Recycling доклад на английском

Обновлено: 30.06.2024

Презентация о 3-х видах переработки материалов. Викторина по заданной теме.

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Remember the 3 RS !

REuse ! Try to use things as many times as possible before you throw them away. For example, you're given some plastic bags at the supermarket to carry your food home in. Do you use them again? Most people don't. It would be much better for the environment if they did. Your kids have grown out of their old clothes. Don't just put them in the bin - think about giving them to charity. Somebody probably wants them.

REduce ! We’ve all got to try to reduce the amount of rubbish we throw away. We can do that by buying unpackaged goods, like fruit and vegetables, rather than goods which are wrapped and packaged in plastic. The less that's thrown away, the more we help the environment.

REcycle ! Glass , paper, plastic – they can all be recycled. Recycling cuts down the waste going to landfill sites and also means factories need to produce fewer new bottles and packets and paper. That means there's less pollution going into the atmosphere from the factories. It also leads to fewer trees being cut down to make paper.

Put the verbs in brackets into the passive. Every spring, before the summer season starts, our local beach 1…… (clean) by volunteers. All the rubbish 2….. (pick up) and 3….. (put) into big bags. Later, it 4…….(separate) into things that can 5……(recycle), like glass and paper, and things that have to 6………..(throw) away. Last year, ten large bin bags 7…….(take) to the local recycling centre. I always help with the cleaning. The beach 8…..(make) safer and cleaner for all of us and it’s good for the environment if some of the rubbish 9…..(recycle) too.

Are these statements about people in England true or false? People never forget to turn off lights, because electricity is expensive. Nobody wears fur coats, because it is not cold. People sort their rubbish, because they want to help the environment. People use pooper scoopers and clean up after their dogs. Nobody drops litter, because they like their towns and cities clean. Nobody goes camping, because it’s bad for the environment. There are special factories which recycle materials.

People never forget to turn off lights, because electricity is expensive. Nobody wears fur coats, because it is not cold. People sort their rubbish, because they want to help the environment. People use pooper scoopers and clean up after their dogs. Nobody drops litter. Nobody goes camping, because it’s bad for the environment. There are special factories which recycle materials. true true true true true true false

products. It has been an important aspect of life for the past thirty years.

Recycling has come into play greatly since we are coming up on 2000years. It

has been proven that recycling our waste products has improved our world to be

cleaner and more sanitary.

Not only do we recycle used products to keep our environment

clean but is also a relatively cheap source of making new products. For example,

glass from a Snapple bottle can be broken down and be put back together to

make a new glass to put Snapple in.

Throwaway materials have a growing mass in our country and are

causing landfills to reach their capacity. Because of this, recycling has caught on

in many parts of the country. One way that people can help is by sorting their

trash into separate categories like glass, paper, and plastics. The recycling of

glass can have a huge effect on improving our environment.

A glass cullet is what glass manufacturers call broken glass which

can be added to new materials. The process of recycling glass starts when you

drop the glass bottle into the recycling bin. It is then taken and broken down into

little pieces of glass. After being broken down the glass is melted and reused for

Glass can come in colors such as green or amber. Recycling

uncolored glass or amber glass is no problem. There is more glass selling on the

market with these colors making it more in demand. The recycling of green glass

however presents difficulties.

Green glass cullet cannot be mixed with uncolored or amber

colored glass cullet because of the added color. You?ll find that recycling centers

usually sort glass by color. different colored glass is processed by separate glass

crushers and is delivered separately to manufacturing plants.

Glass cullet can be used in different ways. People are looking for

new markets that involve recycled glass. One new use is mixed glass cullet to

use as asphalt for roads. When the glass cullet is added to the asphalt, the road

sparkles and is an added attraction.

Washington?s Department of Trade and Economic Development

have developed a list of more than seventy uses of glass cullet. Many of the

ideas have to do with manufacturing construction material. Glass cullet is used in

fiberglass, foam glass, and rock wool isolation. It can also be used in decorative

glass such as stained glass windows or utensils such as dinnerware. Glass cullet

is important in removing pollutants in water runoff. This technology is especially

useful on airport runways. The glass cullet is given a static electrical charge

allowing it to attract and hold small particles in runoff.

