Сценарий сказки три поросенка на английском языке для начальной школы

Обновлено: 03.07.2024

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учительВоробьёваМ . Н.

Characters: Naff-Naff Nuff-Nuff , Niff-Niff Big Bad Wolf

Pigs ( together ): We are three merry little pigs. (Dancing round the tree and singing) :

Who's afraid of the Big Bad Wolf,

Big Bad Wolf, Big Bad Wolf?

Who's afraid of the Big Bad Wolf,

Naff-Naff: S top dancing and listen to me. Winter is coming. In winter Big Bad Wolf is very hungry. We must make a house and live there together.

Niff-Niff : Oh, no! Winter is not coming. We have time to play and sing!

Nuff-Nuff : Yes, yes, we have time to play and sing!

Naff-Naff : As you like. I`ll go and make a house .

Nuff-Nuff: I'll go and make a house, too ( тоже ) .

Niff-Niff : I'll go and make a house, too( тоже ).

Niff-Niff : I have made my house of hay, house of hay, house of hay . I have made my house of hay, Tra-la-la-la-la-la!

Nuff -N uff :I have made my house of sticks, house of sticks, house of sticks. I have made my house of sticks, Tra-la-la-la-la-la!

Naff-Naff : I have made my house of bricks, house of bricks, house of bricks. I have made my house of bricks, Tra-la-la-la-la-la!

Wolf: I`m a wolf. I am very hungry! I see a pig`s house. Knock-knock! Open the door and let me in!

Niff-Niff: No, no! Go away , Big Bad Wolf!

Wolf : I `ll puff and puff and blow your house down. 3,2,1!

Wolf : I'll catch you!

Niff-Niff (to Nuff-Nuff) : Nuff-Nuff, help me! Big Bad Wolf wants to eat me up.

Wolf : Knock-knock! Open the door and let me in.

Niff-Niff and Nuff-Nuff : No, no! Go away, Big Bad Wolf!

Wolf : I`ll puff and puff and blow your house down. 3,2,1!

Niff-Niff and Nuff-Nuff : No, no!

Wolf :I'll catch you!

Niff-Niff and Nuff-Nuff : Naff-Naff , help us! Big Bad Wolf wants to eat us up.

Naff-Naff : Don't be afraid. My house is made of bricks.

Wolf : Knock-knock! Open the door and let me in.

All (together) : No, no! Go away, Big Bad Wolf!

Wolf : I`ll puff and puff and blow your house down. 3,2,1!

(The Wolf blows and blows but cannot blow the house down. Naff-Naff opens the window and knocks the Wolf on the head with a big stick. The Wolf runs away. )

All the "pigs" : We aren't afraid of the Big Bad Wolf,

Big Bad Wolf, Big Bad Wolf.

We aren't afraid of the Big Bad Wolf!Tra-la-la-la-la-la!

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  • Лицензия на осуществление образовательной деятельности № 4276 от 19.11.2020 года. Серия 78 ЛО № 0000171 Выдана Комитетом по образованию Правительства Санкт-Петербурга
  • В соответствии с Федеральной целевой программой развития системы образования на 2011–2015 гг. и проектом концепции федеральной целевой программы развития образования на 2016–2020 гг.

Декорации: Домики из соломы, из дерева, из кирпича; елочки; цветы; метла.

(Под музыку выбегают три поросенка, танцуют танец)

Speaker: Once upon a time there lived three little pigs.

Naff-Naff (standing up and coming forward) ; Hello, boys and girls! I am Naff-Naff.

Speaker: Hello, Naff-Naff!

Nuff-Nuff (coming up) : Good morning, boys and girls! I am Nuff-Nuff.

Speaker: Good morning, Snuff-Snuff. We are glad to meet you.

Niff- Niff (coming up): Good morning, boys and girls. And I am Niff-Niff.

Speaker: Good morning, Niff-Niff. We are glad to meet you.

(Танцуют вокруг елочки и поют песенку):

Who's afraid of Big Grey Wolf,

Big Grey Wolf, Big Grey Wolf?

Who's afraid of Big Grey Wolf,

Naff-Naff: Winter is coming. In winter Big Grey Wolf is very hungry. We must make a house and live there together.

Ni f f - N i f f: Oh, no! Winter is not coming. We have time to play and sing!

Nuff- Nuff: Yes, yes, we have time to play and sing!

Naff-Naff: As you like. I will go and make a house (уходит строить дом).

(Нуф-Нуф и Ниф-Ниф продолжают веселиться, хлопают в ладоши, рассказывают стишок хором)

Tomorrow on Sunday we’ll go to the zoo,

Tomorrow tomorrow we’ll go to the zoo.

