Harrow school текст на английском кратко презентация

Обновлено: 05.07.2024

Harrow. Harrow School, commonly known simply as "'Harrow", is an English independent school for boys situated in the town of Harrow, in north-west London. There is some evidence that there has been a school on the site since 1243 but the Harrow School of today was officially founded by John Lyon under a Royal Charter of Elizabeth in 1572. Harrow is one of the original nine public schools that were defined by the Public Schools Act 1868. As this school was graduated by the well-known politician Winston Churchill.

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HistoryHarrow, the second best public school after Eton, was founded in 1572 as a public

Harrow, the second best public school after Eton, was founded in 1572 as a public school for the children of poor farmers but rapidly became one of the most prestigious schools in Great Britain.

Famous old Harrowians include Winston Churchill and Lord Byron.

Famous old Harrowians include Winston Churchill and Lord Byron.

Harrow is an all-boys school with 19 boarding houses. Each boy has either a separate

Harrow is an all-boys school with 19 boarding houses. Each boy has either a separate room or shares one with another boy.

The school has outstanding facilities including the best golf courses,

The school has outstanding facilities including the best golf courses,

a swimming-pool

the latest computers and even the best school theatre in the UK.

the latest computers and even the best school theatre in the UK.

Good nutrition is also very important.

Good nutrition is also very important.

Grilled sausage, bacon, fried egg with fruit juiceThis is the average menu. Breakfast:

Grilled sausage, bacon, fried egg with fruit juice

This is the average menu. Breakfast:

A choice of breaded fish or roast lamb with potatoes or/ and vegetablesLunch:

A choice of breaded fish or roast lamb with potatoes or/ and vegetables

A choice of burgers plus pasta with potatoes and vegetables, soup. Fresh fruit.

School UniformEveryday dress consists of a white shirt, a black silk tie, light grey trousers,

Everyday dress consists of a white shirt, a black silk tie, light grey trousers, black shoes, a blue jumper, a dark blue woolen uniform jacket, a blue or white scarf, a dark blue woolen overcoat on cold days and the Harrow Hat, made of straw with a dark blue band.

Boys normally enter Harrow at the age of 13. There are 5 year-groups:Harrow Curriculum

Boys normally enter Harrow at the age of 13. There are 5 year-groups:

In their first year all boys take English, French or Spanish, Mathematics, Biology, Chemistry, Physics,

In their first year all boys take English, French or Spanish, Mathematics, Biology, Chemistry, Physics, History, Geography, Latin or Classical Civilisation or Japanese, Religious Studies, Art, Music, Design Technology and Information Technology.
Greek, German or Spanish are offered to boys with good linguistic ability.

In the 6th form boys are preparing for their A-level exams. They may choose from:English

In the 6th form boys are preparing for their A-level exams. They may choose from:
English Literature, French, German, Spanish, Italian, Latin, Greek, History, Geography, Economics, Business Studies, Ancient History, Political Studies, Religious Studies, Mathematics, Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Design Technology, Physical Education, Music, Music Technology, Art, History of Art, Theatre Studies, Statistics and Photography.

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History Harrow, the second best public school after Eton, was founded in 1572 as a public school for the children of poor farmers but rapidly became one of the most prestigious schools in Great Britain.

Famous old Harrowians include Winston Churchill and Lord Byron.

Harrow is an all-boys school with 19 boarding houses. Each boy has either a separate room or shares one with another boy. Conditions

The school has outstanding facilities including the best golf courses,

the latest computers and even the best school theatre in the UK.

Good nutrition is also very important.

Grilled sausage, bacon, fried egg with fruit juice This is the average menu. Breakfast:

A choice of breaded fish or roast lamb with potatoes or/ and vegetables Lunch:

A choice of burgers plus pasta with potatoes and vegetables, soup. Fresh fruit. Supper:

School Uniform Everyday dress consists of a white shirt, a black silk tie, light grey trousers, black shoes, a blue jumper, a dark blue woolen uniform jacket, a blue or white scarf, a dark blue woolen overcoat on cold days and the Harrow Hat, made of straw with a dark blue band.

