Вечер английского языка в школе сценарий

Обновлено: 05.07.2024

Ведущий 1. Здравствуйте, дорогие друзья! Мы рады приветствовать вас на нашем традиционном празднике иностранного языка. С вами Дурягина Арина и Чупров Иван - учащиеся Ижемской школы.

Ведущий 2. Слово для приветствия участников и гостей праздника предоставляется начальнику управления образования Волковой Анжелике Васильевне

Ведущий 1. Наш сегодняшний концерт называется "Sing along and enjoy the language"

Ведущий 2 Песня – это блестящий способ не только научиться говорить на иностранном языке. Сегодня мы увидим, что разучивание песен и стихов на иностранном языке помогают людям лучше понять друг друга.

Ведущий 1. Давайте начнем с такого слогана: Music is the soul of language. Музыка – это душа языка. Те слова, которые звучат в песнях, становятся понятными и близкими, потому что музыка воспринимается сердцем. Запоминая слова в песне, мы обогащаем наш лексический запас. И учить новые слова и фразы с помощью такого способа намного интереснее и проще.

Ведущий 2. Открывает наш концерт песня Imagine в исполнении Артеевой Карины и Семяшкиной Арины. Сизябская школа

Ведущий 1. Замечательное исполнение! They say А different language is a different vision of life. Другой язык – это другое видение жизни. Когда мы поем на иностранном языке, мы знакомимся с обычаями и особенностями иной страны, иной культуры.

Ведущий 2. Выступление артистов из Койинской школы - хорошее подтверждение этому. Слушаем французскую фольклорную песню Un petit garcon в исполнении Терентьевой Надежды и Эйсмонт Лианы

Ведущий 1. Как замечательно звучит французский язык. Я бы с удовольствием слушала и слушала…

Ведущий 2. No problem! Представь, что я вышел в море, Раскрыл большой парус….

Ведущий 1. При чем здесь море и парус?

Ведущий 2. Об этом споют Канева Анастасия и Кожевин Константин, ученики Брыкаланской школы в романтической песне «Sous le vent” - На ветру

Ведущий 1. С'est génial. А мы продолжим. To sing in another language is to possess a second soul. Петь на другом языке, это как иметь другую душу.

Ведущий 2. И снова на сцене Настя Шерега с песней “Don’t let me down”

Ученица 5 класса Ижемской школы.

Ведущий 1 Brilliant! “Music is the universal language of mankind.”

Музыка – это универсальный язык человечества. Песни на разных языках понятны и взрослым, и детям. Как, например, песня Arabian nights . Встречаем артистов 6a класса Ижемской щколы.

Ведущий 1 Not to know other languages is bad, not to wish to know is worse.

Не знать языки плохо, не хотеть знать – ещё хуже. Не знать манеры, стиль общения и поведения? А мимику, жесты и речь? Культуру речи?

Ведущий 2 Арина, ты слышала такое высказывание - Money speaks language all nations understand. Деньги говорят на языке, который понятен всем нациям.

Ведущий 1 Честно? Не слышала. Но что-то в этом есть. Говорят, не в деньгах счастье. Но, как говорится, лучше грустить в Мазерати, чем в маршрутке. Об этом поем мы с одноклассниками. “Money, money, money”

Ведущий 2. А вот у меня контраргумент. Soon the Power of Love will replace the Love of money. Возможно, вскоре наступит время, когда власть любви заменит любовь к деньгам.

Ведущий 1. Ученики 8 класса Ижемской школы поют: мне не нужны деньги Пока я чувствую бит, Мне не нужны деньги, Пока я танцую. Песня - Cheap Thrills
После песни - Cheap Thrills need no money!
Ведущий 2 For the world you may be just one person but for one person you may be the whole world. Для мира ты всего лишь один человек, а для кого-то одного ты целый мир. Вокально-инструментальный ансамбль Мохченской школы в составе Дуркиной Елены, Рочевой Татьяны, Рочевой Анастасии, Антон Анастасии исполняют песню Lucky Strike

Ведущий 2 The future belongs to those who believe in beauty of their dreams. Будущее принадлежит тем, кто верит в свои мечты. Am I only dreaming? Cпрашивает Филиппова Эльвира, ученица 8 кл Сизябской школы в песне Eternal Flame.

Ведущий 1 The limits of my language mean the limits of my world. Границы моего языка - это границы моего мира. Новое дарят нам книги, музыка, кино и театр. Театр учит нас традициям и обычаям иных стран, их культуре. Например, развивает чувство юмора. Музыкальный – спектакль «All Things Are Fine, My Fair Lady в исполнении учащихся 7 класса Щельяюрской школы. Встречаем - Чупрова Яна, Филиппова Светлана, Дроботова Арина, Канева Юлия, Терентьева Виктория .

