План конспект урока по английскому спорт

Обновлено: 05.07.2024

  • Для учеников 1-11 классов и дошкольников
  • Бесплатные сертификаты учителям и участникам


Группа: Ш-31

Дата проведения урока: 21.03.2013.

Преподаватель: Простова Ирина Александровна.

Цели урока:

дидактические: обобщить знания студентов по изученному материалу;

воспитательные: воспитывать уважительное отношение к культурным ценностям, спорту; воспитывать такие черты характера, как взаимопомощь и сотрудничество;

развивающие: совершенствовать произносительные навыки, умения применять лексику по теме “Спорт”, развивать логическое мышление, умение обобщать, сравнивать; развитие навыков самостоятельной работы.

Раздаточный материал: карточки с заданиями, распечатки с текстами.

ТСО: мультимедийная установка.

Организационный момент.

Речевая зарядка.

Teacher: Let's speak a little. Girls, answer my questions. 1) Do you like sport? 2) What kind of sport do you like? 3) Do you go in different sport clubs or sport sections? 4) What a man must do to be healthy, except sport? 5) What can you say about diet, do you think it's useful for our health?

Основная часть.

Teacher. Now, girls, look at the blackboard and read some words and expressions about sport and sport games, translate them:

to go in for sport

to eat fruits and vegetables

to sleep enough

national kind of sport

Teacher: Now, translate my sentences from Russian into English:

Спорт — важная часть жизни человека.

Футбол — мой любимый вид спорта.

Хороший сон, спорт и правильное питание — основные правила здоровой жизни.

Я всегда смотрю фигурное катание по телевизору.

Моя сестра ходит в спортивную школу, она играет в настольный теннис.

Я на диете, я ем только фрукты и овощи.

Сноуборд — это зимний вид спорта.

Здоровье — самая дорогая вещь в жизни.

Teacher: Let's play. Now I shall give you descriptions of some kinds of sport and your task is to listen and say what sports they are.

It is a game for two or four players who hit a ball with rackets across a net. (tennis)

A round ball is used in this game. Two teams of players kick it. They are not allowed to handle the ball. (football)

It is a team game played with oval ball. (rugby)

It is a game played on a table using round wood bats and a small plastic ball. (ping-pong)

This sport is connected with water. If you don't want to drown in the river or in the sea, you must go in for this sport. (swimming)

This is winter kind of sport. It is popular in Kamchatka, especially among young people, what is it? (snowboarding)

Teacher: We shall read and translate one text about sport. Then your task is to answer my questions.

Sport in our life.

We may not imagine our life without sport today. It is an important part of our everyday's life. Many people like to go in for sport, many people like to watch different sport events on TV, other people like to be fans of their favourite teams or players.

There are a lot of different sport clubs and schools in many cities of the world, they are very well equipped, many professional sport trainers work there. Physical training is a compulsory subject in schools, colleges and universities.

There are many popular kinds of sport today: football, basketball, hockey, swimming, gymnastics. Tastes differ, and everybody can choose what he wants! Do you agree?

What is important in our life today?

Why do many people go in for sport?

What is one of the most important subject in our schools today?

What do many doctors advise us to do to be healthy?

What popular kinds of sport do you know?

Teacher: Some students made up presentations about sport for today's lesson. Let's watch them and discuss them. They are very interesting. (смотрим презентации, подготовленные студентами группы на разные темы, связанные со спортом, обсуждаем их).

4. Обобщение. Подведение итогов.

Teacher: Let's make a conclusion at the end of our lesson. What interesting information have you known? Do you agree, that sport today keeps a doctor away? Thank you for the lesson. Your marks. Good-bye.

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Методическая разработка план-конспекта урока английского языка по теме "Спорт" для студентов 1 курса СПО. Включает в себя разминку (карточки по теме "Спорт"), аудирование, ответы на вопросы и грамматические упражнения.

Развить навыки устной речи.

Формировать навык восприятия устной речи на слух.

Закрепить и расширить словарный запас в речи учащихся по теме;

Выполнить грамматические упражнения.

1. Организационный момент. Приветствие и рапорт дежурного.

Hello, students. I’m glad to see you on the lesson. How are you? How are you feeling today? Are you happy to see such good weather today? What would you like to do today in such wonderful weather?