There are two types of recycling options that are carried out. One is

internal recycling. Internal recycling is the reuse of a manufacturing process of

materials that are waste products of that process. In the metal industry, internal

recycling is common. The second type of recycling is external recycling. It is the

reclaiming of materials from a product that has been rendered obsolete or

completely worn out and used. The manufacturing of newsprint or other paper

products by the collection of old newspapers and magazines are our example of

People do not realize the importance of recycling. The disposing of

solid waste materials such as glass has steadily increased. This solid waste is

being dumped into landfill areas. The space taken up by these overflowing

landfills is now too valuable to be used as a dumping ground. Because landfills

are reaching their capacity, many towns, counties, and entire states are looking

to recycling as an alternative to landfill disposal. These days there are many

opportunities for a young people to help in recycling.

Hopefully this report has brought to your attention the importance of

recycling especially the recycling of glass. Doing a little bit each day can make a

difference in the environment around you. Garbage and waste will not disappear

by itself according to the law of conservation of matter but we can find ways to

reuse that matter in efficient earth friendly ways. It all starts with you.

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Данная презентация является дополнением к серии уроков по экологии. В ней говорится о важности переработки в современном обществе и о возможных способах переработки отходов доступных каждому.

Why is recycling important?

Why is recycling important?

 Recycling refers to the process of collecting used materials which are usually considered as

Recycling refers to the process of collecting used materials which are usually considered as 'waste' and reprocessing them.

 Recycling is one of the best ways to leave a positive impact on the environment. The benefits of recycling are seen in both the environment as well as in human society.

Recycling is one of the best ways to leave a positive impact on the environment. The benefits of recycling are seen in both the environment as well as in human society.

 Recycling helps to reduce the chemicals and greenhouse gasses that are released by waste in landfills.

Recycling helps to reduce the chemicals and greenhouse gasses that are released by waste in landfills.

 Recycling reduces the need for raw materials so that the rainforests, and other forests, can be better preserved.

Recycling reduces the need for raw materials so that the rainforests, and other forests, can be better preserved.

 Huge amounts of energy are used when making products, using raw materials. Recycling requires much less energy and therefore helps to preserve natural resources.

Huge amounts of energy are used when making products, using raw materials. Recycling requires much less energy and therefore helps to preserve natural resources.

 It can help the economy. The manufacturing of products from raw materials is expensive. Using recycled materials is much cheaper.

It can help the economy. The manufacturing of products from raw materials is expensive. Using recycled materials is much cheaper.

 By recycling, we can significantly reduce the use of fossil fuel energy as well as CO2 emissions.

By recycling, we can significantly reduce the use of fossil fuel energy as well as CO2 emissions.

 It conserves fresh water up to 95% in the mining and manufacturing of raw materials.

It conserves fresh water up to 95% in the mining and manufacturing of raw materials.

 Also I would like to tell you about 10 possible ways of recycling.

Also I would like to tell you about 10 possible ways of recycling.

1. Reuse Plastic Bags You can use shopping bags for future groceries or as a garbage bag.

1. Reuse Plastic Bags

You can use shopping bags for future groceries or as a garbage bag.

2. Buy Rechargeable Batteries Buy batteries that you can recharge. There are also special companies that will collect your old batteries and recycle them safely.

2. Buy Rechargeable Batteries

Buy batteries that you can recharge. There are also special companies that will collect your old batteries and recycle them safely.

3. Recycling at School Every school should have recycling bins. You can make these bins yourself.

3. Recycling at School

Every school should have recycling bins. You can make these bins yourself.

4. Spending Green You can support eco-friendly companies by buying products made from recycled material – this could be anything from pencils and paper to wallets and clothing!

