Spotlight 10 american high school конспект

Обновлено: 04.07.2024

Задачи:- развитие навыка и умения аналитического чтения, формирование умений говорения на базе прочитанного текста.



- научится вести разговор об американских школах;

- активизировать в речи лексические единицы по теме.


- развивать коммуникативные умения при работе в парах и группах;

- развивать социокультурную компетенцию.


- воспитание взаимопомощи, сотрудничества при достижении общей цели;

- воспитывать толерантность и уважение к американской системе образования.


Введение в языковую среду.

Good morning, children! I am glad to see you. Sit down, please. Is anybody absent today?

O.K. I hope everybody is ready to start. First of all. I would like you to tell me what topic we are going to discuss. Let’s try to guess… Look at the pictures. Have you got any ideas?

How do you think, what shall we do today during the lesson (read texts, learn new words, listen to the text, ask and answer the questions, make up dialogues, discuss smth… )

Yes, and I want to add that our goals today are

to practice the vocabulary on the topic

to develop speaking abilities

to practice reading and listening for gist

Brain- storm.

Now let’s travel to America. I’d prefer you to complete my sentences

The official name of America is.

The American flag is called….

The main symbols of the USA are…

The biggest cities are…

The capital of the USA is…

But today’s lesson isn’t dedicated to America but to knowledge, to education in the USA.

Осмысление новой информации

Well, listen to the tape and try to fill in the gaps in the text.

Teacher: Listen to the tape and try to fill in the gaps text:

The school year in the United States of America begins in ____ and finishes in _______.

There are ____ semesters. They have no school on the following: ____, _____, Easter and during _____ vocation.

The compulsory subjects are ________________.

Teacher: Check the results of your work:

The school year in the United States of America begins in September and finishes in June.

There are three semesters. They have no school on the following : Thanksgiving, Christmas, Easter and during summer vocation.

The compulsory subjects are English, Maths, Science, Social Studies and Physical Education.

Look at the diagram system at page 57

Kindergarten (age 5)

Elementary School (ages 6-11)

Junior High School (ages 12-13)

High School (ages 14-17)

I guess it will be interesting for you to know more about education in the USA. Before reading the text match the types of the schools with their descriptions.


a) department d )elementary g) kindergarten j) middle

b) preparatory e) gets h) strictly k) system

c) tuition f) usually i) various

Everyone in the USA has the opportunity to have a free education. Local, state, and federal governments pay for the public schools. There are also many private schools. People in private schools have to pay _____________ (1).

Most children in the United States start school when they are 5 years old. They

go to _____________ (2) for a year, and then start first grade when they are six. The first school is called _____________( 3 ) or grade school.

After this, students go to junior high or____________(4) school. This is either

7th through 9th or 6 th through 8 th grades. Students are ___________ (5) 12 to 14 years old.

High school is next. Students graduate from high school when they are 17 or 18. There are different kinds of high schools. Some are college _____________( 6 ) schools. Other high schools prepare students for ___________ (7) kinds of work. These are vocational high schools.

When students graduate from high school, they may go to college or university (colleges are smaller than universities, but otherwise they are the same). This is called higher education.

The US grading _____________ (8) is different from Russian. American

students are graded either by numbers (1—100) or letters (A—D and F). If a student (9) an F, 45 or below, it is a failing mark, and the student must retake the class.

Grades are (10) between teacher and student. They are not announced to the class. Usually a teacher hands back assignments and tests one by one, directly to the student, with the grade facing downwards.

When applying to a university, it is not necessary to apply to one

(11). You may enter as an undeclared student. You have two years to declare a major. You may also enter as a psychology major and then change your mind and study Physics.

I hope you have relaxed a little and we are going to do ex. 2 p.57, so, open your books at page 57 and work in pairs. Complete the gaps with the correct word formed from the words in brackets.

Play the recording. Students listen and check their answers.

While looking through the text again make notes.

Now imagine that Sasha is the American High school student or a sophomore

Think of some question for him and then we shall organize this interview


You have learnt a lot of information today and it will be easy for you to tell us. How is the system of the education in the USA similar or different to the system of education in Russia?

Домашнее задание Ex.5 p.57

Научимся строить высказывания с использованием введенных лексических единиц.

Сможем употреблять введенные лексические единицы в речи

Перечень вопросов, рассматриваемых в теме:

School plays a really important part in the life of every person. You learn how to communicate and how to be friends at school. But what makes a good school really good?