Ведущий 2 Life is one grand, sweet song, so start the music. Жизнь – это одна великая, сладостная песня, поэтому пой. It's a new world, it's a new start, It's a new day, it's a new plan поется в песне Here I am. Исполняет Рочев Аркадий 10 кл Красноборская школа

Ведущий 2 A great song should lift your heart, warm the soul and make you feel good. Хорошая песня должна возвышать сердце, согревать душу и заставлять человека чувствовать себя easy, как в песне “Thunder” Встречаем 11 класс Ижемской школы

Ведущий 1. “Music is the strongest form of magic.” Музыка – это сильнейшая форма магии. One way or another - как мантра звучит в песне, которую исполняют 10 классники Ижемской школы.

Ведущий 1 Through music we may wander where we will in time, and find friends in every century.” Посредством музыки мы можем странствовать во времени и находить друзей в каждом веке. Завершает наш концерт песня ……… Группа Городилова

Свидетельство и скидка на обучение каждому участнику

Зарегистрироваться 15–17 марта 2022 г.

Сценарий вечера английского языка

Yesterday, all my troubles seemed so far away

Now it looks as though they're here to stay

Oh, I believe in yesterday.

Suddenly, I'm not half to man I used to be,

There's a shadow hanging over me.

Oh, yesterday came suddenly.

Why she had to go I don't know she wouldn't say.

I said something wrong, now I long for yesterday.

Yesterday, love was such an easy game to play.

Now I need a place to hide away.

Oh, I believe in yesterday.

Do you know Mary?

Do you know her parents?

Yes, of course I do.

I know her father

And her mother, too.

Do you know her grandparents?

Yes, of course I do.

I know her Grandpa

And her Granny, too.

Do you know her cousin?

Yes, of course I do.

I know her nieces

And her nephews, too.

Three little kittens they lost their mittens,

And they began to cry,

Oh, mother dear, we sadly fear

Our mittens we have lost.

What! lost your mittens, you naughty kittens!

Then you shall have no pie.

Mee-ow, mee-ow, mee-ow.

No, you shall have no pie.

The three little kittens they found their mittens,

And they began to cry,

Oh, mother dear, see here, see here,

Our mittens we have found!

Put on your mittens, you silly kittens,

And you shall have some pie.

Purr-r, purr-r, purr-r,

Oh, let us have some pie.

The three little kittens put on their mittens,

And soon ate up the pie;

Oh, mother dear, we greatly fear

Our mittens we have soiled.

What! soiled your mittens, you naughty kittens!

Then they began to sigh,

Mee-ow, mee-ow, mee-ow.

Then they began to sigh.

The three little kittens they washed their mittens,

And hung them out to dry;

Oh! mother dear, do you not hear,

Our mittens we have washed!

What! washed your mittens, then you’re good kittens,

But I smell a rat close by.

Mee-ow, mee-ow, mee-ow.

We smell a rat close by.

Characters: the Story-teller, White goat, Black goat.

Story-teller: Look! Here is a river. And this is a narrow bridge over the river. This Black goat wants to cross the river and this White goat wants to cross the river. In a minute the two goats will meet on the bridge. What will they do?

White goat: Let me pass!

Black goat: No, you let me pass!

White goat: Take care!

Black goat: No, you take care!

They are coming up to one another.

White goat: Look! My horns are long! I can push you into the river!

Black goat: My horns are very strong! I can push you into the river!

White goat: Let me pass or I'll push you into the river!

Black g о a t: I'll push you into the river. Let me pass!

They begin to fight and fall down.

Story-teller: Look! The White goat and the Black goat are in the river!

There was a beautiful rose in a beautiful garden. Every morning she looked at the sun and smiled. But one morning when the sun came out he was surprised to see that his friend, the rose looked sad. He wanted to know what was the matter.

“ Dear Rose,” said the sun, “why do you look so sad?”

“ Oh dear!” answered the rose? “I am so unhappy because an ugly worm is eating my leaves and will not go away.

The sun felt very sorry for the rose. “I will not shine,” he said, “until Rose is happy.” So he hid behind a cloud.

The wind came along. ”Father Sun,” he cried,” why are you not shining today?”

“ Rose is so unhappy,” answered the sun. “An ugly worm is eating her leaves and he will not go away. I will not shine until Rose is happy.”

“ I , too, am so sorry for Rose,” said the wind. “I won’t blow until Rose is happy.”

And the wind stopped blowing.

A bird was surprised when the wind stopped blowing.

“ Mr. Wind, ” he called,” why have you stopped blowing?”

“ Rose is so unhappy. An ugly worm is eating her leaves and he will not go away. So Father Sun will not shine, Mr. Wind will not blow until Rose is happy”

“ I also love Rose,” sang the bird. “I will not sing again until Rose is happy.”

