Водное поло доклад на английском

Обновлено: 06.05.2024

Swimming is a very popular competitive sport. It is included in the Olympic Games and there are also many other swimming events. They include diving, marathon swimming, swimming, synchronized swimming and even water polo.

Swimming is very varied. Both men and women can participate in swimming competitions separately. They swim different strokes and for different distances. There are butterfly, backstroke, breaststroke, medley and freestyle swimming events.

The most difficult event is considered to be a 10-kilometer marathon. It requires a lot of power, energy and right force distribution. Diving is the most spectacular competition. Divers plug into water performing gymnastic and acrobatic stunts.

Synchronized swimming, because of its similarity to dance, is sometimes called water ballet. It is performed by a group of female swimmers who move synchronically with a musical accompaniment. Russian team usually has a great success in synchronized swimming competitions.

Water polo was originally called “footbal-in-water” and it was invented in XIX century. It is a game played in a swimming pool by teams of seven with a buoyant ball. The Olympic Games include both men and women tournaments.


Плавание – очень популярный соревновательный вид спорта. Он включен в программу Олимпийских игр, а также существует много других соревнований по плаванию. Они включают такие виды, как: прыжки в воду, марафон, плавание, синхронное плавание и даже водное поло.

Плавание очень разнообразно. В соревнованиях по плаванию могут участвовать как женщины, так и мужчины (отдельно друг от друга). Они плавают разными стилями и на различные дистанции. Существуют соревнования по плаванию баттерфляем, на спине, брассом, смешанным и свободным стилями.

Самым сложным состязанием считается марафон на 10 километров. Он требует много сил, энергии и правильного распределения усилий. Прыжки в воду – самое зрелищное соревнование. Спортсмены входят в воду, осуществляя гимнастические и акробатические трюки.

Синхронное плавание, из-за своего сходства с танцами, иногда называется водным балетом. Оно выполняется группой пловчих, которые синхронно двигаются под музыку. Российская команда обычно имеет большой успех в соревнованиях по синхронному плаванию.

Water Polo originated in England. Playing with a ball in the water looked like football. Usually there were no goal posts and players were to swim up and put the ball with their hands at some spot on the shore or elsewhere. The first rules of this game were written down in 1877 by Williamson, who also suggested that goal posts should be placed at each end of the play-field.

This game soon won international recognition. The first international water polo match was held in 1890. In 1900 water polo was made part of the Olympics.

A team consists of seven players. One of them is a goalkeeper. The players wear caps of contrasting colours, usually blue and white. Goalkeepers’ caps are red.

The game begins from the center of the playing field. The players may dribble or pass the ball to each other, advancing it to the opposite goal. They are not allowed to hold the ball with two hands, hold it under the water, help themselves by standing on the bottom, diving, pushing opposite players, sinking them and splashing in their faces. All these tricks may be penalized by a free throw or a 4-m penalty throw.

The game is played in 4 quarters five minutes each. Players are stopped by the whistle of the referee, who also throws the ball in when the game begins again. The suit for polo is simple: bathing trunks and numbered caps of different colours.

Эта игра быстро завоевал международное признание. Первый международный матч по водному поло была проведена в 1890 году. В 1900 водное поло был включен в состав Олимпийских игр.

Команда состоит из семи игроков. Один из них вратарь. игроки носят шапки контрастных цветов, как правило, синий и белый. Вратари крышки "красные.

Игра начинается с центра игрового поля. игроков может вести мяч или передать мяч друг другу, продвижение его на противоположную цель. Они не имеют права держать мяч двумя руками, удерживая его под водой, помочь самим себе, стоя на дне, дайвинг, выдвигая противоположные игроки, погружая их и брызги в лицо. Все эти приемы могут быть оштрафованы на свободный бросок или 4-м штрафной бросок.

Игра проходит в 4 четверти пять минут каждый. Игроки остановил свисток арбитра, который также бросает мяч в игру, когда начинается снова. костюм для поло проста: плавках и пронумерованы крышки различных цветов.

Данная презентация представляет собой рассказ по теме "Виды спорта" с заданиями по тексту.

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Water polo game

Enjoy reading this humorous story about dangerous sports. But firstly find out what the following words mean in a dictionary: water polo exciting a referee to bite a forward a team to satisfy водное поло волнующий судья укусить форварда команда удовлетворять

This happened in Australia, during water polo game. It was one of the main sports events of the season. There was nothing exciting at the beginning of the game; but suddenly one of the players jumped out of the water and ran to the referee. He said: “One of the forwards of the other team bit me in the leg while I was swimming under the water.” At first the referee thought that it was just a joke. But when the player pointed to the blood on his leg, he had to believe that it was serious. He called the forward and asked him why he had done such a strange thing. The forward said, “I didn’t bite anybody.” But the referee made him leave the game.

