Доклад про нефть на английском языке с переводом

Обновлено: 02.07.2024

Why, there won't be enough oil around here to fill a cigarette lighter by Sunday.
В воскресенье здесь будет столько нефти, что ее не хватит даже на заправку зажигалки.
It's been successfully tested on the oil spills.
Они успешно испытаны при разливах нефти.
But we get almost everything else we need from nature's treasure chest, petroleum.
Но всё остальное что нам нужно мы получаем от сокровища природы - нефти.
But we get almost everything else we need from nature's treasure chest, petroleum.
Но всё остальное что нам нужно мы получаем от сокровища природы - нефти.
Not unless they've been masked with petrol.
- Если только они были спрятаны в нефти.
Our very first wars, World War I, World War II, have very important elements of oil in them, as a reason for the war, as allowing the war to go on, as a way of securing supply.
Наши самые первые войны, Первая Мировая Война, Вторая Мировая Война, имеют очень важный элемент, нефть, как причина для войны, как возможность продолжать войну и как путь к организации надежных поставок.
Finding oil in the North Sea was a big surprise, noone could reasonably have expected that.
Обнаружение нефти в Северном Море было большим сюрпризом, никто в достаточной мере этого не ожидал.
Last year China increased their importation of oil by 25 %, they're now the number 2 importer in the world.
В прошлом году Китай увеличил импорт нефти на 25 %, они теперь на втором месте среди импортеров мира.
That's the equivalent of 220 million barrels of oil, per day.
А это эквивалентно 220 миллионам баррелей нефти в день.
We invade a country with oil.
Мы вторглись в страну с нефтью.
This dependence is dangerous for two reasons. climate change we all know about, but there is also growing evidence that the oil we need may soon be in short supply.
Эта зависимость опасна по двум причинам. о глобальном потеплении мы все знаем, но также возрастают признаки того, что ценная нам нефть будет вскоре в недостатке.

  • Для учеников 1-11 классов и дошкольников
  • Бесплатные сертификаты учителям и участникам

Presentation on Chemistry. Oil around us. Made by the pupils of 11th form Vor.

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Presentation on Chemistry. Oil around us. Made by the pupils of 11th form Vor.

Presentation on Chemistry. Oil around us. Made by the pupils of 11th form Vorontsov Nikita and Petrova Marina Teacher Misevra I.E.

Oil is one of the world's most important minerals (hydrocarbon fuel). This raw material for the production of fuels and lubricants and other materials. For its characteristic dark color and huge importance for the world economy, oil (mineral) is called black gold. This substance is formed together with hydrocarbons of gaseous type at a certain depth (mainly from 1.2 to 2 km). The maximum number of oil deposits is located at a depth of 1 to 3 km. Near the earth's surface, this substance becomes dense malt, semi-solid asphalt and other materials (for example, bituminous sand). By originality and chemical composition, the oil, the photo of which is presented in the article, is similar to natural combustible gases, as well as with ozocerite and asphalt. Sometimes all these combustible fossils are united under one name - petroleum.

Using At the moment, 48% of the energy consumed on the planet is oil (mineral.

Using At the moment, 48% of the energy consumed on the planet is oil (minerals). This is a proven fact. Oil (mineral) is the source of many chemicals used in various industries in the production of fuels, lubricants, polymer fibers, dyes, solvents and other materials. The growth of oil consumption led to an increase in prices for it and to a gradual depletion of mineral resources. This makes us think about switching to alternative energy sources.

The main oil fields in Russia In the territory of the Russian Federation, th.

The main oil fields in Russia In the territory of the Russian Federation, there are a significant amount of deposits of this substance. Oil (mineral) is the national wealth of Russia. It is one of the main export products. The extraction and processing of oil is the source of significant tax revenues to the Russian budget. The development of oil on an industrial scale was begun at the end of the 19th century. At the moment, Russia has large operational oil production areas. They are located in different regions of the country. Field name Opening date Recoverable reserves Oil production regions 2013 2013 300 million tons Astrakhan Oblast Samotlorskoye 1965 2.7 billion tons Khanty-Mansiysk AO Romashkinskoye 1948 2.3 billion tons Republic of Tatarstan Priobskoye in 1982 2.7 billion t Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous District Arlanskoe 1966 500 million tons Republic of Bashkortostan Lyantorskoye 1965 2 billion tons Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug Vankor 1988 490 million tons Krasnoyarsk Territory Fedorovskoe 1971 1.5 billion tons Khanty-Mansi Autonomous District Russian 1968 410 million tons Yamal-Nenets AO Mamontovskoe 1965 1 billion tons Khanty-Mansiysk AD Tuymazinskoye 1937 300 million tons Republic of Bashkortostan

How is this substance classified by composition of hydrocarbons? In this reg.

How is this substance classified by composition of hydrocarbons? In this regard, there are certain criteria. Separate types of oil in the class of hydrocarbons. They should be no more than 50%. If one of the hydrocarbon classes is at least 25%, then the mixed types of oil - naphthene-methane, methane-naphthenic, naphthenic-aromatic, aromatic-naphthenic, methane-aromatic and aromatic-methane - are distinguished. The first component contains more than 25%, and the second - more than 50%. Crude oil does not apply. To obtain technically valuable products (mainly motor fuel, raw materials for chemical industry, solvents), it is recycled.

Heteroatomic components and a description of the elemental composition of oil.

