Do you know miss manners конспект урока 8 класс кузовлев

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Вишнякова Маргарита Владимировна

МБОУ СОШ №6 г. Торжок

Учитель английского языка

Темаурока : “Do you know Miss Manners?”

Тип урока: комбинированный

Продолжительность: 45 минут

Подготовила: Вишнякова Маргарита Владимировна

Оформление урока.

Лицевая сторона доски

Theme: “Do you know Miss Manners?”

“ When in Rome, do as the Romans do.”

- совершенствовать навыки чтения и говорения

- познакомить с новыми словами

- развивать языковую догадку

- развивать самостоятельность мышления

- осуществлять нравственное воспитание учащихся

- прививать интерес к английскому языку и культуре

Учебник English 8, раздаточный материал (тест, карточки).

I . Начало урока

Проверка домашнего задания

Постановка целей и задач

- Good morning, boys and girls. I’m glad to see you. Sit down , please .

- What date is it today?

- What day is it today?

- What holiday did we celebrate on the 4 th of November? (We celebrated the Day Of People Unity on the 4 th of November).

Let’s check up your home task. Open your activity book at p. 17 Ex. 2.

The theme of our lesson is “Do you know Miss Manners?”

How do you think what we will speak about today?

Each country has its own unwritten behavior rules. Britain is not an exception. Today we will learn the rules of behavior in Great Britain and know how polite you are.

II . Основная часть

Изучение нового лексического материала

Open your books at p. 43. Here you see new words. Let’s read them. Repeat after me.

What is the Russian for “an appetite”?

– What are the British like?

Now look et p. 42 Ex. 1(1). Let’s read and translate behavior rules.

Now put the rules in order of importance from your point of view. I’ll give you one minute to prepare this task.

– Which rules do the Russians follow?

– Which behaviour rules do/ don’t you follow?

Look at the blackboard. Here you see a proverb but the words are mixed. (“When in Rome, do as the Romans do.”) Let’s try to gather it.

Who likes to make it up?

Who wants to read?

Who can translate it?

What Russian equivalents of this proverb do you know?

It means that when you are in a foreign country you have to behave as the people of that country do.

Look at p. 43 Ex. 2. Read the question. You should answer this question using expressions in the box.

Test: “How polite you are”

Let’s see how polite you are. I’ll give you a little test. Circle the right variant. You have some minute to prepare this task.

Who is the first to finish the telephone conversation?

The one who calls

The one who is called

What would you do if a person sneezes in your presence?

You say “Be healthy”

You pay no attention to it

What would you do if you sneeze in the presence of other people?

You say “I’m sorry”

You keep silence

What would you do if you see a person carring heavy thing?

You offer your help

You pay no attention

You get 2 points for each correct answer. There are right answers on the blackboard. Count your score.

If you have 8 points, you are well-mannered.

If you have 6 points, you sometimes break the rules.

If you have 4 points, you should pay attention to your manners.

Answer my questions:

Do Russian people open a present in front of the person?

Do they kiss on meeting?

Do they take off their shoes when entering a house?

III . Заключительный этап

Постановка домашнего задания

What was the theme of our lesson?

What did you do at the lesson?

What did you like to do at the lesson?

Open your diaries and write down your home task: Ex. 3 p. 44 in your Student’s book. In this exercise you must give advice a foreign friend how he/she should behave in our country. And Ex. 1 p. 18 in your Activity Book. You should do the crossword.

Your marks for the work… Thank you for your work. The lesson is over. Good-bye!

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Lesson 2 Do you know Ms. Manners? Правила поведения

At our previous lesson we began studying British traditions and manners. Answer me questions please:

1. What British traditions do you know?

2. What are the most popular celebrations in Great Britain?

3. Who can get Queen’s telegram?

4. What royal traditions in Great Britain do you know?

5. What are British traditions and customs connected with?

Please look at the blackboard. Here you can see some pictures. What can you see in the pictures? In this picture I can see a big family sitting at the table and congratulating their mother on her birthday.

What do you think the topic of our lesson is?