The bird met a hen .

“ Why do you look so sad? Why aren’t you singing?” said the hen .

“ Rose is so unhappy. An ugly worm is eating her leaves and it will not go away. So Father Sun will not shine, Mr. Wind will not blow and I will not sing again until Rose is happy”.

“ Really! Cried the hen . “Please tell me how this will help Rose? If you want to help Rose you must do something for her. Come with me.”

The hen and the bird went to see the rose . The old hen asked no questions. She did not even take the time to say good morning. She looked at the leaves of the rose with her little eyes. She found the worm and ate it.

“ There, “ she said. “See how I have helped Rose and at the same time had a delicious breakfast.”

Friday night and the lights are low

Looking out for the place to go

Where they play the right music, getting in the swing

You come in to look for a king

Anybody could be that guy

Night is young and the music's high

With a bit of rock music, everything is fine

You're in the mood for a dance

And when you get the chance.

You are the Dancing Queen, young and sweet, only seventeen

Dancing Queen, feel the beat from the tambourine

You can dance, you can jive, having the time of your life

See that girl, watch that scene, dig in the Dancing Queen

You're a teaser, you turn 'em on

Leave them burning and then you're gone

Looking out for another, anyone will do

You're in the mood for a dance

And when you get the chance.

You are the Dancing Queen, young and sweet, only seventeen

Dancing Queen, feel the beat from the tambourine

You can dance, you can jive, having the time of your life

See that girl, watch that scene, dig in the Dancing Queen.

7. Leader: Now comes the play «Who stole the Hen? The actors are the pupils of Class 7.

Characters: Woman, an Old Man, villagers — men and women (4—6 people), a Thief.

A hen is standing in the middle of the stage. A man with a bag walks across the stage. He sees the hen, takes it and puts it into his bag.

Thief: What luck! A fine hen! I shall have eggs now! (Runs out.)

Woman (comes in): Chick, chick, chick; where are you? Come here, my little hen! But where is my hen? Chick, chick, chick! No hen! Dear me, somebody has stolen it, yes, somebody has stolen it, I am sure! Oh, what shall I do? What will my children do without eggs?

She begins to cry. Some people come in. The thief comes in with them.

1st Woman: What's the matter?

Woman (crying): Oh, somebody has stolen my hen.

2 nd Woman: That's too bad.

Some women: Too bad. too bad.

1st M a n: I know a man who can help you. He is a very old man, but he is very clever.

2nd Man: Yes, I know him, too! That man will find the thief, I know, I shall bring him here.

He goes out and comes back with an Old Man.

Old Man: What has happened here? Tell me!

Woman (crying): Somebody has stolen my hen!

Old Man: Don't cry, my dear! We shall find your hen. We shall call together all the people of the village. We shall soon find out who stole your hen.

Woman: But the thief won't tell you anything.

Old m a n: He won't have to. My cock will tell me who the thief is.

People: Your cock? How can that be?

Old Man: You will see. My cock is very clever. If the thief touches him with his right hand he will say: "The thief, the thief!"

People: Is that so? Oh, how wonderful!

Old Man: Wait and you will see!

People: That's very interesting. What a clever cock! But it can't be true.

Old Man: Now, my dear neighbours, let us begin. Is everybody here?

People: Yes, everybody is here!

Old Man: Then, please, wait a moment. I shall bring the cock. (He goes away and comes back with a black cock in his hands,) Now, everybody, come up to the cock one after another and stroke him with your right hand! Don't be afraid, he will tell the truth, only the truth!

The people come up to the cock one after another.

1st Man (stroking the cock): I am not afraid to stroke it. I did not take the hen.

2 nd Man (strokes the cock): Nor did I.

1st Woman (strokes the cock): Oh, you good, clever cock! I am not afraid, not a little bit! I'm not a thief!

2nd Woman: Nor am I (strokes the cock).

3rd Woman: Nor am I (strokes the cock).

All the men and women come up to the cock and stroke it one after another. The thief is among them. But he does not stroke the cock's back, he only pretends to do so. At last everybody has stroked the cock.

People: Now, where is the thief? The cock did not say anything. He doesn't know the thief. The cock is foolish.

The thief tries to run away, but the people near him do not let him go.

People: Stop the thief! Stop him!

Thief: Oh, I am sorry, I am so sorry! I will give the hen back! Let me go, please! I'll never do it again.

Goes out and comes back with the hen.

Old Man: Let's go home, my dear little cock, and I'll give you some seeds. (Wipes him with a duster.) You are a clever little cock.