Today we are going to have a very interesting lesson.

At the beginning of our lesson let’s do this exercise. Name these sports and games. Now think and answer: what is this lesson about? What us the theme?

You are right. Our work at the theme “Sport”. Today we’ll revise the material of previous lessons, speak about sport in your life and find out new information. Before speaking about all these things, let`s remember the words we need.

2. Warm up (Разминка) Карточки по теме спорт. Дежурный выходит к доске с карточками в руках, показывает карточки группе. Студенты, которые знают правильный ответ, поднимают руку и отгадывают вид спорта, изображенный на карточке.

Sports is Important in Our Life

Sport is very important in our life. It is popular among young and old people. Many people do morning exercises, jog in the morning and train themselves in clubs, in different sections and take part in sport competitions.

Other people like sports too, but they only watch sports games, listen to sports news. They prefer reading interesting stories about sportsmen. But they don't go in for sports.

Physical training is an important subject at school. Boys and girls play volley-ball and basketball at the lessons. There is the sports ground near our school and schoolchildren go in for sports in the open air.

A lot of different competition are held at schools, a great number of pupils take part in them. All participants try to get good results and become winners. Sport helps people to keep in good health. If you go in for sports you have good health and don't catch cold.

There are some popular kinds of sports in our country: football, volley ball, hockey, gymnastics, skiing, skating. Athletics is one of the most popular kinds of sports. It includes such kinds of sports as: running, jumping and others. There are summer and winter sports. Everybody may choose the sport he (or she) is interested in.

to jog — бегать трусцой
section — секция
competition — соревнования
participant — участник
to go in for sports — заниматься спортом
to catch cold — простуживаться
to take care — заботиться
to include — включать
to choose — выбирать
to prefer — предпочитать
courageous — смелый

1. Do you do your morning exercises every day?
2. Do you go in for sports?
3. What is your favourite sport?
4. Where do you prefer to rest?
5. Do your friends go in for sports?
6. Are there any popular kinds of sports in our country? What are they?
7. Do you like winter or summer sports?

Какой вид спорта? Нужно отгадать и сказать летний или зимний вид спорта?

стрельба из лука

стрельба из лука

To DO + SPORTS (parachute jumping, sailing, etc) – заниматься спортом (парашютизмом, парусным спортом и т.п.),

To GO in for + SPORT (figure-skating, curling, water polo, etc) – заниматься спортом (фигурным катанием, керлингом, водным поло и т.п.),

To PLAY + GAMES (golf, badminton, baseball, etc) – играть в игры (гольф, бадминтон, бейсбол и т.п.).

Помните, что когда мы говорим о том, что мы занимаемся каким-либо видом спорта, мы используем глагол to do (делать/заниматься). Он употребляется с индивидуальными видами спорта или теми, которые состоят из нескольких типов упражнений.

Например: I do aerobics (я занимаюсь аэробикой), I do karate (я занимаюсь карате).

Помните, что глагол to play употребляется с командными играми.

Пример: I play badminton (я играю в бадминтон), I play football (я играю в футбол), а также I play chess (я играю в шахматы) и I play darts (я играю в дартс).

С другими названиями видов спорта, заканчивающимися на –ing, используется глагол to go: go cycling (кататься на велосипеде), go sailing (ходить под парусом), go snowboarding (кататься на сноуборде).

Упражнение 1. Вставьте в пропущенные места глаголы to do, to play, to go, поставив их в нужную форму.

Let’s ______ snowboarding if you don’t mind . Will you _____skiing tomorrow at 6 o’clock? I _____ athletics when I was a small child. She won’t _______ hang-gliding unless you come. All my friends ______ judo after work. The old are not averse to ______ dominoes. My heart aches for you! Don’t _____ climbing! How many times a week do you _______ jogging? She has never _______ billiards. We should _____ cycling every day. What games do you _____? – I ____ rugby, golf and cricket. She likes _____ surfing when it’s hot. _______ tennis is good for. Will you ______ darts or badminton?

