Переведите вопросы на основе ответов на вопросы кратко перескажите основное содержание текста

Обновлено: 02.07.2024

Упражнение 1 Выпишите слова и переведите их на русский язык.

Упражнение 2. Прочитайте текст.


The electric automobile energized by rechargeable batteries appeared to have a great future nearly a century ago.

In 1888, Scientific American described an English electric carriage. An ordinary four-passenger "dog cart", the vehicle was electrified by Immisch & Company of London for the Sultan of Turkey, ft had a 1 -hp motor connected by chain to a rear wheel. The makers claimed that the twenty-four-cell battery (stored under the seats) could "propel the vehicle at a speed of about ten miles an hour for five hours."

In a trial run at a skating rink in Camden Town, "no great speed could be at­tained, on account of the confined space and the consequent necessity for fre­quent sharp turns." One assumes that ordinary Turks were properly impressed by their Sultan's electric dog cart.

In 1847, Werner von Siemens publicly said he would build an electric-powered carriage. He did so with the 1897 Viktoria.

Twenty-eight percent of the 4,192 American automobiles produced in 1900 were electric. In the New York automobile show of that year more electrics were on display than gasoline or steam vehicles.

Some of America's most distinguished inventors, including Thomas Edison, were promoting electrics or taking part in their development. And the first American firm to manufacture cars by hundreds was churning out well-designed electrics.

Упражнение 3. Заполните пропуски в предложениях, в соответствии с содержанием текста и переведите предложения.

The electric automobile energized by _______ appeared to have_________ nearly a century ago.

Some of America's most _________, including Thomas Edison, were __________electrics or __________ in their development.

The makers __________ that the twenty-four-cell battery (stored under the seats) could "__________ the vehicle at a speed of about ten miles an hour for five hours.

Did the electric automobile appear to have a great future nearly a century ago? Were most distinguished inventors, including Thomas Edison, promoting electrics or taking part in their development?

What electric car was described by Scientific American in 1888?

Слова для запоминания: energize, recharge, battery, display, gasoline, distinguish promote, electrify, rear, ordinary, attain properly.

Тема 3.2 Производство автомобилей
Упражнение 1. Прочтите слова и словосочетания и запомните их русские эквиваленты.
technician — техник

deal with manufacturing cars - иметь дело с производством автомо­билей

work out the technology of manufacturing processes — разрабатывать технологию производственных процессов

put into mass production — запустить в массовое производство

subject to tests — подвергать испы­таниям

dependable brakes - надежные тор­моза

driving safety — безопасность упра­вления автомобилем

long service life - долгий срок службы

rapid acceleration — приемистость

ease of maintenance — простота техоб­служивания

meet up-to-date demands (require­ments) — отвечать современным требованиям

be stable on the road — быть устойчи­вым на дороге

ignition system — система зажигания

fuel consumption — расход топлива

car — легковой автомобиль

truck - грузовой автомобиль
Упражнение 2. Переведите предложения на русский язык, обращая внимание на термины.

1. After graduating from the college I shall become a technician.

2. I shall deal with manufacturing cars.

3. The production of the automobile comprises five phases, such as: designing, working out the technology of manufacturing processes, laboratory tests, road tests, mass production.

4. The automobile of today must have high efficiency, long serv­ice life, driving safety, ease of maintenance and be stable on the road.

5.The automobile must meet up-to-date demands, that is, it must have rapid acceleration, smooth-acting clutch, silent gearbox, dependable braking and steering systems, dependable ignition system.

6.Before the car is put into mass-production it must be subjected to laboratory and road tests.

7.Technicians should know the technology of manufacturing processes.
Упражнение 3. Прочтите и переведите интернациональные слова.
Specialist, automobile, industry, production, phase, technology, process, test, mass, fact, service, comfortable, ecological, method, type, corrosion, material, optimal, problem, mechanism, control, system.
Упражнение 4*. Переведите слова, обращая внимание на значение суффиксов.
Industry — industrial; to produce — production — producer; to de­sign — designer; technology — technological — technologically; to re­quire — requirement; efficient — efficiency — efficiently; safe — safely — safety; to maintain — maintenance; comfort — comfortable; ecology — ecological; to resist — resistance — resistant; to operate — operation — operational; to accelerate — acceleration; to construct — construction.
Прочтите и переведите текст, а затем выполните следующие за ним упражнения.

Automobile Production

    1. - designing;

    2. - working out the technology of manufacturing processes;

    3. - laboratory tests;

    4. - road tests;

    5. - mass manufacturing (production).

    The automobile must have high efficiency, long service life, driv­ing safety, ease of handling and maintenance, pleasant apperance. Also it must be comfortable and ecological. In order to obtain these quali­ties the specialists should develop up-to-date methods of designing cars using new types of resistant to corrosion light materials. Also it is im­portant to know computer sciences because computers offer quick and optimal solutions of the problems. Besides they are used for better op­eration of mechanisms in cars.

    Before the car is put into mass production the units of the car are subjected to tests in the Works laboratory and then the car undergoes a rigid quality control in road tests. Why are these tests required? What qualities are required of the automobile? They are needed because the modern automobile must be rapid in acceleration, have smooth acting clutch, silent gearbox, dependable braking and steering systems, de­pendable ignition system, low fuel consumption and be stable on the road.
    Послетекстовые упражнения

    The exercises to be done after reading the text
    Упражнение 5. Найдите и выпишите из текста слова, относящиеся:

    а) к производству автомобиля;

    б) к характеристикам автомобиля. Дайте их русские эквиваленты.
    Упражнение 6. Найдите в тексте ответы на вопросы:
    1.What department do you study at?

    2.What will you become after graduating from the college?