Someone told me long ago

There's a calm before the storm

I know - It's been coming for some time

When it's over so they sy

It'll rain a sunny day

I know shining down like water

have you ever seen the rain

Have you ever seen the rain

comin' down on a sunny day

Yesterday and days before

sun is cold and rain is hard

I know - been that way for all my time

'till forever on it goes

Through the circle fast and slow

I know - and it can't stop I wonder

have you ever seen the rain

Have you ever seen the rain

comin' down on a sunny day

someone told me long ago

There's a calm before the storm

I know - it's been coming for some time

When it's over so they say

It'll rain a sunny day

I know - shining down like water

have you ever seen the rain

Have you ever seen the rain

comin' down on a sunny day.

Leader: Our English party is over now. Thank you for your attention. Good-bye, everybody! Please come to our next party.

Составила и провела учитель английского языка : Грибовская Г. А.

Сценарий концерта декады английского языка

I still recall the wondrous moment :

When you appeared before my sight

As thought a brief and fleeting omen,

Pure phantom in enchanting light.

In sorrow, when I felt unwell,

Caught in the bustle, in a gaze,

I fell under your voice’s spell

And dreamt the features of your face.

Years passed and gales dispelled

My former hopes, and in those days.

I lost your voice’s sacred spell,

The holy features of your face.

Detained in darkness, isolation,

My days began to drag in strife.

Without faith and inspiration,

Without tears, and love and life.

My soul attained its waking moment :

You re-appeared before my sight,

As though a brief and fleeting omen,

Pure phantom in enchanting light.

And now, my heart, with fascination,

Beats rapidly and finds revived

Devout faith and inspiration,

And tender rears and love and life.

Я помню чудное мгновенье:

Передо мной явилась ты,

Как мимолетное виденье,

Как гений чистой красоты.

В томленьях грусти безнадежной,

В тревогах шумной суеты,

Звучал мне долго голос нежный

И снились милые черты.

Шли годы. Бурь порыв мятежный

Рассеял прежние мечты,

И я забыл твой голос нежный,

Твои небесные черты.

В глуши, во мраке заточенья

Тянулись тихо дни мои

Без божества, без вдохновенья,

Без слез, без жизни, без любви.

Душе настало пробужденье:

И вот опять явилась ты,

Как мимолетное виденье,

Как гений чистой красоты.

И сердце бьется в упоенье,

И для него воскресли вновь

И божество, и вдохновенье,

И жизнь, и слезы, и любовь.

Ведущий 1. Hello, boys and girls. We are glad to see you at our English concert. You’ll hear children’s rhymes and songs, try to guess riddles. We hope you’ll understand everything and enjoy our concert. Now let’s start.

Ведущий 2. Привет, мальчишки и девчонки. Мы рады видеть вас на нашем концерте. Вы услышите детские стихи, песни, постараетесь отгадать загадки. Мы надеемся, что вы все поймете, и вам понравится наш концерт.

Ведущий 1. We will recite poems, sing the song, dance, you will watch short plays and we will have some quiz!

Ведущий 2. Мы расскажем стихи, споем песни, будем танцевать, увидим короткие сценки и поиграем!

Ведущий 1. English boys and girls study a lot of subjects. They get different marks. Do you know that their marks differ from yours? They are letters, the best mark is A, the worst one is D.

Ведущий 2. Мальчики и девочки в Англии изучают много предметов. Они получают разные отметки. А знаете ли вы, что их отметки отличаются от ваших? Они обозначаются английскими буквами – лучшая отметка – это А. Самая плохая – это Д.

Ведущий 1.Let’s watch a joke!

Ведущий 2. Давайте посмотрим шутку! (Выступает 6 класс) Сценка. Приложение 2.

Ведущий 1. Thank you! And now quiz. Let’s check what you know about the UK. If you answer correctly – you get a good mark. Answer the questions!

Ведущий 2. Спасибо. А сейчас викторина. Давайте посмотрим, как хорошо вы знаете Объединенное Королевство Великобритании. Если Вы ответите правильно – Вы получите хорошую оценку. Отвечайте на вопросы!

Questions – Викторина. (презентация, приложение 3)

What is the largest part of the UK? (England)

Самая большая часть Великобритании?

Which river runs through London? (The Thames)

На какой реке Лондон?

What parts does the UK consist of? (the UK consist of 4 parts : England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland)

Из каких частей состоит Великобритания?

What is the favorite topic to discuss in GB? (the weather)

Любимая тема для обсуждения?

Which birds according to legend protect the Tower of London? (Ravens)

Какие птицы, согласно легенде, защищают Лондонский Тауэр?

Who is the head of Great Britain? (The Queen)

Where was Charlie Chaplin born? (In London)

Где родился Чаплин?

What is the national symbol of England?

Национальный символ Англии?

Name the capitals of England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland. (London, Edinburgh, Cardiff and Belfast)

Назовите столицы Англии, Шотландии, Уэльса и Северной Ирландии.