Глоссарий по теме

Is going to school important? It really is. School is a place where you not only get academic knowledge, but also meet friends. Let’s have a look at some words that can help you if you want to talk about high schools.

Business studies – экономическая наука, бизнес,

cheerleading – поддержка любимой команды, черлидинг

committee – группа, комитет,

driver’s license – водительские права,

driving lesson – урок вождения,

elementary school – начальная школа,

freshman – учащийся 9 класса в школе в США,

high school – старшая школа,

junior – учащийся 11 класса в школе в США,

informal – без формальностей, простой,

kindergarten – детский сад,

school bus – школьный автобус,

senior – учащийся 12 класса в школе в США,

sophomore – учащийся 10 класса в школе в США,

put away - откладывать,

get the chance – получать шанс,

get the most out of – взять как можно больше от.

Основная и дополнительная литература по теме

Афанасьева О.В., Дули Д., Михеева И.В., Оби Б., Эванс В. Английский язык 10 класс: Учебник для общеобразовательных учреждений. 10 класс. – М.: Просвещение, 2017. с. 57, WL-10

Теоретический материал для самостоятельного изучения

There are many different high schools in the US. Some of them are better than the other. In today’s review we’ll have a look at 2 top high schools in the United States of America.

We shall start with “Phillips Exeter Academy”. With their motto sounding “Be transformed” this school promises you a life-changing experience. There more than 1000 students in this school. Each and every one of them is unique. That’s why it’s not surprising that there are many different student – led clubs and societies, which are dedicated to a great range of topics starting from art to zoology.

The next in our list of top high schools in the US is “St. Paul’s School”. It was founded in 1856. There are approximately 525 students in this school. A team of experienced teachers provide guidance to each student.

Is going to school important? It really is. School is a place where you not only get academic knowledge, but also meet friends. Let’s have a look at some words that can help you if you want to talk about high schools.

  • Для учеников 1-11 классов и дошкольников
  • Бесплатные сертификаты учителям и участникам

УМК Spotlight 10 класс

Тип урока: комбинированный речевой урок

Учитель: Афанасова Татьяна Александровна

МБОУ СОШ п. Селекция

Практические : развитие устных и письменных речевых умений на основе прочитанного текста; совершенствование лексических навыков.

Общеобразовательные : повышение общей культуры, расширение кругозора, знаний о США , их системе образования и системе образования России.

Воспитательные :

формирование национальной идентичности, патриотизма;

воспитание уважения к стране изучаемого языка, её культуре, толерантного отношения к её представителям.

Развивающие : развитие памяти, внимания, речевых способностей, языковой догадки, умения сравнивать, анализировать, обобщать.

Оснащение урока : учебник, диск, речевые опоры, компьютер.

I . Речевая зарядка (создание мотивации)

By the way, would you like to spend some time in the USA and study at an American school? Why?

Share your thoughts. Use your own ideas and the expressions listed below.

to improve English

to communicate with American peers

to learn more about the country, its customs and traditions

to experience life in an American school

II . Развитие речевых умений на основе ранее изученного материала с использованием опоры.

Do you know anything about an American school? Do you remember the article about the rules in an American school, which we read some time ago. Lets recollect some facts. These notes will help you.

Never late for school

Talking during a lesson/a test

Cheating in class

Wearing pyjamas to a test

Eating in class

Lunch break (45 min.)

III . Формирование навыков поискового чтения.

To get acquainted with American schools better, lets read about the school system in the USA.

Look through the diagram and answer the following question.

How old are students when they:

go to junior high school

go to high school

Guess the meaning of the new words ( types of American schools).

IV . Сравнение систем образования США и России. Создание диаграммы

How is the system similar/different to the one in your country? Draw a diagram. Use the following.

Primary ( Elementary) School

Junior Secondary (Middle) School

Senior Secondary School

V . Чтение текста с детальным пониманием. Прогнозирование содержание текста по заголовкам и картинке. Заполнение таблицы . ( ex. 2 p. 57)

Read the title of the leaflet. What is it about? Look at the picture and headings and say what you think life in an American high school is like. Read to find out. While reading the text, complete the following table.

(a typical day at school)

Проверка понимание. Ответы на вопросы.

Answer the questions .

1.What subjects can you study at an American school?

2. How do students get to school?

3.Where do they put away their coats and lunch?

4.How many hours of classes have they got?

5. How often do they get a report card?

6.What do students grades depend on?

7. What sports do American students do?

8.What extra-curricular activities have they got?

