Доклад про таганрог на английском

Обновлено: 04.07.2024

Эта работа сделана ученицей нашей школы для участия в научно-практической конференции на английском языке. Она рассказывает о истории возникновения г.Таганрога , как крупного города на юге нашей страны.

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устное сопровождение презентации , посвященной истории развития г.Таганрога , выступление ученицы на конференции на английском 12.35 КБ
Предварительный просмотр:

Подписи к слайдам:

History of Taganrog

Taganrog –is one of the oldest cities in the south of Russia.

The old map of Taganrog

The factories and plants

In 1783 Taganrog became the largest trading port in Russia

These are the coat of arms and the flag of Taganrog

Taganrog is a birthplace of Anton Chekhov

A. S. Pushkin stayed in Taganrog at the end of May in 1820 on his way to the Caucasus.

Faina Ranevskaya was born and spent her childhood in Taganrog.

K.A.Savitsky and the artist A.K.Kuindzhi lived in Taganrog too.

Writers K.Paustovsky and I.Vasilenko lived in our town.

A trainer A.Durov and a poet Michael Tanich were the citizens of Taganrog.

Семен Морозов – герой подполья

Лева Костиков- герой подполья

Nowadays there are about 260,000 people in Taganrog.

Предварительный просмотр:


Taganrog is one of the biggest cities in Rostov region. It`s situated on the sea coast of the Azov sea. The square of Taganrog is about 80 km, and population is over 260 000 people.

In the 15 th century the territory of the Azov sea and river Don was occupied by the Osmans. In the end 17 th century It was the necessity for Russia to have an exit to the Azov sea to expand commercial, cultural connections with the west countries, Europe. That`s why Peter the first began the war with Turkey. At the end of it Taganrog was founded there. The tsar Peter the first himself chose the place for the future town. On the cape of Tagan Rog he decided to make a fortress. Taganrog was founded in 1698 and became the 1-st military-naval base of Russia.

Soon Taganrog became a rich town and a port. In the 19-th century some industrial enterprises were created there. During the second World War Taganrog had being occupied by the fascists for 2 years. Some young people organized the underground organization. They fought against the fascists and became the heroes of our country and were awarded posthumously. Taganrog became free on the 30-th of August in 1943.

I live in Taganrog. It is a port city in the Rostov region on the Sea of Azov with a population of about 248 thousand people.

Our city is quiet and cozy. There are no skyscrapers here, but there are many old buildings. Although, frankly speaking, many historic buildings require to be restored.

Taganrog used to have a developed machine-building industry. But many enterprises have closed. Speaking of large enterprises, only the Taganrog Metallurgical Plant remains.

Our city has a rich cultural heritage. A. P. Chekhov was born here. Taganrog has interesting museums and wonderful theaters.

I believe that our city can become a resort and attract more tourists. We enjoy a warm climate here. But apparently the infrastructure of our city is not good enough. And the sea is not very clean.

However, there are some tourists in Taganrog. Beside cultural attractions, the Azure Water Park is a place of interest.

But the population of Taganrog has been steadily declining over the past two decades. And this fact speaks for itself.

Я живу в Таганроге. Это портовый город в Ростовской области на берегу Азовского моря с населением около 248 тысяч человек.

Наш город тихий и уютный. Здесь нет небоскребов, зато есть много старинных зданий. Хотя, по правде говоря, многие исторические здания нуждаются в реставрации.

Когда-то в Таганроге была развита машиностроительная промышленность. Сейчас многие предприятия закрылись. Из крупных предприятий остался только Таганрогский металлургический завод.

У нашего города богатое культурное наследие. Здесь родился А. П. Чехов. В Таганроге есть интересные музеи и прекрасные театры.

Полагаю, наш город мог бы стать курортным и привлекать больше туристов. Ведь здесь теплый климат. Но по всей видимости этому препятствует состояние городской инфраструктуры. И море здесь - не очень чистое.

Впрочем, туристы в Таганроге все-таки есть. Помимо памятников культуры, интерес представляет аквапарк Лазурный.

Однако, последние два десятилетия население Таганрога неуклонно сокращается. И этот факт говорит сам за себя.

Таганрог это южный город-порт на берегу Азовского моря.-Taganrog is a southern city-port on the shore of the Azov Sea.

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Население 250 тысяч, из них 10% составляют представители 90 национальностей.- The population is 250 thousand, of which 10% are representatives of 90 nationalities.

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Сердцем города является набережная с длинной Депальдовской лестницей, ведущей к аллеям и пляжу.-The heart of the city is the embankment with a long Depaldovskaya stairs leading to the alleys and the beach.

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У её основания находятся солнечные часы 18 века, сделанные из мраморной плиты.- At its base are the sundial of the 18th century, made of marble slabs.

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Таганрог это город музей, в нем много старинных зданий и улиц с красивой архитектурой.- Taganrog is a museum city, it has many ancient buildings and streets with beautiful architecture.

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Самое интересное место это Литературный и историко-архитектурный музей-заповедник, включающий в себя 7 музеев.-The most interesting place is the Literary and Historical and Architectural Museum-Reserve, which includes 7 museums.