(Пока поросята играли, наступила зима, танец метели)

Nuff-Nuff: I will go and make a house, too (goes away).

Ni f f - N i f f: I will go and make a house, too.

Niff-Niff (строит дом и поет песенку) :

I have made my house of grass.

House of grass, house of grass.

I have made my house of grass,

Nuff-Nuff (строит дом и поет песенку) :

I have made my house of sticks.

House of sticks, house of sticks.

I have made my house of sticks,

Naff-Naff (строит дом и поет песенку) :

I have made my house of bricks.

House of sticks, house of bricks.

I have made my house of bricks,

(На сцене появляется волк)

Wolf: My name is Wolf.

Speaker:Go away. Big Grey Wolf!

Wolf: Hush, children! I see three nice little pigs. Oh, I am very hungry! Ha! Ha! Ha!

Its colour’s pink,

It’s nice, I think.

(Волк подходит к домику из соломы)

Wolf: Niff-Niff let me in!

Niff-Niff: Go away, Big Grey Wolf!

Wolf: I will puff and puff and blow your house down.

Speaker: He blows and blows and he blows the house

down. Niff-Niff runs to Nuff-Nuff’s house.

(Волк бежит за Ниф-Нифом, Ниф-Ниф забегает в домик к Нуф-Нуфу)

Wolf: Nuff-Nuff, let me in!

Nif f - N i f f' and Nuff-Nuff:Oh, no! Go away, you Big Grey Wolf!

Wolf: I will puff and puff and blow your house down.

Speaker: The Wolf blows and blows and he blows the house down. The little pigs run to Naff-Naff’s house.

(Волк бежит за Нуф-Нуфом и Ниф-Нифом, они прячутся в домик Наф-Нафа)

Niff-Niff f' and Nuff-Nuff: Oh, Brother, save us!

Wolf: Naff-Naff, let me in! I will puff and puff and blow your house down.

Speaker: The Wolf blows and blows but cannot blow the house down. Naff-Naff opens the window and knocks the wolf on the head with a big broom.

(Волк не может сдуть домик, Наф-Наф выходит и выгоняет волка большой метлой)

Naff-Naff: Go away, Big Grey Wolf!

(Волк, хромая, уходит в лес, воет, звучит музыка)

Wolf: I will be back!

(Все поросята встают в круг и поют песенку, во втором куплете к ним присоединяется волк)

Свидетельство и скидка на обучение каждому участнику

Зарегистрироваться 15–17 марта 2022 г.

The Three Little Pigs

(влетает сорока, смотрит в зеркало, любуется собой)

Magpie: Hello! I am Magpie. But animals in this forest call me Maggi. I am very pretty. I am very clever. I know everything in this forest. I know that it is autumn now. The leaves turn red, yellow and brown but soon the winter will come. Oh, what is that noise about? These are three little pigs. They play and enjoy themselves all days long.

(вбегают три поросенка, звучит музыка, они веселятся, танцуют)

3d pig : Browny, Whitie, listen. Winter is coming. We must go and make a house to live.

1st pig: They say there will be no winter this year. Brothers, let’s play.

3d pig : I know it is very cold in winter and hungry wolves will come too.

2nd pig: We are not afraid of wolves. Brothers, let’s play and have fun.

(1 и 2 поросята танцуют под песню Who’s afraid of big bad wolf?)

3d pig: I want to play with you too. But I need to get bricks for my house. It will warm and

( пожимает плечами , уходит )

Magpie : Browny, Whitie, you are playing here, but your brother Blacky is making a warm

1st pig : It is easy. I will get some straw and make a house quickly.

2nd pig : I will make a house very quickly too. I will get some twigs and make a stronger house than yours.

Magpie: Brothers, straw and twigs are not strong. Your brother is making a house of bricks. It will be the strongest house. Let’s see.

( уходят )

Magpie : Fly for your lives! The wolf ran away from the Zoo. Fly for your lives!

(волк засыпает, появляются 1 и 2 поросята, они играют в мяч)

1st pig: I build my house of straw

I build my house of hay

I toot my flute

I don't give a hoot

And play around all day.

2nd pig: I build my house of sticks
I build my house of twigs
With a hey-diddle-diddle
I play on my fiddle
And dance all kinds of jigs

( играют и попадают мячом в спящего волка)

Wolf: What’s the matter? Oh, my lunch, my dinner. I like meat, a lot of meat.

(поросята дрожат, волк рычит и начинается погоня)

(поросята забегают в первый домик из соломы)

Wolf: Little pig, little pig, let me in, let me in.

1st pig: Not by the hair on my chinny chin chin!