VI . Повторное чтение текста с последующем прослушиванием для проверки. (Gap filling. Word formation.) (ex. 3 p.57)

Read the text and complete the gaps( 1-8) with the correct word formed from the words in brackets/ Compare with your partner. Listen and check .

VII . Развитие умений устной речи на основе прочитанного с использованием вводных фраз.

Close your books and say what new facts about an American high school you have learnt. Begin with…

I have learnt that…

I have never known/heard that…

It was interesting for me to learnt that…

VIII . Развитие умений устной диалогической речи с целью выражения собственного мнения о прочитанном и сравнения систем образования двух стран.

Would you like to spend a year in an American high school or prefer to stay at your own one? Why? Discuss.

IX . Развитие навыков письменной речи на основе прочитанного текста .

Создание лифлета , приглашающего учеников из других стран провести год в русской школе. ( ex .5 p .57)

Работа в группах .

Work in groups . Design a leaflet inviting students from abroad to spend a year at your school. Write about: life ( a typical day at school)

3. sports activities

X. Домашнее задание . Создание лифлета.

Нажмите, чтобы узнать подробности

Цель урока: развитие устных и письменных речевых умений на основе прочитанного текста; совершенствование лексических навыков.

Задачи урока:

- образовательные: повышение общей культуры, расширение кругозора, знаний о США, их системе образования и системе образования России.

- воспитательные: формирование национальной идентичности, патриотизма; воспитание уважения к стране изучаемого языка, её культуре, толерантного отношения к её представителям.

- развивающие: развитие памяти, внимания, речевых способностей, языковой догадки, умения сравнивать, анализировать, обобщать.

I. Начало урока

1) Оргмомент. Речевая зарядка (создание мотивации)

- By the way, would you like to spend some time in the USA and study at an American school? Why?

- Share your thoughts. Use your own ideas and the expressions listed below.

to improve English

to communicate with American peers

to learn more about the country, its customs and traditions

to experience life in an American school

2) Фонетическая зарядка на базе ЛЕ урока

II.Основная часть урока

1. Развитие речевых умений на основе ранее изученного материала с использованием опоры.

- Do you know anything about an American school? Do you remember the article about the rules in an American school, which we read some time ago? Let’s recollect some facts. These notes will help you.

School discipline

Never late for school

Talking during a lesson/a test

Cheating in class

School uniform

Eating in class

Lunch break (45 min.)

2. Формирование навыков поискового чтения.

To get acquainted with American schools better, lets read about the school system in the USA.

-Look through the diagram and answer the following question (изучение диаграммы):

-How old are students when they:

go to junior high school

go to high school

-Guess the meaning of the new words (types of American schools).

3.Сравнение систем образования США и России. Создание диаграммы

-How is the system similar/different to the one in your country? Draw a diagram. Use the following.

Primary (Elementary) School

Junior Secondary (Middle) School

Senior Secondary School

4.Чтение текста с детальным пониманием. Прогнозирование содержание текста по заголовкам и картинке. Заполнение таблицы. (ex. 2 p. 57)

Read the title of the leaflet. What is it about? Look at the picture and headings and say what you think life in an American high school is like. Read to find out. While reading the text, complete the following table.

American School

(a typical day at school)

5. Физкультминута

6. Проверка понимания. Ответы на вопросы. Фронтальная работа.

Answer the questions.

1.What subjects can you study at an American school?

2. How do students get to school?

3.Where do they put away their coats and lunch?

4.How many hours of classes have they got?

5. How often do they get a report card?

6.What do students grades depend on?

7. What sports do American students do?

8.What extra-curricular activities have they got?

7. Повторное чтение текста с последующем прослушиванием для проверки. (Gap filling. Word formation.) (ex. 3 p.57) Аудио.

Работа в парах. Взаимопроверка.

- Read the text and complete the gaps (1-8) with the correct word formed from the words in brackets/ Compare with your partner. Listen and check.

8. Развитие умений устной речи на основе прочитанного с использованием вводных фраз.

- Close your books and say what new facts about an American high school you have learnt. Begin with…

I have learnt that…

I have never known/heard that…

It was interesting for me to learnt that…

9. Развитие умений устной диалогической речи с целью выражения собственного мнения о прочитанном и сравнения систем образования двух стран.

- Would you like to spend a year in an American high school or prefer to stay at your own one? Why? Discuss.

10. Развитие навыков письменной речи на основе прочитанного текста.

Создание лифлета, приглашающего учеников из других стран провести год в русской школе (ex.5 p.57).

Работа в группах.

-Work in groups. Design a leaflet inviting students from abroad to spend a year at your school. Write about:

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