    3.What should automobile specialists know?

    4.What phases does the production of the automobile comprise?

    5.What requirements must modern automobiles meet?

    6.Why are automobile units and mechanisms subjected to labo­ratory and road tests?

    7.What qualities are required of the automobile?

    8.Why are computers used in cars?
    Упражнение 7. Заполните пропуски предлогами и переведите предло­жения на русский язык.
    1.After graduating . the college I shall deal . manufacturing cars.

    2.The production . the automobile comrises five phases.

    3.Specialists . automobile industry should develop up-to-date methods. designing cars.

    4.In producing automobiles new types . resistant. corrosion light materials should be used.

    5.All cars udergo a rigid quality control. tests.

    6.The car is put. mass production after laboratory and road tests.

    7.Technicians must know the technology. manufacturing proc - esses. cars.
    Упражнение 8. Закончите предложения, выбрав соответствующий вариант окончания.

    1. An automobile specialist deals with .

    a.working out technological processes;

    b.constructing and manufacturing cars;

    c.producing new resistant to corrosion light materials.

    2. The production of the automobile comprises .

    a.designing and mass production;

    b.manufacturing and tests;

    c.designing and working out technological processes, labora­tory and road tests and mass production.

    3.The cars are subjected to tests in order.

    a.to work out new technological processes;

    b.to meet up-to-date requirements;

    c.to shorten the time between designing and manufacturing.

    4.The qualities required of the automobile are .

    a.high efficiency, long service life, driving safety and pleasant appearance;

    b.smooth acting clutch, silent gearbox, dependable braking and steering systems;

    c.new types of resistant to corrosion materials.

    5. The car must have the following units.

    a.high efficiency, long service life, driving safety and pleasant appearance;

    b.smooth-acting clutch, silent gearbox, dependable braking and steering systems;

    Nick: HEllo, Boris!

    Boris: Hullo, Nick. How are things?

    N.: Perfectly well, thank you. I entered the automobile construc­tion college.

    В.: That's nice, what will you become after graduating from the college?

    N.: I'll become a technician and deal with manufacturing new cars.

    В.: Why did you choose this profession?

    N.: I enjoy learning about a car. I enjoy working with metal. And

    most of all I enjoy being able to construct cars. В.: Do you enjoy the course? N.: Yes, of course.

    В.: Tell me about your profession in detail, please?

    N.: With great pleasure. As you know an automobile must be safe, have smooth acting clutch, silent gears, excellent brakes and steering system. And in order to achieve these qualities a lot of work must be done.

    В.: Thank you very much for your information. I believe you like

    your profession very much.

    Anton: Where do you study?

    Boris: I study at the automobile construction college.

    A: Whom does the college train?

    B: It trains specialists for the automobile industry.

    A: Why did you decide to become a technician?

    B: I enjoy working with machines. I enjoy learning about a car. I understand every part of it.

    A: What can you tell me about the car?

    B: Well, the car of today must be rapid in acceleration, it must have dependable clutch, brakes, and steering system, be stable on the road and have pleasant appearance.

    A: Do you enjoy the course?

    B: Yes, very much. I have learned a lot of things. For example, I know that the production of the car comprises five phases.

    A: What are they?

    B: They are designing, working out the technology, laboratory tests, road tests, mass production.

    A: And why are laboratory and road tests needed?

    B: The cars are subjected to tests in order to meet up-to-date de­mands.

    A: And what are these demands?

    B: They are high efficiency, long service life, driving safety, ease of maintenance and so on.

    A: I think you will become an expert in automobile engineering.

    B: I'll try. The cooperative plan of an academic program with prac­tice at a plant will help me to become a good specialist.
    Упражнение 14 . Найдите в тексте диалога английские эквиваленты следующих русских слов и выражений и запишите их:

    Учусь в автомобилестроительном колледже, техник, люблю работать с машинами, современный автомобиль, надежные тормоза, плавное сцепление, приятный внешний вид, массовое производство автомобилей, стендовые испытания, отвечать современным требованиям, долгий срок службы, легкость техобслуживания, надежность, быстро разгоняться (при­ёмистость), подвергаться жестким дорожным испытаниям

    Упражнение 15 . Разыграйте диалог в паре.
    Упражнение 1 6 . Выпишите из правой колонки русские слова и словосочетания, соответствующие английским из левой колонки.
    1. automobile construction college

    2. to graduate from the college

    3. low fuel consumption

    5. designing cars

    6. mass production

    7. long service life

    8. driving safety

    10. ease of maintenance

    11. the technology of manufacturing processes

    12. to put into mass production

    13. to subject to tests

    14. a rigid quality control

    15. to meet up-to-date demands (requirements)

    16. rapid acceleration

    17. smooth-acting clutch

    18. silent gearbox

    19. dependable brakes

    20. steering system

    21. an academic program

    23. ignition system
    a. долгий срок службы

    b. простое техобслуживание

    c. запустить в массовое про­изводство

    d. подвергать испытаниям

    e. плавное сцепление

    f. отвечать современным тре­бованиям

    h. надежные тормоза

    i. учебная программа

    k. система зажигания

    l. безопасность вождения

    m. автомобилестроительный колледж

    n. жесткий контроль качества

    o. бесшумная коробка передач

    p. конструирование автомо­билей

    q. окончить колледж

    r. технология производствен­ных процессов

    t. массовое производство

    u. система рулевого упра­вления

    v. малый расход топлива

    Упражнение 1 7 . Закончите предложения, подобрав соответствующие по смыслу слова (или словосочетания), приведенные ниже.

