Высшее образование в беларуси тема по английскому кратко

Обновлено: 05.07.2024

The system of education in the Republic of Belarus is based on national traditions and global trends in education area. These guarantee equal access to all education stages, unification of the requirements, continuity of all training stages and state financial support.

Today Belarusian educational system includes pre-school education and up-bringing, general secondary school, vocational education, secondary special education, higher education, research education (postgraduate), adult education and staff retraining (lifelong education) ,special education (for people with disabilities).

Pre-school education is not compulsory in Belarus but around 70% of children attend nursery or kindergarten before they start school. These institutions are for children under six years. Children who attend kindergarten learn social skills when they play with other children and this helps to shape their personalities. Such children are better prepared for primary school. Children are taught pre-reading and pre-writing as well as basic mathematics, such as moreless, heavylight, full empty and so on and the children are taught discipline. The children learn to follow a timetable and there are classroom rules which teach respect and consideration for their classmates and the teacher. The public nurseries and kindergartens are free of charge but parents should cover about 60% of the meal’s cost.

Most children in Belarus start school at the age of 6. The school year begins on 1 September for all grades and lasts thirty-four weeks; holidays take up a total of thirty calendar days. School-leaving examinations at Level II (grade 9) and at Level III (grades 10 and 11) are held in June.

School education in Belarus consists of elementary( or primary), basic and secondary school. The five-year basic secondary school is compulsory. Upon completion of grade 9 students have to take the examinations to receive the certificate of basic education. Basic school graduates can continue their studies at technicums, uchilishche and colleges, where they can get vocational training and secondary general education or they can continue their education in schools, gymnasiums or lyceums.

At the end of grade 11 (general secondary education) students sit the final examination and if successful receive the certificate of (complete) general secondary education.

Belarus has one of the highest student-to-population ratios in Europe. The higher education system in Belarus is seen as prestigious due to its high quality and affordability.

There are four main types of higher education establishments to choose from, which can be either private or state operated:

classical university ,profile university or academy ,institute, higher college

Most courses run for 5 years and students can choose to study full time, at evening classes or by correspondence.

Grants are available for full-time students and scholarships are awarded to very gifted students.

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Scientific and intellectual potential is the main strategic resource of Belarus. In 1989, according to the results of the census, 899 people per each thousand engaged in the national economy had higher and secondary education. Thus we can say that Belarus had a developed system of education. It embraced 11,000 educational establishments; 33 per cent of population attended different forms of classes.

Nowadays the number of students attending different educational establishments is nearly the same. The republic guarantees its citizens the right to universal secondary education and creates means for further professional education. It tries to preserve the democratic character of education, paying much attention to common human values, developing independent critical thinking instead of simple perception of information.

The republic has reformed its system of education with the aim of creating an independent, qualitatively new national school, corresponding to international standards and ensuring each citizen the right to the high-quality education according to his abilities and inclinations.

The reform envisaged a continuity of study at all stages, such as pre-school, secondary school, vocational training and specialized secondary school, and at the higher school level. It gives teachers and students freedom in the choice of educational forms and methods, while the results must correspond to the state educational standards.

Education in Belarus consists of some levels. The first level is known as kindergarten. Children at the age of 3 to 6 attend it. The second level is primary school and 6-10-year-olds go there. The following level is secondary school and if you are 10-15-year-olds you study at 5-9 forms. After secondary school you may enter high school or lyceum and college and study there for 2 years (15-17-year-olds).

After primary, secondary and high schools students take compulsory subjects. At first they sit 3 exams: Maths, the Russian and Belarusian Languages. At the end of the 9 th year of education they sit 4 exams: Maths, the Russian and Belarusian languages and History of Belarus. They get GCSE (General Certificate of Secondary Education) and may go to lyceum or college or continue their education at high school. All the subjects at secondary school are compulsory. Leaving high school pupils sit 3 exams: 2 compulsory – Maths and one of the languages Russian or Belarusian, and one optional (since 2012 students will take 3 compulsory exams. They will have English as a compulsory exam.).

Besides comprehensive schools students can study at gymnasia. Entrance to gymnasia is based on the competitive exams. All the schools in Belarus are free of charge. They are mixed-sex schools although it is possible to find single-sex schools.

