Красный волк на английском доклад

Обновлено: 05.07.2024

My story, about the beautiful red wolf, which is listed in the Red Book as endangered species on earth. Red wolves are smaller, then their relative, the grey wolf, and have longer legs and shorter fur. Males are usually larger than females. The red wolf is active at night. They live in small packs that usually contain 3 members (father, mother and their offspring). But sometimes the pack could be larger. The breeding season begins in January and finishes in March. Their dens are located in dense woods or sometimes in the hollows of large trees. Mother usually gives birth from 3 to 6 cubs. Other members of the pack help to rear these pups. These wolves (offsprings) leave their natal pack between 15 to 20 months old. This wolf preys on mammals such as swamp rabbits, coypu, deer and raccoons and also they eat carrion. Red wolves formerly ranged throughout the southeastern USA. In the 20-th century the number of this species declined in the nature. And in 1980 17 wild Red wolves were brought to five-county area in northeastern Carolina. It was done to recover this species. This recovery was successful as in 2003 the population of this species in creased and numbered around 100 wolves in 20 family groups.
Red wolf biology Red wolves are smaller than their relative, the grey wolf (Canis lupus), and have longer legs and shorter fur. Males are typically larger than females .The red wolf is generally a crepuscular species, most active at dawn and dusk. It lives in discrete packs, which have an exclusive territory within their home range. A pack typically contains a breeding pair (who mate for life) and their offspring, although larger packs have been recorded.
The breeding season occurs between January and March, and dens are located amongst dense vegetation, in deep burrows between fields or in canal banks, or in the hollows of large trees. Litters contain an average of three to six pups, but may range up to eight pups. The breeding pair both rears the young with help from the other young members of the pack. Offspring typically disperse from their natal pack between 15 to 20 months old.
This wolf preys on mammals such as swamp rabbits, coypu, deer and raccoons, and is also reported to feed on carrion . Red wolves formerly ranged throughout the southeastern USA, from the Atlantic and Gulf Coasts, north to the Ohio River Valley and central Pennsylvania, and west to central Texas and southeastern Missouri.
Zoologist Ronald Nowak believes red wolves historically occurred as far north as Maine in the northeastern USA. Following a massive decline during the 20th Century, the species was declared extinct in the wild in 1980 after the last 17 wild red wolves were taken into captivity to begin a captive breeding program. A highly successful recovery programm has since reintroduced the red wolf to a remote, five-county area of northeastern North Carolina, in and around the Alligator River, Mattamuskeet, and Pocosin Lakes National Wildlife Refuges. As of 2003, the free-ranging red wolf population numbered around 100 individuals in 20 family groups.

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Area of distribution of red wolves Red wolves are the most common in China an.

Area of distribution of red wolves Red wolves are the most common in China and India. The range of its habitat is fickle - it always moves. In the last century it could be found even in the Altai Mountains, but under the influence of various factors he was forced to leave the area.

Area of distribution of red wolf Their usual habitats are mountains. They fee.

Area of distribution of red wolf Their usual habitats are mountains. They feel comfortable at an altitude of over 3000 meters above sea level. Only the reasons for them to leave the settlements - the depletion of the forage base and large drift of snow.

Area of distribution of red wolf Unlike most canids red wolf does not dig bur.

Puppies wolves According to some reports, the cubs of red wolf do not depart.

Puppies wolves According to some reports, the cubs of red wolf do not depart from the parents. Relations between individuals are rather peaceful. The victims of these predators become small ungulates such as red deer, ROE deer, and wild boars, mountain goats. Red wolf usually catch duplicidentate rodents, and various small rodents who meet them on the way. In the summer they can bite the meat of caught animals by herbaceous plants.

Appearance Body length of adult animals can reach more than a meter long and.

Appearance Body length of adult animals can reach more than a meter long and weigh up to 20 kg.

Appearance In form it is similar on multiple animals. First of all could be s.

Appearance In form it is similar on multiple animals. First of all could be seen striking resemblance to ordinary gray wolf. By the coat from afar it can be confused with fox. Besides, he has a long and fluffy tail. Well, something in him is from the jackal.

The red wolf is one of the most bloodthirsty predators. They have developed s.

The red wolf is one of the most bloodthirsty predators. They have developed sight and hearing, by means of which they are able to find its victim in a few hundred meters. These wolves are very hardy, can drive the beast a few kilometers.

The life of wolves The life span of the red wolf in the wild is uncertain. Bu.