Who was called “An Iron Lady”? (Margaret Thatcher)

Ведущий 1. Oh! You are very clever! Thanks.

Ведущий 2. Какие Вы молодцы. Спасибо!

Ведущий 1. The following students have prepared for you a very interesting short play. Let’s support them and all together watch the fairy tale “The Turnip”.

Grandpa planted a turnip. The turnip grew bigger and bigger.

Grandpa came to pick the turnip, pulled and pulled but couldn’t pull it up!

Grandpa called Grandma. Grandma pulled Grandpa, Grandpa pulled the turnip. They pulled and pulled but couldn’t pull it up!

Granddaughter came. Granddaughter pulled Grandma, Grandma pulled Grandpa, and Grandpa pulled the turnip. They pulled and pulled but couldn’t pull it up!

The doggy came. Doggy pulled Granddaughter, Granddaughter pulled Grandma, Grandma pulled Grandpa, and Grandpa pulled the turnip. They pulled and pulled but couldn’t pull it up!

A kitty came. Kitty pulled doggy, Doggy pulled Granddaughter, Granddaughter pulled Grandma, Grandma pulled Grandpa, and Grandpa pulled the turnip. They pulled and pulled but couldn’t pull it up!

A mouse came. The mouse pulled kitty, Kitty pulled doggy, Doggy pulled Granddaughter, Granddaughter pulled Grandma, Grandma pulled Grandpa, and Grandpa pulled the turnip. They pulled and pulled and pulled the turnip up!

Ведущий 1. Oh! You are very fanny! Thanks. Let’s sing a song together “Yellow Submarine”

Ведущий 2. Какие Вы смешные! Спасибо. Давайте вместе споем песню “Yellow Submarine” (Выступает 7 класс)

In the town where I was born

Lived a man who sailed to sea

And he told us of his life

In the land of submarines

So we sailed up to the sun

Till we found the sea of green

And we lived beneath the waves

In our yellow submarine

We all live in a yellow submarine

Yellow submarine, yellow submarine

We all live in a yellow submarine

Yellow submarine, yellow submarine

And our friends are all aboard

Many more of them live next door

And the band begins to play

As we live a life of ease

Everyone of us has all we need

Sky of blue and sea of green

In our yellow submarine

Ведущий 1. And now the song about the alphabet

Ведущий 2. А сейчас песня про алфавит. (выступает 2 класс)


I can sing the alphabet,

Can you do the same?

I can sing the alphabet,

I’ve got it in my head!

N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z!

Ведущий 1. It’s great. And the next turn for the children from 3 class

Ведущий 2. Отлично. А следующие выступают ученики 3 класса.

Yummy, yummy chocolate.

Yummy, yummy chocolate,

That "s what l like!

Chocolate on a biscuit,

Chocolate on a cake!

I don’ t like eggs,

And l don’t like cheese!

But yummy, yummy chocolate,

Ведущий 1. It’s good. Let’s listen to the story “Baa, baa, black sheep”

Baa, Baa, Black Sheep

Baa, baa, black sheep,

Have you any wool?

Yes sir, yes sir,

Three bags full.

One for the master,

One for the dame,

And one for the little boy

Who lives down the lane.

Thank you says the master

Thank you say the dame

And thank you says the little boy

Who lives down the lane.

Ведущий 1. Well done. It’s good. Let’s clap your hands, let’s listen to the poem “Book look”

Ведущий 2. Отличная работа. Это хорошо. Давайте хлопнем в ладоши, давайте послушаем стихотворение “Книжный взгляд”. (Выступает 8 класс)

Book Look (by Barbara Walker).

Since books are friends,

They need much care.

When you’re reading them,

Be good for them and fair!

Use book-marks, children,

To hold your place,

And don’t turn the book

Upon its clear face.

Remember, children, then :

Books are meant to read,

Not cut or color them –

No, really never indeed.

P5. Can you guess?

We have friends. They cannot walk, and cannot see.

But they are very good to you and me.

With these friends we sail on ships and ride on trains

And even fly in airplanes.

These friends show us

Towns, seas and lands.

Can you guess who are these good friends?

What is it that is black and white, and yet red all over?

Ведущий 1. The students from 7 and 9 forms sing a song “I have a dream”

I have a dream, a song to sing

To help me cope with anything

If you see the wonder of a fairy tale

You can take the future even if you fail

I believe in angels

Something good in everything I see

I believe in angels

When I know the time is right for me

I’ll cross the stream - I have a dream

I have a dream, a fantasy

To help me through reality

And my destination makes it worth the while

Pushing through the darkness still another mile

I believe in angels

Something good in everything I see

I believe in angels

When I know the time is right for me

I’ll cross the stream - I have a dream

I’ll cross the stream - I have a dream

I have a dream, a song to sing

To help me cope with anything

If you see the wonder of a fairy tale

You can take the future even if you fail

I believe in angels

Something good in everything I see

I believe in angels

When I know the time is right for me

I’ll cross the stream - I have a dream

I’ll cross the stream - I have a dream

Ведущий 1. I would like to listen to the 9 form. Welcome! Poem in Dutch.

