Политическая система сша на английском кратко

Обновлено: 05.07.2024

на английском языке с переводом на русский язык

Political System of the USA

Политическая система США

The USA created its political system in accordance with the principles of democracy, equality before the law, and human rights protection. Therefore, it is based on the Constitution regulating all the spheres of life, as well as on various types of elections.

США создали свою политическую систему в соответствии с принципами демократии, равенства перед законом и защитой прав человека. Поэтому она основана на Конституции, регулирующей все сферы жизни, а также на различных типах выборов.

There are three branches of power in the USA: legislative, executive, and judicial. They are presented on the federal level and on the level of local government. Every state has its own capital, elected governor, legislative assembly, the court system, and even the Constitution. Although local laws cannot contradict federal ones, states have great autonomy.

В США три ветви власти: законодательная, исполнительная и судебная. Они представлены на федеральном уровне и на уровне местного управления. Каждый штат имеет свою столицу, избираемого губернатора, законодательное собрание, судебную систему и даже Конституцию. Хотя местные законы не могут противоречить федеральным, штаты обладают большой автономией.

The Congress consisting of House of Representatives and the Senate performs federal legislative power. People elect not only members of House of Representatives (their number is proportional to a state’s population), but also members of the Senate (two senators from each state). A bill becomes a law only after the debates in House of Representatives, the discussion in the Senate and the President’s approval.

Конгресс, состоящий из Палаты представителей и Сената, осуществляет федеральную законодательную власть. Народ избирает не только членов Палаты представителей (их количество пропорционально населению штата), но и членов Сената (два сенатора от каждого штата). Законопроект становится законом только после дебатов в Палате представителей, обсуждения в Сенате и одобрения Президента.

Президент и Правительство формируют исполнительную власть. Глава США избирается на четыре года с помощью непрямого голосования: каждый штат определяет свою Коллегию выборщиков, а затем выборщики выбирают Президента. Учитывая народное мнение, они поддерживают кандидата от одной из основных партий: Демократической или Республиканской. Президент – чрезвычайно важная фигура: он командует армией, издаёт приказы, представляет страну на мировой политической арене и т.д.

The highest instance of judicial power is Supreme Court considering cases tied with international relations, the USA ambassadors, states’ disagreements, etc. The President appoints nine members of Supreme Court for life.

Высшей инстанцией судебной власти является Верховный суд, который рассматривает дела, связанные с международными отношениями, послами США, разногласиями штатов и др. Президент назначает девять членов Верховного суда на пожизненный срок.

The United States of America is a federative republic.

Since 1959 the Federation comprises 50 states.

The president is the head of the state and executive body. He is also the commander-in-chief of the army and Navy of the USA. The president and vice-president are elected for a term of four years.

All the legislative power is vested in Congress, which consists of the Senate and the House of Representatives. There are 100 senators and 435 members in the House of Representatives. Two Senators from each state are elected by popular vote for a term of six years, the Representatives are elected for two-year term. Both houses must approve the bill for it to become a law.

An essential role in the US political system is played by the Supreme Court, which may declare a law, passed by Congress, to be contradictory to the Constitution of the country.

The various states have legislative and executive bodies of their own. Their structure, function and competence are determined by the Constitution of each state. There is an elected governor at the head of each state. States enjoy independence in their domestic affairs, including financial matters. However, state laws and actions of state authorities must not conflict with the Constitution of the USA.

Политическая система США

Соединенные Штаты Америки являются федеративной республикой.

С 1959 года Федерация состоит из 50 штатов.

Президент является главой государства и исполнительной власти. Он также является Главнокомандующим армии и флота США. Президент и Вице-президент избираются сроком на четыре года.

Вся законодательная власть принадлежит Конгрессу США, который состоит из Сената и Палаты Представителей. Есть 100 сенаторов и 435 членов Палаты Представителей. Два сенатора от каждого штата, избирают всеобщим голосованием сроком на шесть лет, представителей избирают на двухлетний срок. Обе палаты должны утвердить законопроект, чтобы он стал законом.