They began again, but a few minutes later two players, one from each team, jumped out of the water. They were bitten. There was blood on both players’ legs. The game was stopped, and they began to let the water out of the pool. When all the water was let out, everybody saw a young crocodile at the bottom of the pool. Somebody had put the crocodile into the pool, but why? Say who could put the young crocodile in the pool and why. Read the end of the story and find out if you were right.

The truth became known when the players returned back to their dressing room after the game and found a letter there. “ I’ve been a water polo fan for many years,” the author of the letter wrote, “and I am not satisfied with the way the players have played. They allowed the game to become slow and uninteresting, and I have decided that I must do something to make them faster. I don’t think I can do this myself, and I have decided that my crocodile will do it better.” 3. Entitle the text

По теме: методические разработки, презентации и конспекты

Презентация к проекту " Электромагнитное поле. Компьютер как источник электромагнитных полей"

Презентация к исследовательскому проекту " Электромагнитное поле. История открытия. Компьютер как источник электромагнитного поля. Влияние компьютера на здоровье человека".

Данная самостоятельная работа поможет отработать навыки определения силы Ампера, силы Лоренца на уроках физики в 9 классе и в качестве повторения на уроках в 10 классах.

Векторные поля. Поле скоростей. Электростатическое поле. Магнитное поле. Характеристики полей. Движение тел в однородных полях.

Методическая разработка предназначена для обучающихся МБОУ, ПТУ, студентов техникумов, лицеев и колледжей, а также учителей физики.В методической разработке предлагается совместное изучение гравитацио.

Поурочное планирование.: Уход за полами. Средства по ухода за полами. Практическая работа. Мытьё полов.

Цель урока: учить детей ухаживать за полом в зависимости от покрытия (лак, линолеум, масляная краска, ламинат, паркет, плитка), используя химические средства, закрепить правила пользования пылес.

Презентация на тему "Определение пола и наследование признаков, сцепленных с полом. Решение задач на сцепленное с полом наследование". Урок биологии 9 и 10 класс.

Данная презентация может быть использована на уроках биологии в 9 и 10 классах, при изучении темы "Генетика".В данной презентации даются определения понятий аутосомы и половые хромосомы.На примере муш.

Закон Кулона. Электрическое поле. Напряженность электрического поля. Принцип суперпозиции полей. Силовые линии электрического поля

В данной презентации рассматривается закон Кулона, выводится его математическая запись, так же напряженность электрического поля, принцип суперпозиции полей.

Поле скоростей. Гравитационное поле. электрическое поле. магнитное поле. Характеристики полей.

Векторные поля. Характеристики полей. Плотность энергий. Энергия полей. Ёмкость конденсатора. Индуктивность катушки.

Презентация: Water polo

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Презентация: Water polo

Water polo

Слайд 2

Water polo is played in a swimming pool. Two teams of seven players play a water polo match.

Слайд 3

The origins of water polo can be traced back to the late 19th century when a Scottish man named William Wilson constructed the rules for the game, as a result of the public’s growing disinterest of swimming carnivals.

Слайд 4

The sport was introduced onto the Olympic scene in 1900 during the Paris game, making it one of the longest running team games in the Olympics and can be played by both men and women (Smith, 1998).

Слайд 5

Women's water polo was included in the Olympic Games for the first time at the 2000 Olympic Games in Sydney.

Слайд 6

Слайд 7

Слайд 8

In Olympic competition a water polo match is played for four quarters. Each quarter lasts 8 minutes.

Слайд 9

Слайд 10

Signal to be used

Слайд 11

Water polo equipment

Ball. The ball weighs between 400g and 450g. Bathing caps. Colouredbathing caps with individual numbers and ear protectors. Swimsuits. The swimsuit should be non-transparent or with a separate undergarment.

Слайд 12

Слайды и текст этой презентации

Water polo

Water polo is played in a swimming pool. Two teams of seven players play a water polo

Water polo is played in a swimming pool. Two teams of seven players play a water polo match.

The origins of water polo can be traced back to the late 19th century when a Scottish

The origins of water polo can be traced back to the late 19th century when a Scottish man named William Wilson constructed the rules for the game, as a result of the public’s growing disinterest of swimming carnivals.

The sport was introduced onto the Olympic scene in 1900 during the Paris game, making it

The sport was introduced onto the Olympic scene in 1900 during the Paris game, making it one of the longest running team games in the Olympics and can be played by both men and women (Smith, 1998).


Women's water polo was included in the Olympic Games for the first time at the 2000 Olympic Games in Sydney.

In Olympic competition a water polo match is played for four quarters. Each quarter lasts 8 minutes.


Signal to be used

Signal to be used

Water polo equipmentBall. The ball weighs between 400g and 450g.Bathing caps. Coloured bathing caps with individual numbers

Water polo equipment

Ball. The ball weighs between 400g and 450g.
Bathing caps. Coloured bathing caps with individual numbers and ear protectors.
Swimsuits. The swimsuit should be non-transparent or with a separate undergarment.

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