Упражнение 2. Вставьте пропущенные слова : swimming, sport, boxing, skiing, summer, hockey, football, cycling

Sports in Our Life

_________ makes people healthy. It is popular among young and old people. There are _______ and winter kinds of sport. In winter people like ________ and skating. It is great fun to play _________ too. Summer sports are tennis, ___________ , __________ , badminton, basketball, volleyball. My favourite summer sport is ___________ . I can swim in the river. In winter I go to the swimming-pool. My friend Alex is very brave and strong. He goes in for ________ .

Упражнение 3. Translate into Russian.

a famous sportsman, kinds of sports, join a sports club, do sports, go in for wrestling, take part in competitions, take place at the stadium, win a cup, lose a game, do training, at the football pitch, at the sports ground, at the skating rink, in the gym, the winner of the competition, be a loser.

Упражнение 4. Translate into English.

Я занимаюсь плаванием. Каждый день я хожу в бассейн. Мои друзья тоже любят плавать. Часто мы ходим в бассейн вместе. Они никогда не играла в бильярд. Я занимался атлетикой, когда был маленьким ребенком. Нам следует кататься на велосипеде каждый день.

5. Домашнее задание. Подведение итогов урока. Выставление оценок.

- Your speaking was brilliant. Now you can have a talk about sport. I’d like you can write about it. Your home task will be to do the report ( the message) “Popular sports in Great Britain”. You must do some research and find out: What kinds of sports are popular in Great Britain?

Describe one of these sports: name, history, equipment, manner of play, tournaments, and greatest sportsmen.

- I thank everybody for the lesson. You were very active. I hope this lesson was interesting for you and you have known much new and useful information. Your speaking about sport was brilliant. Thank you. This lesson is over. Good bye!

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План конспект урока по английскому языку для 7 класса по теме "Спорт" к УМК Биболетовой М.З.

Нет ничего лучше,

чем прожить жизнь

в стремлении стать совершеннее.

Методическая разработка урока

Автор: учитель английского языка

Приложение 3 Кроссворд

Приложение 4 Спортивная деятельность

Пояснительная записка

Данный урок разработан в соответствии с требованиями Федерального Государственного Образовательного Стандарта. В ходе урока формируются все виды УУД: личностные, регулятивные, познавательные, коммуникативные. Ключевую роль в их формировании играет создание учебного материала, используемого на уроке.

По типу урок является нетрадиционным (урок-соревнование). Он включает в себя четыре этапа, которые ведут к достижению основной цели урока.

На современном уроке учителю помогают технические средства и современные технологии обучения. Применение мультимедийного приложения позволяет повысить познавательный интерес у обучающихся к предмету. Данная форма урока воспринимается учащимися позитивно.

На уроке созданы условия для самостоятельной и совместной деятельности учащихся, диалогического взаимодействия учителя и учащихся, самооценочной деятельности учащихся. Учитываются индивидуальные особенности каждого ученика; разнообразие видов деятельности снижает утомляемость и поддерживает динамику работоспособности учащихся.

Применение ИКТ позволяет разнообразить уроки, сделать их более интересными и современными, также положительно повлиять на мотивацию обучающихся к здоровому образу жизни и изучению иностранного языка.

Проект урока

Тема: Sport

Тип урока: урок обобщения и систематизации знаний. (Урок-соревнование).

Цель урока: обобщить знания обучающихся о видах спорта.

Учебный аспект: научиться рассказывать о разных видах спорта.

Развивающий аспект: дальнейшее совершенствование лексических навыков.

Воспитательный аспект: формировать положительную мотивацию к изучению иностранного языка за счет применения активных форм обучения.

Задачи урока:

2.Расширить знания обучающихся о видах спорта.

3. Совершенствовать речевое умение.

4.Формировать умение работать в команде.

Наглядность и оборудование: доска, проектор, компьютер, презентация, карточки с заданиями.

Содержание этапов урока

I.Организация начала урока

Good morning pupils! I am glad to see you! Sit down please.

Today we shall speak about different kinds of sport. The aim of our lesson is to summarize the topic “ Sport”.

Мотивация учебной деятельности.

I hope you will work well and everybody will get an excellent mark.

II.Обобщение изученного материала.