Du liebst mich nicht

Ich bin die Nacht

Du bist das Licht

Ich bin der Schmerz

Du bist das Glck

Drum schaue nie

Ich wei und fhl es

Du liebst mich nicht

Ты любишь не меня.

Я – ночь, я – мрак.

А ты – сиянье дня!

Я – боль, страдание.

Ты – счастие, веселье!

И взгляда не подаришь мне теперь уж, без сомненья,

И знаю, чувствую – напрасно я молю:

Ты любишь не меня.

Но я тебя люблю!

Игры на уроках английского языка Игры на уроках английского языка. Игровой формат обучения является неотъемлемой частью урочной и внеурочной формой обучения и выполняет.

Развитие коммуникативной компетенции учащихся на уроках английского языка Развитие коммуникативной компетенции учащихся на уроках английского языка Устная речь является не просто описанием, повествованием и рассуждением,.

Нажмите, чтобы узнать подробности

Рекомендована для проведения внеклассного мероприятия по природно-рефлексивной технологии саморазвития человека. Мероприятие нацелено на воспитание у обучающихся чувства уважения к языку и традициям Великобритании, страны изучаемого языка; расширения знаний по английскому языку и повышения интереса к изучаемому языку.

Технологическая карта проведения внеклассного мероприятия

Список использованной литературы.

Как и все внеклассные мероприятия, вечера, на иностранном языке призваны повышать интерес учащихся к изучаемому языку, расширять, закреплять и углублять имеющиеся у них знания, умения и навыки, помогать учащимся увидеть истинные возможности иностранного языка и убедить их в том, что изучение иностранного языка является необходимым условием успешного жизненного развития современного человека; что в настоящее время каждый образованный человек должен знать как минимум два иностранного языка, что они изучают его для своего будущего профессионального развития.

Развить потребности и интерес к изучению английского языка.

Развить систему способностей: исследовательских, проектировочных, исполнительских, коммуникативных.

Для проведения мероприятия используются следующие средства: магнитофон, СD-диски с песнями, компьютер, мультимедийный проектор, презентация к внеклассному мероприятию, книжная выставка, плакаты, пословицы и высказывания:

Мероприятие проводится по природно-рефлексивной технологии с организацией трех пространств: целевого, поискового и рефлексивного. Это позволяет учащимся в полной мере и объективно осознать свои нравственные и патриотические ценности, а преподавателю (ведущему) достигнуть всех целей мероприятия.

План внеклассного мероприятия

Вид внеклассного мероприятия: вечер

Цель познавательная: выявить потребности в расширении знаний при изучении английского языка и традиций.

Структура исследования:

Вступительное слово ведущего на английском языке.

Нормой является: культура поведения человека, культура общения.

Методом является: Ц →Ср. Сп. → Д → д → Р → R

Результатом внеклассного мероприятия будут способности учащихся:

1. Исследовательские: воспринимать и анализировать информацию.

2. Проектировочные: проектировать индивидуальные цели, ответы.

3. Исполнительские: принимать в общении и в отношении друг с другом рассмотренный материал.

4. Коммуникативные: - выявить положительные стороны в общении друг с другом,

- соблюдать межличностные отношения и нормы общения со сверстниками,

5. Рефлексивные: - осознать результат своей мыследеятельности для совершенствования себя, развития и саморазвития.

Технологическая карта внеклассного мероприятия

Цель познавательная: выявить потребности в расширении знаний при изучении английского языка и традиций.

1. Целевое пространство

1.1. Сообщает тему внеклассного мероприятия.

1.2. Собирает и корректирует индивидуальные цели.

1.3. Подводит к общим целям.

1.4. Сообщает общие цели внеклассного мероприятия.

-формируют индивидуальные цели.

Правила поведения, культура МЛО.

Соответствие ИЦ данной ситуации.

1.Исследовательские: воспринимать и анализировать информацию.

2.Проектировочные: проектировать индивидуальные цели, ответы.

3.Исполнительские: принимать в общении и в отношении друг с другом рассмотренный материал.

4.Коммуникативные: - выявить положительные стороны в общении друг с другом,

- соблюдать межличностные отношения и нормы общения со сверстниками,

5.Рефлексивные: - осознать результат своей мыследеятельности для совершенствования себя, развития и саморазвития.

2.Организация продуктивного пространства.

2.1. Действие по сценарию внеклассного мероприятия.