    Упражнение 1. Выпишите слова в тетрадь и переведите их на русский язык. 74

    Упражнение 2. Прочитайте текст . 74

    Упражнение 3 Найти в тексте синонимы слова automobile. 74

    Упражнение 4. Заполните пропуски в предложениях в соответствии с содержанием текста и переведите предложения. 74

    The automobile has become ___________ in the economic _________ of many countries 75

    Упражнение 1. Выпишите слова в тетрадь и переведите их на русский язык. 76

    Упражнение 2. Прочитайте текст. 76

    Упражнение 3. Заполните пропуски в предложениях в соответствии с содержанием текста и переведите предложения. 76

    Слова для запоминания: 77

    Упражнение 1 Выпишите слова и переведите их на русский язык. 78

    Упражнение 2. Прочитайте текст. 78


    Упражнение 3. Заполните пропуски в предложениях, в соответствии с содержанием текста и переведите предложения. 78

    1. After graduating from the college I shall become a technician. 80

    2. I shall deal with manufacturing cars. 80

    3. The production of the automobile comprises five phases, such as: designing, working out the technology of manufacturing processes, laboratory tests, road tests, mass production. 80

    Components of the Automobile 88

    Упражнение 7. He прибегая к словарю, на основе визуальных образов на рисунках 1-5 подставьте из правого столбика соответствующий перевод обозначений деталей и узлов автомобиля. 123

    A technician, a specialist in automobile industry, the production of the automobile, designing, working out the technology of manufac­turing processes, laboratory tests, road tests, mass production, high efficiency, long service life, driving safety, ease of maintenance, rigid quality control, rapid acceleration, smooth-acting clutch, silent gear­box, dependable brakes, dependable steering system, the automobile construction college, up-to-date demands (requirements).
    Упражнение 18 . Ответьте на вопросы .

    1. What college do you study at?

    2. What will you become after graduating from the college?

    3. What will you deal with?

    4. What phases does the production of the automobile comprise?

    5. Why are the cars subjected to laboratory and road tests?

    6. What qualities must the car have?

    7. What units must the car have?
    Упражнение 19 . Задайте вопросы к предложениям .

    1. I study at the automobile construction college.

    2.After graduating from the college I'll become a specialist in au­tomobile construction.

    3.I'll deal with manufacturing automobiles.

    4.The production of the automobiles comprises the following phases: designing, working out technological processes, labo­ratory and road tests and mass manufacturing.

    5.The automobile must meet up-to-date requirements.

    6.The car must have high efficiency, long service life, pleasant appearance and driving safety.

    7. The car must have smooth-acting clutch, silent gearbox, de­pendable braking and steering systems, dependable ignition system.
    Упражнение 20 . Переведите предложения на английский язык.

    1. Я учусь на автомобильном факультете технического колледжа.

    2. После окончания колледжа я стану специалистом авто­мобильной промышленности.

    3. По моему мнению, каждый специалист должен знать, что автомобиль должен пройти стендовые и дорожные испытания.

    4. Эти испытания необходимы, чтобы автомобиль отвечал современным требованиям.

    5. Современный автомобиль должен обладать следующими качествами: быть приёмистым, иметь плавное сцепление, бесшумную коробку передач, надежные тормозную и рулевую системы, быть легким в управлении.

    6. Двигатель автомобиля также должен иметь небольшой расход топлива и быть экологичным.
    Упражнение 21 . Составьте рассказ о вашей будущей профессии, используя упражнение 19 в качестве плана.


    construct — конструировать

    construction — конструкция

    constructor — конструктор

    deal with - иметь дело

    demand - требовать, требование

    dependable brakes — надежные тормоза

    design - проектировать, проект

    designer - проектировщик, кон­структор

    develop - разрабатывать

    development — разработка

    driving safety — безопасность езды

    efficiency - эффективность, КПД

    engineer — инженер

    fuel consumption - расход топлива

    handling - эксплуатация, уход

    ignition system — система зажигания

    maintenance — техобслуживание

    manufacture – производить

    manufacturer — промышленник,изготовитель

    manufacturing — производство

    mechanics - механик

    mechanism — механизм

    produce — производить

    producer — промышленник (тот, кто производит)

    production - производство

    put into mass production - запустить в массовое производство

    How many vehicles will there be on the world's roads in the near future?

    What problems does environmental concern grow over?

    Does vehicle air-conditioning affect environment?

    Is A/C standard on most new vehicles in the U.S. now?

    What is needed to understand the environmental and consumer benefits?

    What will vehicle makers have to determine to manage total vehicle emissions?

    Один из участников диалога — инженер-автомобилист. Он отвечает на вопросы другого участника диалога — студента, который старается получить как можно больше интересующей его информации. При составлении диалога используйте текст и материал, представленный в предыдущих заданиях.

    В ходе диалога используйте следующие вводные слова и разговорные фразы:

    а) для студента (student)

    Let me introduce myself,

    My name is__________

    I study at__________

    I am interested in___________

    I would like to ask you about__________

    And what about__________

    Can you describe me__________

    Can you tell me about__________

    What are the main characteristics of__________

    Thank you for your help.

    It was nice to meet you.

    б) для инженера-автомобилиста (automotive engineer)

    How can I help you?

    What can I do for you?

    Do you know that__________?

    Let me tell you about__________

    I would like to mention that__________

    The point is that__________

    Thank you for your coming.

    It was nice to meet you.

    Hope to see you soon.

    Текст 3 Шинообеспечивающее движение с нулевым давлением ZERO-PRESSURE TYRES OR RUN-FLAT TYRES

    Задание 1 Выпишите слова в тетрадь и переведите их на русский язык, пользуясь словарем на стр.94.