4. Spending Green

You can support eco-friendly companies by buying products made from recycled material – this could be anything from pencils and paper to wallets and clothing!

5. Electronics and the Earth Don

5. Electronics and the Earth

Don't just toss your phone in the trash, if it doesn’t work. Many cell phone providers will recycle your phone for you when you get a new one.

6. Compost the Most You can start to compost food garbage – like egg shells and banana peels. They will soon turn to soil that is great for planting.

6. Compost the Most

You can start to compost food garbage – like egg shells and banana peels. They will soon turn to soil that is great for planting.

7. Sheets, Towels and Clothing Old sheets, towels and clothing can be donated to charity, or to an animal shelter as bedding and cleaning materials.

7. Sheets, Towels and Clothing

Old sheets, towels and clothing can be donated to charity, or to an animal shelter as bedding and cleaning materials.

8. Get Crafty! If you’re artistic you probably already know that there are a million ways to reuse jars, tubs and paper.

8. Get Crafty!

If you’re artistic you probably already know that there are a million ways to reuse jars, tubs and paper.

9. Green Thumb If you have a green thumb, you might want to try making old 2-liter bottles and empty jars into flowerpots for flowers and herbs.

9. Green Thumb

If you have a green thumb, you might want to try making old 2-liter bottles and empty jars into flowerpots for flowers and herbs.

10. Recycle Every Day The best way to recycle is to do it every day in your home and wherever you go. Remember to sort newspapers and magazines, plastic containers and bottles and assorted paper into your recycling.

10. Recycle Every Day

The best way to recycle is to do it every day in your home and wherever you go. Remember to sort newspapers and magazines, plastic containers and bottles and assorted paper into your recycling.

 Learning to recycle and waste less is important for keeping our planet green.

Learning to recycle and waste less is important for keeping our planet green.

Recycling is one of the ways to change the world we live in for the better and save the environment. By reducing our carbon footprint, recycling is important to both nature and humankind.

Recycling is the process of converting waste materials into new materials and objects. Not all but still many materials can be recycled including glass, paper, cardboard, metal, plastic, tires, textiles, and electronics. Ideally, recycling of a material would produce the same material – for example, if after metal cans are recycled, they become new cans. However, it is not always possible, so recycling often leads to the reuse of materials in producing something else – for instance, paper could be recycled into paperboard.

The major reason why recycling is so important is that it helps to reduce the pollution caused by waste. When waste decomposes, it produces methane. Methane is a greenhouse gas that contributes to climate change by trapping heat in the air. Thus, recycling organic waste will limit the production of methane and will protect the planet from global warming.

Another benefit of recycling is that it is good for the economy. For instance, producing products from raw materials is more expensive than if they were made from recycled products. Also, recycling reduces the need for raw materials like gold, minerals, and others; it also uses less energy, therefore reduces expenditures.

Overall, some of the reasons why recycling is so important, include prevention of pollution, reduction of expenditures, and reduction of the need to extract new raw materials. Recycling is the right way to do if we want to save nature and safeguard our planet for future generations.

Переработка – один из способов изменить мир, в котором мы живем, к лучшему и сохранить окружающую среду. Благодаря сокращению выбросов углекислого газа переработка важна как для природы, так и для человечества.

Переработка – это процесс преобразования отходов в новые материалы и предметы. Не все, но все же многие материалы могут быть переработаны, включая стекло, пластик, бумагу, картон, металл, шины, текстиль и электронику. В идеале, при переработке материала будет получен тот же самый материал – например, если металлические банки будут переработаны, они станут новыми банками. Однако это не всегда возможно, поэтому переработка часто приводит к повторному использованию материалов для производства чего-то еще – например, бумагу можно переработать в картон.

Основная причина того, почему переработка так важна, заключается в том, что она помогает уменьшить загрязнение, вызываемое отходами. При разложении отходов образуется метан. Метан – это парниковый газ, который способствует изменению климата, задерживая тепло в воздухе. Таким образом, переработка органических отходов ограничит производство метана и защитит планету от глобального потепления.

