picnics? - Yes, I wanted to
Jim has a dog? - Yes, is
Will they play football in the park? - There will not be
Are they students? - Yes, it is
This is Jill's sad today? - No, not sad

1.вы можете ездить на велосипеде. да yes нет no.вам. вам нравится играть в прядки. Джиллу нравятся пикники? - да. Джим получил собаку? - да?. Они будут играть в футбол в парке? - нет, Они - студенты? - да. Действительно ли Джилл грустно сегодня? - нет, везде надо отвечать так yes-нет, да-no

A miniskirt won wearyou can wearmustn you weardon wear.



1)Are you a pupil?

2)can you ride a bike?

5)have you got rabbits at home?

6)have you got a big black cat?

7)can you take a long snake.

Тветить на вопросы по английски с переводом на русский.

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Преврати эти утверждения в вопросы и напиши их.

Ответь на вопросы правдиво.

1. I can pley football.

Can you play football?

2. I can speak Russian.

3. I can ride a bike.

4. I can read well.

5. I can eat fifteen cakes.

6. I can kiss a frog.

Составить 4 вопроса Can?

Составить 4 вопроса Can.

She. they : : / sing.

Придумать и напиши предложения используя образец.

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2 Do you run in the park?

3 Are you brave?

5 Do you play tennis?

6 Are you strong?

7 Can you ride a bike?

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Как ответить кратко на вопрос Are you riding a bike?

AN armchair, перед словами начинающими на гласные буквы, как e, a, o, u, i всегда пишется предлог an Перед словами начинающими на согласные буквы, как d, g, k, l, w и тд всегда пишется предлог a.

An - ставиться если слова начинаются на A, например an apple a - ставиться если слова начинаются с любой другой буквы, например : a banana ОТВЕТ : an armchair.

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Cheesecake - healthy food. (имеется ввиду сырник из творога). Butterbrod - not very healthy food. Tea - healthy food. Dumplings - healthy food. Chicken - healthy food. Potato - healthy food.

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Present Simple + she plays computer games - she doesn't play computer games ? Does she play computer games + she buys sweets - she doesn't buy sweets ? Does she buy sweets Past Simple + she played computer games - she didn't played computer games .

Мои преключения к школе 1. Как далеко твой дом от школы? 2. Как долго тебе идти в школу? 3. ты добираешься до школы самостоятельно? 4. Сколько времени занимает ваше путешествие? 5. тебе нравится твое путешествие до школы.

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Зачетный Опарыш

Лучший ответ:

Мари Умняшка

5. 1.Can you ride a bike? -Yes, I can ./No, I can't. 2.Do you like to play hide -and -seek ?- Yes, I do ./No, I don't. 3.Does Jill like picnics- Yes, she does. 4.Has Jim got a dog ?-Yes, he has. 5.Will they play football in the park ?-No, they won't (will not ). 6.Are they students? -Yes, they are. 7.Is Jill sad today? - No , she isn't.

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