The school year in Belarus lasts from the 1 st of September to late May. It is divided into 4 terms. There are 4 standard holidays: autumn-a week; winter- 2 weeks; spring-a week; summer-3 months. Students study 5 days a week. Generally school day starts at 8 a.m. or 9 a.m. and finishes at 2 p.m. or 3 p.m. students usually have 6 or 7 lessons a day. They study such subjects as Mathematics, Literatures – Russian and Belarusian, History, a foreign language, Geography, Chemistry, Biology, Physics, PE, Art, Music, Drama and others.

Graduating from high schools pupils usually enter universities and institutes. To enter these ones it is necessary to pass 3 centralized tests.

The main principles of the educational system in Belarus are the priority of human values, national culture as the basis of education, humanism, sense of ecological purpose, scientific basis, democracy, support of gifted children and others.

There have been changes in the organization of education itself. New types of educational establishments have appeared: gymnasia, lyceum, experimental school, college. There appeared non-state-owned schools of various kinds, private kindergartens, schools at home and commercial institutes.

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Е.И. Филончик

Н.В. Матусевич

Английский язык

" Higher education "

для студентов всех специальностей

Английский язык. Higher education. Учебно-методическое пособие.

Составители Филончик Е.И., Матусевич Н.В.

В.Ф. Толстоухова, кандидат педагогических наук, доцент.

Цели и задачи курса

Раздел 1. Содержание учебного материала

Раздел 2. Higher education

Unit 1. Higher education in the Republic of Belarus

Unit 2. Higher education in Great Britain

Unit 3. Higher education in the USA

Unit 4. Our Institute

Unit 5. My Future Career

Раздел 3. Перечень вопросов, ситуаций, тем к зачету по английскому языку по блоку "Высшее образование"

Рекомендовано к утверждению кафедрой иностранных языков ИПП

Утверждено Научно-методическим советом ИПП


Настоящее учебно-методическое пособие предназначено для студентов социально-экономического факультета ИПП как дневной, так и заочной формы обучения, изучающих социокультурный и/или лингвострановедческий курс английского языка. Рассчитано на 72 часа аудиторной работы для студентов гуманитарных и экономических специальностей на дневной форме обучения, 30 часов и 10 часов соответственно для студентов гуманитарных и экономических специальностей на заочной форме обучения, что отображено в разделе 1 пособия.

Каждый блок открывается тематическим словарем (Topical Vocabulary) и содержит модули (Activity) по 4 видам речевой деятельности (чтение - Reading, говорение и письмо – Speak and Write, аудирование - Listening) и по языковому материалу, в частности, по работе с лексикой – Vocabulary Study, а также имеет инструкции для выполнения соответствующих языковых и речевых действий (Directions). Модули по аудированию содержат скрипты аудиоматериалов.

Тематический блок также включает модули для самостоятельной работы студентов (Self-Work) с последующим контролем в аудитории и дополнительный материал по чтению разной степени трудности (Supplementary Reading), что позволяет преподавателю работать со студентами дифференцированно.

Модули каждого блока связаны тематически, что позволяет проводить обобщающую проверку пройденного материала по вопросам, указанным в разделе 3 пособия. Таким образом, данное учебно-методическое пособие блочно-модульного варианта способно оказать существенную помощь как преподавателю иностранного языка в процессе обучения, так и студенту при изучении данной учебной дисциплины.


1.1. Дневная форма обучения

Нумерация, название разделов, тем дисциплины и их краткое содержание

Количество часов

Практич. занятия

Раздел 1. Высшее образование

Тема 1.1. Система высшего образования в Республике Беларусь.

1. Структура высшего образования в Республике Беларусь. 2. История Белорусского государственного университета. 3. Государственная политика в области образования.

Тема 1.2. Система высшего образования в Великобритании.

1. Структура высшего образования в Великобритании. 2. Сфера образования в Великобритании. 3. Сравнительный анализ систем высшего образования Республики Беларусь и Великобритании.

Тема 1.3. Система высшего образования в США.

1. Структура высшего образования в США. 2. Американский колледж. 3. Сравнительный анализ систем высшего образования Республики Беларусь, Великобритании и США.