There is a saying in English “Manners make a man”.

The expression means that if you want to be a real man, you have to have good manners

Manners mean the way that you behave to other people particularly in public.

Let’s speak about good manners and compare Russian and British customs and manners at lesson today.

Here you see new words. Let’s read them. Repeat after me. What is the Russian for “an appetite”?

Now look at p. 42 Ex. 1(1). Let’s read and translate behavior rules.

then ex. 1.2) – at least 5 – group work

“ When in Rome, do as the Romans do.”

Look at the blackboard. Here you see a proverb but the words are mixed. (“When in Rome, do as the Romans do.”) Let’s try to gather it.

Who likes to make it up?

Who wants to read?

Who can translate it?

What Russian equivalents of this proverb do you know?

It means that when you are in a foreign country you have to behave as the people of that country do.

Look at p. 43 Ex. 2. Read the question. You should answer this question using expressions in the box.

Pair work ( пройти послушать !)

Slide 3 look here and read and then say in what country you should follow this rule.

Behavior rules may be different in different countries.

Ex . 3 В данном упражнении учащиеся используют слова из уроков 1 и 2. Упражнение можно выполнить в письменном режиме .

Ключи: 1) exact; 2) length; 3) exact; 4) appetite; 5) enter; 6) public; 7) close; 8) loudly; 9) greet, shake, introduce, hands.

So, what about Russia. Let`s pretend that some girl from Britain is going to travel to Russia, but she doesn`t know our rules of behavior and is very nervous. Let ` s help her .

Ex . 4. Group work

Учащиеся могут использовать материалы, представленные в учебнике или на интернет-сайтах для расширения “ Fact file ”, доба- вив дополнительные советы иностранцам о том, как вести себя в России.

What new words did you know today?

What new proverb did you know today?

What British people will never do?

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Teacher. Good morning, boys and girls. Glad to see you.

Class. We are fine thank you.

Teacher. There is a saying in English “Manners makes man”.

The expression means that if you want to be a real man, you have to have good manners.

Manners means the way that you behave to other people particularly in public.

Let’s speak about good manners and compare Russian and British customs and manners at lesson today

II. Фонетическая зарядка.

Read and learn the poem:

Let’s try to be polite

In everything we do

Remember always to say “please”

And don’t forget “thank you”

III. Развитие навыков разговорной речи.

T. Each country has its own unwritten behaviour rules. Britain is no exception.

Look at the blackboard, read and say. Which behaviuor rules do British people follow?

P1. – British people usually stand in line.

P2. – It is very good manners to say “please”, “thank you” in Britain.

P3. – In England when you are first introduced to someone, shake their right hand with you own right hand.

P4. – English usually say “sorry” if accidentally bump into someone.

P5. – In England do not greet people with kiss if you are not close friends and relatives.

P6. – It’s considered impolite to ask a lady her age.

P7. – A smiling face is a welcoming face.

P8. – It is impolite to stare at anyone in public.

T. – Well, thank you and now let’s check your homework. What advice on behaviour manners would you give to someone visiting your country?

(Учащиеся читают советы, которые они написали дома.)

Teacher. – Thank you. Open your books on page 89. Fill in the table. What is usual or unusual for your country?

Таблица может иметь такой вид:

Russians greet each other once a day. Meeting your friends during the day can smile or nod.

Take off your shoes entering someone’s house.

Shake hands each time.

Jump the queue waiting for service.

Keep the distances (at least an arm’s length) talking to a person.

IV. Развитие грамматических навыков.

Today at the lesson we’ll work with Tag questions. Look at the blackboard.

(Учитель объясняет образование разделительных вопросов.)

And now listen to the conversation, ex 2 p 46.

Nelly and Tom are asking their American friends about American celebrations

Decide when sentences are questions and in which sentences the person is asked to agree.

Pronounce all the sentences as if the questions are asked.

Pronounce all the sentences as if you ask a person to agree.

V. Работа с пословицами и поговорками.

There is a proverb “When in Rome, do as the Romans do”

What does it mean?

P1. – When you are in a foreign country you have to behave as the people of that country do.

