Биография джонни деппа кратко на английском

Обновлено: 04.07.2024

John Christopher "Johnny" Depp II (born June 9, 1963) is an American actor, producer, and musician. He has won the Golden Globe Award and Screen Actors Guild award for Best Actor. He rose to prominence on the 1980s television series 21 Jump Street, becoming a teen idol.

Since then, Depp has taken on challenging and "larger-than-life" roles, starting with a supporting role in Oliver Stone's Vietnam War film Platoon in 1986, then playing the title character in the romantic dark fantasy Edward Scissorhands (1990). He later found box office success in the fantasy adventure film Sleepy Hollow (1999), the fantasy swashbuckler film Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl (2003) and its sequels, the musical adventure film Charlie and the Chocolate Factory (2005), the fantasy film Alice in Wonderland (2010) and voicing the title character in the animated action comedy western Rango (2011). He has collaborated on eight films with director and friend Tim Burton.

Джон Кристофер "Джонни" Депп II (родился 9 июня 1963 года) - американский актер, продюсер и музыкант. Он получил "Золотой глобус"и гильдии киноактеров за лучший актер. Он поднялся на видное место в 1980-х s телевизор серия 21 перейти улицу, в подростковых Idol.ветровому с тех пор, Депп на сложных и "больше, чем жизнь" роли,Начиная с в поддержку Оливер Стоун, вьетнамской войны фильм взвод в 1986 году, затем играет название символа в романтический темно-фантазия Эдвард Scissorhands (1990). Позднее он не обнаружил "успех в фэнтези приключения фильм сонной лощине (1999), фантазия swashbuckler фильм пираты Карибского моря: проклятие черной жемчужины" (2003) и ее последствий,Мюзикл приключения фильм Чарли и шоколадная фабрика (2005 г. ), фантазия фильм Алиса в стране чудес (2010 г.) и выкрикивая название символа в анимированный комедийный боевик вестерн rango legal (2011). Он сотрудничал на восьми фильмов с директором и друг Тим Бертон.

In the picture you can see a man.

На картинке вы можете видеть мужчину.

His hair is brown and combed back.

Его волосы коричневыеи зачесаны назад.

His forehead is slopped.

Его лоб наклонный.

He's got almond brown eyes.

У него миндальныекарие глаза.

He is wearing black framed glasses.

На нем черные очки в оправе.

His nose is straight.

У него прямой нос.

His lips are small with a little smile.

Его губы маленькие с легкой улыбкой.

He has an oval face.

У него овальное лицо.

He's got ears with attached lobes.

У него уши с прикрепленными мочками.

He has an oval chin.

У него овальныйподбородок.

He’s wearing a goatee.

Он носит бородку.

He is around 50 years old.

Ему около 50 лет.

About Johnny Depp (краткие биографические сведения)

John Christopher Depp II was born on June 9, 1963 in Owensboro USA, Kentucky. His father, John Christopher Depp worked as a civil (1) engineer, and his mother, Betty Sue Palmer, was a waitress. He has two sisters - Debbie and Christie, and brother Daniel. His family was dysfunctional (2) . Depp’s parents had regular quarrels (3) . Also, the children had to endure (4) constant bullying (5) by their father.

Johnny Depp's grandfather comes from the Cherokee Indian tribe (6) while his great-grandmother came from the Creek tribe.

From the age of 12 Johnny started smoking, drinking, and using drugs. Soon he was expelled (7) from school. Depp has poor eyesight – he has always seen badly from the left eye since childhood. He is short-sighted in his right eye and thus (8) he constantly wears glasses.

Understanding that such a lifestyle is a straight path (9) to death, Johnny started playing music. His mother gave him a guitar that he learned to play by himself. Soon, he joined the group "The Kids" performing in nightclubs.

At the age of 20, Depp married a makeup artist (10) Lori Anne Allison, who was five years older. She introduced Johnny to Nicolas Cage who persuaded (11) Depp to meet with his agent. Cage’s agent arranged (12) a part in the film "The Nightmare on Elm Street," which was the first actor's work of Johnny.

The television series "Jump Street, 21" gave Johnny Depp the status of a teenage idol to girls, which he could not stand (13) and get rid of (14) it .

His first nomination for the Golden Globe, Depp received for the lead role in a film “Edward Scissorhands”. Many of Depp’s other famous films made viewers of different ages and genres (15) love Johnny.

In 1998 he married Vanessa Parady, a French actress and singer. They had two children. In June 19, 2012 they broke up (16) . In 2015, Depp married Amber Hurd, but in May of the following year they divorced.


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Vocabulary (используйте карточки для слов, которые сложно запоминаются):

Дорогой ученик! В этом материале подготовлен рассказ про моего любимого актера. Под английским текстом есть перевод на русский язык.

My favourite actor is Johnny Depp. Johnny Depp is an American actor, producer and musician.

He has played in a large number of different films and has been nominated for many awards. His acting career started from “A Nightmare on Elm Street” , a well-known horror film.

After that Johnny Depp has appeared in a lot of films of different genres. “Pirates of the Caribbean” brought him the Screen Actors Guild Award. The role of Sweeney Todd turned out to be one of his best roles. Thanks to this role Johnny Depp got the Golden Globe Award for Best Actor.

I also liked “Chocolat” , a romantic film, where he played a charismatic gypsy and “The Tourist” with enigmatic Frank (and Alexander Pearce, too).

I have also watched some films with Johnny Depp in the original. At first Johnny Depp’s enunciation might seem a bit indistinct and takes some time to get used to. But short time later you understand him perfectly well.

In my opinion Johnny Depp has very nice appearance. Thanks to that his characters remain in my memory for a long time. I also like the way Johnny Depp looks on the screen – he is very natural.

What we see in a film is not a reflection of a real character. But it is a role on the screen that makes us become fond of someone. Actors take up different parts and are different in every film.

My favourite Johnny Depp’s roles are those ones where he appears as a determined, venturesome and fearless character with a big heart. I think that Johnny Depp is one of the most talented actors of our time.

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