2.2. Организует исследовательскую деятельность студентов по сценарию:

2.2.1. Вступительное слово ведущего на английском языке.

-слайды на мультимедийном проекторе,

-слайды на мультимедийном проекторе,

-слайды на мультимедийном проекторе,

3. Организация рефлексивного пространства.

3.1. Собирает рефлексию.

3.2. Подводит к выводам.

Делают рефлексию по индивидуальным целям.

Соответствие ИЦ и рефлексии

1. Вступительное слово ведущего( St.1) на английском языке.

«Nowdays it is especially important to know foreign languages. Some people learn languages, because they need them for their work, others travel abroad, for the third studying languages is a hobby.

Everyone who learns and knows foreign languages can speak to people from other countries, read foreign authors in the original, which makes your outlook wider.

Nowdays English has become the world’s most important language in politics, science, trade and cultural relations.

Over 300 million people speak it as a mother tongue.

English is one of the official languages in many countries and of United Nations Organization and other political organizations. Half of the words of scientific literature is in English.

It is the language of computer technology.

To know English today is absolutely necessary for every educated man, for every good specialist.

That is why in order to understand oneself and environment one has to study foreign language.

(After Jerome K. Jerome)

Persons of the Play.

Morning. Baby’s bed to the night. An easy – chair, some chairs, a table, a mirror on the wall.

Mrs. Pratt: There, there, there, put the little head on Mamma’s breast and go to sleep – and pretty

soon… Mamma must go and see Granny. Sh, sh, sh… (Stops at the bed, puts the

children.) My precious, my love! (Kissing her hand to Baby.) Good-bye, my own!

Good-bye! (Goes to the mirror, puts on her hat and gloves, takes the umbrella and hand-

bag. Enters Mr. Pratt.) Sh, sh, sh… Baby is sleeping! I must be off! Listen. (Shaking

her finger.) As soon as Baby wakes up…

Mr. Pratt: As soon as Baby wakes up…

Mrs. Pratt: You take the Baby to my mother.

Mr. Pratt: I take the Baby to my mother…

Mrs. Pratt: Why, darling? To my mother…

Mr. Pratt: Well, of course to your mother…

Mrs. Pratt: With Baby’s complete change of clothing. And set out… at eleven o’clock sharp… and

don’t for goodness sake, forget anything!

Mr. Pratt: Of course not! Why should I…

Mrs. Pratt: Good-bye, darling, good-bye.

To the left, a bench; to the right, a gate leading into a garden. Mr. Pratt appears on the stage with a perambulator, stops.

Mr. Pratt: I’m sure I’ve forgotten something. (Takes off his hat, scratches his head.) But what?

Flannel petticoats? Bibs? Socks? No, it isn’t that. And still there is something missing.

And what if I start with the Baby’s head and work downstairs? (Pointing to his head,

mouth, feet, etc.) Bonnet, bibs, flannel petticoats, socks… No, it isn’t that! And I’m sure

I’ve forgotten something! (Scratches his head again.) Let’s try and travel upwards from

socks to bonnet: socks, flannel petticoats, bibs, bonnet… (after a pause.) It doesn’t help.

(Moves slowly on in the direction of the bench. Enters Stillkins.) Hello Stillkins! Look

here, think over your family, and tell me what your babies wear!

Stillkins: Seems to me, Pratt, your head wants some fresh air!

Mr. Pratt: You see, I’m taking the Baby to his mother and I’ve forgotten one of his things

(approaches the bench and sits down), remind me… what is it?

Mr. Pratt: No, I’ve thought about them dozens of times.

Stillkins: Lace collars? Socks? Handkerchiefs?

Mr. Pratt: No, it isn’t that.

Stillkins: Bonnets? Flannel petticoats?

Mr. Pratt: (impatiently) No, it isn’t that. (Enters Mowitt.) Three heads are better than two. Hullo,

Stillkins: Hullo, Mowitt! Pratt has forgotten something belonging to the Baby. Can’t you tell us

Mowitt: Bibs. (sits down)

Mr. Pratt: (mockingly)The idea! May be you will suggest bonnets or…

Stillkins: (laughing, standing up). Or flannel petticoats, or socks?

Mr. Pratt: (stands up, too). Or lace collars…

Mr. Mowitt: (stands up). Handkerchiefs… Damp it all! … What can it really be!

Mr. Pratt and Stillkins: That’s the question!

(The three slowly approach the gate. Mrs. Pratt runs out of the garden to take the child.)

Mrs. Pratt: My child, my love… Oh, dear!

Mr. Pratt: (his knees shaking under him). Oh, I know! I know, I’ve forgotten something. Lizzie!

(Whining) I’ve tried to remember… Stillkins and Mowitt…

Mrs. Pratt: You idiot! Where is the baby?