    Задание 2 Чтение и перевод текста: Шинообеспечивающее движение с нулевым давлением


    The symbolic relationship between the auto and tire industries was born when French brothers Edouard and Andre Michelin began producing pneumatic tires for Parisian cabs in the early 1890s. Over the following 100 years, three Michelin innovations stand out as examples of the company's dedication to the technological advances to benefit consumers and the auto industry.

    In 1946, Michelin engineers developed the first radial tire for a car: the Michelin X — an innovation that would change forever the automotive industry. The radial tire's ability to hold the road, increased tread life, wet road performance, and ride quality are legendary. Today, radials remain the industry standard.

    Responding to the global environmental challenge, Michelin introduced the world's first 80,000-mile tire in 1992. Two years later, the company introduced the Michelin Energy line of tires. These "green" tires offer a significant reduction in rolling resistance, thus providing improvements in fuel consumption. In 1997, Michelin again made automotive history as the first tire company to offer zero-pressure or run-flat tires to the replacement market for popular family vehicles.

    In the new millennium, Michelin believes its latest technology breakthrough -the innovative Pax System — could set a new standard. An integrated system offering improved performance, mobility, safety, and major options in vehicle design, Pax System encompasses the tire and wheel into one unit. The tire is mechanically locked against the wheel to make losing the tire during a blowout impossible. At zero pressure, the tire rests against a support ring to allow the tire to turn freely and the vehicle to travel at speeds of 55 mph for 125 miles.

    The Michelin Pax wheel has internal ribs to locate the support ring that lets the tire run without air pressure. An external attachment system ensures that the tire stays on the bead, even when deflated.

    The Continental Safety Ring is a steel and rubber support that mounts inside a conventional wheel and tire to provide run-flat capability.

    The device adds weight and cost, but provides the piece of mind of a run-flat tire without requiring any changes to infrastructure or special wheels.

    Переведите текст. Составьте письменно индивидуальный словарь для данного текста из 10-15 слов и словосочетаний.


    Inventors on both sides of the Atlantic discovered during the 1880s that technologies for making self-propelled carriages and wagons had progressed dramatically. Soon sundry vehicles powered by steam, internal combustion engines, and electricity were rolling across Germany, France and the USA. The first practical internal combustion engine was built by Etienne Lenoir, a Belgian living in France. Patented in 1860, his water-cooled contraption burned coal gas and was noisy and inefficient; even so, for two decades it had many buyers. Lenoir’s engine was a clear proof of concept to other inventors, especially in Europe.

    Nicolaus Otto, a German, was one of many inspired by Lenoir’s technical and commercial success. Mechanically gifted, Otto sought to improve the Lenoir engine, and in the late 1870s he did. Otto’s four-cycle design embodied features that would become standard in gasoline automobile engines.

    The cars of that time were very small, two-seated cars with no roof, driven by an engine placed under the seat. Motorists had to carry large cans of fuel and separate spare parts, for there were no repair or filling stations to serve them.

    The Otto engine and the many clones it spawned, though intended to replace small steam engines in industry, inaugurated the era of the gasoline-powered automobile. Clearly, the compact internal combustion engine was a most suitable technology for the self-propelled vehicle.

    Karl Benz, also a German, employed his own Otto-type engine to power a three-wheel carriage in 1885. These tri-wheelers, with a one-cylinder engine that developed 0,8 hp, were put on the market in 1887, perhaps the earliest commercial automobiles.

    In 1891 Benz added a four-wheel motorized carriage to his company’s offerings. These automobiles sold well and were widely imitated. In the early 1890s, for example, Panhard et Levassor as well as Peugeot in France were peddling cars to the public. Henry Ford, however, was still a long way from building automobiles.

    Sundry vehicles- различные трансп. средства spawn- размножаться,плодиться

    Water-cooled contraption- охлаждаемое водой приспособление inaugurate- открывать

    Burn- сжигать suitable- подходящий

    Proof- проба, испытание employ- служба

    Seek (sought)- искать, добиваться, просить offering- предложение

    Embodied features-заключенные в себе черты imitate- имитировать

    Cans of fuel- канистры с топливом peddle- торговать

    Spare parts- зап. части replace- заменять

    Найдите в тексте синонимы к слову vehicle.

    Заполните пропуски в предложениях в соответствии с содержанием текста и переведите их.

    Inventors on both side of the Atlantic __________________ during the 1880s that technologies _____________had progressed dramatically.

    Patented in 1860, his water-cooled contraption ________________and was_____________ and_________.

    Otto’s four-cycle design _____________________that would become standard in ____________engines.

    Motorists had to carry _____________and separate _______________, for there were no ________________or ______________to serve them.

    The compact internal combustion engine was a most _______________for the _____________.

    Karl Benz ________________his own Otto-type engine _____________________a three-wheel carriage in 1885.

    3. Faraday, English experimental physicist, in his early life worked as a bookbider’s apprentice (ученик переплетчика).

    4. Rontgen called a new kind of rays X-rays.

    5. Edison made many useful inventions.

    6. Tsiolkovsky was not only a scientist but a writer of science fiction (научной литературы).

    Переведите предложения, обращая внимание на способы выражения отрицания.

    1. Nobody knew Einstein till 1905.

    2. Einstein never proved his discoveries experimentally.

    3. My friend had no ability to mathematics.

    4. The experiment added nothing new to our knowledge in the field of chemistry.

    LESSON 2.

    Союзы и союзные слова, вводящие придаточные определительные предложения

    R U S S I A N S C I E N T I S T S.

    Russian scientists made great contributions to world science. Who does not know the names of the great Russian scientists and inventors such as Lomonosov, Mendeleyev, Pavlov, Michurin, Tsiolkovsky, Lobachevsky, Kulibin and many others.