Wolf: Then I’ll huff and I’ll puff and I’ll blow your house in.

(дует и домик разлетается, и поросята убегают во второй домик из прутьев)

Wolf: Little pig, little pig, let me in, let me in.

2nd pig: Not by the hair on my chinny chin chin!

Wolf: Then I’ll huff and I’ll puff and I’ll blow your house in.

(дует и домик разлетается, и поросята убегают в третий домик из кирпича)

1 and 2 pigs: Blackie, brother, help us!

Wolf: Little pig, little pig, let me in, let me in.

3d pig: Not by the hair on my chinny chin chin!

Wolf: Then I’ll huff and I’ll puff and I’ll blow your house in.

3d pig: Come on! I don’t care. My house is very strong.

Wolf: This is a clever little pig. But I am very strong and I am very hungry!

(волк пытается открыть дверь, но дверью прищемил палец, садится и плачет)

( поросята осторожно выходят )

Pigs: Why do you cry Willy? Why do you cry? Why do cry, Willy? Why do you? Why?

Wolf: I am not strong because I am alone. You are strong because you are together. You are happy.

(поросята пошушукались и подходят к волку)

3d pig: If you don’t eat little pigs you will be our friend and you can play with us.

Wolf: I will not eat little pigs anymore. I will eat bananas, apples and pizza.

2nd pig : We are going to the circus in the town. Will you join us?

Wolf : Yes, I will.

All together: The more we get together, together, together

The more we get together, the happier we’ll be

( звучит музыка )

Здесь шить костюм совсем необязательно, подойдет будничная детская одежда как основа, а в качестве украшений – аксессуары (ушки, пятачок, задорный хвостик пружинкой) или же покупная маска.

Волк : Костюм волка состоит из маски, одежды серого или черного цвета и хвоста. Можно сшить меховой жилет (серый или черный). Эффектно будет сделать пышный хвост из искусственного меха.

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Важным аспектом в данном роде деятельности является развитие творческих и художественных способностей каждого ребенка.Занятия в непринужденнной обстановке помогают преодолеть языковой психологический барьер.

The Three Little Pigs

(влетает сорока, смотрит в зеркало, любуется собой)

Magpie: Hello! I am Magpie. But animals in this forest call me Maggi. I am very pretty. I am very clever. I know everything in this forest. I know that it is autumn now. The leaves turn red, yellow and brown but soon the winter will come. Oh, what is that noise about? These are three little pigs. They play and enjoy themselves all days long.

(вбегают три поросенка, звучит музыка, они веселятся, танцуют)

3d pig: Browny, Whitie, listen. Winter is coming. We must go and make a house to live.

1st pig: They say there will be no winter this year. Brothers, let’s play.

3d pig: I know it is very cold in winter and hungry wolves will come too.

2nd pig: We are not afraid of wolves. Brothers, let’s play and have fun.

(1 и 2 поросята танцуют под песню Who’s afraid of big bad wolf?)

3d pig: I want to play with you too. But I need to get bricks for my house. It will warm and

(пожимает плечами, уходит)

Magpie: Browny, Whitie, you are playing here, but your brother Blacky is making a warm

1st pig: It is easy. I will get some straw and make a house quickly.

2nd pig: I will make a house very quickly too. I will get some twigs and make a stronger house than yours.

Magpie: Brothers, straw and twigs are not strong. Your brother is making a house of bricks. It will be the strongest house. Let’s see.


Magpie: Fly for your lives! The wolf ran away from the Zoo. Fly for your lives!

(волк засыпает, появляются 1 и 2 поросята, они играют в мяч)

1st pig: I build my house of straw

I build my house of hay

I toot my flute

I don't give a hoot

And play around all day.

2nd pig: I build my house of sticks
I build my house of twigs
With a hey-diddle-diddle
I play on my fiddle
And dance all kinds of jigs

( играют и попадают мячом в спящего волка)

Wolf: What’s the matter? Oh, my lunch, my dinner. I like meat, a lot of meat.

(поросята дрожат, волк рычит и начинается погоня)

(поросята забегают в первый домик из соломы)

Wolf: Little pig, little pig, let me in, let me in.

1st pig: Not by the hair on my chinny chin chin!

Wolf: Then I’ll huff and I’ll puff and I’ll blow your house in.

(дует и домик разлетается, и поросята убегают во второй домик из прутьев)

Wolf: Little pig, little pig, let me in, let me in.

2nd pig: Not by the hair on my chinny chin chin!

Wolf: Then I’ll huff and I’ll puff and I’ll blow your house in.

(дует и домик разлетается, и поросята убегают в третий домик из кирпича)

1 and 2 pigs: Blackie, brother, help us!