Тема 1.4. Наш институт.

1. Учеба в институте. 2. Студенческая жизнь. 3. Белорусский государственный экономический университет.

Тема 1.5. Будущая профессия.

1. Проблема выбора профессии. 2. Профессия экономиста. 3. Мир профессий.

1.2. Заочная форма обучения для гуманитарных специальностей

Нумерация, название разделов, тем дисциплины и их краткое содержание

Количество часов

Практич. занятия

Раздел 1. Высшее образование

Тема 1.1. Система высшего образования в Республике Беларусь.

1. Структура высшего образования в Республике Беларусь. 2. История Белорусского государственного университета. 3. Государственная политика в области образования.

Тема 1.2. Система высшего образования в Великобритании.

1. Структура высшего образования в Великобритании.

2. Сфера образования в Великобритании. 3. Сравнительный анализ систем высшего образования Республики Беларусь и Великобритании.

Тема 1.3. Система высшего образования в США.

1. Структура высшего образования в США. 2. Американский колледж. 3. Сравнительный анализ систем высшего образования Республики Беларусь, Великобритании и США.

Тема 1.4. Наш институт.

1. Учеба в институте. 2. Студенческая жизнь. 3. Белорусский государственный экономический университет.

Тема 1.5. Будущая профессия.

Проблема выбора профессии. 2. Профессия экономиста. 3. Мир профессий.

1.3. Заочная форма обучения для экономических специальностей

Нумерация, название разделов, тем дисциплины и их краткое содержание

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Scientific and intellectual potential is the main strategic resource of Belarus. That’s why Belarus has a developed system of education. It embraces a great number of educational establishments; thousands of teachers work there, about 40 % of population attends different forms of classes. The system of education in Belarus starts with the preschool education. Kindergartens and daycare centers are the first stage of Belarusian education. They help to develop physical growth, the ability to communicate in the group, to reveal personal qualities and talents which children will develop at schools. The basis of Belarusian education is secondary school. It must improve the level of general grounding, stimulate the diversification of individuality and capacities to work and learn. Secondary school starts with primary school (1-4 forms) where children are taught to read, count, draw, they are given knowledge in maths, nature studies and music.

Secondary school itself (5-9 forms) acquaints pupils with culture, science, technology. Pupils study obligatory subjects like maths, biology, physics, chemistry, history and attend different electives to enrich their knowledge in favourite subjects as well as define their future profession. Senior school (10-11 forms) finishes the secondary education. Except obligatory subjects pupils can choose other subjects depending on their interests and talents. Practically every school offers several specialized classes in maths, economy, sport, biology or languages. There are even special sport and music schools for studying sports and music on high level. It’s not obligatory to attend senior school. There are great number of new types of educational establishments like gymnasiya, lyceum, colleges, technical schools where pupils are given specialized knowledge they will need for their profession.

The higher school level comprises higher educational institutes. The Belarusian system of higher education consists of universities, academies, and institutes. It comprises 42 state and 15 non-state higher educational institutions with a total of 243,700 thousand students. Universities and academies offer graduate and post-graduate programs and are engaged in fundamental research. Whereas universities offer education in a wide variety of areas, academies have a narrower specialization (e.g., medical or management academies). Institutes are also highly specialized and usually have no post-graduate programs. They can function as separate entities or as part of a university. Higher educational institutions offer full-time (day) and part-time (night and correspondence) programs. The degree that has been traditionally conferred by Belarusian higher educational institutions is Certified Specialist. It usually requires five years of training, success in final state examinations, and defense of a thesis. The need to integrate into the world educational community has stimulated the introduction of two other degrees: Bachelor's, after four years of training, and Master's, after six years of instruction. The advanced scholarly degrees include Kandydat navuk (literally "Candidate of Sciences") and Doktar navuk (Doctor of Sciences). The degree of Kandydat is approximately equivalent to a Ph.D. and requires at least three years of post-graduate study, success in qualification examinations, and the defense of a dissertation. It’s highly prestigious to have a degree.