    Peter I established the St. Petersburg Academy of Sciences in 1725. There the brilliant scientist Lomonosov worked in the fields of physics, chemistry, astronomy and laid the foundation of the Russian literary language. He had to work under very difficult conditions, because from the first years at the Academy he carried on the struggle for the development of Russian science and culture. Moscow University was named after Lomonosov.

    The people of this great land produced many geniuses such as Mendeleyev who gave the world his periodic table of elements, mathematicians like Lobachevsky whom the world knows as the “Copernicus of Geometry”.

    The people of our country are proud of scientists like Lodygin who produced the electric lamp, and Popov who invented the radio, Tsiolkovsky who was the founder of the modern theory of space rockets. At the end of the 19-th century K.Tsiolkovsky decided to solve the problem of cosmic flights. In 1895 he put forward the idea of building artificial satellites. Mankind’s dream about cosmic flights has come true.

    Words and word combinations:

    to establish – учреждать, основывать

    foundation – основание, фундамент

    to carry on – продолжать

    to produce – производить

    geniuse – гениальный человек, гениальная личность

    to be proud of smb.(smth.) – гордиться кем-либо (чем-либо)

    space rocket – космические ракеты

    to put forward – выдвигать

    artificial satellite – искусственный спутник

    to come true – осуществиться


    1. Определите к каким частям речи относятся слова одного корня и переведите на русский язык:

    to establish –establishment –

    founder – to found – foundation -founding

    culture – cult - cultural

    to know – knowledge- knowing – knowingly- known

    to develop – development – developing

    to build – building – builder

    2. Закончите следующие предложения, опираясь на содержание текста.

    Переведите на русский язык.

    1. Russian scientists made great …..

    2. Moscow University was named …..

    3. The people of our country are proud of….

    4. Tsiolkovsky decided to solve the problem….

    5. Mankind’s dream about cosmic flights has….

    3. Ответьте на следующие вопросы:

    1. What did Russian scientists make to science?

    2. When did Peter I establish the Academy of Sciences in St.Petersburg?

    3. Lomonosov was a great scientist, wasn’t he? Prove it.

    4. What was named after Lomonosov?

    5. Who was the founder of the modern theory of space rockets?

    6. has mankind’s dream about cosmic flights come true?

    Кратко перескажите текст.


    1. Найдите в (Б) соответствующие русские словосочетания:

    А). 1. at the age; 2. a well-known scientist; 3. was born; 4. like his father; 5. to enter the institute; 6. to graduate from an institute; 7. to do one’s research; 8. to solve a number of problems; 9. three times.

    Б). 1. поступить в институт; 2. как и отец; 3. в возрасте; 4. решить ряд проблем; 5. родился; 6. хорошо известный ученый; 7. окончить институт; 8. три раза (трижды); 9. проводить исследования.

    2. Напишите три основные формы следующих глаголов.

    To know, to make, to heat, to be, to do, to take, to carry, to leave, to bring, to show, to become, to give, to come, to produce, to establish.

    3. Переведите следующие предложения на русский язык, обращая внимание на союзы и союзные слова, вводящие придаточные определительные предложения.

    1. He was a well-known scientist who had the ability to carry out research.

    2. Chemistry is the science that deals with the structure of matter and its changes.

    3.The laboratory is the place where experiments may be carried out.

    4. The liquid takes up the shape of a vessel in which it is contained.

    5. An American, George Eastman, was the first who brought photography to the man in the street in 1888.

    LESSON 3.

    Типы вопросов во временах группы Simple

    Кратко перескажите текст.


    Подберите правильный перевод для слов левой колонки.

    1. add 1. применять

    2. produce 2. решать

    3. develop 3. достигать

    4. invent 4. добавлять

    5. reach 5. изобретать

    6.solve 6. развивать

    7. prove 7. производить

    8. apply 8. доказывать

    Переведите следующие предложения на русский язык. Обратите внимание на правильные и неправильные глаголы.

    1. He taught Electrical Engineering last year.

    2. Edison lost his hearing and became almost deaf.

    3. Faraday, English experimental physicist, in his early life worked as a bookbider’s apprentice (ученик переплетчика).

    4. Rontgen called a new kind of rays X-rays.

    5. Edison made many useful inventions.

    6. Tsiolkovsky was not only a scientist but a writer of science fiction (научной литературы).

    Переведите предложения, обращая внимание на способы выражения отрицания.

    1. Nobody knew Einstein till 1905.

    2. Einstein never proved his discoveries experimentally.

    3. My friend had no ability to mathematics.

    4. The experiment added nothing new to our knowledge in the field of chemistry.

    LESSON 2.

    Союзы и союзные слова, вводящие придаточные определительные предложения

    R U S S I A N S C I E N T I S T S.

    Russian scientists made great contributions to world science. Who does not know the names of the great Russian scientists and inventors such as Lomonosov, Mendeleyev, Pavlov, Michurin, Tsiolkovsky, Lobachevsky, Kulibin and many others.

    Peter I established the St. Petersburg Academy of Sciences in 1725. There the brilliant scientist Lomonosov worked in the fields of physics, chemistry, astronomy and laid the foundation of the Russian literary language. He had to work under very difficult conditions, because from the first years at the Academy he carried on the struggle for the development of Russian science and culture. Moscow University was named after Lomonosov.

    The people of this great land produced many geniuses such as Mendeleyev who gave the world his periodic table of elements, mathematicians like Lobachevsky whom the world knows as the “Copernicus of Geometry”.