Wolf: Little pig, little pig, let me in, let me in.

3d pig: Not by the hair on my chinny chin chin!

Wolf: Then I’ll huff and I’ll puff and I’ll blow your house in.

3d pig: Come on! I don’t care. My house is very strong.

Wolf: This is a clever little pig. But I am very strong and I am very hungry!

(волк пытается открыть дверь, но дверью прищемил палец, садится и плачет)

(поросята осторожно выходят)

Pigs: Why do you cry Willy? Why do you cry? Why do cry, Willy? Why do you? Why?

Wolf: I am not strong because I am alone. You are strong because you are together. You are happy.

(поросята пошушукались и подходят к волку)

3d pig: If you don’t eat little pigs you will be our friend and you can play with us.

Wolf: I will not eat little pigs anymore. I will eat bananas, apples and pizza.

2nd pig: We are going to the circus in the town. Will you join us?

Wolf: Yes, I will.

All together: The more we get together, together, together

The more we get together, the happier we’ll be

(звучит музыка)


Здесь шить костюм совсем необязательно, подойдет будничная детская одежда как основа, а в качестве украшений – аксессуары (ушки, пятачок, задорный хвостик пружинкой) или же покупная маска.

Волк : Костюм волка состоит из маски, одежды серого или черного цвета и хвоста. Можно сшить меховой жилет (серый или черный). Эффектно будет сделать пышный хвост из искусственного меха.

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Мероприятие предназначено для обучающихся английскому языку в начальных классах в целях повышения мотивации к обучению.

Внеклассное мероприятие по английскому языку для учащихся 4-5класса

Мини-спектакль “Три поросёнка”

Цели мероприятия:

Образовательная: познакомить обучающихся с оригинальными английскими песнями;

Воспитательная: воспитание у обучающихся уважения к англоязычной культуре, как неотъемлемой части мирового культурного достояния;

Развивающая: развития навыков диалогической и монологической речи, сценического поведения.

The three little pigs.

Сцена 1.

1й: Once upon a time there lived in the forest a family of pigs: Mother Pig, Father Pig and 3 little pigs.

2й: Three little pigs grew very large, but they didn’t help their parents about the house.

На сцене: лесная поляна , поросята кувыркаются, звучит весёлая музыка.

Father Pig: Children! Children! Come here!

Mother Pig: You grew big. You can’t live in so little house with us.

Father Pig: You should go and build a new big house.

Mother Pig: But you must be careful. Abad Wolf lives in the forest.

1 st pig: OK!!

2 nd : Don’t worry!

3 rd : We will be careful!

All together: Good bye dear Father and Mother!

Parents: Good-bye children!

Поросята уходят с песней: We can do anything , we can do anything what we like!

Выглядывает Волк из-за дерева : Ohh!! Little pigs!! Such fat and tasty pigs!

Поросята идут пританцовывая и поют: Who’s afraid of big bad Wolf,

Big bad Wolf , Big bad Wolf?

Tra la la la la la big bad Wolf – ugly hungry wolf?

We are handsome piggy-wigs (3 times)

We are handsome piggy-wigs.

1й,2й шуты выходят на сцену.

1й: Suddenly they saw a man carrying some straw.

1й поросёнок: Good morning ! I would like to build a house. Give me some straw, please…

Человек : Yes, of course . Take your straw and build your house.

1й поросёнок: Now the Wolf can’t catch me for breakfast.

2й шут:Then they saw a man carrying sticks.

2й поросёнок: Good morning! I would like to build a house. Give me some sticks, please…

Человек: Yes, of course . Take your sticks and build your house.

1й поросёнок: Now the Wolf can’t catch me for breakfast.

2й шут: Then they saw a man carrying bricks.

3й поросёнок: Hello ! I would like to build a house. Give me some bricks, please…

Человек: Yes, of course . Take your bricks and build your house. You can build a very strong house!

3й поросёнок: Now the Wolf can’t catch me and eat for breakfast.

1й шут: One day the Wolf walked and saw the sweet little straw house.

Волк: Little pigs! Little pigs let me come in!

Поросята: No, no… You can’t come in.

Волк: I’ll huff , I’ll puff and I’ll blow your house down!

Шуты: and he huffs and he puffs and he puffs.

And the house falls down and little pigs run away.

2й шут: One day the Wolf walked and saw the sweet little stick house.

Волк: Little pigs! Little pigs let me come in!

Поросята: No, no… You can’t come in.

Волк: I’ll huff, I’ll puff and I’ll blow your house down!

Шуты: and he huffs and he puffs and he puffs.

And the house falls down and little pigs run away.

1й шут: One day the Wolf walked and saw the sweet little brick house.

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