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Leaning Tower of Pisa — Leaning Tow|er of Pi|sa the Leaning Tower of Pisa a tall round tower in Pisa, Italy, which does not stand straight, but ↑leans to one side. It was built in the 12th century and is popular with tourists … Dictionary of contemporary English

Leaning Tower of Pisa — Infobox religious building building name =Leaning Tower of Pisa infobox width = image size = caption = map type = map size = map caption = location = geo = coord|43|43|23|N|10|23|47|E|type:landmark region:IT PI|display=inline,title religious… … Wikipedia

Leaning Tower of Pisa — n. bell tower in Pisa, Italy, which leans approx. 10° from the vertical * * * White marble campanile in Pisa, Italy, famous for the uneven settling of its foundation, which caused it to lean 5. 5 degrees (about 15 ft [4.5 m]) from the… … Universalium

Leaning Tower of Pisa — n. bell tower in Pisa, Italy, which leans approx. 10° from the vertical … English World dictionary

Leaning Tower of Pisa — noun A famous bell tower in the Italian town of Pisa, known for its irregular lean … Wiktionary

Leaning Tower of Pisa, The — a round, marble campanile in Pisa, Italy, begun in 1174 and now 17 ft. (5.2 m) out of the perpendicular in its height of 179 ft. (54 m). * * * … Universalium

Leaning Tower of Pisa, The — a round, marble campanile in Pisa, Italy, begun in 1174 and now 17 ft. (5.2 m) out of the perpendicular in its height of 179 ft. (54 m) … Useful english dictionary

Galileo's Leaning Tower of Pisa experiment — Vivani s early biography of Galileo informs us of the story that Galileo dropped two objects of different mass from the top of the Leaning Tower of Pisa. He did so as an experiment to disprove Aristotle s theory of gravity, which states that… … Wikipedia

Leaning Tower of Niles — The Leaning Tower of Niles, Illinois was completed in 1934 by industrialist Robert Ilg as part of a recreation park for employees of the Ilg Hot Air Electric Ventilating Company of Chicago, IL. It is situated at 6300 W. Touhy Avenue and it is a… … Wikipedia

Leaning tower illusion — The Leaning Tower Illusion is an optical illusion that presents two identical images of the Leaning Tower of Pisa side by side. Although the images are identical, we have the impression that the tower on the right leans more, as if photographed… … Wikipedia

Leaning Tower — noun a tall round marble campanile in Pisa that is not perpendicular; construction was begun in 1174 • Syn: ↑Leaning Tower of Pisa • Instance Hypernyms: ↑campanile, ↑belfry • Part Holonyms: ↑Pisa * * * noun … Useful english dictionary

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Leaning Tower of Pisa.

Выполнила: Главатских Елена,

The famous Leaning Tower of Pisa is the bell tower of the cathedral in Pisa, part of a unique ensemble of architecture in its own beauty, in which, in addition to the bell tower, there is also a chapel and a cemetery. If it were not for the slope of the Leaning Tower of Pisa, it would not have gained such wide popularity.

Quite often, this world-famous building is accepted as an independent structure. However, the tower is part of the Cathedral of Santa Maria Assunta, located in Pisa. The tower is the bell tower of the cathedral and is located in its northeastern part.

The Leaning Tower of Pisa is a symbol of the city. At the beginning of August 1174, a cathedral, a bell tower and a baptismal chapel were laid in Pisa. Thus, an outstanding work of the Middle Ages appeared, which had a great influence on the formation of Italian culture. But the foundation of the tower was installed unevenly. Construction was stopped and started again only a century later. It was only later that it was definitely discovered that the tower tilted to the south. In 1911, the tower was regularly measured. As a result, it was found that the upper part changes the slope by 1.2 mm annually. Currently, the top of the tower deviates from the central part by more than five meters.

The plan of the tower was drawn up by Bonnano Pisano and Wilhelm von Innsbruck. However, they did not see the final stage of their creation. Only in the second half of the fourteenth century the tower was crowned with a belfry.

There were opinions that the roll of the structure was originally conceived by the architect. This was done in order to show their own skill and prowess. However, this assumption is not very plausible. Most likely, it was completely different. The masters realized that the construction was carried out on a very unreliable basis. And for this reason, the probability of a small deviation was taken into account in the construction structure.

The tower has a cylindrical shape and eight tiers, including a belfry. Its main floors are decorated with delightful decorative arcades, in the appearance of which, most likely, the Byzantine and Muslim traditions of architecture are reflected. The influence of Muslim traditions is of double interest, since the emergence of the idea of a separately located bell tower remains a mystery to this day. There are two possible scenarios. Or it happened in Christian architecture under the influence of Muslim minarets. Or these minarets take their own origins from the bell towers of Christians. The structure has decorative elements in the form of an ornament of white and light gray marble. At the entrance there are bas-reliefs depicting mythical animals. At the top there is a sculpture of the Madonna and Child.