Boys normally enter Harrow at the age of 13. There are 5 year-groups: Harrow Curriculum

In their first year all boys take English, French or Spanish, Mathematics, Biology, Chemistry, Physics, History, Geography, Latin or Classical Civilisation or Japanese, Religious Studies, Art, Music, Design Technology and Information Technology. Greek, German or Spanish are offered to boys with good linguistic ability.

In the 6th form boys are preparing for their A-level exams. They may choose from: English Literature, French, German, Spanish, Italian, Latin, Greek, History, Geography, Economics, Business Studies, Ancient History, Political Studies, Religious Studies, Mathematics, Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Design Technology, Physical Education, Music, Music Technology, Art, History of Art, Theatre Studies, Statistics and Photography.

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Презентация на тему Презентация на теме высшие учебные заведения Англии Harrow School, предмет презентации: Английский язык. Этот материал в формате pptx (PowerPoint) содержит 8 слайдов, для просмотра воспользуйтесь проигрывателем. Презентацию на заданную тему можно скачать внизу страницы, поделившись ссылкой в социальных сетях! Презентации взяты из открытого доступа или загружены их авторами, администрация сайта не отвечает за достоверность информации в них, все права принадлежат авторам презентаций и могут быть удалены по их требованию.

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Paraskunova Valeria 7а classHarrow School

Paraskunova Valeria 7а class


The school was founded in February 1572 under a Royal Charter granted by Queen Elizabeth I to John Lyon,

The school was founded in February 1572 under a Royal Charter granted by Queen Elizabeth I to John Lyon, a wealthy local farmer. The Charter described this as a re-endowment, and there is some evidence of a grammar school at Harrow in the mid-16th century, but its location and connection with Lyon's foundation are unclear. Evidence for earlier schools, possibly connected with the chantry of St Mary (established in 1324), is weak. In the original charter, six governors were named, including two members of the Gerard family of Flambards, and two members of the Page family of Wembley and Sudbury Court.

Lyon died in 1592, leaving his assets to two causes: the lesser was the School, and by

Lyon died in 1592, leaving his assets to two causes: the lesser was the School, and by far the greater beneficiary was the maintenance of a road to London, 10 miles (16 km) away. The school owned and maintained this road for many years following Lyon's death, and the whole school still runs along this 10-mile road in an event called "Long Ducker" every November, whilst some 6th formers opt to do 20 miles – to and from the Albert Memorial in London.
It was only after the death of Lyon's wife in 1608 that the construction of the first school building began. It was completed in 1615 and remains to this day, however it is now much larger. At first the primary subject taught was Latin, and the only sport was archery. Both subjects were compulsory; archery was dropped in 1771.

Although most boys were taught for free, their tuition paid for by Lyon

Although most boys were taught for free, their tuition paid for by Lyon's endowment, there were a number of fee-paying "foreigners" (boys from outside the parish). It was their presence that amplified the need for boarding facilities. By 1701 for every local there were two "foreign" pupils; these generated funds for the School as fees increased. By 1876 the ratio was so high that John Lyon Lower School was brought under the authority of the governors of the Upper School so that the School complied with its object of providing education for the boys of the parish. It is now known as The John Lyon School and is a prominent independent school. It maintains close links with Harrow. The majority of the school's boarding houses were constructed in Victorian times, when the number of boys increased dramatically. Between 1872 and 1877, a Speech Room was constructed to the designs of William Burges. The structure is a Grade II* listed building.
The 20th century saw the innovation of a central dining hall, the demolition of small houses and further modernisation of the curriculum. Presently there are about 850 boys boarding at Harrow.


Harrow has been instrumental in the development of a number of sports.The sport squash (originally called

Harrow has been instrumental in the development of a number of sports.
The sport squash (originally called 'Squasher') was invented in Harrow out of the older game rackets around 1830 before the game spread to other schools, eventually becoming an international sport.
An annual cricket match has taken place between Harrow and Eton College at Lord's Cricket Ground since 1805. It is considered to be the longest-running cricket fixture in the world and is the oldest fixture at Lord's (see: Eton v Harrow). Eton won the match in 2013, and Harrow in 2014 and 2015.
Harrow has its own unique style of football called Harrow Football, which was pivotal in the formation of association football as it is known today.

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