Heteroatomic components and a description of the elemental composition of oil. Along with hydrocarbons, the composition of the product includes substances with impurity atoms (mercaptans, di- and monosulfides, thiophanes and thiophenes, and polycyclics and the like). They significantly affect the quality of oil. Also, the composition of the oil includes substances containing nitrogen. These are basically homologues of indole, pyridine, quinoline, pyrrole, carbazole, porphyrites. They concentrate for the most part in residues and heavy fractions. The composition of the oil includes oxygen-containing substances (naphthenic acids, tar-asphaltene, phenols and other substances). They are usually found in high-boiling type fractions. In total, more than 50 elements were found in oil. Together with the mentioned substances, V (10-5 - 10-2%), Ni (10-4-10-3%), Cl (from traces to 2 ∙ 10-2%) are present in this product, and so on. The content of these impurities and compounds in the raw materials of all kinds of deposits varies widely. As a result, it is only conditional on talking about the average petroleum chemical composition.

Physical properties. Oil is an oily liquid from light brown to black with a c.

Application of oil People began to use oil long before our era. For example.

Application of oil People began to use oil long before our era. For example, asphalt and bitumen were used in the construction of the walls of Babylon. King Nebuchadnezzar drowned an enormous furnace with oil. And the ancient Greek historian Herodotus described the way of oil extraction, which the ancient Greeks used. And in ancient India, oil was used to the full in construction At present, the list of products obtained from oil is estimated in thousands. Suffice it to mention that oil products are used in almost all types of industry: energy, heavy and light, chemical and food. Petroleum products have found application in automotive, medicine, rocketry, agriculture and construction.

Being in nature Oil deposits are located in the depths of the Earth at differ.

Being in nature Oil deposits are located in the depths of the Earth at different depths, where oil fills free space between some rocks. If it is under the pressure of gases, it rises along the well to the surface of the Earth. Exploration of oil The purpose of oil prospecting is identification, geological and economic assessment and preparation for development of oil deposits. Oil exploration is carried out with the help of geological, geophysical, geochemical and drilling works in rational combination and consistency. At the first stage of the search phase in the basins with no established oil and gas content or for studying poorly investigated tectonic zones or lower structural floors in basins with established oil and gas content, regional work is carried out. For this purpose, aeromagnetic, geological and gravimetric surveys, geochemical studies of waters and rocks, profile crossing of the territory by electric and seismic exploration, drilling of reference and parametric wells are carried out. As a result, areas are set for further prospecting. At the second stage, a more detailed study of oil and gas bearing zones is carried out by detailed gravity prospecting, structural geological survey, electro and seismic exploration, structural drilling. Comparison of scales of scales 1: 100.000 - 1: 25.000 is made. the estimation of forecasts of oil and gas content is specified, and for structures with proven oil and gas content, prospective reserves are calculated. At the third stage, exploratory wells are drilled to discover deposits. The first exploratory wells are drilled to maximum depth. Usually the first floor will be exploded first, and then the deeper. As a result, a preliminary estimate of the reserves is given. The reconnaissance stage is the final stage in the geological exploration process. The main goal is preparation for development. In the process of exploration, deposits should be contoured, lithological composition, thickness, and oil and gas saturation determined. Upon the completion of exploration work, reserves are calculated and recommendations are given for putting the deposit into development. The effectiveness of the search depends on the discovery ratio of the deposits - the ratio of the number of productive areas to the total number of areas drilled by exploratory drilling.

Cracking of petroleum products Cracking is the process of splitting hydrocarb.

Cracking of petroleum products Cracking is the process of splitting hydrocarbons contained in oil, which results in the formation of hydrocarbons with a smaller number of carbon atoms in the molecule. The equipment of cracking plants is basically the same as for distillation of oil. These are ovens, columns. But the processing mode is different. Raw materials are also different. The cleavage process is carried out at higher temperatures (up to 6000 C), often at elevated pressures. At such temperatures large molecules of hydrocarbons are crushed into smaller ones. When cracking, the oil undergoes chemical changes. The structure of hydrocarbons is changing. In the apparatus of cracking plants, complex chemical reactions occur. These reactions are enhanced when catalysts are introduced into the apparatus

Catalytic T = 450-500 ° C, catalyst (aluminosilicates) The process proceeds q.

Catalytic T = 450-500 ° C, catalyst (aluminosilicates) The process proceeds quickly There are significantly fewer unsaturated hydrocarbons Received gasoline: Resistant to detonation; 2) more stable when stored (because there are few unsaturated hydrocarbons)

Detonation resistance - the ability of the fuel to withstand strong compressi.

Detonation resistance - the ability of the fuel to withstand strong compression in the engine without premature combustion). The alkanes of a normal structure are unstable to detonation. Stable - branched alkanes, unsaturated and aromatic hydrocarbons.

Production of liquid fuel C16H34 C8H18 + C8H16 C8H18 C4H10 + C4H8 C4H10 C2H6.

Production of liquid fuel C16H34 C8H18 + C8H16 C8H18 C4H10 + C4H8 C4H10 C2H6 + C2H4 гексадекан t октан октен октан t бутан бутен t бутан этан этен

Помогите. Нужна статья на английском языке 20 листов ф.А4 тематика нефть, газ, переработка, добыча.Из зарубежных источников. Статья нужна для экзамена.Заранее СПАСИБО.














Oil & Gas Journal is the first place people look for the latest intelligence on every aspect of the oil and gas industry. A paid subscription bring.

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Помогите. Нужна статья на английском языке 20 листов ф.А4 тематика нефть, газ, переработка, добыча.Из зарубежных источников. Статья нужна для экзамена.Заранее СПАСИБО.














Oil & Gas Journal is the first place people look for the latest intelligence on every aspect of the oil and gas industry. A paid subscription bring.

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