Applicants to higher educational institutions must have completed secondary education. The admissions are highly selective: on the average, there are 250 applications per 100 spots in full-time programs. Since some specialties are much more popular than others, the competition in the departments can be very intense. The prospective students have to take three to five entrance examinations. The obligatory subjects for all applicants are the Belarusian language and literature or the Russian language and literature. Other subjects, which have to be connected with the future specialty, are set up by the institution on the basis of the list, developed by the Ministry of Education, which includes: a foreign language, history of Belarus, new world history, humankind and society, geography, physics, information science, mathematics, chemistry, biology, art, music, technical drawing, and other subjects. The applicants who score the highest are admitted to free studies and are even paid a small monthly stipend. Those who have a gold or a silver medal take only one exam and are admitted if they get an excellent grade. Previously, higher education was free for all students. Now a certain percentage of students at state universities (those who passed the examinations but did not win the competition) pay tuition fees.

Students are graded both for their current work and examinations taken at the end of each semester. The grades used for evaluation are "excellent, good, satisfactory, and unsatisfactory." In case of a failure, students are allowed to retake the examination three times, the last time before a panel of professors. If they fail, they are expelled from the university. Excellent students receive an increase to their stipend. The course of study culminates in a state profile exam and/or defense of a thesis. Students who graduate with honors are awarded a "red certificate." So we may say that all types of educational establishments stimulate effectiveness of education according to one’s abilities and inclinations and correspond to the state educational standards.

Belarusian education is well-appreciated and valued in the world so many foreign students want to receive training there. The educational system of the country is rather developed and comprises of pre-school, school and further education. Almost 70% of children start attending nursery before going to school. This stage is not compulsory, but is recommended. School education starts at the age of 6 and lasts for about ten years. This education is compulsory and children have to follow basic curriculum. When the secondary school is over, children receive a certificate of general education completion. At the age of 15 they are free to choose their further education. Some wish to serve in the military or join the workforce. Others continue studying at vocational schools or go for a higher education. There are two official languages in Belarusian system of education: Russian and Belarusian. There are over 50 Higher Education institutions throughout the country. Most of them are state-owned. Higher education is considered to be prestigious due to its high quality and affordability. That’s why most teenagers wish to continue studies after they finish school. The courses usually run for five years and provided either full-time or by correspondence. Gifted students have a chance to receive a scholarship or grant. Vocational schools are another post-school option. They offer refresher courses and retraining opportunities, which last for three years. The most venerable institution in the country is, of course, the Belarusian State University.

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Ingo hat einen Kater mit zur Schule
gebracht. Der Kater hie? Herkules und
war hinter ihm hergerannt
Ingo hatte Herkules vor einiger Zeit auf dem Schulweg kennen
It, wenn er
ihn sah. Nun war Herkules so ein guter Freund geworden, dass
er sogar in der Schule bei Ingo sein wollte. Ingo hatte Herkules
auf dem Arm in die Klasse getragen
Zuerst hat der Kater Angst gehabt. Die vielen Kinder waren so
laut und alle wollten ihn streicheln.
Aber dann ist die Lehrerin in die Klasse gekommen. Da waren
die Kinder ganz stil, so still, dass die Lehrerin gefragt hat:
Ist etwas passiert?
Wir haben Besuche hat Andreas gerufen.
Ich sehe keinen (besuch, hat die Lehrerin gesagt
Da hat Ingo Herkules von seinem Scho? genommen und auf den
Tisch gesetzt.
Gehort er dir? hat die Lehrerin Ingo gefragt
Nein, haben die anderen Kinder gerufen. Er ist ihm
nachgerannt Kan er hier bleiben?
nein gesagt
Nein, das ware nicht gut. Ich bringe den Kater hinaus auf den
Hof. Dann wird er den Weg wieder zuruckfinden.
Die Lehrerin hat den Kater genommen
ja, das hat sie. Doch
dann hat sie den Kater gestreichelt. Sie hat ihn im Arm
gehalten und sie hat mit dem Kater geredet. Sie hat Herkules
nicht auf den Hof gebracht, sondern zu den Kindern gesagt
Wenn er still und ruhig ist, wenn er sich hinlegt, kan er hier
Dann hat die Lehrerin ihr Stuhlkissen auf den Schreibtisch
gelegt und auf das Kissen hat Sie den Kater gesetzt. So
konnten die Kinder ihn alle gut sehen Sie haben beobachtet,
wie er sich geputzt hat, wie er sich zusammengerollt hat und
er die Augen zugemacht hat. Herkules hat auf dem
Lehrerschreibtisch geschlafen Jetzt sind die Kinder alle ganz
leise gewesen. So leise styles vorher nie in der Klasse gewesen
Alle wollten, dass Herkules da bleiben sollte.
Mittags, nach der Schule, hat Ingo den Kater nach Hausse
getragen Unterwegs hat
ihn gefragt ob
wiederkommen wollte. Herkules hat nur geschnurrt
(nach Elisabeth Stiemert)
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Совокупность данных используемых всеми компонентами САПР математическое программное информационное обеспечение составляет информационный фонд. Существует несколько способов ведения информационного фонда: использование файловой системы построение библиотек использование банков данных создание специализированных программадаптеров. Она обеспечивает начальный ввод крупных массивов данных хранение текстовых документов но малопригодны при обеспечении быстрого доступа к справочным данным хранении меняющихся данных ведении текущей…
Методология построения ИАСУ
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Подготовки производства АСТПП На 2 уровне гибкие автоматизированные производства ГАП На 3 уровне ГА участки ГАУ Уровни ИСУП. Решаются задачи текущего перспективного календарного и оперативного планирования производства также выполнение предприятиями производственной программы по объёму номенклатуре и колву выпуска продукции. Решаются задачи проектирования новых изделий организации технологического процесса для производства этих изделий выбор материалов инструмента комплектующих изделий технологической подготовки производства….
Назовите и дайте определение динамических характеристик САУ. Приведите формулы аналитической связи между ними
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Динамическая характеристика это зависимость связывающая между собой приращения входной и выходной величин в переходном режиме. К динамическим характеристикам относятся: 1.Частотные: комплексная передаточная функция Wjw амплитудночастотная характеристика Ww фазочастотная характеристика w логарифмическая характеристика Lw.

