Биография жюль верна на английском языке кратко

Обновлено: 02.07.2024

Jules Verne was born in 1828 in Prance. Young Jules was interested in machinery, sailing and writing. Together with his brother Paul, he explored the river near their home in an old sailboat.

Jules Verne’s books are still popular now because they are good adventure stories. But in his books Verne also forecast many inventions that we have now. He believed that someday people would have airplanes, submarines, television, derigibles and powerful weapons.

Verne had a notebook where he wrote every idea or bit of information he came across that might be useful for his books. In his study he had a large map of the world with all routes of his heroes marked on it.

Жюль Верн (перевод)

Жюль Верн родился в 1828 году во Франции. Юный Жюль интересовался техникой, хождением под парусом и писал. Вместе со своим братом Полем он исследовал реку в окрестностях своего дома на старой парусной лодке.

Книги Жюля Верна все еще популярны и сегодня, так как они — хорошие приключенческие романы. Но в своих книгах Верн предсказал многие изобретения, которые у нас есть сейчас. Он верил, что однажды у людей будут самолеты, подводные лодки, телевидение, дирижабли и мощ­ное оружие.

У Жюля Верна была записная книжка, куда он запи­сывал любую идею или частичку информации, на которые он натолкнулся и которые могли бы быть полезны для его книг. В кабинете у него была карта, на которую были нанесены маршруты всех его героев.

За свою жизнь Жюль Берн написал более 50 книг. Он умер в возрасте 77 лет.

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Jules Verne was born in 1828 in France. Young Jules was interested in machinery, sailing and writing. Together with his brother Paul, he explored the river near their home in an old sailboat.

Jules' father was a lawyer and he wanted his son to continue his career. So Jules was sent to Paris to study law. Jules, however, decided soon that his main interest was writing. He joined the club of scientific writers. This group was interested in balloons so Jules soon wrote an adventure story called "Five Weeks in a Balloon". His favourite subject at school was geography, so he wanted to describe in his books as many parts of the world as possible.

Jules Verne's books are still popular now because they are good adventure stories. But in his books Verne also forecast many inventions that we have now. He believed that someday people would have airplanes, submarines, television, dirigibles and powerful weapons.

His most popular books are "Twenty Thousand Leagues under the Sea" and "Around the World in Eighty Days".

Verne had a notebook where he wrote every idea or bit of information he came across that might be useful for his books. In his study he had a large map of the world with all routes of his heroes marked on it.

During his life, Jules Verne has written more than 50 books. He died at the age of 77.

Тема по английскому языку: Жюль Верн


Предсказания Жюль Верна

Книги Жюль Верна до сих пор чрезвычайно популярны и считаются хорошими приключенческими историями. В своих книгах Верн с удивительной точностью предсказал многие научные достижения 20 века. Он говорил о полетах в космос, подводных лодках, вертолетах, кондиционерах, телевидении, мощном оружии и некоторых других вещах.


У Жюль Верна всегда был с собой блокнот, куда он записывал свои идеи или информацию, которая могла быть полезной для книг. У него была большая карта мира со всеми отмеченными на ней маршрутами его героев.

Выдающиеся произведения

Наследие и смерть

За свою жизнь Верн написал более 50 книг. Великий писатель умер в 1905 в возрасте 77 лет.

Jules Verne


Jules Verne was born in 1828 in Nantes, France. He is often regarded as the father of science fiction. Young Jules was interested in machinery, sailing and writing. He and his brother Paul explored the river near their home in an old sailboat. Verne’s father wanted him to be a lawyer, so he was sent to Paris to study law. From 1848 until 1863 Jules wrote opera librettos and plays. He joined the club of scientific writers, who were interested in balloons and soon Jules wrote an adventure story called “Five Weeks in a Balloon”. Its success encouraged Verne to write other tales of adventure in distant lands.

Verne’s forecast

Jules Verne’s books are still very popular as they are considered to be good adventure stories. In his books Verne forecast with remarkable accuracy many scientific achievements of the 20th century. He anticipated flights into outer space, submarines, helicopters, air conditioning, television, powerful weapons and some other things.


Verne always had a notebook with him where he wrote his ideas or information that might be useful for his books. He had a large map of the world with all routes of his heroes marked on it.

Best known works

Verne’s best known work is “Around the World in 80 Days”. The book’s hero is Phileas Fogg, an English gentleman noted for his cool-headedness and ingenuity. Among his other classic books are “Journey to the Center of the Earth”, “Twenty Thousands Leagues Under the Sea” and “Mysterious Island”. His works have been the source of many films, beginning in 1902 with “A Trip to the Moon”. “Around the World in 80 Days” was made into a highly successful movie in 1956.

Death and legacy

During his life, Jules Verne wrote more than 50 books. The great author died at the age of 77 in 1905.

Французский писатель

According to the UNESCO statistics, J. Vern is one of the most "translated" authors in the world. His books were translated into 148 languages. He is considered to be the founder of science fiction. Jules always dreamed of traveling and desired to see the world.

This great man and a legendary writer was born in France February 8, 1828 in a lawyers’ family. Unlike many famous “sofa-writers’, Jules Verne did not write at home, but travelled through the world and visited many countries. He also owned three yachts named Saint-Michel, which he always sailed.

Many people call Jules Verne a kind of prophet, because many fantastic things and devices, which he described in the books were subsequently invented: a submarine running on electricity and aircrafts (the novel "20,000 leagues under the sea"), satellites of Mars, solar sails and space travel (the novel "From the Earth to the Moon”), chemical weapon and Hitler’s attack (the novel “The Begum's Fortune”), etc. Perhaps the main reason for such predictions was the fact that the author consulted with scientists before to describe an invention in his works. Of course, many of his predictions now seem to be naive, but at that time the ideas were incredibly progressive.

По статистике ЮНЕСКО, Верн Ж. является одним из самых переводимых авторов в мире. Его книги переведены на 148 языков. Он считается основателем научной фантастики. Жюль всегда мечтал путешествовать и желал увидеть мир.

Этот великий человек и легендарный писатель родился во Франции 8 февраля 1828 года в семье юристов. В отличие от многих известных “диванных писателей", Жюль Верн не писал дома, а путешествовал по миру и посещал многие страны. Он также владел тремя яхтами под названием Сен-Мишель, на которых он всегда плавал.

Многие люди называют Жюль Верн своего рода пророком, потому что многие фантастические вещи и устройства, которые он описывал в книгах, впоследствии были изобретены: подводная лодка работающая на электричестве и летательные аппараты (роман "20 000 лье под водой"), спутники Марса, солнечный парус и космические путешествия (роман "с Земли на Луну”), химическое оружие и нападение Гитлера (повесть “Бегум Фортуна”) и др. Пожалуй, главной причиной таких догадок было то, что автор консультировался с учеными прежде, чем описывать изобретение в своих работах. Конечно, многие его прогнозы сейчас кажутся наивными, но на тот момент идеи были невероятно прогрессивными.

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