Существенную роль в политической системе США играет Верховный суд, который может объявить закон, принятый конгрессом, противоречащим Конституции страны.

Различные штаты обладают своими собственными законодательными и исполнительными органами. Их структура, функции и компетенция определяются конституцией каждого штата. Во главе каждого государства есть избранный губернатор. Штаты пользуются независимостью в своих внутренних делах, включая финансовые вопросы. Тем не менее, законы штатов и действия государственных органов не должны противоречить Конституции США.

Слова федеративная, президентская и парламентская являются синонимами.

Также в этой статье вы услышите знаменитую речь Дональда Трампа, которая сделала его президентом — The Speech that made Trump President.

  • the Senate [‘senɪt] — Сенат
  • the House of Representatives [ˌreprɪ’zentətɪv] — Палата представителей
  • the Capitol [‘kæpɪt(ə)l] — Капитолий
  • the White House – Белый дом
  • the Supreme Court [s(j)uː’priːm] — Верховный суд
  • But__ Congress — Конгресс

The Political System of the USA (основная информация)

  1. The president is the head of state.
  2. The head of state in the USA (the president) has the real power. For example, he is Commander-in- Chief of the armed forces (Главнокомандующий ВС), he makes treaties (ведет переговоры) and appoints ambassadors (назначает послов), can veto laws.
  3. Congress and the Supreme Court control the president’s power.
  4. The legislative power in the USA belongs to Congress, consisting of the Senate [`senit] and the House of Representatives (two senators for each state (100 in total).
  5. The executive power belongs to the President, the Vice-President and the Cabinet.
  6. The President, the Head of the executive branch, is elected for a four-year term.
  7. In the USA each state has its own constitution (50 states and the District of Columbia).
  8. The American Bill of Rights, passed in 1791, forms the first ten amendments to the Constitution of the USA.
  9. Congres sits in the Capitol.
  10. The White House is the president’s residence.
  11. There are two main political parties in the USA: the Democratic and the Republican.


1. Do you think that the role of the President in the USA is ceremonial like the Queen in Great Britain?
2. Who is the head of the executive branch in the USA? In Britain?

The legislative power of the US is vested in the Congress of the USA. The Congress was created by Article I of the Constitution, adopted in 1787. It consists of two chambers - the Senate and the House of Representatives.

The Senate is made up of 100 members (2 from each state), elected for a term of 6 years. One third of the Senate is elected every 2 years. To be elected a Senator, a person must be at least 30 years old and have been the citizen of the USA for at least 9 years.

The House of Representatives comprises representatives from each state, elected for a two-year term. The number of representatives from each state depends on its population, but every state is represented. To be elected a representative, a person must be at least 25 years of age and have been a citizen of the USA for at least 7 years.

The presiding officer of the Senate is the Vice-President of the USA. The presiding officer of the House of Representatives, the Speaker, is elected by the house. The work of preparing and considering laws is done by the committees of both Houses. There are 15 standing committees in the Senate and 19 in the House of Representatives.

The Congress assembles at least once a year.

The executive branch of the government consists of the President, the Vice-President and the Cabinet. The President’s term of office is four years, together with the Vice-President, chosen for the same term. The President is the head of the executive branch of the government; he appoints the members of the Cabinet. The Cabinet advises the President on many matters and is composed of the heads of ten executive departments: Secretary of State, Secretary of Treasury, Secretary of Defence and others.

The judicial branch of the government is headed by the Supreme Court which settles disputes between the states. The Supreme Court may veto any law passed by the Congress if it contradicts the Constitution of the USA.

The United States is a federal Union, and the President is the head of the Federal government which deals with international problems and national matters. But every state has its own constitution and the state government headed by the Governor and managing their local affairs. Their laws and decisions must not contradict the Constitution of the USA.

The US national flag - Stars and Stripes - is red, white and blue. Thirteen stripes represent the original 13 states of the US; the 50 stars represent the current number of states.

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