Despite the fact that the tower has a slope, the bell tower, which was installed in the fourteenth century at the top of the tower, is located exactly.

Throughout the history of the Leaning Tower of Pisa, everything is regularly done to give it stability. The columns that were destroyed were replaced several times. Currently, works are being carried out underground, which contribute to strengthening the foundation.

2 Прочитайте теорию. Затем перепишите предложения 1-9 в пассивный залог. Опустим агента в случае необходимости.
Мы используем by+ деятель, чтобы сказать, кто или что проводит действие. Мы используем "with+ инструмент/материал/элемент", чтобы сказать, чем деятель пользуется. Торт был сделан Салли. Он был сделан с шоколадной помадкой.
Деятель часто опускается в пассивных предложениях, когда предметом активного предложения являются: люди, один, кто-то, они, и т.д. Кто-то украл машину Тома. Автомобиль Тома был украден.
Деятель не опускается, если он является конкретным или важным человеком или когда он имеет важное значение для смысла предложения. Правительство приняло новый закон. Новый закон был принят правительством.

1. Картину не повесили еще.
2. Старый дом был на ремонте, когда вспыхнул пожар.
3. Строительство будет завершено в следующем месяце.
4. Все билеты на концерт уже проданы.
5. "Звездная ночь " была картиной Теда Ван Гога.
6. Этот хлеб был свежеиспеченным сегодня утром.
7. Детская игровая площадка строится в парке сейчас.
8. Фотографировать не допускается в музее.
9. Колизей был построен Веспасианом в 70-80г. нашей эры.
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Моника: Это дом Дракулы в Румынии. как называется это? Замок Бран?
Ведущий: Не Замок Бран. Вы знаете ответ, Тони?
Тони: Да, это Лондонский Тауэр.
Ведущий: Правильный ответ, Тони. Это означает, что этот раунд заканчивается вничью. Давайте посмотрим, кто победит в следующем раунде! Мы скоро вернемся после короткой рекламной паузы.

4 Прочитайте уведомления. Где вы могли видеть каждое? Разверните их в полные предложения, используя пассивный залог.
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5 Прочитайте два примера. Какие предложения иллюстрируются на рисунке? Что значит, что кто-то сделал что-то для Тома? Как формируется предложение?
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6 Перепишите предложения.
1 Садовник Энди убирает свой сад. Энди.
2 Подруга Мэг покрасила ногти. Мэг.
3 Механик собирается отремонтировать завтра автомобиль Джона. Джон.
4 Художник разрисовал спальню Майка на прошлой неделе. Майк.
5 Портниха подошьет платье Сью. Сью.
6 Папа Брайана построил садовый сарай для него. Брайан.
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7 Ратуша на ремонте. Используйте идеи, чтобы составить предложения.
• walls/paint (yesterday)
(Стены/покрасить) (вчера)
• flowers/plant (tomorrow)
(цветы/садить) (завтра)
• missing tiles/replace (now)
(пропущенный заголовок/восстанавливать) (сейчас)
• windows/clean (2 days ago)
(окна/мыть) (2 дня назад)
• fence/mend (now)
(изгородь/чинить) (сейчас)
• grass/mow (next week)
(трава/косить) (на следующей неделе)
► They had the walls painted yesterday.
(Они покрасили стены вчера)
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2 Что бы вы ни делали, не уроните камеру!
3 Всякий раз, когда я пытаюсь посетить этот музей, он закрыт.
4 Те кто хочет идти, присоединитесь ко мне.
5 Как бы сильно я не старался, я никогда не смогу угодить Майку.
6 Где мне сесть? "Где бы вы хотели."
7 Что бы Брайан ни готовил, это всегда вкусно.
8 ТВ так скучен в последнее время, какой бы канал я не смотрел.
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Leaning Tower of Pisa in Italy was constructed as the bell tower for the city's cathedral. However, at that time the architects weren't experienced. So, it was built on soft ground and as soon as it had been built, it slowly began to lean.
Over the years, many attempts were made to stop the tower from leaning. Once, people removed stones from the bottom in order to put strong metal rods in, but the stones that were being removed were part of the foundations so the tower leaned even more! Since then it has been reinforced to correct this. Today, the tower can still be seen leaning to one side. It is covered in marble and it is very beautiful. Unfortunately, however, it was closed to the public in 1990 after it was revealed that a single busload of tourists at the top could make it fall over completely! All the same, it will be visited by tourists for many years to come.