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Три из них посвящены известному писателю А.П.Чехову, который родился и вырос в Таганроге.- Three of them are dedicated to the famous writer A.P. Chekhov, who was born and raised in Taganrog.

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Историко-краеведческий музей состоит из 15 залов, в которых представлены археологические находки, старинное оружие, предметы быта, картины.- The Historical and Local History Museum consists of 15 rooms, which contain archaeological finds, ancient weapons, household items, paintings.

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А в особняке А.А.Дурова находится экспозиция, посвященная цирковому искусству.- And in the mansion of A.A.Durov there is an exposition devoted to circus art.

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Дом святого Павла никогда не ремонтировался и стены, иконы, посуда, столики и лавочки являются свидетелями эпохи, в которой жил святой.- The house of St. Paul was never repaired and the walls, icons, dishes, tables and benches are witnesses of the era in which the saint lived.

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В городе много скульптур, монументов, среди них выделяется памятник Железнодорожникам – это настоящий паровоз сделанный в 1920 году.- In the city there are a lot of sculptures, monuments, among them a monument to Railway workers is a true steam locomotive made in 1920.

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Taganrog- my homeland

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Описание презентации по отдельным слайдам:

Taganrog- my homeland

Taganrog- my homeland

History Taganrog In 1696, after the capture of Azov, on the orders of Peter t.

History Taganrog In 1696, after the capture of Azov, on the orders of Peter the first began research and the construction of the harbor and the fortress on Taganom Horn. The town was founded in 1698 September 12 on the orders of Peter the First. Taganrog - the first in the history of the town in Russia is built on a predetermined plan, and Taganrog`s Harbor - the world's first was built not in the bay, in the open sea. In Taganrog based southern Russian Imperial Navy to protect against attacks Turks. After the capture of Kherson and Kerch became the largest merchant town.

Taganrog in World War 2 Development was interrupted by the capture of Taganro.

Taganrog in World War 2 Development was interrupted by the capture of Taganrog Wehrmacht October 17, 1941. During the occupation of the city acted anti-fascist organization - Taganrog resistance movement. October 29, 1941 was the destruction of the Jews on the outskirts of "Death Beam“. Occupation lasted 680 days and ended August 30, 1943. Released during the operation of the Donbass.

Taganrog today Taganrog today a large town with a great cultural development.

Taganrog today Taganrog today a large town with a great cultural development. From the North people go to relax Taganrog, because there low prices and lots of fun and beautiful places. And in it a large metallurgical plant. The town is developing engineering, there are a number of defense industry enterprises.

Thank you for your attention

Thank you for your attention

Краткое описание документа:

Taganrog - the first in the history of the town in Russia is built on a predetermined plan, and Taganrog`s Harbor - the world's first was built not in the bay, in the open sea. In Taganrog based southern Russian Imperial Navy to protect against attacks Turks. After the capture of Kherson and Kerch became the largest merchant town. In 1696, after the capture of Azov, on the orders of Peter the first began research and the construction of the harbor and the fortress on Taganom Horn. The town was founded in 1698 September 12 on the orders of Peter the First.


№ слайда 1

Taganrog - the large industrial, cultural and scientific center, one of leading

№ слайда 2

Taganrog - the large industrial, cultural and scientific center, one of leading seaports in the south of Russia. It is located in southwest part of the Rostov region on the bank of Taganrog Bay of the Sea of Azov, in 50 km from the Russian-Ukrainian border

Taganrog is located in southwest part of the Rostov region on the northeast coas

№ слайда 3

Taganrog is located in southwest part of the Rostov region on the northeast coast of Taganrog Bay of the Sea of Azov, in 50 km from a place of a confluence of the river Don in it. The city settles down on the cape which is far pressing in the sea; from three parties it is surrounded with water.

№ слайда 4

Taganrog - one of the first Russian cities, which construction it was conducted

№ слайда 5

Taganrog - one of the first Russian cities, which construction it was conducted on a previously developed plan. The site planning and buildings of Taganrog was created in 1699 on the basis of Peter I who was at that time in the city instructions. In fortress were constructed, besides military facilities, office and cult buildings, the imperial palace, palaces and the yards of his next citizens, local administration, initial people, priests, Russians and foreign sailors. The yards of soldiers, gunners, soldiers, handicraftsmen, the posadskikh of people and the pashennykh of peasants were placed outside fortress in six suburban settlements under protection of a chain of the small fortresses built on the Miussky peninsula.

At the end of XVIII - the beginning of the XIX century Taganrog develops as the

№ слайда 6

At the end of XVIII - the beginning of the XIX century Taganrog develops as the trade city, becomes the multinational city where various religious faiths were presented. Taganrog was almost only point of the South of the country, suitable for broad trade with the abroad. Up to the 60th of the 19th eyelid Taganrog reserved position of the largest foreign trade port.


№ слайда 7

Chekov's monument Peter the First`s monument

Alexander the First`s monument Plea youth monument

№ слайда 8

Alexander the First`s monument Plea youth monument

A. Pushkin`s monument F. Ranevskaya`s monument

№ слайда 9

A. Pushkin`s monument F. Ranevskaya`s monument

That`s all Folks

№ слайда 10

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