    The people of our country are proud of scientists like Lodygin who produced the electric lamp, and Popov who invented the radio, Tsiolkovsky who was the founder of the modern theory of space rockets. At the end of the 19-th century K.Tsiolkovsky decided to solve the problem of cosmic flights. In 1895 he put forward the idea of building artificial satellites. Mankind’s dream about cosmic flights has come true.

    Words and word combinations:

    to establish – учреждать, основывать

    foundation – основание, фундамент

    to carry on – продолжать

    to produce – производить

    geniuse – гениальный человек, гениальная личность

    to be proud of smb.(smth.) – гордиться кем-либо (чем-либо)

    space rocket – космические ракеты

    to put forward – выдвигать

    artificial satellite – искусственный спутник

    to come true – осуществиться


    1. Определите к каким частям речи относятся слова одного корня и переведите на русский язык:

    to establish –establishment –

    founder – to found – foundation -founding

    culture – cult - cultural

    to know – knowledge- knowing – knowingly- known

    to develop – development – developing

    to build – building – builder

    2. Закончите следующие предложения, опираясь на содержание текста.

    Переведите на русский язык.

    1. Russian scientists made great …..

    2. Moscow University was named …..

    3. The people of our country are proud of….

    4. Tsiolkovsky decided to solve the problem….

    5. Mankind’s dream about cosmic flights has….

    3. Ответьте на следующие вопросы:

    1. What did Russian scientists make to science?

    2. When did Peter I establish the Academy of Sciences in St.Petersburg?

    3. Lomonosov was a great scientist, wasn’t he? Prove it.

    4. What was named after Lomonosov?

    5. Who was the founder of the modern theory of space rockets?

    6. has mankind’s dream about cosmic flights come true?

    Кратко перескажите текст.


    1. Найдите в (Б) соответствующие русские словосочетания:

    А). 1. at the age; 2. a well-known scientist; 3. was born; 4. like his father; 5. to enter the institute; 6. to graduate from an institute; 7. to do one’s research; 8. to solve a number of problems; 9. three times.

    Б). 1. поступить в институт; 2. как и отец; 3. в возрасте; 4. решить ряд проблем; 5. родился; 6. хорошо известный ученый; 7. окончить институт; 8. три раза (трижды); 9. проводить исследования.

    2. Напишите три основные формы следующих глаголов.

    To know, to make, to heat, to be, to do, to take, to carry, to leave, to bring, to show, to become, to give, to come, to produce, to establish.

    3. Переведите следующие предложения на русский язык, обращая внимание на союзы и союзные слова, вводящие придаточные определительные предложения.

    1. He was a well-known scientist who had the ability to carry out research.

    2. Chemistry is the science that deals with the structure of matter and its changes.

    3.The laboratory is the place where experiments may be carried out.

    4. The liquid takes up the shape of a vessel in which it is contained.

    5. An American, George Eastman, was the first who brought photography to the man in the street in 1888.

    Свидетельство и скидка на обучение каждому участнику

    Зарегистрироваться 15–17 марта 2022 г.

    Министерство образования Рязанской области

    по английскому языку

    для студентов 2 курса специальности

    23.02.04 (профильный модуль)


    иностранных языков РДТ

    Бывшева Н. А.

    Пояснительная записка

    Данное учебное пособие, предназначенное для студентов механического отделения, является материалом профессионального модуля в соответствии с требованиями стандартов образования третьего поколения. Каждый урок посвящен определенной теме из области автомобилестроения, которая раскрывается с помощью профессионально-ориентированных текстов, а также самостоятельных работ. Каждый урок – система учебных заданий рецептивного, репродуктивного и продуктивного характера. Работа с текстами дифференцируется по трем видам учебной деятельности: до чтения, в процессе чтения и после чтения. Студентам предлагается профессиональный словарь для работы с текстами и запоминания. Тексты на основе материалов начала 2000-х призваны сформировать у студентов понятие о современных требованиях к автомобилю и специалисту, который обслуживает их. Все задания построены по принципу от простого к сложному. Соблюдается принцип повторяемости лексики. Учебный материал подается дозированно. В этом заключена одна из главных целей преподавания языка – научить студента адекватно переводить современную научно-техническую литературу (для всех обучающихся), кратко передавать техническую информацию на английском языке (для хорошо успевающих студентов). В пособии ставятся и метапредметные задачи: развитие ассоциативных и аналитических способностей, формирование системного подхода к предмету, абстрагирование, обобщение и другие. Задания построены таким образом, что при их выполнении студентам приходится максимально использовать потенциальные (фоновые) знания английского и родного языка с учетом мощной экспансии английского языка на техническом и бытовом уровнях. Работа студентов над такими заданиями практически представляет собой лингвистический и семантический анализ незнакомых слов и словообразовательных элементов, словосочетаний, специальных терминов и, в конечном итоге, целых предложений и текста в целом. В пособии представлено несколько иллюстраций, которые сопровождаются обозначением представленных элементов с переводом на русский язык, что значительно ускоряет и облегчает понимание и одновременное запоминание технических терминов и функций описываемых объектов.

    Обучение чтению

    На предтекстовом этапе проходит ориентирование студентов на содержание и характеристики реального текста.

    На текстовом этапе использованы следующие типы заданий и упражнений:

    Выведение значения слов, словосочетаний и специальных терминов

    узнавание языковых единиц

    сравнение способов выражения информации

    На послетекстовом этапе используются следующие типы заданий:

    завершение незаконченных предложений

    использование аутентичного текста для изучения грамматики и лексики

    нахождение синонимов и антонимов и т.д.

    Обучение лексике

    Задача пособия –знакомство студентов с основными приемами введения (семантизации) лексических единиц:

    подстановка подходящего по смыслу слова с опорой на рисунок

    через языковую догадку

    способом припоминания слов, ассоциируемых по тематическому, ситуативному или семантическому принципу, и соотнесения соответствующих обозначений в родном и английском языках

    на основе уже известных лексических единиц.