Еще одно преимущество вторичной переработки заключается в том, что она полезна для экономики. Например, производство продуктов из сырья обходится дороже, чем из переработанных продуктов. Кроме того, переработка снижает потребность в сырье, таком как золото, минералы и другие; она также потребляет меньше энергии, что снижает расходы.

В целом, некоторые из причин, почему переработка так важна, включают предотвращение загрязнения, сокращение расходов и уменьшение потребности в добыче нового сырья. Переработка – это правильный путь, если мы хотим сохранить природу и защитить нашу планету для будущих поколений.

Recycling is one of the ways to change the world we live in for the better and save the environment. By reducing our carbon footprint, recycling is important to both nature and humankind.

Recycling is the process of converting waste materials into new materials and objects. Not all but still many materials can be recycled including glass, paper, cardboard, metal, plastic, tires, textiles, and electronics. Ideally, recycling of a material would produce the same material – for example, if after metal cans are recycled, they become new cans. However, it is not always possible, so recycling often leads to the reuse of materials in producing something else – for instance, paper could be recycled into paperboard.

The major reason why recycling is so important is that it helps to reduce the pollution caused by waste. When waste decomposes, it produces methane. Methane is a greenhouse gas that contributes to climate change by trapping heat in the air. Thus, recycling organic waste will limit the production of methane and will protect the planet from global warming.

Another benefit of recycling is that it is good for the economy. For instance, producing products from raw materials is more expensive than if they were made from recycled products. Also, recycling reduces the need for raw materials like gold, minerals, and others; it also uses less energy, therefore reduces expenditures.

Overall, some of the reasons why recycling is so important, include prevention of pollution, reduction of expenditures, and reduction of the need to extract new raw materials. Recycling is the right way to do if we want to save nature and safeguard our planet for future generations.

Recycling is one of the ways to change the world we live in for the better and save the environment. By reducing our carbon footprint, recycling is important to both nature and humankind.

Recycling is the process of converting waste materials into new materials and objects. Not all but still many materials can be recycled including glass, paper, cardboard, metal, plastic, tires, textiles, and electronics. Ideally, recycling of a material would produce the same material – for example, if after metal cans are recycled, they become new cans. However, it is not always possible, so recycling often leads to the reuse of materials in producing something else – for instance, paper could be recycled into paperboard.

The major reason why recycling is so important is that it helps to reduce the pollution caused by waste. When waste decomposes, it produces methane. Methane is a greenhouse gas that contributes to climate change by trapping heat in the air. Thus, recycling organic waste will limit the production of methane and will protect the planet from global warming.

Another benefit of recycling is that it is good for the economy. For instance, producing products from raw materials is more expensive than if they were made from recycled products. Also, recycling reduces the need for raw materials like gold, minerals, and others; it also uses less energy, therefore reduces expenditures.

Overall, some of the reasons why recycling is so important, include prevention of pollution, reduction of expenditures, and reduction of the need to extract new raw materials. Recycling is the right way to do if we want to save nature and safeguard our planet for future generations.

Переработка – один из способов изменить мир, в котором мы живем, к лучшему и сохранить окружающую среду. Благодаря сокращению выбросов углекислого газа переработка важна как для природы, так и для человечества.

Переработка – это процесс преобразования отходов в новые материалы и предметы. Не все, но все же многие материалы могут быть переработаны, включая стекло, пластик, бумагу, картон, металл, шины, текстиль и электронику. В идеале, при переработке материала будет получен тот же самый материал – например, если металлические банки будут переработаны, они станут новыми банками. Однако это не всегда возможно, поэтому переработка часто приводит к повторному использованию материалов для производства чего-то еще – например, бумагу можно переработать в картон.

Основная причина того, почему переработка так важна, заключается в том, что она помогает уменьшить загрязнение, вызываемое отходами. При разложении отходов образуется метан. Метан – это парниковый газ, который способствует изменению климата, задерживая тепло в воздухе. Таким образом, переработка органических отходов ограничит производство метана и защитит планету от глобального потепления.