T. – What other English proverb with the same meaning you have already learnt?

P2. – Every country has its customs.

P3. – Eat at pleasure, drink with measure.

P4. – Every land has its laugh and every corn has its chaff

P5. – Do as most men do and most men will speak well of you.

T. – Good for you, thank you.

VI. Подведение итогов урока:

Teacher. – Your homework will be exercise 3 page 46. Some American manners are different from the Russian ones, others are common.

Ask about the behaviour rules to make clear if they are different or common.

Well, children you see, if you have good manners you are polite and courteous.

You remember to say “please” and “thank you”, you make people feel welcome and at ease. I would like to end our lesson with the words of the great religious Leader Dalai Lama.

Always follow the rule of thee R:

1) Respect for Self – Уважай себя.

2) Respect for Others – Уважай других.

3) Responsibility for all your Actions – Будь в ответе за все свои поступки.

Нажмите, чтобы узнать подробности

v формировать адекватное восприятие и отношения к системе ценностей, образу жизни и поведению.

v развитие умения воспринимать на слух информацию, с общим охватом содержания и полным пониманием;


знакомство учащихся с правилами поведения принятыми в Великобритании


развитие умение сравнивать и делать выводы;

развитие языковой догадки.


формировать адекватное восприятие и отношения к системе ценностей, образу жизни и поведению.

развитие умения воспринимать на слух информацию, с общим охватом содержания и полным пониманием;

Teacher. Good morning, boys and girls. Glad to see you.

Class. We are fine thank you.

Teacher. There is a saying in English “Manners make a man”.

The expression means that if you want to be a real man, you have to have good manners

Manners mean the way that you behave to other people particularly in public.

Let’s speak about good manners and compare Russian and British customs and manners at lesson today

II. Фонетическая зарядка

Read and learn the poem:

Let’s try to be polite

In everything we do

Remember always to say “please”

And don’t forget “thank you

III. Развитие навыков разговорной речи

T. Each country has its own unwritten behaviour rules. Britain is no exception.

Look at the blackboard, read and say. Which behaviour rules do British people follow?

P1 – British people usually stand in line.

P2 – It is a very good manner to say “please”, “thank you” in Britain.

P3 – In England when you are first introduced to someone, shake their right hand with you own right hand.

P4 – English usually say “sorry” if accidentally bump into someone.

P5 – In England do not greet people with kiss if you are not close friends and relatives.

P6 – It’s considered impolite to ask a lady about her age.

P7 - A smiling face is a welcoming face.

P8 - It is impolite to stare at anyone in public.

T – Well, thank you and now let’s check your homework. What advice on behaviour manners would you give to someone visiting your country?

(Учащиеся читают советы, которые они написали дома)

Teacher - Thank you. Open your books on page 44 Fill in the table. What is usual or unusual for your country?

Usual for Russia

Usual for Britain

Men shake hands when they meet friends.

Russians greet each other once a day. Meeting your friends during the day can smile or nod.

Take off your shoes entering someone’s house.

Be patient waiting for a service.

Man shake hands when they are first introduced to someone

Greet their friends as many times as they meet them during the day

They don’t take off shoes entering someone’s house

iV. Работа с пословицами и поговорками

There is a proverb “When in Rome, do as the Romans do”

What does it mean?

P1 – When you are in a foreign country you have to behave as the people of that country do

– Do as most men do and most men will speak well of you.

T – Good for you, thank you.

V. Подведение итогов урока:

Teacher-Your homework will be exercise 3 page 46. Some Britain manners are different from the Russian ones, others are common.

Ask about the behaviour rules to make clear if they are different or common.

Well, children you see, if you have good manners you are polite and courteous.

Don’t forget to say “please” and “thank you”, you make people feel welcome and at ease. I would like to end our lesson with the words of the great religious Leader Dalai Lama.

(Слайд 5)

Always follow the rule of thee R:

1) Respect for yourself – Уважай себя.

2) Respect for others – Уважай других.

3) Responsibility for all your actions – Будь в ответе за все свои поступки.

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