Education plays a very important role in our life. It is one of the most valuable possessions a man can get in his life.
During all the periods of human history education ranked high among people. Human progress mostly depended upon well-educated people. We get our knowledge of this world and life through education. Many famous discoveries would have been impossible if people were not interested in learning something. Self-education is very important for the development of human’s talents. Only through self-education a person can become a harmonically developed personality.
A person becomes a highly qualified specialist after getting some special education. And professionalism can be reached only through it. Even highly qualified specialists from time to time attend refresher courses to refresh their knowledge.
Education develops all sides of human personality, reveals his abilities. Besides, it helps a person to understand himself, to choose the right way in this world. The civilized state differs from others in the fact that it pays much attention to the educational policy. John Kennedy said: “Our progress as a nation can be no swifter than our progress in education”. But it doesn’t concern only one particular nation. We know that science and art belong to the whole world. Before them the barriers of nationality disappear. So education brings people closer to each other, helps them to understand each other better.

Образование играет очень важную роль в нашей жизни. Это одна из самых ценных вещей, которую человек может получить в своей жизни.
В течение всех периодов человеческой истории образования имело высокий рейтинг среди населения. Человеческий прогресс в основном зависит от хорошо образованных людей. Мы получаем наши знания о мире и жизни посредством образования. Многие известные открытия были бы невозможны, если бы люди не были заинтересованы научиться чему-то. Самообразование имеет большое значение для развития человеческих талантов. Только путем самообразования человек может стать гармонично развитой личностью.
Человек становится высококвалифицированным специалистом после получения специального образования. А профессионализм может быть достигнут только через него. Даже высококвалифицированные специалисты, время от времени посещают курсы повышения квалификации для обновления своих знаний.
Образование развивает все стороны человеческой личности, раскрывает его способности. Кроме того, оно помогает человеку понять самого себя, чтобы выбрать правильный путь в этом мире. Цивилизованное государство отличается от других в том, что он уделяет большое внимание образовательной политике. Джон Кеннеди сказал: “Наш прогресс как нации не может быть быстрее, чем наш прогресс в образовании”. Но это касается не только одной конкретной нации. Мы знаем, что наука и искусство принадлежит всему миру. Перед ними барьеры национальностей исчезают. Так образование объединяет людей, помогает им лучше понимать друг друга.

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