The life of wolves The life span of the red wolf in the wild is uncertain. But, as suggested by some zoologists, it lives up to 9 years. In captivity, red wolf lives for more than 15 years.

Causes of death of these animals are a few. They can be victims of more dange.

Causes of death of these animals are a few. They can be victims of more dangerous predators. In addition, the red wolves are exposed to many dangerous infectious diseases, such as rabies, distemper.

Protection In our country the hunt for red wolf is prohibited. It is listed i.

Protection In our country the hunt for red wolf is prohibited. It is listed in the Red book as endangered species. This beast disbands not only here. In other countries, its population is inexorably declining.

Protection In the International red book he is in the group of animals under.

Protection In the International red book he is in the group of animals under threat of extinction. Let's hope that all these measures will help to keep the population of these animals on Earth.

Let's save the red wolves.

They are disappearing…

They are disappearing…

Thank you for your attention

Thank you for your attention

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Red wolves are rare animals. They survived the Ice Age. There are one hundred red wolves. Red wolves live in forests in the USA. They eat mice and rabbits. Some shopkeepers put red wolves in cages and sell. Many wolves were killed in XX century. Red wolves are in danger because men cut down trees and destroy forests and wolves’ homes. People can help red wolves. They can move the wolves in the national parks where people can’t hunt them.

1. My mother was born in 1947.

2. May I come in? − Yes, please.

3. How long do you known Peter?

4. My bicycle isn’t here anymore. Somebody has taken it.

5. Dresses are made preferably of cotton in hot countries.

6. My uncle John is being operated on in this clinic now.

3) Look! The monkeys are climbing the trees.
4)The monkeys always climb trees.
5.)The hippo has a bath in the afternoon.
6)The hippo is having a bath at the moment.
7) Listen! The crocodile is crying.
8) The crocodile sometimes cries.

Wildlife traditionally refers to undomesticated animal species, but has come to include all plants, fungi, and other organisms that grow or live wild in an area without being introduced by humans.

Wildlife can be found in all ecosystems. Deserts, forests, rain forests, plains, grasslands and other areas including the most developed urban areas, all have distinct forms of wildlife. While the term in popular culture usually refers to animals that are untouched by human factors, most scientists agree that much wildlife is affected by human activities.

Humans have historically tended to separate civilization from wildlife in a number of ways including the legal, social, and moral sense. Some animals, however, have adapted to suburban environments. This includes such animals as domesticated cats, dogs, mice, and gerbils. Some religions declare certain animals to be sacred, and in modern times concern for the natural environment has provoked activists to protest against the exploitation of wildlife for human benefit or entertainment.

The global wildlife population decreased by 52 percent between 1970 and 2014, according to a report by the World Wildlife Fund.

Put in the words.1)Yesterday my aunt bought a new . . . . . . for her daughter.2)My mother*s . . . . . . is white.3)My . . . . .

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Wolves are wild animals. They look very much like big domestic dogs. Usually wolves are grey with long fluffy tails, their hair is long and thick. Wolves are the largest members of the dog family.

Keen senses, large canine teeth, powerful jaws, and the ability to pursue prey at 60 km per hour equip the gray wolf well for a predatory way of life.

Wolves can live almost anywhere. They can be found in tundra, taiga, and steppe. There are even polar wolves.

Wolves are very smart hunters. Depending on the habitat they can feed on rodents, hoofed mammals, and birds. Wolves can also attack livestock. They move and hunt mostly at night.

Wolves live and hunt in packs of around six to ten animals. A pack is basically a family group consisting of an adult breeding pair (the alpha male and alpha female) and their offspring of various ages. Howling helps the pack stay in contact.

Перевод на русский язык

Волки – дикие животные. Они очень похожи на больших домашних собак. Обычно волки серые, с длинными пушистыми хвостами, их шерсть длинная и густая. Волки – самые крупные представители семейства собак.

Острое чутье, большие клыки, мощные челюсти и способность преследовать добычу на скорости в 60 км/ч позволяют волку вести хищный образ жизни.

Волки могут жить практически в любом месте. Они обитают в тундре, тайге и степи. Есть даже полярные волки.

Волки очень умные охотники. В зависимости от среды обитания они могут питаться грызунами, копытными животными, птицами. Волки могут также напасть на скот. Они передвигаются и охотятся в основном по ночам.

Волки живут и охотятся стаями по шесть-десять особей. Стая – это в своей основе семейная группа, состоящая из взрослой размножающейся пары (альфа-самец и альфа-самка) и их потомства разного возраста. Вой служит средством общения в стае.

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