We use by + agent to say who or what carries out the action. We use with + instrument/material/ ingredient to say what the agent used. The cake was made by Sally. It was made with chocolate fudge The agent is often omitted in passive sentences when the subject of the active sentence is: people, one, someone, they, etc. Someone stole Tom's car. Tom's car was stolen. The agent is not omitted when it is a specific or important person or when it is essential to the meaning of the sentence. The government has passed a new law. A new law has been passed by the government.

'Ever' can be added to question words to mean 'any' (however = in any way that; whatever = anything that; whenever = any time that; wherever = any place that; whichever = any of; whoever = anyone who). Come to my house whenever you like!

Host: Hello and welcome to this week's edition of 'The Winner Takes it All'. I'm your host, Monty Wise, and here in the studio with me are two new contestants, Monica Goodall and Tony Roundwell. Welcome to you both. This week our subject is world monuments. You get five points for each correct answer. You're not nervous, are you? (laughs) Good! Now Monica, it's your turn. For five points, when was the Eiffel Tower built?
Monica: In 1898.
Host: Correct. Tony, for five points, what is the Taj Mahal in India made of?
Tony: Uumm. red sandstone?
Host: Sorry, no. Monica?
Monica: Er, white marble, I think.
Host: Yes. Monica. Why were the Egyptian Pyramids built?
Monica: Oh, that's easy. As a monument to the gods. Host: No, I'm afraid not. I'll have to ask Tony.
Tony: They were built as tombs for the pharaohs.
Host: That is correct. Tony, for five points, which famous monument can be seen from almost every part of the city? The Acropolis in Athens or the Colosseum in Rome?
Tony: The Acropolis in Athens.
Host: Yes. Let's move on. Monica, it is estimated that 2 to 3 million people died while building a famous monument. Was it Stonehenge or the Great Wall of China?
Monica: Pass.
Host: Tony?
Tony: Sorry, I don't know.
Host: The answer is the Great Wall. Now, hands on your buzzers. Machu Picchu in Peru and Uluru in Australia are both famous sites. Which one is endangered by tourism? Monica, you rang your buzzer first.
Monica: I think it's Machu Picchu.
Host: Correct, and the last question in this round goes to you, Monica. According to legend, which famous building will be destroyed if the ravens ever leave it?
Monica: Is it Dracula's home in Romania. what's the name of it? Bran Castle?
Host: Not Bran Castle. Do you know the answer, Tony?
Tony: Yes, it's the Tower of London.
Host: Correct answer, Tony. That means this round ends in a tie. Let's see who's going to win the next round! We'll be right back after a short commercial break.

Главная задача сайта: помогать школьникам и родителям в решении домашнего задания. Кроме того, весь материал совершенствуется, добавляются новые сборники решений.

Construction of the tower was carried out in two stages, starting from August 9, 1173 , and with two long interruptions lasted for almost 200 years, until 1360 .

The tower was built of white marble , ground floor - arcature each other floors surrounded by a gallery .

The outer part of each gallery pillars formed with classical capitals, resting on arches closed .

Once thought that the slope of the tower was part of the project, but now this version is unlikely.

Tower project was flawed from the outset - a combination of a small three - meter foundation and soft soil has led to the fact that after the construction of the third floor ( 1178 ) tower leaned .

Soil and strengthened in 1198 the unfinished building temporarily opened .

The tower was designed vertical, but the slope began to be felt already in the process of construction and may be associated with factors such as the softness of the soil , unreliability or disproportion foundation blur ground under the tower during construction.

Although the tower tilted tower, built in the second half of the XIV century top of the tower , stands straighter .

Автором проекта является Боннано Пизано.

Строительство башни велось в 2 этапа, начиная с 9 августа 1173, и с двумя длинными перерывами продолжалось почти 200 лет, до 1360 года.

Башня построена из белого мрамора, первый этаж — аркатура, каждый из остальных этажей окружен галереей.

Внешняя часть каждой галереи образована столбами с классическими капителями, опирающимися на закрытые арки.

Раньше считали, что наклон башни являлся частью проекта, но сейчас эта версия представляется маловероятной.

Проект башни был ошибочен с самого начала — сочетание маленького трехметрового фундамента и мягкой почвы привело к тому, что после строительства третьего этажа (1178) башня наклонилась.

Почву укрепили и в 1198 году незаконченное здание временно открыли.

Башня проектировалась вертикальной, но наклон начал чувствоваться уже в процессе строительства и может быть связан с действием таких факторов, как мягкость почвы, ненадежность или несоразмерность фундамента, размытие грунта под башней в процессе строительства.

Хотя сама башня наклонена, колокольня, построенная во второй половине XIV века наверху башни, стоит ровнее.

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