    Обучение грамматике

    Ознакомление и первичное закрепление грамматического материала и формирование речевых грамматических навыков проводится по мере появления грамматических структур в речи.

    Цель заданий данного этапа – определить грамматическое явление для последующего формирования навыка его распознавания в различных ситуациях общения. На этом этапе задания направлены на то, чтобы раскрыть значение, формообразование и употребление грамматической структуры, обеспечить контроль ее понимания студентами и первичное закрепление.

    С целью отработки грамматического материала в пособии представлены имитационные, подстановочные, транформационные и дифференцированные упражнения.

    Обучение диалогической речи

    В обучении диалогической речи используются такие методические приемы, как:

    общение в рамках определенного контекста на основе программы общения

    составление реплик по опорам, специальным терминам, фрагментам или предложениям из текста, ключевым словам. Большое внимание отводится ролевой игре в форме обмена информацией, содержащей специальные профессиональные термины.

    Обучение монологической речи

    Обучение монологической речи чаще всего осуществляется в ходе пересказов, основанных на вопросах к тексту и в рамках диалогической речи (монолог в диалоге).

    Отдельные материалы данного пособия апробировались мной в процессе обучения студентов – механиков английскому языку несколько лет, появилась практическая потребность в создании достаточно полного учебного пособия, рассчитанного на 20 учебных аудиторных часов и пяти самостоятельных внеаудиторных часов обучения в рамках профессионального модуля.

    Where Does The Word “Automobile” Come From?

    а) Определите с помощью словаря возможные варианты перевода слов motor , solution , construction .

    б) Не прибегая к словарю, попытайтесь перевести слова и словосочетания, вспоминая терминологию из пройденного материала, других учебных предметов и различных областей деятельности человека:

    automobile, role, motor, transportation, communication, adapt, ordinary, condition, sport, factor, economic, millions, solution, problems of transport, progress, road.

    Подберите соответствующий перевод к словам из двух столбиков:

    разрабатывать consist of

    расчет mean

    средство move

    с тех пор take

    переставать self

    роскошь vehicle

    состоять из motor car

    означать importance

    двигать arise from

    брать provide

    сам substantially

    транспортное средство differ

    автомобиль develop

    важность account

    возникать из agency

    обеспечивать since

    главным образом cease

    различаться luxury

    Переведите однокорневые и производные слова и объясните причины изменения их значения. Повторите соответствующий грамматический материал .

    Consist, consists, consisted, consisting

    mean, meant, meaning, means, meaningful,

    move, moving, moved, movement, moves

    take, takes, took, taken, taking

    provide, providing, provided, provides, unprovided

    differ, differed, different, diggers, differing, difference

    adapt, adapted, adapting, adaptable, adaptability, adaptation

    develop, develops, development, developed, underdeveloped

    find, finding, found, foundling, finds

    Составьте из приведенных ниже слов возможные словосочетания из двух и /или более слов и переведите их.

    Two, together, vehicle, taken, construction, communication, with, rails, of, maintenance, and, conditions, development, well, for, ordinary, a matter, of adapted, luxury, large, world, a, improvement, factor, factor, economic, decisive, the, at, number, a, great, of, to, a, large, extent, road, transportation, and, unprovided, agencies, self-moving, words, road.

    Переведите текст. Составьте письменно индивидуальный словарь для данного текста из 10-15 слов и словосочетаний.


    The role and importance of an automobile arise from the fact that it can move along roads unprovided with rails. In this respect, it substantially differs from a street car (tram) and a railway car (train). In fact, it often replaces street cars, railway cars, and other agencies of transportation and communication. In short, the automobile is a vehicle well adapted for ordinary road conditions.

    The automobile has long since ceased to be a matter of luxury or sport and has become a decisive factor in the economic development of many countries. This accounts for the fact that the world at large uses a great number of automobiles. In some countries where automobiles are found in millions they are playing a most important part in the solution of many problems of transport.

    The development of automobiles is also accountable to a large extent for the progress in road maintenance, improvement and construction.


    Unprovided - не снабжены

    Substantially - существенно, по существу, прочно

    Agencies of transportation and communication - средства транспортировки и коммуникации

    Well adapted - хорошо адаптированный

    Ordinary road conditions- обычные дорожные условия

    A matter of luxury- средство роскоши

    A decisive factor- решающий фактор

    Economic development - эк . развитие

    The world at large- мир в целом

    Найдите в тексте синонимы слова automobile .

    Заполните пропуски в предложениях в соответствии с содержанием текста и переведите предложения.

    The role and importance of an automobile arise from the fact that it can -------------------rails.

    The automobile is a vehicle --------------------for ordinary road conditions.

    The automobile has become-------------------in the economic ---------------------------of many countries.

    Проанализируйте предложения, в которых слова написаны слитно и неправильно поставлены пробелы. Отметьте пробелы вертикальными черточками. Прочтите и переведите получившиеся предложения.

    Thero leand import ance ofanauto mobile arisefromthe fact thatit canmovea long roads unprovi ded withrails .

    Inthisres pectit sub stantially differsfromas treet car tramand a rail waycar train.

    Infactitoftenre places streetcarsrail waycar sand other age nciesoftran sport ationand com muni cation.

    Inshortthe auto mobile save hic lewel lad apt edforor dinaryroad conditions.

    What is the origin of the word automobile?

    What facts does the role and importance of the automobile arise from?

    Why does the automobile play an important part in the economic development in many countries?

    Let me introduce myself.

    I am interested in…

    I would like to ask you about ….