3. Песня на английском языке.( St.6 )

My heart will go on

1. Every night in my dreams

I see you. I feel you.

That is how I know you go on.

Far across the distance

And spaces between us

You have come to show you go on.

Near, far, wherever you are

I believe that the heart does go on

Once more you open the door

And you're here in my heart

And my heart will go on and on

2. Love can touch us one time

And last for a lifetime

And never go till we're one

Love was when I loved you

One true time I hold to

In my life we'll always go on

Near, far, wherever you are

I believe that the heart does go on

Once more you open the door

And you're here in my heart

And my heart will go on and on

You're here, there's nothing I fear,

And I know that my heart will go on

We'll stay forever this way

You are safe in my heart

And my heart will go on and go on.

4. Бал цветов(Dramatization)

The Flower meeting

In the Queen-rose’s palace all the flowers gathered to decide their turn to come on the earth. The Queen-rose is sitting on her throne at one side. The flowers come up to her one by one and present themselves.

Snowdrop: I am a nice little flower in a white dress. I have no smell.

Queen-rose: Your name will be Snowdrop. You will be the first flower in spring. People will see

you on the places where the snow becomes water in the sun. They will like you very

(The Snowdrop bows and stands at one side of the throne.)

Violet: I am a spring flower, too. My dress is violet. I am very nice, as you see.

Queen-rose: Your name is Violet. you will come after the Snowdrop, a little later, when there is no snow in the fields, the days are longer and it is warmer.

(The Violet stands at the other side of the throne.)

Buttercup: I am a little flower. I am dressed in a nice yellow dress. I like the sun, I like it when it’s

Queen-rose: Then you must come in summer, when it is warm and the sun shines all day long. Your

name will be Buttercup.

(It bows and stands next to the Snowdrop.)

Bluebell: I am a blue like the sky, and my dress is like a bell. I like the sun, too.

Queen-rose: Oh, I know, your name will be Bluebell. People will see you in the grass. You will

make the fields beautiful.

(It bows and stands next to the Violet.)

Corn-flower: My colors is blue, too. I make the fields beautiful, but I make the harvest not very rich.

Queen-rose: Your name, my beautiful one, will be Corn-flower. People will see you in the fields all

(The Corn-flower bows and steps aside.)

Sunflower: Look at me, please. I am like the sun.

Queen-rose: Yes, you look like the sun, so your name will be Sunflower. People will see you in the

country in August, and you will look at the sun every day.

(The Sunflower bows and stands at one side of the throne.)

Queen-rose (stands up and goes to the middle of the room): Well, my dear flowers. Now you know that you are spring and summer flowers. You are not garden flowers. People can see most of you only in the fields. Now let us sing and dance. Spring and summer will come here soon, and you must be ready to come together with them: first the Snowdrop, then the Violet, after them the Buttercup and the Bluebell, and then the Corn-flower and the Sunflower.

(All the flower make a ring)

Buttercup (coming into the middle of it, recites):

Oh, the nicest flower,

Coming in the springtime

To tell of sunny hours.

When the trees are leafless,

When the fields are bare,

Spring up here and there.

(All are singing the song ’Tis Springtime)

’Tis springtime, ’tis springtime,

Cold winter is past,

Warm breezes are blowing,

And May’s here at last.

The birds are returning.

Their songs you can hear,

And meadows are smiling

With spring flowers( here.

5. Современный танец.(St.14,15)

6. Стихотворение на английском языке.(St.16)

Henry Wadsworth Longfellow (1807-1882)
The Arrow and the Song

1. I shot an arrow into the air,
It fell to earth, I knew not where;
For, so swiftly it flew, the sight
Could not follow it in its flight.

2. I breathed a song into the air,
It fell to earth, I knew not where;
For who has sight so keen and strong,
That it can follow the flight of a song?

3. Long, long afterward, in an oak
I found the arrow, still unbroke;
And the song, from beginning to end,
I found again in the heart of a friend

7. Песня на английском языке.(St.17)

1. You only see what your eyes want to see
How can life be what you want it to be
You’re frozen, when your heart’s not open
You’re so consumed with how much you get
You waste your time with hate and regret
You’re broken, when your heart’s not open

If I could melt your heart
We’d never be apart
Give yourself to me
You hold the key

2. Now there’s no point in placing the blame
And you should know I suffer the same
If I lose you, my heart will be broken
Love is a bird, she needs to fly
Let all the hurt inside of you die
You’re frozen, when your heart’s not open

If I could melt your heart
We’d never be apart
Give yourself to me
You hold the key

3. You only see what your eyes want to see
How can life be what you want it to be
You’re frozen, when your heart’s not open

If I could melt your heart
We’d never be apart
Give yourself to me
You hold the key

If I could melt your heart
We’d never be apart
Give yourself to me
You hold the key…

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