I. Now we watch the presentation about kinds of sport.

II. Now we must choose two teams and their captains.

III. Competition:

1. We know different kinds of sport and you first task is words. Who will be the first?

(athletics, fencing, football, hockey, wrestling, gymnastics)

2. You must solve riddle. Who will be the first?

It does not have legs, but it jumps. (ball) 1 point

3. Who first solves this crossword. (badminton, baseball, football, volleyball, table tennis, basketball, golf) 7 points

4.I invite captains . Who names more sports. 2 points

5.Who first solves this task?

(12,8,28,2,1,25,11,4,9,5,3,6,7,18,14,10,27,19,15,20, 21, 16,22,17,24,26,29,23,13) 30 points

6.I read words about sport and you find an odd words.

Football, hockey, basketball, water polo, skiing, volleyball.

Racing, skiing, skating, hockey, running.

7.Say what sport we need:

1)water-swimming, windsurfing , surfing, yachting

2)ice-skating, ice-skating, hockey



8. Who first solves this task? 1 point

Complete to the following sentences.

. is a kind of winter sport.

. is a kind of sport for men.

. is a kind of summer sport.

My favourite kind of sport is . .

I like to watch . match on TV.

Translate into English.

Мой любимый вид спорта волейбол.

Я занимаюсь плаванием.

Я люблю больше всего тяжёлую атлетику.

Я люблю ходить в бассейн .

Мой брат занимается спортом.

Я люблю уроки физкультуры.

Мой любимый спортсмен это . .

9. Who first solves this test about Olympic Games :

1-2, 2-3, 3-1, 4-3,5-1. 5 points

What points have our teams. We congratulate our winners.

Цель для учителя: определить уровень достижения поставленных задач в течении урока, обеспечить дальнейшую работу по коррекции знаний и способов действий, развивать навыки адекватной самооценки у учеников, формировать осознанность и критичность учебных действий.

Цель для обучающихся: проанализировать и оценить свою работу на уроке через осознание того что уже усвоено и что еще нужно усвоить, оценить значимость учебных действий для самого себя.

Ребята ! Вы очень хорошо сегодня работали и многому научились! У вас есть смайлики веселые и грустные! Если вам понравился урок, и вы считаете, что вы усвоили лексику о спорте, приклейте веселый смайлик на доску. Если у вас были трудности на уроке- приклейте грустный смайлик. Если получилась веселая команда смайликов- цель урока достигнута. Thank you for the lesson. The lesson is over. Good bye!

Приложение 2

Составить слова из слогов

1. Athletics, fencing, football, hockey, wrestling, gymnastics

fen ci ng foot ball hoc key wre stl ing gym nas ti cs ath le ti cs

Приложение 5

Найди лишнее слово

Football, hockey, basketball, water polo, skiing, volleyball

Racing, skiing, skating, hockey, running.

Приложение 6

Вставить пропущенные слова

Complete to the following sentences.

. is a kind of winter sport.

. is a kind of sport for men.

. is a kind of summer sport.

My favourite kind of sport is . .

I like to watch . match on TV.

Translate into English.

Мой любимый вид спорта волейбол.

Я занимаюсь плаванием.

Я люблю больше всего тяжёлую атлетику.

Я люблю ходить в бассейн .

Мой брат занимается спортом.

Я люблю уроки физкультуры.

Мой любимый спортсмен это . .

The Olympic Games

The Olympic Games began over 2,700 years ago in Olympia, in southwest Greece. The Games were part of a religious festival. The Greek Olympics, thought to have begun in 776 BC, inspired the modern Olympic Games (begun in 1896) The Games were held in honour of Zeus, king of the gods, and were staged every four years at Olympia, a valley near a city called Elis. People from all over the Greek world came to watch and take part.

The statue of Zeus

Visitors to Olympia stared in wonder as they entered the great Temple of Zeus. Inside was a huge statue of the king of the gods, sitting on a throne. People called it one of the Seven Wonders of the World. The statue was covered in gold and ivory, and was six times bigger than a man. It was built about 435 BC, and no one who made the trip to Olympia missed seeing it.

What was the Sacred Truce?

The city-states of Greece were often at war. This made travel between them dangerous. So messengers sent out from Elis announced a 'sacred truce' (peace) lasting one month before the Games began. This meant people could travel to Olympia in safety. The Olympic Games were more important than wars because they were a religious festival.