Еще одно преимущество вторичной переработки заключается в том, что она полезна для экономики. Например, производство продуктов из сырья обходится дороже, чем из переработанных продуктов. Кроме того, переработка снижает потребность в сырье, таком как золото, минералы и другие; она также потребляет меньше энергии, что снижает расходы.

В целом, некоторые из причин, почему переработка так важна, включают предотвращение загрязнения, сокращение расходов и уменьшение потребности в добыче нового сырья. Переработка – это правильный путь, если мы хотим сохранить природу и защитить нашу планету для будущих поколений.

Сочинение на английском на тему Мусор / Garbage

пластиковая бутылка плавает

Waste management is a serious challenge of modern society. On average 445 kilogram of garbage is discarded per person every year in Russia. Only a small percentage of it is recycled and the rest of the rubbish is dumped or incinerated. It causes environmental problems and eventually puts at risk our health.

Many countries such as Germany or Japan recycle most of the garbage. The key is a separate collection for all types of solid waste. Of course it requires efforts by both citizens and governments. But it is the best alternative to dumps.

There are a lot of ways to recycle sorted waste. Plastic is used to produce construction materials or even fleece fabrics. Glass is melted for further use. Compost is a good fertilizer. Old clothes may either become a cleaning material or be sold in second-hand shops. Several countries even build new islands of solid waste!

Incineration might be acceptable option for several types of litter if the plant is modern and does not pollute the air. Such plants in Europe embody the concept “waste-to-energy”. They produce electricity from heat.

There are separate waste collection points in Russian cities, but not nearly enough. I think we need them in every yard instead of big trash containers. I hope one day we will have them.

It is very important not to put batteries in your trash can, because there are a lot of harmful chemicals in them. If the battery is dumped those chemicals seep to the soil and water and make it poisonous. There are battery collection containers in several retail chains such as Eldorado.

One more thing we can do to reduce the amount of garbage is to use our own bag instead of buying a new one every time in the shop.

Pollution damages ecosystems on our planet. I hope that in future all the garbage will be recycled.

Управление отходами - это серьезный вызов для современного общества. В среднем в России ежегодно выбрасывается 445 килограмм мусора одним человеком. Только небольшой процент перерабатывается, а остальная часть мусора отправляется на свалку или сжигается. Это становится причиной экологических проблем и в конечном итоге ставит под угрозу наше здоровье.

Многие страны, такие как Германия или Япония перерабатывают большую часть мусора. Ключевым моментом является раздельный сбор всех видов твердых отходов. Конечно, это требует усилий, как от граждан, так и от правительства. Но это лучшая альтернатива свалкам.

Существует множество способов переработки сортированных отходов. Пластик используется для производства строительных материалов и даже флисовых тканей. Стекло расплавляется для дальнейшего использования. Компост - это хорошее удобрение. Старая одежда может стать протирочным материалом или продаваться в секонд-хендах. Некоторые страны даже строят новые острова из твердых отходов!

Сжигание может быть приемлемым вариантом для некоторых типов мусора, если завод современный и не загрязняет воздух. Такие заводы в Европе воплощают концепцию "отходы-энергия". Они производят электричество из тепла.

В российских городах есть пункты раздельного сбора мусора, но их недостаточно. Я думаю, они нужны в каждом дворе вместо больших мусорных контейнеров. Надеюсь, когда-нибудь они у нас будут.

Очень важно не класть батарейки в мусорное ведро, потому что в них много вредных химических веществ. Если батарейка попадает на свалку, эти химикаты просачиваются в почву и воду и делают ее ядовитой. Контейнеры для сбора использованных батареек есть в нескольких торговых сетях, таких как Эльдорадо.

Еще один шаг для сокращения количества мусора - это использование собственной сумки вместо одноразовых пакетов.

Загрязнение наносит ущерб экосистемам нашей планеты. Надеюсь, что в будущем весь мусор будет перерабатываться.

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