    Can you tell me about …

    What are the main characteristics of …

    Thank you for your help.

    It was nice to meet you.

    б ) для механика

    How can I help you?

    What can I do for you?

    Do you know that …

    Let me tell you about …

    I would like to mention that …

    The point is that …

    Thank you for your coming.

    It was nice to meet you.

    Hope to see you soon.


    а) определите с помощью словаря возможные варианты перевода слов inventor , speed , build , propel , editor , driver .

    б) не прибегая к словарю попытайтесь перевести применительно к контексту слова и словосочетания, вспоминая терминологию из пройденного материала, других учебных предметов и различных областей деятельности человека:

    human, motor car, product, single, inventor, military engineer Cugnot, constructed, two passengers, maximum speed of four miles, build, great opposition, Red Flag Act of 1865, limited to 4 miles, editor, local newspaper, instructions to police, stop and escort to the police station, driver.

    Подберите соответствующий перевод к словам из первого столбика:

    привлекать к суду issue

    Переведите однокорневые и производные слова и словосочетания и объясните причины изменения их значения. Повторите грамматический материал, связанный с выполнением этого задания.

    Achieve , achievement , achieved , achieves , achievable

    propel, propeller, propellant, propelled, self-propelled

    build, built, building, builder, built-in

    driver, drove, driven, driving axle, driving belt

    buy, bought, buying, buys, buyer

    law, lawyer, lawful, lawless, outlawed.

    Переведите варианты предложения. Объясните причины изменения перевода предложения в зависимости от изменения сказуемого. Повторите грамматический материал , связанный с выполнением этого задания .

    The motor car is not the product of any single inventor.

    The motor car was not the product of any single inventor.

    The concept motor car has not been the product of any single inventor.

    The future motor car will not be the product of any single inventor.

    Составьте из приведенных ниже слов возможные словосочетания из двух и/или более слов и переведите их.

    mechanical, outlawed, to, a vehicle, mechanical, power, were, vehicle, a, by, engine, a, legislative, self-propelled, three-wheeled, acts, propel, motor, cars, steam-driven, carriage.

    Переведите текст. Составьте индивидуальный словарь для данного текста из 10-15 слов и словосочетаний.


    1. One of the earliest attempts to propel a vehicle by mechanical power was suggested by Isaac Newton. But the first self-propelled vehicle was constructed by the French military engineer Cugnot in 1763. He built a steam-driven engine which had three wheels, carried two passengers and ran at maximum speed of four miles. The carriage was a great achievement but it was far from perfect and extremely inefficient. The supply of steam lasted only 15 minutes and the carriage had to stop every 100 yards to make more steam.

    2. In 1825 a steam engine was built in Great Britain The vehicle carried 18 passengers and covered 8 miles in 45 minutes. However, the progress of motor cars met with great opposition in Great Britain Further development of the motor car lagged because of the restrictions resulting from legislative acts. The most famous of these acts was the Red Flag Act of 1865, according to which the speed of the steam-driven vehicles was limited to 4 miles per hour and a man with a red flag had to walk in front of it.

    Motoring really started in the country after the abolition of this act

    3. In Russia there were cities where motor cars were outlawed altogether. When the editor of the local newspaper in the city of Uralsk bought a car, the governor issued these instructions to the police: "When the vehicle appears in the streets, it is to be stopped and escorted to the police station, where its driver is to be prosecuted."

    4. From 1860 to 1900 was a period of the application of gasoline engines to motor cars in many countries. The first to perfect gasoline engine was N. Otto who introduced the four-stroke cycle of operation. By that time motor cars got a standard shape and appearance.

    In 1896 a procession of motor cars took place from London to Brighton to show how reliable the new vehicles were. In fact, many of the cars broke, for the transmissions were still unreliable and constantly gave trouble.

    The cars of that time were very small, two-seated cars with no roof, driven by an engine placed under the seat. Motorists had to carry large cans of fuel and separate spare tires, for there were no repair or filling stations to serve them.

    After World War I it became possible to achieve greater reliability of motor cars, brakes became more efficient. Constant efforts were made to standardize common components. Multi-cylinder engines came into use, most commonly used are four-cylinder engines.

    5. Like most other great human achievements, the motor car is not the product of any single inventor. Gradually the development of vehicles driven by internal combustion engine - cars, as they had come to be known, led to the abolition of earlier restrictions. Huge capital began to flow into the automobile industry.

    From 1908 to 1924 the number of cars in the world rose from 200 thousand to 20 million; by 1960 it had reached 60 million! No other industry had ever developed at such a rate.

    6. There are about 3,000 Americans who like to collect antique cars. They have several clubs such as Antique Automobile Club and Veteran Motor Car Club, which specialize in rare models. The clubs practice meetings where members can exhibit their cars. Collectors can also advertise in the magazines published by their clubs. Some magazines specialize in a single type of car such as glorious Model "T". A number of museums have exhibitions of antique automobile models whose glory rings in automobile history. But practically the best collection - 100 old cars of great rarity - is in possession of William Harrah. He is very influential in his field. The value of his collection is not only historical but also practical:

    photographs of his cars are used for films and advertisements.

    7. In England there is the famous "Beaulieu Motor Museum" - the home for veteran cars.

    The founder of the Museum is Lord Montague, the son of one of England's motoring pioneers, who opened it in 1952 in memory of his father. Lord Montague's father was the first person in England to be fined by the police for speeding. He was fined 5 pounds for going faster than 12 miles per hour!

    In the Museum's collection there is a car called the Silver Ghost which people from near and far go to see. It was built by Rolls-Royce in 1907, and called the Silver Ghost because it ran so silently and was painted silver,

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