Events at the Games

At the first one-day Olympic Games, the only event was a short sprint from one end of the stadium to the other. Gradually more events were added to make four days of competitions. They included wrestling, boxing, long jump, throwing the javelin and discus, and chariot racing. In the pentathlon, there were five events: running, wrestling, javelin, discus and long jump. One of the toughest events was the race for hoplites, men wearing armour and carrying shields.

Winners were given a wreath of leaves, and a hero's welcome back home. Winners might marry rich women, enjoy free meals, invitations to parties, and the best seats in the theatre.

About 50,000 people could sit in the stadium. Away from the arena, most spectators had to find somewhere to pitch their tents or sleep rough, but important visitors and athletes had hotel rooms. It was hot and overcrowded, and the water supply was poor, at first not even a proper drinking fountain. This didn't stop people coming though!

The Games ended with a feast. Lots of oxen were roasted in a giant barbecue. Traders came to do business, entertainers such as jugglers and acrobats performed, and politicians made speeches to the crowds.

The nastiest event?

Probably the pankration or all-in wrestling was the nastiest event. There were hardly any rules. Biting and poking people's eyes were officially banned, but some competitors did both! While it does not seem very sporting to us, all-in wrestling was very popular. Boxing was tough too. The fighters wore leather gloves and a boxer was allowed to go on hitting his opponent even after he'd knocked him to the ground!

However, cheating was punished. Anyone caught cheating, trying to bribe an athlete for instance, had to pay for a bronze statue of Zeus, as a punishment.

Women at Olympia

Only men, boys and unmarried girls were allowed to attend the Olympic Games. Married women were not allowed into the Olympic Games. Women could own horses in the chariot race though.

Unmarried women had their own festival at Olympia every four years. This was the Heraia, held in honour of Hera, wife of Zeus. Women could compete in running races, though only unmarried girls took part. Winners were awarded crowns of sacred olive branches, the same as men.

Multiple choise

1) What amazed people about the Temple of Zeus?

The lighting inside

The statue of Zeus

Урок рассчитан на учащизся 11 классов и ставит своей целью обобщение знаний по теме "Sport in our life" Конспект урока содержит разнообразные задания по теме и способствует повышению мотивации к изучению английского языка.

Содержимое разработки

План-конспект открытого урока в 11 классе по теме “Sport in our life”

1. Закреплять и развивать навыки устной речи, аудирования и чтения, развивать умение излагать свои мысли и применять знания, умения и навыки в пределах изученного материала.

2. Развивать познавательную деятельность учащихся: внимание и память, мыслительную активность, творческое воображение.

3. Воспитывать у учащихся интерес к спорту, стремление к здоровому образу жизни, понимание важности занятий спортом для укрепления здоровья, прививать интерес к изучению иностранного языка; воспитывать коллективизм, умение работать с партнером и в группе, умение слушать других, уважать их точку зрения, помогать друг другу.

Ход урока:

- Today’s lesson will be devoted to sport. Today we’ll review what you have already learnt at the previous lessons and have some new information. But first of all what associations do you have when you hear the word “sport”?

- Look at the screen and read the poem. What is the main idea of it?

Sports for everybody

I go out cycling every day,
I get strong and hard that way,
And I play football at weekends,
With all my other healthy friends.
We like to run and swim and walk
Let’s move around, no time to talk!
So we enjoy sport anyway,
We love to do sport every day.

We can go fishing all the day.
We can jog around the park,
It’s very good for the heart.
Yes, we like to swim and run and walk,
Let’s move around, no time to talk!
So we enjoy sport anyway,
We love to do sport every day.

- What proverbs about sport do you know?

1. A sound mind in a sound body.
В здоровом теле здоровый дух.
2. After dinner sit a while, after supper walk a mile.
После обеда посиди, после ужина милю пройди.
3. In sports and journeys men are known.
Люди познаются в спорте и в путешествиях.
4. It's not whether you win or lose that matters, it's how you play the game.
Неважно, выигрываешь ты или проигрываешь, важно, как ты играешь.
5. Stumbling is not falling.
Споткнуться - не упасть.

- And now let’s review our vocabulary on the topic

a) Give me the synonyms:

1. stadium – sports ground

2. spectator – a fan

3. competition – contest

4.a defeated team – a losing team

b) Name the word according to the definition:

1. a group of people acting together in a game or sports - team

2. an enthusiastic supporter – fan

3. a man or a woman who trains people for games and sports - coach

4. an area used for sports training and competition – sports ground

c) How do we call people who:

play football (footballer), cricket(batsman), tennis(tennis player),go swimming(swimmer), jumping(jumper), running(runner), windsurfing(surfer), ride a bike(cyclist)

d) Take a card and name kinds of sport or a game according to the definition:

1. This sport is played on a large open field where players can only use their feet to kick a ball into a goal (football)

2. This sport is played on the ice and the players use sticks to hit a puck into a goal. (hockey)

3. This sport can be played on the beach where players hit a ball over a net. (volleyball)

4. This sport is played by throwing a ball down an alley. If you hit down all ten pins you get a strike. (bowling)

5. A form of football in which the players use their hands for carrying the ball. (rugby)

6. A game played in a field of grass for two sides of eleven players each with a ball, bat(бита) and eleven wickets (воротца). It is very popular in England. (cricket)

7. A game for two or four persons played by striking a tennis ball with rackets over a net stretched across a walled court. (tennis)

8. A game for 2 teams that you play with a ball and a basket. (basketball)

9. This kind of sport includes things like running, jumping and others. (athletics)

10. The art of fighting with fists, usually with thick gloves in a special ring.(boxing)

11. A game like tennis played indoors or outdoors. Instead of balls shuttlecocks are used. ( badminton)

2. outdoor games

4. winter kinds of sport

5. summer kinds of sport

- Now it’s time to divide into two groups.

Task1. You know a lot of kinds of sport and games. Look at the screen and put the names of sport according to your preference. In a few minutes you’ll exchange your opinions.

- What sports are popular in our country? Let’s watch a film and then you’ll name all kinds of sports mentioned in the film and name outstanding sportsmen of our country in every kind of sport.

Boxing – Serik Sapiyev Zhanserik Amirzhanov

Biathlon – Yelena Khrustalyova

Mountaineering – Artyom Devyaterikov

Cycling – Alexandre Vinokurov

Wrestling – Nurbakhyt Tenizbayev

Athletics – Olga Shishigina

Weightlifting – Ilya Ilin

- We can say that much attention is paid to sport in our country. Now let’s talk about your attitude to sport.

An interesting task was given to some students of our group. They asked students of your class about sport and we are eager to know the results of this survey.

1. Do you prefer going in for sports or watching it on TV?

2. Is sport a part of our everyday life?

3. Is sport important to you?

4. What is your favorite kind of sport?

5. Who is the best sportsman in your class?

-We have summarized the interview and want to share our results with you. Let’s start.

-The results of the interview show us that you are interested in sport and think that it is very important to go in for it but now most of you are only watch it on TV. Some students in our group have prepared a short report about what sport is for you.

- Many people like sport. But a great number of people don’t go in for sports. Are you good or against sport? Let’s divide into two groups. The 1 st group will think and tell us about good sides of sport, another one – about bad sides of sport.

Sport is good because
Sport is useful for health.

Sport can help people in everyday life.

Sport helps people to stay in good shape, helps to support health and prevents from illness.
It makes me strong and fast
It helps me to keep fit
It builds character
It teachers me to win and to lose
It’s very good for my heart

Sport allows you to make friends with a number of people.
Sport increases fitness.
Sport decreases your weight.
Sport gives you an increased sense of individuality.
It gives you a real pleasure.
Sport gives you a chance to acquire self-confidence.
Sport is bad because
Some sports cost a lot of money.

Sport can be dangerous.

It’s not very useful.
It takes a lot of energy and time.
We have no time to walk with friends
It needs to work very hard.

Some sportsmen are addicted to drugs.

Sport can be unfair.

We can break legs and arms. Etc

- What conclusion can we make? (Students’ answers) I hope that now you are able to give your opinion about sport and its importance. Try to complete and give your opinion.

As for me I think…

Sport is very useful but…

On the one hand it…

On the other hand.

- Well, finally, you marks for today’s class are the following…

- You know there are many different sports and games in the world. But nowadays many young people try new sports. Some of them are extreme. I want you to look at the screen again and try to remember the names of sports.


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